All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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ewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a non-Jewish organization that undermines the fight against, and enables, antisemitism by legitimizing and mainstreaming the anti-Israel movement’s assault on Jewish identity.

JVP presents itself as a social justice organization committed to non-violence and peace. But as we’ve documented in dozens of posts, its tactics and affiliations tell a different story.

Jewish Voice for Peace Passover Haggadah: "Next Year in al-Quds!"
Silverstein constantly libels anyone who opposes terrorism as “Islamophobic.” Yet he is the one who is bigoted against Muslims. He acts as if they have no choice but to engage in terrorism because of their so-called “grievances” – in other words, denyng them agency for their actions. And now we see him denying the wonderful Rasha Athamni the ability to think for herself and stand up for Israel.

Richard Silverstein Smears Israeli-Arab As “House Arab”
“On my last trip to Israel, I found that unlike apartheid South Africa, there is no deliberate effort by the government to segregate a specific group in Israel,” he wrote. “In day-to-day discussions with ordinary Israeli citizens, I learned from Arabs and Jews, and I sensed their burning desire to live together as harmonious neighbors. In apartheid South Africa, Afrikaners disdained black South Africans, and these sentiments are still in evidence today.”

Nkosi ended his article with a plea to fellow South Africans not to “steal” the term apartheid by inaccurately applying it to the Middle East.

Young ANC leader defies Israel-apartheid comparisons, sees his political future doomed

Nkululeko Nkosi, besides not being alive during Apartheid, he was on an INVESTEC trip to Israel paid for by the Israelis, the goal of the trip was for young South African entrepreneurs to find financing in Israel. :biggrin:

Now from someone who actually lived during Apartheid.

"I am aware that the Assembly will consider eight overtures on the confounding and intractable conflict in Israel and Palestine, however I am especially urging the Assembly to adopt the overture naming Israel as an apartheid state through its domestic policies and maintenance of the occupation, and the overture calling for divestment of certain companies that contribute to the occupation of the Palestinian people."

Bishop Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu: U.S. Christians must recognize Israel as apartheid state
Blood libel is a term with a specific and terrible history. It refers to the scurrilous accusation that Jews kidnapped and murdered Christian children to use their blood to prepare Passover matzoh. Charges of blood libel have spurred massacres of Jews throughout the centuries; the myth was revived by Hitler, and persists today in places like Russia, the Muslim world. It even exists in the United States (in a different form) preached by people like Former President Obama, Ayman Mohyeldin and others in the mainstream media. College campuses in America, especially the most liberal tend to be hotbeds of blood libel (they don’t provide the Jewish Students with safe spaces).

The Anti-Semitic Blood Libel: It’s Not Just For Passover AnymoreThe Jewish Press | Jeff Dunetz | 16 Nisan 5777 – April 12, 2017 |
Fahmy goes on to point out that
  • The Al Thani clan, who own the family business called Qatar (that's our description, not his) are known for generously donating $100 million to the victims of Hurricane Katrina one day, and then giving $31 million to pay Hamas terrorist salaries the next. They also provide safe haven - have done for years - for the senior leadership team of the Hamas terror group. Note how a tremendous proportion of the senior public officials in Qatar share the same surname: Al Thani.
This Ongoing War: A Blog: 12-Apr-17: Qatar is "behind state sponsorship of terrorism" but so what?
“Greater Israel” or “Greater Khazaria”?

Divide and conquer is an age-old strategy for empire-builders. Drive your opponents to fight among themselves, then pillage and subjugate them. Josef Stalin successfully employed this method in World War II, with the fawning complicity of Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. Now the Zionists—and their American lackeys—are doing the same to establish Israeli hegemony throughout the Middle East and North Africa. And it was long planned. But is the intention merely for “Greater Israel”—“from the Nile to the Euphrates,” as Theodor Herzl proclaimed—or is this the first step toward a world empire we should call “Greater Khazaria”?

In 1982, the World Zionist Organization’s Department of Information, their propaganda arm, published “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties,” by Oded Yinon. This “Yinon Plan” has been followed for decades by Israel in order to establish “Greater Israel.”

