All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Antisemitism has been called the world’s oldest hatred. Its roots are 2500 years old and go back to Greek Alexandria. An important reason for the longevity of antisemitism, is its ability to mutate and adapt throughout time. Jew-hatred has always attacked the central component of collective Jewish identity. In the middle ages, Jew-haters attacked Jews for their Jewish religion. In the 19th and 20thcenturies, Jews were attacked for their ethnicity and “race”. In the late 19th century, the German journalist Wilhelm Marr coined the expression “antisemitism” to make Jew-hatred sound more “academic” and “legitimate”. However, the Holocaust made the term antisemitism politically incorrect. In a post-Holocaust era, Jew-haters instead call themselves anti-Zionists. Instead of attacking Jews as individuals, anti-Zionists attack the world’s collective Jew – Israel. The idea that opposition to Israel’s existence is not antisemitic is beyond absurd. Imagine, “human rights” activists who deny that they hate Arabs or Black people while simultaneously demanding the destruction of all Arab and African Black countries.


Yes, Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism
The woman – a white woman I might add – looked at me and smiled. "Are you Arab?" she asked. "No," I replied. "I am Israeli."

At that point, her smile disappeared. She began an impassioned speech against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but I promptly cut her off, saying, "I don’t want to talk about politics."

A few minutes later she attempted to restart the conversation. "I don't want to talk about politics or my country," I said to her in a polite but firm tone.

Then it began. "You are a stinking Jew, f**cking stinking Jew," she shouted at me on the packed bus. "All the f**cking Jews stink."

When the bus pulled up at the next stop, her two friends dragged her off as they were apologizing to me.

Some people came over to see if I was okay, including a Muslim woman wearing a hijab, who told me: "I am sorry for the things she said."

This all happened in Hackney, a trendy neighborhood in London, but it happens every day and everywhere.

(full article online)

Smiles for an Arab, hatred for an Israeli
These aren't anomalies. The entire Palestinian culture promotes dying for the honor of killing Jews directly to children.

And it is not only Fatah. UNRWA schools, funded largely by Europe, teach the exact same message to their students.

The same EU-funded PA just last month closed schools in order to increase the number of students participating in a "day of rage." Not a day of tolerance and human right - just rage against Jews and Israel.

Beyond that we have para-military summer camps by Hamas and Islamic Jihad that teach children how to use weapons. There is literally a formal program to recruit children to jihad.

It is astounding that the EU cannot say a word about this, and instead uses Human Rights Day as an excuse not to help Palestinian youth but to bash Israel - the target of the directed hate - in the name of human rights.

(full article online)

EU ignores - and promotes! -Palestinian child abuse for Human Rights Day ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
A Shiite protestor from Baalbek-Hermel recently asked to be interviewed by a reporter from Dubai’s Al-Arabiya TV.

The young man desperately wanted to expose the corruption and lies of Hezbollah, of which he is a member.

According to this protester, Lebanese people are starving because Hezbollah wastes all of the nation’s money on arms to fight Israel.

(full article online)

WATCH: Starving Lebanese Man Tears Up Hezbollah ID in Protest
I don’t know, but somehow it seems inexcusable to hold Arabs-Moslems responsible for the the disastrous pratfalls they create.

Deposed Fatah strongman slams ‘fascist, corrupt’ PA

Deposed Fatah strongman slams ‘fascist, corrupt’ PA
Mohammad Dahlan says Palestinians should not blame Israel alone for their ‘disasters,’ criticizes Qatar for ‘politically motivated’ Gaza aid.

Mohammad Dahlan, the ousted Gaza leader of the Palestinian Fatah movement, on Monday launched a scathing broadside on the Palestinian Authority leadership, saying it has become an “additional burden” on the people.

Palestinians should not blame Israel alone for all their disasters “because this exonerates us from responsibility,” Dahlan said.

I don’t know, but somehow it seems inexcusable to hold Arabs-Moslems responsible for the the disastrous pratfalls they create.

Deposed Fatah strongman slams ‘fascist, corrupt’ PA

Deposed Fatah strongman slams ‘fascist, corrupt’ PA
Mohammad Dahlan says Palestinians should not blame Israel alone for their ‘disasters,’ criticizes Qatar for ‘politically motivated’ Gaza aid.

