All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

ā€˜Worst fear came trueā€™: Israel detains young Palestinian man for 20 months in effort to expel him to Brazil

It was the moment he had been dreading his entire life. Maen Abu Hafez, 24, and his friendsā€™ car was stopped by Israeli soldiers at a flying checkpoint on their way home from Tulkarem city to his hometown, Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank.

When the soldiers asked for their IDs ā€” which Palestinians must carry on them at all times in case they are stopped at a checkpoint ā€” Abu Hafez told them he didnā€™t have one. Within a few hours he was at an Israeli detention center.

Two days later, he was taken to the Givon Prison in central Israel ā€” a prison that holds mostly undocumented asylum seekers from Africa ā€” where he has been held for 20 months as an ā€œillegal alien,ā€ while the Israeli government waits to deport him to Brazil.

Abu Hafez was born in Brazil to a Palestinian father, from the Jenin Refugee Camp, and a Brazilian mother. His family of six moved to the Jenin Camp when he was three years old, where he has lived ever since. Neither he, his two brothers, nor his mother, have Palestinian ID cards, giving them no legal status in the occupied territory.

ā€œThere is no proof that he has any legal status in Brazil and the Brazilian authorities are, rightly, refusing to take in the young man against his will,ā€ Israeli Human Rights Organization Hamoked, who is handling Abu Hafezā€™s case, said in an October press release.

ā€˜Worst fear came trueā€™: Israel detains young Palestinian man for 20 months in effort to expel him to Brazil

ā€˜Worst fear came trueā€™: Israel detains young Palestinian man for 20 months in effort to expel him to Brazil

It was the moment he had been dreading his entire life. Maen Abu Hafez, 24, and his friendsā€™ car was stopped by Israeli soldiers at a flying checkpoint on their way home from Tulkarem city to his hometown, Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank.

When the soldiers asked for their IDs ā€” which Palestinians must carry on them at all times in case they are stopped at a checkpoint ā€” Abu Hafez told them he didnā€™t have one. Within a few hours he was at an Israeli detention center.

Two days later, he was taken to the Givon Prison in central Israel ā€” a prison that holds mostly undocumented asylum seekers from Africa ā€” where he has been held for 20 months as an ā€œillegal alien,ā€ while the Israeli government waits to deport him to Brazil.

Abu Hafez was born in Brazil to a Palestinian father, from the Jenin Refugee Camp, and a Brazilian mother. His family of six moved to the Jenin Camp when he was three years old, where he has lived ever since. Neither he, his two brothers, nor his mother, have Palestinian ID cards, giving them no legal status in the occupied territory.

ā€œThere is no proof that he has any legal status in Brazil and the Brazilian authorities are, rightly, refusing to take in the young man against his will,ā€ Israeli Human Rights Organization Hamoked, who is handling Abu Hafezā€™s case, said in an October press release.

ā€˜Worst fear came trueā€™: Israel detains young Palestinian man for 20 months in effort to expel him to Brazil

There is something fishy about this story. Why does he have no legal status in Brazil, if he was born there? Brazil practices jus soli.
ā€˜Worst fear came trueā€™: Israel detains young Palestinian man for 20 months in effort to expel him to Brazil

It was the moment he had been dreading his entire life. Maen Abu Hafez, 24, and his friendsā€™ car was stopped by Israeli soldiers at a flying checkpoint on their way home from Tulkarem city to his hometown, Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank.

When the soldiers asked for their IDs ā€” which Palestinians must carry on them at all times in case they are stopped at a checkpoint ā€” Abu Hafez told them he didnā€™t have one. Within a few hours he was at an Israeli detention center.

Two days later, he was taken to the Givon Prison in central Israel ā€” a prison that holds mostly undocumented asylum seekers from Africa ā€” where he has been held for 20 months as an ā€œillegal alien,ā€ while the Israeli government waits to deport him to Brazil.

Abu Hafez was born in Brazil to a Palestinian father, from the Jenin Refugee Camp, and a Brazilian mother. His family of six moved to the Jenin Camp when he was three years old, where he has lived ever since. Neither he, his two brothers, nor his mother, have Palestinian ID cards, giving them no legal status in the occupied territory.

ā€œThere is no proof that he has any legal status in Brazil and the Brazilian authorities are, rightly, refusing to take in the young man against his will,ā€ Israeli Human Rights Organization Hamoked, who is handling Abu Hafezā€™s case, said in an October press release.

