All you small brain village idiots who hate taxes.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.
I have a septic system, I paid into social security and expect a return, the cops around here are wortless Ill shoot the robber first, I don't have kids to send to school, the electricty I get is from a private company, garbage pick-up is a privaye company, I pay taxes for roads and bridges i damned sure want a return

I can go on............


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

You love taxes? Fantastic.

Whip out your checkbook - lardass, and pick an amount - payable to the IRS

I don't know - $5K sound good?

Stroke away fat ass.

Lead by example.


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

Wow are you a fucking moron. If you actually read that list, you would see that everything there doesn't even apply.

"Don't buy a sports franchise and ask the tax payer to buy you a stadium"?!?! Yeah, because every conservative I know has a pro-sports franchise. I mean, seriously, WTF?!? This is just a desperate attempt by the idiot liberal Dumbocrat who is on the wrong side of the facts and the issue.

Another classic - "don't take your garbage to the curb". I don't know where the fuck you live (my guess is New York city), but where most American's live, they pay for their own garbage disposal (ie companies such as Waste Management, etc.)- it is not handled by the city through taxes.

Another classic - "don't drive on paved roads". The problem with this desperate argument is that 100% of the population has access to the roads, while only 50% of the population is paying the taxes for them.

Tell you what, why don't you think a bit harder and create a new list that doesn't embarrass you? (The answer is, you can't, because you're on the wrong side of the facts).

All conservatives ever wanted is a constitutional government that shows they can be responsible with OUR money. Instead, the idiot liberal Dumbocrats have given us an unconstitutional monstrosity of a government that wastes our money and thinks it's funny to do so because they feel they are always entitled to take more of it when ever they want.
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How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

we aren't small brain village idiots.....the 'village' is for socialists.....who obviously have small brains and live in was socialist Hillary who said "it takes a village"....

you probably consider it your 'job' to promote taxes......afterall how else are you going to receive your welfare check and food stamps.....?


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

PEA brain! It's not HATING to pay taxes.. IT's having taxes used like this:

spending $2.6 million MY tax dollars to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job!
Why in the hell would I want my hard earned money be used IN CHINA teaching whores to drink less?

or this:
$1.44 million in MY TAX MONEY estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

or this:

Government auditors spent the past five years examining all federal programs and found that 22 percent of them --
costing taxpayers a total of $123 billion annually -[/B]- fail to show any positive impact on the populations they serve!

WHY then would I want MY hard earned TAX dollars be thrown away on programs that do nothing!!
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Yep. The only thing the radical right hates more than taxes and the government employees that are paid from those taxes (Except the troops, they always "support the troops" with new bumper stickers, Sarah Palin told them to).

So yes, they preach lower taxes, slash government. But they'd be first in line bitching when a govt couldn't meet a need it did before lowering taxes and slashing services. They've been convinced that lower taxes means MORE revenue to the government. Yet.....they preach about shrinking government, so WHY then would they want to do something (lower taxes) that would send more revenue to the very entity they hate the most??????


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

The only small brained radical idiot here is you paying taxes is not the issue paying excessive taxes that the Government waste as we head towards 16 trillion dollars in debt is the issue.Why would you want to give more and more money to someone who continues to waste it?
Yep. The only thing the radical right hates more than taxes and the government employees that are paid from those taxes (Except the troops, they always "support the troops" with new bumper stickers, Sarah Palin told them to).

So yes, they preach lower taxes, slash government. But they'd be first in line bitching when a govt couldn't meet a need it did before lowering taxes and slashing services. They've been convinced that lower taxes means MORE revenue to the government. Yet.....they preach about shrinking government, so WHY then would they want to do something (lower taxes) that would send more revenue to the very entity they hate the most??????

holy smoke, OUR STATE Government provides all these service and we pay taxes for them..what the hell is wrong with you people?
You have to sink this low because some people feel this FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS OUT OF CONTROL with UNELECTED agency after agency coming after now trying to dictate the size of the soda cups or the kind of LIGHT BULBS we can have..
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How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

Sorry Honey, I pay local taxes to fun my schools, Cops and Fire, I pay a monthly Bill to a Private Company for my Electric, and I pay the City monthly for my water and Sewer.

But nice try.

You need to get your Small mind around this simple fact. We are not against Taxes, were against Government Waste. We see no need to Raise taxes when the Government wastes 50 Cents of every Dollar it spends, we have to tighten our Belts to get by, why should the government be any different.

Or maybe they could just keep doing stupid shit like spending Millions of dollars investigating Steroid Use in Baseball.

You fucking idiot libs always try the same line when it comes to this, You always focus on the Things the government does that actually make sense, and work, Like Infrastructure, and ignore that the Vast Majority of the Money our Government spends is not on that stuff.
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How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

Either these "services" aren't needed or they can be provided better and more cheaply by private companies.
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How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.
Starting another stupid post and backing it up with lies does not help you.


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

How would you like to pay 5% on everything? That's what we do.


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

The only small brained radical idiot here is you paying taxes is not the issue paying excessive taxes that the Government waste as we head towards 16 trillion dollars in debt is the issue.Why would you want to give more and more money to someone who continues to waste it?

$500 G's on green job ads for Olbermann and Maddow alone.

Yeah! Lib morons go....government tax dollars. Sane people go....that's my fucking money!

Labor Department spent $500G in stimulus on green-job ad blitz on Olbermann, Maddow

Labor Department spent $500G in stimulus on green-job ad blitz on Olbermann, Maddow | Fox News
Right wingers hate local taxes as much as federal ones. Nice try, but you guys have stated your position.
Right wingers hate local taxes as much as federal ones. Nice try, but you guys have stated your position.

I don't mind paying my fair share of long as I know it isn't being mis-spent. Unfortunetly.....they are being mis-spent. Until the politicians get all of their ducks in a row and get spending under control.....we have every right to bitch, buc.

If you ever were a conservative you would understand that.....but .....we all know you weren't. :eusa_whistle:
Right wingers hate local taxes as much as federal ones. Nice try, but you guys have stated your position.

I don't mind paying my fair share long as I know it isn't being mis-spent. Unfortunetly.....they are being mis-spent. Until the politicians get all of their ducks in a row and get spending under control.....we have every right to bitch, buc.

If you ever were a conservative you would understand that.....but .....we all know you weren't. :eusa_whistle:

He does have a point...;)
Prime example is northern Idaho, they need a new school in bonner's ferry or one of those small towns up there, tried to pass a levy to build a new one and it failed. The school was later condemned.
And how many criminals have to be housed over here because they dont have a big enough jail? :D
Right wingers hate local taxes as much as federal ones. Nice try, but you guys have stated your position.

I don't mind paying my fair share long as I know it isn't being mis-spent. Unfortunetly.....they are being mis-spent. Until the politicians get all of their ducks in a row and get spending under control.....we have every right to bitch, buc.

If you ever were a conservative you would understand that.....but .....we all know you weren't. :eusa_whistle:

He does have a point...;)
Prime example is northern Idaho, they need a new school in bonner's ferry or one of those small towns up there, tried to pass a levy to build a new one and it failed. The school was later condemned.
And how many criminals have to be housed over here because they dont have a big enough jail? :D
Did you miss the part about me stating that the politicians mis-spend money?
All the wasted money and when they need something, people rebel.

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