Recently, the German-language website “National Journal” illustrated the surprising, key role the Islamic State (IS), also known as ISIS, plays in the success of this Zionist quest for regional domination—although ostensibly Israel’s enemy.
The Yinon Plan stated that Iraq was then the greatest obstacle to an Israeli Middle Eastern empire and control of the area’s wealth of natural resources. The first stage was to weaken both Iran—an Israeli ally under the shah—and Iraq through war against each other. After this, the American invasion in 2003 was to lead to the division of Iraq into three smaller, ethno-religious states operated by Sunni and Shiite Muslims in the middle and south, and a new Kurdistan in the north.

ISIS is the means by which Israel and the United States—which established, trained and supplied the terrorist organization—have nearly succeeded in the tripartition.

It is no accident that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the Kurds “deserve” their own country for being “brave fighters” against ISIS. Ironically, he denies the same courtesy to the brave Palestinians resisting Israeli occupation.

But do not expect Israel to help destroy ISIS.
“Greater Israel” or “Greater Khazaria”?
So if you accept that this report proves Israel is an "apartheid state" you must agree that so are many, many other states that also fall under that definition.

UN ESCWA members define themselves as apartheid states, by their own definition ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

what is it you think should be discussed about that? israel isn't an apartheid state and the people who pretend it is should look to the muslim countries that excuse jews

Sorry, but your last words are not clear to me.
What are you trying to say?
He joins others who find ways to rewrite history in order to equate the Jewish people with Nazis, with White Supremacists, with the perpetrators of South African apartheid, with hate mongers. It isn't difficult in a world where Jew hatred, unlike hatred toward people of colour, gays, and lesbians, is acceptable.

A group of left-wing intellectuals from the United Kingdom researched the behaviour of those who champion practices that go against their best interests and published a document called the Euston Manifesto.

"The left became so consumed by anti-Israeli and anti-Western sentiments that they started to support tyrannical regimes that suppress human rights and democracy while being sympathetic to terrorism and accepting of racism and bigotry."

It was Edward Said who warned against building a thesis on a false assumption by "generalizing the attributes they associated" with a people, "creating a certain image" that "infused a bias" through "scientific reports, literary work, and other media sources."

Modern day anti-Semites start with an assumption that Jews are genocidal maniacs who want to rule the world and then re-invent history to fit their malicious propaganda. Desmond Tutu is one of them.

Is it Time to Dethrone Desmond Tutu?
Education about Jews, Judaism and Israel needed around the world:
Rita Haikin, a Jewish graduate student living in Krefeld, Germany, “rents” herself out. When she gets the call, she heads to a local school with another Jewish partner and some ritual objects to meet with pupils and introduce them to Jews and Judaism.

To dispel an age-old anti-Semitic myth, Haikin also likes to bring a shofar, a ram’s horn blown on the High Holidays.

“A few years ago, a German person actually asked me about my horns,” she said.

To counter ignorance, educational initiative asks Germans to ‘Rent a Jew’
Education about Jews, Judaism and Israel needed around the world:
Rita Haikin, a Jewish graduate student living in Krefeld, Germany, “rents” herself out. When she gets the call, she heads to a local school with another Jewish partner and some ritual objects to meet with pupils and introduce them to Jews and Judaism.

To dispel an age-old anti-Semitic myth, Haikin also likes to bring a shofar, a ram’s horn blown on the High Holidays.

“A few years ago, a German person actually asked me about my horns,” she said.

To counter ignorance, educational initiative asks Germans to ‘Rent a Jew’
My, Rita is a busy Gal,
Last year Rita Haikin, who is in charge of combating the white-slave trade at Isha L'Isha, sent the police similar ads.
Haikin herself called one of the numbers and presented herself as a new immigrant with financial problems. She said the woman who answered told her she would have two or three clients a day and they would ensure her good health.
read more: Israeli women lured into sex trade abroad
Education about Jews, Judaism and Israel needed around the world:
Rita Haikin, a Jewish graduate student living in Krefeld, Germany, “rents” herself out. When she gets the call, she heads to a local school with another Jewish partner and some ritual objects to meet with pupils and introduce them to Jews and Judaism.