ā€˜Worst fear came trueā€™: Israel detains young Palestinian man for 20 months in effort to expel him to Brazil

There is something fishy about this story. Why does he have no legal status in Brazil, if he was born there? Brazil practices jus soli.

Ah. Yes. There is more to this story than meets the eye and of course, in someone's rush to make Israel look evil, even when she is innocent, they neglected to look further into the story.

Abu Hafez was born to a Palestinian father and an Uruguayan mother in Brazil. By virtue of his birth in Brazil, since they practice jus soli (citizenship based on birth), he is legally a national of Brazil.

His parents moved to "Palestine" under the Palestinian Authority. The father was there legally, by virtue of his Palestinian nationality. The mother entered on a tourist visa (3 months) and stayed illegally (an illegal alien). The father then abandoned the family and went back to Brazil -- FAILING TO APPLY for Palestinian citizenship for his children, thus ensuring that all his children were also illegal aliens.

The mother and all of her children have been living in Palestine for decades as illegal aliens and the reason they are unable to obtain Palestinian citizenship is because the person through whom they have the rights to that citizenship no longer resides in the country and has failed to register them.

I was born in the US to an American mother and a Canadian father. I have rights to both citizenships. My US citizenship is automatic by virtue of my birth. But my Canadian citizenship is the result of a naturalization process which my FATHER was required to initiate in order for me to be recognized as a Canadian national. Had my father not done so, I too would have been an illegal alien living in Canada and Canada would have had every right to deport me back to the US.

Israel's position, and from what I can see its the correct legal one, is that it is not permitted, by law, to deport a national of Brazil to Palestine -- that is to deport a national of one State to the territory of a State to which he is NOT a national.

In other words, this is a story which has nothing to do with the Israel/Arab debate. Its only another way to demonize Israel. All it really is, is a deadbeat dad who abandoned his kids.
UN office warns 97 percent of ground water in Gaza is undrinkable, causing risk of disease outbreak and epidemic

Electricity supply in Gaza increased up to 18 hours a day in some areas, following the provision of additional fuel to operate the Gaza Power Plant.

Only 22 per cent of patients injured during the Gaza demonstrations, who were referred for follow-up surgery in the West Bank or Israel, have been granted Israeli exit permits.

97 per cent of ground water extracted in Gaza is unfit for human consumption, generating the risk of a waterborne disease outbreak.

The number of Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians and their property during 2018 grew by 57 and 175 per cent, compared with 2017 and 2016, respectively.

UN office warns 97 percent of ground water in Gaza is undrinkable, causing risk of disease outbreak and epidemic
UN office warns 97 percent of ground water in Gaza is undrinkable, causing risk of disease outbreak and epidemic

Electricity supply in Gaza increased up to 18 hours a day in some areas, following the provision of additional fuel to operate the Gaza Power Plant.

Only 22 per cent of patients injured during the Gaza demonstrations, who were referred for follow-up surgery in the West Bank or Israel, have been granted Israeli exit permits.

97 per cent of ground water extracted in Gaza is unfit for human consumption, generating the risk of a waterborne disease outbreak.

The number of Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians and their property during 2018 grew by 57 and 175 per cent, compared with 2017 and 2016, respectively.

UN office warns 97 percent of ground water in Gaza is undrinkable, causing risk of disease outbreak and epidemic

Arabs- Moslems begging for more kuffar welfare fraud money.
UN office warns 97 percent of ground water in Gaza is undrinkable, causing risk of disease outbreak and epidemic

Electricity supply in Gaza increased up to 18 hours a day in some areas, following the provision of additional fuel to operate the Gaza Power Plant.

Only 22 per cent of patients injured during the Gaza demonstrations, who were referred for follow-up surgery in the West Bank or Israel, have been granted Israeli exit permits.

97 per cent of ground water extracted in Gaza is unfit for human consumption, generating the risk of a waterborne disease outbreak.

The number of Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians and their property during 2018 grew by 57 and 175 per cent, compared with 2017 and 2016, respectively.

UN office warns 97 percent of ground water in Gaza is undrinkable, causing risk of disease outbreak and epidemic

These are the degenerates who brag about making mortars and rockets from water pipes?
Oops. Burning tires fouling the air and the particulate matter fouling the water, well, it makes sense for the islamic terrorists to burn down their cities.

