Allen West is a disgrace.

In civilian life we have laws that we have to obey and adhere to.

In the military you have the UCMJ

Allen West decided that he was above the Law.

And thus engaged in criminal activity.

He is no better than a common criminal and has no business being in the White House.

The day you've been there is the day you can question a man's action like Mr West's until than you're nothing more the air blowing in a breeze.
Once upon a time, we had the quaint concept that the provisions of the UCMJ existed to preserve good order and discipline, NOT to unnecessarily endanger the lives of American troops for political ends. Once upon a time, there existed the common sense idea that a combat officer did what he had to do to protect the lives of this men, and that what some JAG officer sitting on his butt in his air-conditioned office, and the other associated REMF types, didn't officially know, wouldn't hurt them. The understanding was, that an officer did what he believed necessary to protect his troops and perform the mission, and that , should he be too obvious about that, and ran afoul of some politically motivated issues, he paid the price for it. Ever since Vietnam, the tendency is to go actively looking for what used to be overlooked as long as it was done discreetly. For some reason, I find that a bigger disgrace, than anything Col. West did.

Combat soldiers aren't cops, Mike; they are trained to break things and kill people; troops are for fighting (and winning) wars, not peacekeeping and nation building. The fact that a lot of Americans have forgotten that, does not make it any less true.
While combat troops are trained to break things and kill people their officers are trained to exercise judgment in their deployment of those troops and to control their actions.

The notion that Col. West was "doing what he had to do to protect his troops" is misleading. It was not his place to act aggressively in response to information -- which he later acknowledged was probably false, but to forward that information to his headquarters for evaluation and appropriate action. He was a line officer, not an autonomous intelligence liaison.

There is a tendency for many Americans to forget that we are not at war in Iraq. The fact is our country illegally invaded and occupied that country without provocation and those Iraqis who are actively resisting us are doing the same thing some Americans would be doing if the situation was reversed. Some of the things our troops do in that country, such as the atrocities perpetrated in the Abu Ghraib prison and elsewhere, the routine kicking down of doors and the all-too-frequent mistreatment, including beatings and gang rapes of Iraqi citizens, most of which we never hear about, are done in all our names.

Such incidents as U.S. Army Colonel West conducting himself like Tony Soprano with a gang of goons isn't helping matters. In fact, such incidents serve as recruiting inducements for the kind of resistance fighters who plant roadside bombs and ambush military movements. So West's assertion that he was acting in the interest of the troops is so much specious nonsense.

Allen West is another self-serving glory-seeking phony from the mold of Oliver North, which is why the Army saw fit to kick him out.

Post of the thread!!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
In civilian life we have laws that we have to obey and adhere to.

In the military you have the UCMJ

Allen West decided that he was above the Law.

And thus engaged in criminal activity.

He is no better than a common criminal and has no business being in the White House.

Republicans have a history of elevating and supporting criminals in the Oval Office, Nixon, Reagan....Bush II.

They all committed crimes, lie about it, then half-apologize about it, and are then supported/elevated by their fellow RWers for it.
In civilian life we have laws that we have to obey and adhere to.

In the military you have the UCMJ

Allen West decided that he was above the Law.

And thus engaged in criminal activity.

He is no better than a common criminal and has no business being in the White House.

Republicans have a history of elevating and supporting criminals in the Oval Office, Nixon, Reagan....Bush II.

They all committed crimes, lie about it, then half-apologize about it, and are then supported/elevated by their fellow RWers for it.

And you conveniently ignore the exact same behavior from the left. That's why you're an idiot. You bitch and whine and use racism to demean the right... and ignore the abhorrent behavior of the left.

You're a hypocrite, Marc.
And you conveniently ignore the exact same behavior from the left. That's why you're an idiot. You bitch and whine and use racism to demean the right... and ignore the abhorrent behavior of the left.

You're a hypocrite, Marc.


Coming from YOU!?!??



Don't make me LAUGH!!!
Republicans have a history of elevating and supporting criminals in the Oval Office, Nixon, Reagan....Bush II.

They all committed crimes, lie about it, then half-apologize about it, and are then supported/elevated by their fellow RWers for it.

Because you radical reactionary RW bootlickers seems to be ALLERGIC to the God's Honest TRUTH:

Nixon And Watergate - No Whitewash
[ame=]YouTube - Nixon and Watergate - No Whitewash[/ame]

Reagan Breaks The Law, Then Lies About It
[ame=]YouTube - Reagan Breaks Laws then Lies About It[/ame]

Bush WMD Lies
[ame=]YouTube - bush wmd lies[/ame]

Bush Lies About Iran WMD
[ame=]YouTube - Bush Lies about Iran WMD[/ame]

Bush Admits That Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11
[ame=]YouTube - Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11[/ame]

Bush Gets Caugh In His Own Lie​
[ame=]YouTube - Bush Gets Caught In His Own Lie[/ame]

Watch the videos, they aren't long, and then tell me I'm lying.

