All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The West has never acknowledged the truth that this right doesn’t exist because there never was a Palestinian people. This was artificially invented in the 1960s, purely to deny the truth of the unique claim of the Jewish people by trying to rewrite them out of their own history and to claim ludicrously that the Palestinians were the indigenous people of the land.

By insisting that Israel has to negotiate ownership of this land with those trying to steal it from them, the West has connived at yet more aggression since the “Palestinians” have realized that the more preposterous their claims, the more the West redoubles its attempts to reward them.

However obnoxious, the Western mantra that the “occupation” and settlements are illegal is not the basis of the West’s amoral and hostile attitude towards Israel. This is rooted instead in the big lie the West has swallowed about the Palestinians’ rights, based on the falsehoods they promote about their own identity and agenda, and about the history of the Jewish people.

The West’s obdurate belief that negotiation is the correct and achievable course is why this conflict persists year in, year out—throughout the farce of the Palestinians’ repeated rejectionism and the misguided attempts to nudge them to the conference table, of which the still-unveiled Trump peace plan seems to be but the latest example.

And bang on cue, in response to this latest U.S. attempt to get the Palestinians to accept they have no option but to negotiate, they have threatened more violence. Of course: Their aim of destroying Israel is non-negotiable.

(full article online)

The issue of settlements is more than a land dispute up for negotiation
This is exactly the pattern done by anti-Israel academics. Someone makes up a concept like "settler colonialism" and within years it is a recognized field of study, where opinion is presented as fact and previous papers are treated as legitimate no matter how sloppy they are, as long as they agree with what the current author "feels" must be true. Ideas like "Israel is an apartheid state" or "Zionism is racism" or "violent resistance is legitimate" or "Israel engages in pinkwashing" are accepted as not only true, but proven, because of previous papers by Israel haters.Then the more adventurous academics try to extend this house of cards into new areas - if Zionism is racism, then maybe it is sexism, too! Can I define "Israeli apartheid" as a form of genocide?

Over time, just as the article notes, absurd concepts become accepted in academia, and then when the time is ripe, it starts spilling into the real world, where people who think they know something because they read some papers are free to spout their opinions in op-eds - which are eager to publish writings of "experts" as they present themselves.

(full article online)

Idea laundering and anti-Israel academia ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Bias In The Media - Lital Shemesh

Lital Shemesh, news anchor & journalist speaking at ILTV studio
about how terrorism is reported abroad vs in Israel.

Death threats screamed at Jews in London

Yesterday on the streets of London anti-Israel protesters screamed
these death threats at Jews in Arabic:

Dr Guy Bechor - Jews must leave Germany immediately.

Footage of recent BDS and neo-Nazi demonstrations.

Dr. Guy Bechor: "Germany - that connects with what were talking about until now.
Chancellor Merker who ruined Germany forever, from 2011 when big waves of immigration from the mid east started - brought in about 3 million Muslim to Germany, today with Turks and others it's about 10%, 8 million and growing with "lam al-Shamal' family reunification which is about an additional million in a year including the immigration coming.

As a result of that Garmany, Deutschland as a I call it because it returned being Deutschland - goes through processes of Islamization. It's also terror, culture,crime and also to care for them, for they didn't come to Germany to work, they came to work illegally and receive welfare.

As a result of this Islamization, the deep right and the extreme right and Nazism are raising.

The deep right which is the "Alternative to Germany" rise and Nazism raises - and don't confuse the "Alternative for Germany" which is wonderful, they're pro-Israel, with the Nazis we just saw.

There're Nazis! Mainly in the east but also in Dortmund which is in the west.
They raise and of course with it the tension increases - against Muslims, but also against Jews. And the Jews in the west find themselves unwanted. Because of the Islamists, Shia's, extreme and venomous Left along other factors. While in the east they're unwanted because of Nazis - who return marching.

In G-planet I show videos that freeze Your blood. How we see Nazis marching as if we're in the 1930's, You think it's a Hollywood movie. No - they really march this days, and in Germany they call it "freedom of speech". This is not freedom of speech, but like the Hitler Youth marching, terrifying.

And therefore listen well - there's no place for Jews in Germany!
I say - they must get out now immediately. There're not many Jews in Germany, but the must get out, because both on each side threaten their lives.

And it is shameful for a Jew, all the more an Israeli to live in Germany!

There's a video of the infamous antisemite, published on my site, saying to the Israeli "of the Milky", who went to Berlin and ended at the center of this deceitful propaganda, saying to him this: "We've killed 6 of You, what do You have to do here"

This is what he says, and he's also right in this perspective!
After all that was You're going to live in Deutschland?!
So if that's what You want let Deutschland treat You, what do You want from us?

