All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

He's an old man using old man terminology. I don't believe he's being hateful. Just old fashioned.

He's right that American blacks have been ushered into this "give me" Welfare mentality and have been literally trained by a liberal government that they don't need to work as long as they keep voting Democrat. It's the only way the Dems can remain in office. The Libs have created today's entitlement culture.

Here we have a man receiving a million dollars in Federal Welfare mocking "negroes" who are on welfare

How is he mocking blacks? He's spot on that once you are on welfare you do lose your freedom.

And puhleeeeeeeeeeeze trying to make Bundy out to be a welfare queen is laughable. He's got a beef with the BLM and he's not the only one.

Better off as slaves?

Go the fuck away
Typical idiot liberal. Because we support human rights and don't like government aggression, to the limited liberal mind it means we love the guy and we espouse everything he thinks and says.

You really have to have a diminished mental capacity to be liberal.

From the Department of Redundancy Department:

"Idiot Liberal"

which of Bundy's 'human rights' was infringed upon by requiring he pay for the use of land that wasn't his?

Dodge noted and ignored.
not a dodge. you claim to support the man because you support his human rights.

explain to us which human rights were infringed upon. maybe we'll support him too.

from the department of redundancy department:
"vacuous conservative"
Ok, IF this guy is a racist (his words appear to confirm that but, it could possibly be a misquote or just a very unsophisticated and unfortunate choice of words), imho it doesn't have any bearing on the real issue.

In the United States you have the right to be as stupid as you want to be. I'm not interested in "reforming" him or "demonizing" him or "idolizing" him. I just think he ought to pay what he owes - period.

I understand that his words seem to indicate a particular "mindset" but personally, I don't give two hoots about his mindset. Just pay up. If he chooses not to pay what he owes, that choice should have consequences. And the same goes for anybody - no matter what their political persuasion.

That's MHO.

Basically what his position SEEMS to be is what several people on this board have said. That entitlements have ruined black inner city culture and society. What he did wrong is the way he said it, which quite frankly is about as offensive as you can get. Bringing up cotton picking is idiotic.

His tone does not imply hatred of black people, nor do his words. It implies an observation of a situation.

Again, though, his choice of words was quite frankly horrific.

Well, honestly, I don't think the fact that there are people on these boards who echo his sentiments is a real ringing endorsement. There are plenty of racists on these boards.

But if you interpret his remarks as lamenting a culture of entitlement, he may be right. But his views are more than a little ironic considering he has been feeding his cattle off the government teat for free for decades.

Mr. Pot, this is Mr Kettle.

He originally paid the government, but when they changed the terms he disputed it and withheld payment. He's on record saying he would pay Nevada, he just won't pay the feds.

and the government gets not only his fees (if he paid them) they get the sales taxes on his product, his income taxes, and the county gets his property taxes. The government is getting paid, just not his grazing fees until the dispute is settled.
There is no way to know what Bundy actually said. If he said anything. A quote in the New York Times can be as real as Peter Pan's shadow. Didn't NBC edit George Zimmerman's statements to make him appear racist?

It's the race card, which is the trump card and is supposed to take away everything else. When all else fails "He's a racist" will make it all better. Overthrowing the race card should be a primary goal of whatever part of America is still capable of rising.

As they double down to protect their latest hero
Here we have a man receiving a million dollars in Federal Welfare mocking "negroes" who are on welfare

How is he mocking blacks? He's spot on that once you are on welfare you do lose your freedom.

And puhleeeeeeeeeeeze trying to make Bundy out to be a welfare queen is laughable. He's got a beef with the BLM and he's not the only one.

Better off as slaves?

Go the fuck away

My bet is that the ones who are supporting him saying that have said it themselves.
Basically what his position SEEMS to be is what several people on this board have said. That entitlements have ruined black inner city culture and society. What he did wrong is the way he said it, which quite frankly is about as offensive as you can get. Bringing up cotton picking is idiotic.

His tone does not imply hatred of black people, nor do his words. It implies an observation of a situation.

Again, though, his choice of words was quite frankly horrific.
he didn't just bring up cotton picking, he claimed that black people were better off as slaves, more free even.

to me that shows a belief in racial superiority/inferiority.

but as nodoginnafight said, the only issue worth caring about is how much of a freeloading criminal this guy is.

He wondered about it, i.e. he was asking the question, not making the statement one way or the other.

And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy?
couching speculation in the form of a question does not mean you get to say whatever you want and claim innocence.
I'd have more respect for the government if they charged fees to the marijuana growers who use the national forests. The government would have a better position if they collected unpaid taxes from government workers instead of giving them bonuses.

Even if Bundy actually owes these fees, it is selective prosecution.
Basically what his position SEEMS to be is what several people on this board have said. That entitlements have ruined black inner city culture and society. What he did wrong is the way he said it, which quite frankly is about as offensive as you can get. Bringing up cotton picking is idiotic.

His tone does not imply hatred of black people, nor do his words. It implies an observation of a situation.

Again, though, his choice of words was quite frankly horrific.

Well, honestly, I don't think the fact that there are people on these boards who echo his sentiments is a real ringing endorsement. There are plenty of racists on these boards.

But if you interpret his remarks as lamenting a culture of entitlement, he may be right. But his views are more than a little ironic considering he has been feeding his cattle off the government teat for free for decades.

Mr. Pot, this is Mr Kettle.

