Almost entire Saints coaching staff tests positive for Covid

That does not mean vaccine's do not work. People who would get a flu vaccine can still get the flu.
This is true, but i dont think they work well enough that they should be required. The vaccine will absolutely kill some people who would have never gotten COVID anyway. That is a fact. Yes, other people will die from COVID, but forcing someone to take the vaccine is not cool.
This is true, but i dont think they work well enough that they should be required. The vaccine will absolutely kill some people who would have never gotten COVID anyway. That is a fact. Yes, other people will die from COVID, but forcing someone to take the vaccine is not cool.

I don't think they should be required.
That does not mean vaccine's do not work. People who would get a flu vaccine can still get the flu.

The vaccinated get COVID….then poster claims this is NOT evidence the vaccine does not work. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

The vaccine NOT working is NOT EVIDENCE that it DOES NOT WORK?


Liberal communist cuck logic.
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That does not mean vaccine's do not work. People who would get a flu vaccine can still get the flu.
Did you know that vaccinated people are dying? Did you know that vaccinated people are getting covid and delta?
The vaccine not working is proof that is does not work.

Seems pretty straight foward.


Now, tell us again how it works so great?

Apparently the vaccines just don't work.

Apparently they don't work 100% of the time.

Of course knew that going in. We also knew they'd be less effective against the delta variant. But this is politics, so equivocation carries the day!
That does not mean vaccine's do not work. People who would get a flu vaccine can still get the flu.
Yea no shit, because the seasonal flu shot is a fucking joke. It’s never worked and will never get rid of the flu.

Just like these WuFlu vaccines will never get rid of the coof.
Vaccines NOT working is PROOF they WORK! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

You dumb liberal cucks….holy shit.

Let me guess….JOE BIDEN founded MENSA.
I would say 5 out of 5 means it doesnt work,,

and this is just one of many similar stories,,,

So if the other 25 teams that are vaccinated are fine that would be irrelevant?

Again, a vaccine has never meant no one who received that vaccine would ever contract what you are vaccinated against.

I do not support mandatory vaccines. I do not trust Fauci at all BUT when you post ignorant things it does not help.

Vaccine's do not mean no one will be infected. Those who push vaccines' also note that you can still get Covid, it also means according the argument that you are more likely to not have as bad of symptoms so in your eyes, if all the coaches only have minor systems,, does that mean it worked?
At this point it's pointless. Within the next 2 years there won't be a person on the planet that hasn't had covid. Whether they present symptoms or not, vaccinated or not.

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