Big shocks, that we are like the shell of the nut regarding all the trends taking place here - better to take distance - also from the Sunni/Shia conflict at all these great shocks going through Europe.

We're indeed really in the 30's, I'm not deterministic saying history repeats itself, but pay attention to its' strange circularity.

But now they're really messed up because they also have millions of Muslims.
They're having fun".

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Established in 1914, the Ordine Della Stella D'italia is one of Italy’s highest honors presented to global dignitaries who contribute in strengthening and promoting relations between Italy and other countries.

The Order was presented in a special ceremony attended by HE Mr. Fabio Cassese, the Italian Ambassador to Jordan, representing the Italian President and a host of Ambassadors to Jordan.

The Italian Ambassador read the official citation stating that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh is "a close friend to Italy," and "a friend of all the international community."It turns out that the honoree is an antisemite.

From MEMRI, translating a 2012 Al Ghad interview with Abu-Ghazaleh:

Abu Ghazaleh cites numerous examples of persecution of Jews, including their expulsion from various countries between the 14th and 18th centuries, and examples of leaders and public figures who spoke out against them: "Henry Ford saw the Jews as an international problem, and wasted much money on media and other means to wage a campaign against them. He also presented his ideas in a book called The International Jew: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The World's Foremost Problem [sic]. American president Franklin Roosevelt saw the Jews as an American problem, and claimed that the day would come when the Americans would regret that there were Jews in their midst...

He concludes: "The Jews became known for manufacturing lies and carrying out crimes and terror. [They] created a negative model for establishing a state when the occupation authorities began bringing the 'Haganah' gang into Palestine, and later enlisted all the armed Jewish movements, after calling on all the Jewish residents of all the countries in the world to immigrate to Palestine and establish a state [there]..."[3]

(full article online)

Italy's president gives one of Italy's highest honors to an antisemite ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Established in 1914, the Ordine Della Stella D'italia is one of Italy’s highest honors presented to global dignitaries who contribute in strengthening and promoting relations between Italy and other countries.

The Order was presented in a special ceremony attended by HE Mr. Fabio Cassese, the Italian Ambassador to Jordan, representing the Italian President and a host of Ambassadors to Jordan.

The Italian Ambassador read the official citation stating that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh is "a close friend to Italy," and "a friend of all the international community."It turns out that the honoree is an antisemite.

From MEMRI, translating a 2012 Al Ghad interview with Abu-Ghazaleh:

Abu Ghazaleh cites numerous examples of persecution of Jews, including their expulsion from various countries between the 14th and 18th centuries, and examples of leaders and public figures who spoke out against them: "Henry Ford saw the Jews as an international problem, and wasted much money on media and other means to wage a campaign against them. He also presented his ideas in a book called The International Jew: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The World's Foremost Problem [sic]. American president Franklin Roosevelt saw the Jews as an American problem, and claimed that the day would come when the Americans would regret that there were Jews in their midst...

He concludes: "The Jews became known for manufacturing lies and carrying out crimes and terror. [They] created a negative model for establishing a state when the occupation authorities began bringing the 'Haganah' gang into Palestine, and later enlisted all the armed Jewish movements, after calling on all the Jewish residents of all the countries in the world to immigrate to Palestine and establish a state [there]..."[3]

(full article online)

Italy's president gives one of Italy's highest honors to an antisemite ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Funny Story: The old bigot Henry Ford once stated he has never driven or even ridden in any car that wasn't made by Ford. And yet, his last ride was in a Packard hearse.
Established in 1914, the Ordine Della Stella D'italia is one of Italy’s highest honors presented to global dignitaries who contribute in strengthening and promoting relations between Italy and other countries.

The Order was presented in a special ceremony attended by HE Mr. Fabio Cassese, the Italian Ambassador to Jordan, representing the Italian President and a host of Ambassadors to Jordan.

The Italian Ambassador read the official citation stating that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh is "a close friend to Italy," and "a friend of all the international community."It turns out that the honoree is an antisemite.

From MEMRI, translating a 2012 Al Ghad interview with Abu-Ghazaleh:

Abu Ghazaleh cites numerous examples of persecution of Jews, including their expulsion from various countries between the 14th and 18th centuries, and examples of leaders and public figures who spoke out against them: "Henry Ford saw the Jews as an international problem, and wasted much money on media and other means to wage a campaign against them. He also presented his ideas in a book called The International Jew: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The World's Foremost Problem [sic]. American president Franklin Roosevelt saw the Jews as an American problem, and claimed that the day would come when the Americans would regret that there were Jews in their midst...