To dispel an age-old anti-Semitic myth, Haikin also likes to bring a shofar, a ram’s horn blown on the High Holidays.

“A few years ago, a German person actually asked me about my horns,” she said.

To counter ignorance, educational initiative asks Germans to ‘Rent a Jew’
My, Rita is a busy Gal,
Last year Rita Haikin, who is in charge of combating the white-slave trade at Isha L'Isha, sent the police similar ads.
Haikin herself called one of the numbers and presented herself as a new immigrant with financial problems. She said the woman who answered told her she would have two or three clients a day and they would ensure her good health.
read more: Israeli women lured into sex trade abroad

My, you are truly implying that Rita wanted to be part of white slavery by "selling herself" instead of doing what she was actually doing. COMBATING white-slave trade.

Your Jew hating "fangs" are showing :)
He joins others who find ways to rewrite history in order to equate the Jewish people with Nazis, with White Supremacists, with the perpetrators of South African apartheid, with hate mongers. It isn't difficult in a world where Jew hatred, unlike hatred toward people of colour, gays, and lesbians, is acceptable.

A group of left-wing intellectuals from the United Kingdom researched the behaviour of those who champion practices that go against their best interests and published a document called the Euston Manifesto.

"The left became so consumed by anti-Israeli and anti-Western sentiments that they started to support tyrannical regimes that suppress human rights and democracy while being sympathetic to terrorism and accepting of racism and bigotry."

It was Edward Said who warned against building a thesis on a false assumption by "generalizing the attributes they associated" with a people, "creating a certain image" that "infused a bias" through "scientific reports, literary work, and other media sources."

Modern day anti-Semites start with an assumption that Jews are genocidal maniacs who want to rule the world and then re-invent history to fit their malicious propaganda. Desmond Tutu is one of them.

Is it Time to Dethrone Desmond Tutu?

A far simpler explanation is that Desmond Tutu, an Anglican Bishop who lived under Apartheid, when visiting Israel recognized that there was Apartheid in Israel. This Jew revisionism of almost any fact is hilarious.
He joins others who find ways to rewrite history in order to equate the Jewish people with Nazis, with White Supremacists, with the perpetrators of South African apartheid, with hate mongers. It isn't difficult in a world where Jew hatred, unlike hatred toward people of colour, gays, and lesbians, is acceptable.

A group of left-wing intellectuals from the United Kingdom researched the behaviour of those who champion practices that go against their best interests and published a document called the Euston Manifesto.

"The left became so consumed by anti-Israeli and anti-Western sentiments that they started to support tyrannical regimes that suppress human rights and democracy while being sympathetic to terrorism and accepting of racism and bigotry."

It was Edward Said who warned against building a thesis on a false assumption by "generalizing the attributes they associated" with a people, "creating a certain image" that "infused a bias" through "scientific reports, literary work, and other media sources."

Modern day anti-Semites start with an assumption that Jews are genocidal maniacs who want to rule the world and then re-invent history to fit their malicious propaganda. Desmond Tutu is one of them.

Is it Time to Dethrone Desmond Tutu?

A far simpler explanation is that Desmond Tutu, an Anglican Bishop who lived under Apartheid, when visiting Israel recognized that there was Apartheid in Israel. This Jew revisionism of almost any fact is hilarious.

You are simple minded, therefore any fact goes over your head.
Hang around those who are not Jew haters as you are, and lets see what happens.
Activists rebrand Brand Israel conference as ‘Brand Apartheid’
Students disrupted a Brand Israel conference at New York University, holding a silent protest while former Israeli ambassador Ido Aharoni closed the daylong forum last Friday with a summary of branding techniques applicable to the Jewish state.

With signs reading “Israel’s Brand: Stolen Land” and “Brand Apartheid,” the five NYU undergraduate students shuffled into the conference room and sat close to the front of the room, waiting for keynote speaker Aharoni to begin his closeout of NYU’s Places As Brands Conference before unfurling their signs.