He originally paid the government, but when they changed the terms he disputed it and withheld payment. He's on record saying he would pay Nevada, he just won't pay the feds.

and the government gets not only his fees (if he paid them) they get the sales taxes on his product, his income taxes, and the county gets his property taxes. The government is getting paid, just not his grazing fees until the dispute is settled.

the disputes been settled for decades. he took his case to court and lost.
which of Bundy's 'human rights' was infringed upon by requiring he pay for the use of land that wasn't his?

Dodge noted and ignored.

You said it.

Now you're dodging answering the question.

You have a problem woth reading comprehension. It's been a problem for you for as long as I've been here. You are dodging the point of my post and your argument is irrelevant, so I'm not going off on a tangent with you. Especially when you don't have the ability to understand what you are being told. Address the point of my post or remain ignorant.
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Typical idiot liberal. Because we support human rights and don't like government aggression, to the limited liberal mind it means we love the guy and we espouse everything he thinks and says.

You really have to have a diminished mental capacity to be liberal.

From the Department of Redundancy Department:

"Idiot Liberal"

the raw hate put out by people like Reid and their base over one citizen rancher, is some sad shit
Fitz: Cliven

If Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy was an armed inner city black man who refused to pay his rent for years, surrounded himself with a gang of armed extremists who threatened lawmen, and claimed his landlord's property claim was "illegitimate" he would have be branded a "pinhead" and a "parasite" and held up to endless ridicule. But in the world of conservative media....
Dodge noted and ignored.

You said it.

Now you're dodging answering the question.

You ha e a problem woth reading comprehension. It's been a problem for you for as long as I've been here. You are dodging the point of my post and your argument is irrelevant, so I'm not going off on a tangent with you. Especially when you don't have the ability to understand what you are being told. Address the point of my post or remain ignorant.

was the point of your post not that you support him because of infringement on his human rights, not because of anything he may say or do otherwise?

if that is the case please explain how his rights have been infringed upon.

it should be easy since it's the reason you support the guy, and surely you wouldn't support him without a reason, right?
which of Bundy's 'human rights' was infringed upon by requiring he pay for the use of land that wasn't his?

Dodge noted and ignored.
not a dodge. you claim to support the man because you support his human rights.

explain to us which human rights were infringed upon. maybe we'll support him too.

from the department of redundancy department:
"vacuous conservative"

You also seem to have reading comprehension problems. You are among friends there because it seems to be a problem with you liberals. Your question goes off on an irrelevant tangent. Address the point of my post or have fun arguing with yourself.
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,”

“and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids

and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch

they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do. no closing quotations

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?”

“They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

he's heavily misquoted until the last paragraph. He's right, dead on accurate, until he wonders if they would be better off as slaves.

better to be miserable and free than be a happy slave
Well, honestly, I don't think the fact that there are people on these boards who echo his sentiments is a real ringing endorsement. There are plenty of racists on these boards.

But if you interpret his remarks as lamenting a culture of entitlement, he may be right. But his views are more than a little ironic considering he has been feeding his cattle off the government teat for free for decades.

Mr. Pot, this is Mr Kettle.

He originally paid the government, but when they changed the terms he disputed it and withheld payment. He's on record saying he would pay Nevada, he just won't pay the feds.

and the government gets not only his fees (if he paid them) they get the sales taxes on his product, his income taxes, and the county gets his property taxes. The government is getting paid, just not his grazing fees until the dispute is settled.

the disputes been settled for decades. he took his case to court and lost.

Then why hasn't the government enforced it?
You said it.

Now you're dodging answering the question.

You ha e a problem woth reading comprehension. It's been a problem for you for as long as I've been here. You are dodging the point of my post and your argument is irrelevant, so I'm not going off on a tangent with you. Especially when you don't have the ability to understand what you are being told. Address the point of my post or remain ignorant.

was the point of your post not that you support him because of infringement on his human rights, not because of anything he may say or do otherwise?

if that is the case please explain how his rights have been infringed upon.

it should be easy since it's the reason you support the guy, and surely you wouldn't support him without a reason, right?

<Facepalm> try reading it again because you are way off.
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Here we have a man receiving a million dollars in Federal Welfare mocking "negroes" who are on welfare

How is he mocking blacks? He's spot on that once you are on welfare you do lose your freedom.

And puhleeeeeeeeeeeze trying to make Bundy out to be a welfare queen is laughable. He's got a beef with the BLM and he's not the only one.

Better off as slaves?

Go the fuck away

If you've ever seen a true ghetto it does make one wonder how farther along we have come.

And makes one think how we can allow the ghetto condition to continue without taking a radically new approach to lift anyone out of poverty no matter their skin color.
he didn't just bring up cotton picking, he claimed that black people were better off as slaves, more free even.

to me that shows a belief in racial superiority/inferiority.

but as nodoginnafight said, the only issue worth caring about is how much of a freeloading criminal this guy is.

He wondered about it, i.e. he was asking the question, not making the statement one way or the other.

And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy?
couching speculation in the form of a question does not mean you get to say whatever you want and claim innocence.

But it does mean people quoting it have to tell the truth about what was said. and he did not say "they would be better off a slaves"
Typical idiot liberal. Because we support human rights and don't like government aggression, to the limited liberal mind it means we love the guy and we espouse everything he thinks and says.

You really have to have a diminished mental capacity to be liberal.

From the Department of Redundancy Department:

"Idiot Liberal"

the raw hate put out by people like Reid and their base over one citizen rancher, is some sad shit

Raw hate?

Yeah..there would be raw hate.

Bundy just said that some Americans would be happier picking cotton and being slaves.

That should make the fiber in any American's body bristle.

That viewpoint is disgusting and completely Anti-American.

Close to a million Americans died in a Civil War to assure freedom for ALL Americans.

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