He concludes: "The Jews became known for manufacturing lies and carrying out crimes and terror. [They] created a negative model for establishing a state when the occupation authorities began bringing the 'Haganah' gang into Palestine, and later enlisted all the armed Jewish movements, after calling on all the Jewish residents of all the countries in the world to immigrate to Palestine and establish a state [there]..."[3]

(full article online)

Italy's president gives one of Italy's highest honors to an antisemite ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I've heard our cousins make great Italians... good luck to them all.
The National Assembly of France on Tuesday evening approved a historic resolution stating that anti-Zionism is like a new and modern form of anti-Semitic hatred of the Jewish people.

The approval came after a number of rejections and a heated public debate surrounding the proposal.

French MP Meyer Habib presented the position of his party, the Union of Democrats and Independents, during the arguments for and against the law.

In a poignant speech, Habib reiterated the connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel over the years and explained why the approval of the proposal is important, not just to the person who is Jewish.

"French policy in the fight against anti-Semitism is a failure. There are outbreaks of anti-Semitic attacks. Twelve French people have been murdered for being Jews since 2003. Half of France's racist acts have been committed against Jews, even though they account for less than one percent of the population. Faced with this urgent [problem], there have been a lot of speeches, but few acts," Habib stated.

In his address, he addressed the fact that despite President Macron's statement in support of the law last February, no concrete steps were taken to promote it. "There is compassion, yes, but mainly lack of political courage. Evidence of this, the delay and inconvenience surrounding this law, which had to be passed unanimously, as in Germany or the United Kingdom."

(full article online)

Historic decision in France
"Amen and Inshallah" - Brave Israelis On A Trip To Saudi Arabia

The relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia is mainly under the radar. There are no official ties between the two, but that did not stop two young Israelis from going on a trip to the Arab kingdom in the Gulf, with a foreign passport of course. In the documentation they sent from there, Riyadh turns out to be a welcoming city for tourists, including those from Israel. And - you wouldn't believe where they were staying for a kosher meal.

"We are driving through Riyadh, in Saudia with Israeli music..."

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Swastikas sprayed on more than 100 graves in Jewish cemetery in France

French police have launched an investigation after Nazi swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti were spray-painted on 107 graves in a Jewish cemetery near Strasbourg.

French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner, who visited the cemetery in Westhoffen, eastern France, on Wednesday morning, described the incident as a "heinous act of anti-Semitism."
"I want to say to those who think they can come here in the middle of the night and tarnish the memory of those who are buried here. Tarnish the memory of our French republic ... I want to tell them that we will not leave them alone and our means will be mobilized to follow up and act on this," he added.

The Alsace region has suffered a series of anti-Semitic incidents over the past year. Ninety-six graves at a Jewish cemetery were desecrated with swastikas in the French village of Quatzenheim in February.

France, which is home to 500,000 Jews -- the largest community in Europe -- has seen a 74% increase in anti-Semitic acts, according to French authorities, with 311 incidents recorded in 2017, compared with 541 in 2018.

Full article (for proper context - watch the video in this link)
The more interesting statistic is that "54% of those respondents who held one or more anti-Zionist antisemitic views also held one or more Judeophobic antisemitic views, and 63% of those respondents who held one or more Judeophobic antisemitic views also held one or more anti-Zionist antisemitic views. "

The 63% doesn't surprise me - most antisemites are also anti-Israel, despite the attempts by some on the Left to say the opposite. But the 54% of those who claim they are simply "anti-Israel" who also hold traditional antisemitic opinions should (but won't) be a clear indication that the problem on the Left is not simply "anti-Zionism" but also the old fashioned Nazi-style Jew-hatred.

As the report says, "Although some people insist that attitudes toward the Jewish state have no connection to attitudes to Jews, our survey results suggest that if an individual holds at least one antiZionist antisemitic view, it is more likely than not that he or she will hold at least one Judeophobic antisemitic view as well."

(full article online)

Over half of British anti-Zionists also agree with anti-Jewish stereotypes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

We have been told countless times how Muslims have to go through a gauntlet of oppressive checkpoints in Hebron. Entire NGOs are dedicated to documenting every incident and to harass Israeli soldiers.

Yet somehow, for the second Friday in a row, thousands of Muslims have gone to the Tomb of the Patriarchs, the second holiest place in Judaism, to attend dawn prayers.

Hebron activists called on Muslims to come to the site in response to the tens of thousands of Jews who visited Hebron two weekends ago for Parashat Chayei Sarah.

There are no news stories about how Arabs couldn't make it. On the contrary, children were encouraged to rise and pray there, with no worries about Israeli security forces attacking or hurting them.

(full article online)

Somehow, thousands of Muslims manage to make it past those "oppressive checkpoints" in Hebron to pray at Tomb of the Patriarchs ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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