The room was dismayed by the protest but the students remained steadfast, keeping their signs held high throughout Aharoni’s talk, despite attempts by a conference organizer to remove them.

“The whole purpose of [Brand Israel] is to gloss over any crimes and indelicacies in Israel’s image across the world,”

Rather than choosing to improve Israel’s global standing by ending its violations of Palestinian rights, Brand Israel aims to “to improve the country’s image abroad — by downplaying religion and avoiding any discussion of the conflict with the Palestinians” and representing the country “as relevant and modern rather than only as a place of fighting and religion.”

Aharoni explained Brand Israel in 2005, saying, “What the Americans are telling us loud and clear is that they don’t want to hear more about the conflict.” Outlining the Brand Israel strategy after one of Israel’s military assaults on Gaza, Arye Mekel, one of Aharoni’s colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the New York Times, “We will send well-known novelists and writers overseas, theater companies, exhibits …This way you show Israel’s prettier face, so we are not thought of purely in the context of war.”

- See more at: Activists rebrand Brand Israel conference as ‘Brand Apartheid’
He joins others who find ways to rewrite history in order to equate the Jewish people with Nazis, with White Supremacists, with the perpetrators of South African apartheid, with hate mongers. It isn't difficult in a world where Jew hatred, unlike hatred toward people of colour, gays, and lesbians, is acceptable.

A group of left-wing intellectuals from the United Kingdom researched the behaviour of those who champion practices that go against their best interests and published a document called the Euston Manifesto.

"The left became so consumed by anti-Israeli and anti-Western sentiments that they started to support tyrannical regimes that suppress human rights and democracy while being sympathetic to terrorism and accepting of racism and bigotry."

It was Edward Said who warned against building a thesis on a false assumption by "generalizing the attributes they associated" with a people, "creating a certain image" that "infused a bias" through "scientific reports, literary work, and other media sources."

Modern day anti-Semites start with an assumption that Jews are genocidal maniacs who want to rule the world and then re-invent history to fit their malicious propaganda. Desmond Tutu is one of them.

Is it Time to Dethrone Desmond Tutu?

A far simpler explanation is that Desmond Tutu, an Anglican Bishop who lived under Apartheid, when visiting Israel recognized that there was Apartheid in Israel. This Jew revisionism of almost any fact is hilarious.

You are simple minded, therefore any fact goes over your head.
Hang around those who are not Jew haters as you are, and lets see what happens.

Accepting fact has nothing to do with hating Jews. Jews that are not irrationally partisan or conditioned (brainwashed) morons know that Jews rule over an Apartheid state. As most of the world does.
Activists rebrand Brand Israel conference as ‘Brand Apartheid’
Students disrupted a Brand Israel conference at New York University, holding a silent protest while former Israeli ambassador Ido Aharoni closed the daylong forum last Friday with a summary of branding techniques applicable to the Jewish state.

With signs reading “Israel’s Brand: Stolen Land” and “Brand Apartheid,” the five NYU undergraduate students shuffled into the conference room and sat close to the front of the room, waiting for keynote speaker Aharoni to begin his closeout of NYU’s Places As Brands Conference before unfurling their signs.

The room was dismayed by the protest but the students remained steadfast, keeping their signs held high throughout Aharoni’s talk, despite attempts by a conference organizer to remove them.

“The whole purpose of [Brand Israel] is to gloss over any crimes and indelicacies in Israel’s image across the world,”

Rather than choosing to improve Israel’s global standing by ending its violations of Palestinian rights, Brand Israel aims to “to improve the country’s image abroad — by downplaying religion and avoiding any discussion of the conflict with the Palestinians” and representing the country “as relevant and modern rather than only as a place of fighting and religion.”

Aharoni explained Brand Israel in 2005, saying, “What the Americans are telling us loud and clear is that they don’t want to hear more about the conflict.” Outlining the Brand Israel strategy after one of Israel’s military assaults on Gaza, Arye Mekel, one of Aharoni’s colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the New York Times, “We will send well-known novelists and writers overseas, theater companies, exhibits …This way you show Israel’s prettier face, so we are not thought of purely in the context of war.”