Afterall, itā€™s all paid for by a dedicated welfare fraud.


Oh, playing the "innocent fisherman" card again, Tinmore?

The young man in question was not fishing and not even in the waters. He was participating in the violent protest along the fence and refused to obey all instruction to back away from the fence, refused to be convinced by warning shots and was subsequently deemed a threat to Israel's security.

Now, you could argue that Israel should never use lethal force against Arab Palestinians. Dumb. But you could.

But the fact that the Gazans are compelled to completely fictionalize a true event in order to garner sympathy for "innocent fishermen" is telling. Its telling that the world is not falling for the peaceful protest, respect rockets, beneficent bombs and kindness kites bullshit Gazans are selling.
I will also suggest that the ceasefire would have included prohibitions on approaching the fence. So it was the Gazan who broke the ceasefire.
All I see here is lots of montage and piling up commentary and outright says-so claims as "evidence".
It is interesting that with such large volume of footage, the key activities that we are told about are actually not shown, but rather TOLD as a story in a studio setting, or simply drawn from commentaries and opinions of politicians and Palestinian lobby activists.

Any number of half minute quotations of video footage can be arranged to portray whatever impression a producer wants and lead astray. We see this perfected in the Pallywood videos where cuts and pieces of video actually used to reverse the facts of the situation.

In other words it's very clear that they have to pile 3 hours of less than 1 minute cuts, upon speculations, testimonies not based on footage, and commentary (which in many cases factually wrong) -to crate an impression that the lobby is capable of achieving everything it is accused of, and bridge the gap between anti-Israel agenda and the reality on the ground.

But here is the deal - there's no minority, interest group or country that doesn't have a lobby.
The film shows no illegal action or crime, in fact the Zionist intention to secure the interests of Jewish independence and draw support from international community was declared openly and conducted through regular diplomatic channels.

To claim that lobbying is something unusual is ridiculous, there's no reason why a minority group or a country can't organize to reach for public support and influence the politics of the countries in which they live, especially since the Palestinian lobby does the same in every country.

Q. Why is it acceptable for Palestinians to have a lobby but not for Israelis?
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Censored ā€˜Israel Lobbyā€™ Doc Leaks

Anything by Galloway is below the belt.

It's the unconditional self -righteous indignation, reliance on verbal and mental abuse, refusal to debate anyone of with pro-Israel views, that usually exposes these characters. They usually reserve to triggering crowd loud responses to dismiss any arguments or facts presented contrary to their agenda..
Very common among Palestinian activists - they know they lie and they do it passionately.

Geogre Galloway attempts to cover for Nazi antisemitism
at the Palestinian demonstrations.

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Censored ā€˜Israel Lobbyā€™ Doc Leaks

Anything by Galloway is below the belt.

It's the unconditional self -righteous indignation, reliance on verbal and mental abuse, refusal to debate anyone of with pro-Israel views, that usually exposes these characters. They usually reserve to triggering crowd loud responses to dismiss any arguments or facts presented contrary to their agenda..
Very common among Palestinian activists - they know they lie and they do it passionately.

Geogre Galloway attempts to cover for Nazi antisemitism
at the Palestinian demonstrations.


Could you take this idiot seriously?

It's the unconditional self -righteous indignation, reliance on verbal and mental abuse, refusal to debate anyone of with pro-Israel views, that usually exposes these characters. They usually reserve to triggering crowd loud responses to dismiss any arguments or facts presented contrary to their agenda..
Very common among Palestinian activists - they know they lie and they do it passionately.

Geogre Galloway attempts to cover for Nazi antisemitism
at the Palestinian demonstrations.


Could you take this idiot seriously?

Where do I find the words..Adolf and Eva come to mind.....probably one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen, and really, I don't want to know what followed that prelude.

It's sitra ahra's vivid display of moral degradation trying to play cute , and the most disturbing thing is that it looks so evil and disgusting without showing anything graphic.

Realizing that this is the nature of the enemies that Israel had to face for the last 3000 years while bearing the light of the Torah in the world, leaves no questions as to why certain cultures were ordered to be eradicated from the human collective. If this is a modern "man", just imagine what was going on back then when such men worshiped idols. Even when Nebuchadnezzar turned into a beast he had more human image in him than Galloway, at least because he was conscious and disgusted with his condition.

Q. This disturbed degenerate sits in a UK parliament???

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