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I don't understand how anyone who has served and some who retired from the military can think that an Article 15 is a career ender.

I was the recipient of one back in 73. and 10 years later made E7 in the secondary zone of consideration. That Article 15 didn't even slow me down.

I think it depends, in the Air Force nowadays an Article can be a career ender because unless you have an understanding commander who will give you a second chance, you will be ineligible for promotion and reenlistment, thus your career is over.
If only this man decided to be a community organizer instead....that's a profession to be respected not a silly soldier boy....

Right Libs?

Obama: I thought of joining the military Liar...:eusa_liar:

[ame=]YouTube - Obama: I thought of joining the military[/ame]

Everyone in America has thought about it, it's whether you seriously thought about it or not. And I doubt he did.
Republicans have a history of elevating and supporting criminals in the Oval Office, Nixon, Reagan....Bush II.

They all committed crimes, lie about it, then half-apologize about it, and are then supported/elevated by their fellow RWers for it.

Because you radical reactionary RW bootlickers seems to be ALLERGIC to the God's Honest TRUTH:

(Snipped for length)

Watch the videos, they aren't long, and then tell me I'm lying.


You're aware this thread is about Allen West, right?

Just once, can you stay on topic or is that too hard for you?
Alan West is yet another power hungry radical fringe RWer. With a wanderlust for power the likes that has never been seen before.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and this POS is ABSOLUTELY corrupt.

They should have put his A$$ behind bars. This ain't the teevee and you ain't no cowboy West. Wake up!

Another GD radical RW loose-cannon...that's all this country needs to send it careening off the cliff.

I spit at the the mere thought of that man being anywhere near Presidency.


You forgot to call him a racist. Oh...wait a minute........:eusa_whistle:
You wanna talk about racism? How's affirmative action sound? That's gotta be the most discriminatory thing ever conjured up by the left, and it directly distinguishes who gets what based on skin color instead of credentials.
How about civil service scores? I know in my state whites have to score higher then blacks and Hispanics to qualify for certain state jobs. How is that for racism?
Where is Sharpton and Jackson on these civil rights violations? Nowhere to be found, because they themselves are the racists, along with alot of those on the left.
Also, did you see Sharpton or Jackson after this happened?


Of course you didn't, did not hear a peep out of them, because the victim was white. If the victim had been black, you would have seen Sharpton all over the news speaking of racism in America. I bet Obama sat on his couch watching this just laughing his ass off enjoying his fundamental change of America. This blacks getting away with hate crimes really kicked off after the Obama DOJ's dropping of the black panthers voter intimidation case was dropped, effective immediately after that all blacks got a free pass to do whatever the fuck they wanted to.
Now what do you race baiters have to say about that? Are you going to continue to pretend racism is a white only thing or man up and admit that all races have racist idiots in them?
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Republicans have a history of elevating and supporting criminals in the Oval Office, Nixon, Reagan....Bush II.

They all committed crimes, lie about it, then half-apologize about it, and are then supported/elevated by their fellow RWers for it.

Because you radical reactionary RW bootlickers seems to be ALLERGIC to the God's Honest TRUTH:

(Snipped for length)

Watch the videos, they aren't long, and then tell me I'm lying.


You're aware this thread is about Allen West, right?

Just once, can you stay on topic or is that too hard for you?

That's what I thought...skirt the subject at hand.

Good job.

Republicans have a history of elevating and supporting criminals in the Oval Office, Nixon, Reagan....Bush II.

They all committed crimes, lie about it, then half-apologize about it, and are then supported/elevated by their fellow RWers for it.

Because you radical reactionary RW bootlickers seems to be ALLERGIC to the God's Honest TRUTH:

(Snipped for length)

Watch the videos, they aren't long, and then tell me I'm lying.


You're aware this thread is about Allen West, right?

Just once, can you stay on topic or is that too hard for you?

It's what the left does best, when they see they are losing the debate, they try to steer the debate off topic. He's no exception.
Because you radical reactionary RW bootlickers seems to be ALLERGIC to the God's Honest TRUTH:

(Snipped for length)

Watch the videos, they aren't long, and then tell me I'm lying.


You're aware this thread is about Allen West, right?

Just once, can you stay on topic or is that too hard for you?

That's what I thought...skirt the subject at hand.

Good job.


Like you did by posting videos of former presidents in an allen west thread? Pot meet Kettle.

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