All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate committee has announced that the “top priority” of Palestinian journalists is “loyalty to all the Martyrs” – in other words, to the numerous terrorists who have been killed while attacking Israel:


Palestinian journalist Muhammad Al-Baz:Today we [the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate committee] are sending a message that the top priority of the Palestinian journalist is loyalty to all the Martyrs, loyalty to our people’s just cause.”

[Official PA TV News, May 23, 2023]​
This declaration of loyalty to terror at a conference - instead of basic journalistic values such as objectivity – echoes a statement to Palestinian journalists by PA Chairman Abbas’ representative and General Supervisor of official PA Media Ahmad Assaf, as exposed by Palestinian Media Watch. Assaf presented Abbas’ view to Palestinian journalists:

“In the eyes of His Honor the president, you are the homeland’s soldiers defending the Palestinian national narrative against the Zionist narrative.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 30, 2023]
Similarly, a statement by a host on official PA TV confirmed that PA journalists are political pawns who are taught loyalty to the PA narrativerather than to “professional duty”:

Alaa Sharbati, son of terrorist prisoner Ayman Sharbati: “Good morning, thank you very much for having me.”
Host: “No, this is our duty.”
Alaa Sharbati: “You are the homeland’s TV channel of which we are proud.” …
Host: Our national duty comes before [our] professional [duty].”

[Official PA TV, Good Morning Jerusalem, Jan. 6, 2023]​

Would you give up your family home, farm and orchards to European refugees?

Jews who went to lived in Europe, were persecuted for centuries and decided to return to their homeland. Many other Jews, in Muslim conquered lands were also mistreating the Jews since the 7th Century. It is the Jewish Homeland, as agreed to by the Muslims and Christians in their books, who now want to kill all the Jews so they cannot be sovereign of their own destiny.

If the Muslims/Christians had not started a war against the Jews in 1920 there would have been no Muslims/Christians leaving their homes because those Muslims/Christians wanted to see all Jews dead.

That is what happened. Stop telling your pathetic lies as many more Muslims and Christians choose to die in order to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

All of that while other Arab/Muslim countries have had enough of the Palestinian lie and endless pocketing of riches by Hamas and the PA.
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This is the Sheikh Ajleen wastewater treatment plant which serves approximately one third of all Gazans.

It treats 75,000 cubic meters per day and its solar array not only ensures that it will remain operative without relying on unreliable Gaza electricity but it also sends much of its generated electricity into the Gaza power grid to help everyone.

And it isn't the only one. The Gaza Central WWTP is currently treating 60,000 cubic meters of water a day with plans to expand to triple that number - and to provide 8500 MWh of electricity. The Bureij WWTP also currently treats 60,000 cubic meters of water a day and plans to double that number.

Remember how Gaza was supposed to be uninhabitable by 2020? People still talk as if it is. But there is drinkable water in Gaza thanks to these plants - which somehow got built despite the "Israeli siege" of Gaza.

I follow Gaza pretty closely, and do not recall any articles about these wastewater treatment plants except in passing. The reasons are obvious: if people know about them, then Gaza is not in "crisis" as everyone pretends, and the world's attention would go to real crises. There are a lot of people, both Palestinians and the entire NGO network, which do not want that to happen.

This video is instructive. It shows a young man who left Gaza and he explains why - no jobs, no future. But he says clearly in the beginning of the video that no one leaves Gaza because of a lack of food or water - there is plenty to go around.

This is the news that you are not reading in the New York Times or seeing on CNN.

Why do Gazans really leave Gaza?
A young man who left Gaza answers frankly.
English translation.
Many thanks to the wonderful @MoranT555 for her invaluable contribution to the translation.

This op-ed by Jalal Muhammad Hussein Nashwan at Amad emphasizes that Israel is the most evil entity in the history of mankind.

The title of evil and its center in this universe is the entity of Zionist terrorism, the home of racism, brutality, barbarism, aggression and slander.

Unfortunately, the whole world is silent with the silence of the graves as it continues the injustice, arbitrariness, oppression and coercion, holding the bodies of martyrs, killing young men at checkpoints, seizing lands by force, desecrating the mosque Blessed Al-Aqsa, the Judaization of the eternal capital, Jerusalem, and other terrorist criminal violations, and it does not move a finger, while the whole world came to the aid of Ukraine....

The stigma of shame on the foreheads of those who embrace the Zionists, the child killers who wreak havoc in Palestine, destroy, kill, plunder, and transgress, yet the United States of America, the sponsor of terrorism and racism, provides them with money, weapons, and comprehensive support, and protects them and bridles them. Palestine is destroyed, killed, plundered, and assaulted, yet the United States of America, the sponsor of terrorism and racism, provides [Israel] with money, weapons, and comprehensive support, and protects them and bridles those who condemn their crimes, and presents them as victims while they delve into the blood of innocent children, women, and elderly Palestinians who occupied their land, persecuted them, and displaced them in the parts of the earth, and they are still chasing them for a hundred years with a series of systematic physical, spiritual, material and moral extermination that are condoned and shared by countries that enabled them to occupy Palestine.