Mohammad Dahlan, the ousted Gaza leader of the Palestinian Fatah movement, on Monday launched a scathing broadside on the Palestinian Authority leadership, saying it has become an “additional burden” on the people.

Palestinians should not blame Israel alone for all their disasters “because this exonerates us from responsibility,” Dahlan said.

Mohammad Dahlan Was the Fatah coup leader against the PA in 2007. It is hard to figure him out.
But Adalah, as well as any so-called "pro-Palestinian" organization you can name, cannot even imagine advocating for Palestinian rights - which no one is against - and attacking the Jewish state. The two are one and the same.

Well-meaning people are saying that the IHRA definition of antisemitism may be used to chill free speech. There is no proof for this. There is also no proof that existing Title VI legislation, which could be used to attack free speech that could be descried as racist or xenophobic, is problematic. But for some reason the Adalah-style argument - that antisemitic speech must be protected on campus while anti-racist and anti-immigrant speech cannot be - has resonated with the liberal media and organizations.

(full article online)

Yet more proof that "pro-Palestinian" is a codeword for "inciting against Israel" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But Adalah, as well as any so-called "pro-Palestinian" organization you can name, cannot even imagine advocating for Palestinian rights - which no one is against - and attacking the Jewish state. The two are one and the same.

Well-meaning people are saying that the IHRA definition of antisemitism may be used to chill free speech. There is no proof for this. There is also no proof that existing Title VI legislation, which could be used to attack free speech that could be descried as racist or xenophobic, is problematic. But for some reason the Adalah-style argument - that antisemitic speech must be protected on campus while anti-racist and anti-immigrant speech cannot be - has resonated with the liberal media and organizations.

(full article online)

Yet more proof that "pro-Palestinian" is a codeword for "inciting against Israel" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But for some reason the Adalah-style argument - that antisemitic speech must be protected on campus
But Adalah, as well as any so-called "pro-Palestinian" organization you can name, cannot even imagine advocating for Palestinian rights - which no one is against - and attacking the Jewish state. The two are one and the same.

Well-meaning people are saying that the IHRA definition of antisemitism may be used to chill free speech. There is no proof for this. There is also no proof that existing Title VI legislation, which could be used to attack free speech that could be descried as racist or xenophobic, is problematic. But for some reason the Adalah-style argument - that antisemitic speech must be protected on campus while anti-racist and anti-immigrant speech cannot be - has resonated with the liberal media and organizations.

(full article online)

Yet more proof that "pro-Palestinian" is a codeword for "inciting against Israel" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But for some reason the Adalah-style argument - that antisemitic speech must be protected on campus

Anyone against Israel should first consider what Israel has contributed for world humanity Vs what the Palestinians have contributed. Perhaps Tinmore will educate us to Palestinian contributions for a better world.
This has appeared in a number of Arabic media sites.

Erem News says Kuwaiti security authorities began an investigation, some saying that the Israeli "may have entered the country with a foreign passport."

Israel in Arabic is doing an amazing job in normalizing the idea of Jews and Israelis in Arab countries. Not only does it have a large number of Arab followers, but every time it publishes a video like this is gains huge coverage in mainstream Arab media - and eventually the idea of Jews in Arab countries will not be considered such a big deal because of that very coverage.

(full article online)

Another Israeli in an Arab country causes Arab angst ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Antisemitism has been called the world’s oldest hatred. Its roots are 2500 years old and go back to Greek Alexandria. An important reason for the longevity of antisemitism, is its ability to mutate and adapt throughout time. Jew-hatred has always attacked the central component of collective Jewish identity. In the middle ages, Jew-haters attacked Jews for their Jewish religion. In the 19th and 20thcenturies, Jews were attacked for their ethnicity and “race”. In the late 19th century, the German journalist Wilhelm Marr coined the expression “antisemitism” to make Jew-hatred sound more “academic” and “legitimate”. However, the Holocaust made the term antisemitism politically incorrect. In a post-Holocaust era, Jew-haters instead call themselves anti-Zionists. Instead of attacking Jews as individuals, anti-Zionists attack the world’s collective Jew – Israel. The idea that opposition to Israel’s existence is not antisemitic is beyond absurd. Imagine, “human rights” activists who deny that they hate Arabs or Black people while simultaneously demanding the destruction of all Arab and African Black countries.