- See more at: Activists rebrand Brand Israel conference as ‘Brand Apartheid’
Brand Israel is a major deflection campaign.
Aharoni outlined ten methods to achieve nation branding success.

“Your image, your performance as a brand, is part and parcel with your national security,” he told the audience.

While developing the strategy with Israel’s Foreign Ministry, Aharoni said, he reached out to the “other side” in an attempt to build their brands together, but to no avail.

“Why would an oppressed Palestinian care about all the tech companies you have when they don’t have the basic access to electricity, water and their legal rights? When their house could be demolished tomorrow?” Dweek asked sardonically, after the group left the conference. “It’s so preposterous.”

Aharoni elaborated further, noting that Israel’s re-branding success was fundamentally based on accepting the realities of the conflict—of the occupation—and softening those realities by changing narrative.

“If you think that the task today is winning a debate about who’s right and who’s wrong about the situation in the Middle East,” Aharoni cautioned, “rethink. It’s not about who’s right and who’s wrong.”

Itay Barylka of NYU’s Jewish Voice for Peace chapter said that the conference made it clear Brand Israel has no intention of allaying human rights concerns related to its ongoing occupation of Palestine.

“It was pretty transparent that they can acknowledge the situation there is inexcusable and say actually we’re not even going to try to excuse it, we’re actually going to be totally transparent about the fact that there’s apartheid in occupied Palestine, and we’re actually just going to totally build in parallel to that,” Barylka told Mondoweiss after the conference.

“[They built] this commodified national image that can integrate human rights violations and normalize them and make them part of the status quo. I think they were really transparent about that being the point.”

- See more at: Activists rebrand Brand Israel conference as ‘Brand Apartheid’
He joins others who find ways to rewrite history in order to equate the Jewish people with Nazis, with White Supremacists, with the perpetrators of South African apartheid, with hate mongers. It isn't difficult in a world where Jew hatred, unlike hatred toward people of colour, gays, and lesbians, is acceptable.

A group of left-wing intellectuals from the United Kingdom researched the behaviour of those who champion practices that go against their best interests and published a document called the Euston Manifesto.

"The left became so consumed by anti-Israeli and anti-Western sentiments that they started to support tyrannical regimes that suppress human rights and democracy while being sympathetic to terrorism and accepting of racism and bigotry."

It was Edward Said who warned against building a thesis on a false assumption by "generalizing the attributes they associated" with a people, "creating a certain image" that "infused a bias" through "scientific reports, literary work, and other media sources."

Modern day anti-Semites start with an assumption that Jews are genocidal maniacs who want to rule the world and then re-invent history to fit their malicious propaganda. Desmond Tutu is one of them.

Is it Time to Dethrone Desmond Tutu?

A far simpler explanation is that Desmond Tutu, an Anglican Bishop who lived under Apartheid, when visiting Israel recognized that there was Apartheid in Israel. This Jew revisionism of almost any fact is hilarious.

It's actually comical how you drag out Tutu as a means to spam threads with you "apartheid" slogans.

Unfortunately, using Tutu as a flail is painfully inept.

Bishop Tutu Is No Saint When it Comes To Jews

Bishop Tutu Is No Saint When it Comes To Jews

Among the world's most respected figures is South Africa's Bishop Desmond. His recognizable face—with its ever present grin—has become a symbol of reconciliation and goodness. But it masks a long history of ugly hatred toward the Jewish people, the Jewish religion and the Jewish state. Bishop Desmond Tutu is no mere anti-Zionist (though Martin Luther King long ago recognized that anti- Zionism often serves as a cover for deeper anti-Jewish bigotry). He has minimized the suffering of those killed in the Holocaust. He has attacked the "Jewish"--not Israeli--"lobby" as too "powerful" and "scar[y]." He has invoked classic anti-Semitic stereotypes and tropes about Jewish "arrogance", "power" and money. He has characterized Jews a "peculiar people," and has accused "the Jews" of causing many of the world's problems. He once even accused the Jewish state of acting in an "unChristian" way.
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