In the dirtiest plot known to humanity, they planted this usurping entity and planted it as a cancer in the heart of the Arab world, and they still support its aggression, criminality, and expansionist settlement project, and protect it and share in their oppression of the Palestinian people...

Our people will uproot this entity, sooner or later, and victory, God willing, belongs to our people, because the Zionist project carries in itself the seeds of its annihilation.
Reading these sorts of articles over the years, one gets the impression that they keep trying to top the absurdities of their predecessors, because otherwise no one would pay attention.

But when you look at the big picture, the only explanation for the intense hate of Israel is....Jews. There is no more irrational hate than antisemitism, and we see it every day with Israel.

[ Stop the hatred of Jews ]

On Saturday, in a well-planned attack, an Egyptian policeman crossed over the border to Israel and murdered three IDF soldiers before being killed himself.

While Arabic-language media is reporting widely on this incident, and Palestinian media and social media is jubilant over the attack, there is not a word about it in any major Egyptian media.

The only passing mention I could find is in the English-language Daily News Egypt, which reported without skepticism the statement of the Egyptian army spokesman, a statement that has nothing to do with reality.

The statement said, “A security forces member, in charge of securing the international border line, breached on Saturday morning the security barrier and opened fire while chasing drug smugglers on the borders, which led to the death of three members of the Israeli forces and the injury of two others. The Egyptian security personnel was also shot dead....Appropriate legal measures will be taken based on the findings. Our condolences go out to the families of the deceased. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured.”

That same spokesman later tweeted, "Lieutenant General / Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, made a phone call to the Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, to discuss the circumstances of today's accident, offer condolences to the victims of the accident on both sides, and joint coordination to take the necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such incidents. these incidents in the future."

Yes, the Egyptian army offered condolences on the Egyptian murderer, calling him a victim.

There is no condemnation of the incident. They are officially calling it an "accident" and making up a story about the murderer chasing drug smugglers into Israeli territory, a complete lie.

Arabic-language tweeters celebrated the attack in the responses to this tweet, as well as elsewhere all over social media. They have been spreading fake photos of what they say was the attacker and his gun. (The attacker's name has not been released.)

This is why you simply cannot trust Arabic media nor official statements from most Arab officials. Between official censorship and blatant disregard for the truth, they are all simply propaganda outlets.

Today, according to reports, UNRWA announced how many new pledges it received.

The answer is - close to zero.

Sama News reports:
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees UNRWA announced shocking data today, noting that it received $13 million in new pledges during the donors' conference held in New York last Friday.

UNRWA said in a statement today, "Most of the pledges referred to in the conference were merely confirmation of the amounts already received and spent in the first five months of 2023. As expected, donors are using the pledging conference to publicly confirm the support they have already provided to UNRWA this year."

Some of the announced donations, according to the UNRWA statement, were "a public confirmation of the amounts previously discussed and agreed upon with UNRWA. This money has not yet been received, but will be transferred to the agency in the coming months. We've already factored these funds into our financial projections for the rest of the year. This money has already been calculated, and the issue of receiving it will not change our financial situation, as some of the financing pledges referred to are for the year 2024 and beyond. "

UNRWA stressed, "In short, and unfortunately, only about 13 million US dollars have been announced...This funding will help reduce the expected deficit this year. Since we need about 70 million US dollars per month to cover our basic costs, this amount will not be enough to sustain the services after September.”

I could not find this announcement on the UNRWA platforms as of this writing, but it rings true. Donors have been getting tired of forever increasing demands by UNRWA - and since UNRWA has no mechanism to take people off of their rolls, it will keep increasing forever.

We've discussed before what must be done. Some 2 million "refugees" live in Jordan as Jordanian citizens. They should not be getting a dime. Jordan is a sovereign nation and provides education and health care to its citizens; nearly all of the UNRWA recipients there are full citizens, and there is no reason for the world to pay for their shelter, doctors and schooling.

Jordan instead keeps the Palestinian and non-Palestinian citizens in separate schools, separate medical facilities and to an extent separate living areas.

Sounds like apartheid, doesn't it? But this apartheid is funded by the entire world!

There is similarly little reason for UNRWA in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority has its own schools and fairly good medical facilities, Palestinian "refugees" should be allowed to use them like every Palestinian. UNRWA funds could be redirected to the PA for a couple of years to take care of the logistics of combining the two systems, but there is no reason for the world to fund Palestinian "refugees" who live within the borders of British Mandate Palestine - they are not refugees under any reasonable definition.