View attachment 293938

Yes, Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism
Completely fake MLK quote, ya gullible turd.
Antisemitism has been called the world’s oldest hatred. Its roots are 2500 years old and go back to Greek Alexandria. An important reason for the longevity of antisemitism, is its ability to mutate and adapt throughout time. Jew-hatred has always attacked the central component of collective Jewish identity. In the middle ages, Jew-haters attacked Jews for their Jewish religion. In the 19th and 20thcenturies, Jews were attacked for their ethnicity and “race”. In the late 19th century, the German journalist Wilhelm Marr coined the expression “antisemitism” to make Jew-hatred sound more “academic” and “legitimate”. However, the Holocaust made the term antisemitism politically incorrect. In a post-Holocaust era, Jew-haters instead call themselves anti-Zionists. Instead of attacking Jews as individuals, anti-Zionists attack the world’s collective Jew – Israel. The idea that opposition to Israel’s existence is not antisemitic is beyond absurd. Imagine, “human rights” activists who deny that they hate Arabs or Black people while simultaneously demanding the destruction of all Arab and African Black countries.

View attachment 293938

Yes, Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism
Completely fake MLK quote, ya gullible turd.
Now, why did you not post the Real MLK quote for us to read, since you do know so much more.
Now, why did you not post the Real MLK quote for us to read, since you do know so much more.
That doesn't make any sense. The "real" quote would be anything he ACTUALLY said, as opposed to something he did not say. You really need to spend a little more time thinking things through before you post.
Now, why did you not post the Real MLK quote for us to read, since you do know so much more.
That doesn't make any sense. The "real" quote would be anything he ACTUALLY said, as opposed to something he did not say. You really need to spend a little more time thinking things through before you post.
Thank you for the lesson.

In other words, you cannot find anything that MLK wrote or said against Jews or Israel in a negative way.

Thank you for clearing that up.
In other words, you cannot find anything that MLK wrote or said against Jews or Israel in a negative way.
Huh? I never said or implied i could or couldn't. You're incoherent.

Feel free to express the sentiment in the fake quote. Just don't be gullible enough to believe you are quoting MLK.
It turns out that Naftali is Youssef Al-Mebhanna from Kuwait. He grew up a Muslim but when he was twenty, after speaking with a friend from Qatar who asked him for proof Israelis are murderers, he realized that he was being told lies all his life. He became interested in Judaism and Zionism, and even though he never had a formal conversion he puts on a talit and tefillin every day, and he learned Hebrew from watching Israeli comedies.

Here is his interview and story, in Hebrew:

Last week he tweeted, in English:

Last week in Kuwait I was about to get arrested by the authorities for my support to the Jewish right in the land of Israel. I quickly booked a flight to London where I am right now. Baruch HaShem I am in London right now and I'm safe and sound. I will keep you guys updated.

Naftali is now in England where he hopes to convert to Judaism and then make aliyah to Israel.

(full article online)

It turns out that Naftali is Youssef Al-Mebhanna from Kuwait. He grew up a Muslim but when he was twenty, after speaking with a friend from Qatar who asked him for proof Israelis are murderers, he realized that he was being told lies all his life. He became interested in Judaism and Zionism, and even though he never had a formal conversion he puts on a talit and tefillin every day, and he learned Hebrew from watching Israeli comedies.

Here is his interview and story, in Hebrew:

Last week he tweeted, in English:


Last week in Kuwait I was about to get arrested by the authorities for my support to the Jewish right in the land of Israel. I quickly booked a flight to London where I am right now. Baruch HaShem I am in London right now and I'm safe and sound. I will keep you guys updated.


9:35 AM - Dec 5, 2019
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See Naftali's other Tweets

Naftali is now in England where he hopes to convert to Judaism and then make aliyah to Israel.
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