All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Coming from someone who believes Israel doesn't exist and therefore no crimes can be committed against Jewish people, that IS rich.
Is Israel or Hamas Breaking International Law in Gaza?

Is Israel or Hamas Breaking International Law?

If one peers through the fog of talk and looks at how states act, one can discern the bottom-line legal positions that count. Few states are willing to sanction or penalize Israel for its treatment of Gaza. That’s because supporting Hamas could translate into legal precedents that do not serve states’ interests. If you think of the Palestinians in Gaza as members of Israel’s population, then support for Hamas means support for the principle that internal populations may rise up, demand independence, and use violent means if their demands are rejected. Does China want Tibetans to cite such a precedent? Do the Turks want that for the Kurds? No, they do not. States have accepted few restrictions in theory, and virtually none in practice, on their ability to deal with insurgencies and related threats by unhappy populations under their control. So whatever moral claims the Palestinians in Gaza might advance, and however much sympathy they gain in other countries, they will not find a real ally in international law.
This guy bases his conclusions on Israeli say so, not on actual facts.

You base your nonsense claims on false premises buttressed by willful ignorance.
Not so. One of his first statements based on Israeli say so is:

Hamas had fired numerous missiles onto Israeli territory,...​

This is not true.

Hamas had fired numerous missiles onto Israeli territory,...

This is not true.

Where did the missiles go?
Coming from someone who believes Israel doesn't exist and therefore no crimes can be committed against Jewish people, that IS rich.
So then, prove me wrong. This is a discussion board. Make your case.

Let me get this straight. You want me to make a case that Israel exists. And that your morally corrupt perversion of international humanitarian law that it is legal to kill Jewish people is false. FFS.
You mean the Europeans that converted to Judaism? Their homelands were the nations they were citizens of in Europe.
Sure, sweetie, whatever you say.
All the Catholics became Jews and all the Jews became Catholics.
You are a special type of insane.

Those in Palestine practicing other religions converted to Christianity in the years following the establishment of Christianity as the Roman state religion in the late 4th century, most people know that. They had to in order to live in Jerusalem and its enivrons.
Did you know there are other cities in Israel other than Jerusalem?
Did you know that the majority of Jews during both temples did not live in Jerusalem?
Do you realize how stupid you appear to be every time you infer that Jerusalem is the only city in ancient Israel?

Do you realize how stupid you are to not know that those that practiced Judaism converted to Christianity along with those that practiced Paganism and Samaritanism and other religions when Christianity became the Roman state religion? Even Zionist scholars know it.

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin

In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found that

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Interesting who were those "fake Jews" with whom they compared the 165 Gazans in the study?
What even more fascinates me, is that the Jews still keep to their indigenous Jewish culture and identity.
And You think this is why these people are better ruled by Hamas?
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Let me get this straight. You want me to make a case that Israel exists.
Go for it. Good luck.

What is the criteria for the existence of a State?
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933
Let me get this straight. You want me to make a case that Israel exists.
Go for it. Good luck.

What is the criteria for the existence of a State?
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933
Thank you for yet again posting a Link to a document that would take anyone several hours to read and then another few years of stufy in order to understand in context.
You and your ideological morons brothers keep losing wars.
Maybe you're worshiping the wrong deity.
Let me get this straight. You want me to make a case that Israel exists.
Go for it. Good luck.

What is the criteria for the existence of a State?
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933
Thank you for yet again posting a Link to a document that would take anyone several hours to read and then another few years of stufy in order to understand in context.
You and your ideological morons brothers keep losing wars.
Maybe you're worshiping the wrong deity.
If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything.

Actually, there are only 16 articles mostly consisting of one or two sentences.
Let me get this straight. You want me to make a case that Israel exists.
Go for it. Good luck.

What is the criteria for the existence of a State?
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933
Thank you for yet again posting a Link to a document that would take anyone several hours to read and then another few years of stufy in order to understand in context.
You and your ideological morons brothers keep losing wars.
Maybe you're worshiping the wrong deity.
If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything.

Actually, there are only 16 articles mostly consisting of one or two sentences.

"If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything."
You are referring the the group of people on earth who have one of the highest literacy rates on earth, not to mention an overwhelming percentage of hard science Noble Peace Prizes.
And you're still an idiot.
Go for it. Good luck.

What is the criteria for the existence of a State?
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933
Thank you for yet again posting a Link to a document that would take anyone several hours to read and then another few years of stufy in order to understand in context.
You and your ideological morons brothers keep losing wars.
Maybe you're worshiping the wrong deity.
If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything.

Actually, there are only 16 articles mostly consisting of one or two sentences.

"If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything."
You are referring the the group of people on earth who have one of the highest literacy rates on earth, not to mention an overwhelming percentage of hard science Noble Peace Prizes.
And you're still an idiot.
Nice deflection.
What is the criteria for the existence of a State?
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933
Thank you for yet again posting a Link to a document that would take anyone several hours to read and then another few years of stufy in order to understand in context.
You and your ideological morons brothers keep losing wars.
Maybe you're worshiping the wrong deity.
If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything.

Actually, there are only 16 articles mostly consisting of one or two sentences.

"If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything."
You are referring the the group of people on earth who have one of the highest literacy rates on earth, not to mention an overwhelming percentage of hard science Noble Peace Prizes.
And you're still an idiot.
Nice deflection.
Fact is not deflection.
I have noticed that anything that doesn't comply with your notion of reality is a deflection.
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933
Thank you for yet again posting a Link to a document that would take anyone several hours to read and then another few years of stufy in order to understand in context.
You and your ideological morons brothers keep losing wars.
Maybe you're worshiping the wrong deity.
If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything.

Actually, there are only 16 articles mostly consisting of one or two sentences.

"If there is one thing that is consistent among Zionists is that they refuse to learn anything."
You are referring the the group of people on earth who have one of the highest literacy rates on earth, not to mention an overwhelming percentage of hard science Noble Peace Prizes.
And you're still an idiot.
Nice deflection.
Fact is not deflection.
I have noticed that anything that doesn't comply with your notion of reality is a deflection.
It was not relevant to the current discussion.

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