Of course, nearly all UNRWA aid recipients are not refugees. But before dismantling UNRWA altogether, lets solve its financial problems in a reasonable way without causing undue hardship on those who really are dependent on UNRWA services, in Lebanon, parts of Syria and Gaza.

No one is asking these questions, at least not out loud. But without asking these questions and making the decisions to treat Palestinians just like anyone else in need, using the same criteria and the same eligibility, then things would become far worse for the Palestinians that UNRWA is supposed to be supporting.

(full article online)

Today, according to reports, UNRWA announced how many new pledges it received.

The answer is - close to zero.

Sama News reports:

I could not find this announcement on the UNRWA platforms as of this writing, but it rings true. Donors have been getting tired of forever increasing demands by UNRWA - and since UNRWA has no mechanism to take people off of their rolls, it will keep increasing forever.

We've discussed before what must be done. Some 2 million "refugees" live in Jordan as Jordanian citizens. They should not be getting a dime. Jordan is a sovereign nation and provides education and health care to its citizens; nearly all of the UNRWA recipients there are full citizens, and there is no reason for the world to pay for their shelter, doctors and schooling.

Jordan instead keeps the Palestinian and non-Palestinian citizens in separate schools, separate medical facilities and to an extent separate living areas.

Sounds like apartheid, doesn't it? But this apartheid is funded by the entire world!

There is similarly little reason for UNRWA in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority has its own schools and fairly good medical facilities, Palestinian "refugees" should be allowed to use them like every Palestinian. UNRWA funds could be redirected to the PA for a couple of years to take care of the logistics of combining the two systems, but there is no reason for the world to fund Palestinian "refugees" who live within the borders of British Mandate Palestine - they are not refugees under any reasonable definition.

Of course, nearly all UNRWA aid recipients are not refugees. But before dismantling UNRWA altogether, lets solve its financial problems in a reasonable way without causing undue hardship on those who really are dependent on UNRWA services, in Lebanon, parts of Syria and Gaza.

No one is asking these questions, at least not out loud. But without asking these questions and making the decisions to treat Palestinians just like anyone else in need, using the same criteria and the same eligibility, then things would become far worse for the Palestinians that UNRWA is supposed to be supporting.

(full article online)

and since UNRWA has no mechanism to take people off of their rolls, it will keep increasing forever.
The UNRWA has no authority to find solutions for refugees. That is the job of the UNCCP that has been inactive since the 1950s. Revive the UNCCP to find solutions.
There is similarly little reason for UNRWA in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority has its own schools and fairly good medical facilities, Palestinian "refugees" should be allowed to use them like every Palestinian.
There is similarly little reason for UNRWA in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority has its own schools and fairly good medical facilities, Palestinian "refugees" should be allowed to use them like every Palestinian.
IDPs (internally displaced people) are considered refugees because they cannot live in their homes.
Born to lose.

To be indoctrinated into a Cult that sees early death in pursuit of gee-had.

Every day in Arabic media, the claim that antisemitism and anti-Zionism have nothing to do with each other is shown to be a lie, agaim and again.

Today's example comes from Watanserb, where Muhammad Al-Walidi writes:

The division of Palestine by the United Nations in 1947 was the largest operation of deception and forgery in history committed by this international organization and the Jewish masters and their usurers...

What was important to global Zionism was to propose a legal division of Palestine at the United Nations, after which the role of Jewish money would come in bringing votes in favor of them, in another fraud.

Despite all the efforts of the Zionists, America and the West to make the decision to partition Palestine at the United Nations a success , the first vote, which took place on November 25, 1947, failed.

This prompted the intensification of the Jewish pressure for a re-vote and its success.....

There were two partition votes, and when the first one failed, the Jews managed to schedule another round?

Mr. al-Walidi is mixing up the vote by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) recommending partition and the actual UN General Assembly vote. I doubt this was a mistake.

He gives many examples of pressure by the US and Israel for voting for partition. Some of those are true - but why is lobbying by Jews any less moral than lobbying by everyone else? The Arab nations lobbied intensely as well, and threatened multiple times that partition would lead to a slaughter of all the Jews in the Middle East, as well as threats of an oil embargo or to tilt against the US to the Soviets if the partition vote passed - all to sway delegates to their side.

The representative of Guatemala carried out extensive activity within the corridors of the United Nations in order to advance the partition decision - British documents confirmed that he had received bribes from American Jewish organizations, not to mention his relationship with a Jewish girl.
I cannot find any record of these supposed British documents, but Guatemala representative Jorge García Granados was a committed Zionist, writing an entire book in 1948 detailing the birth of Israel that shows his love of the land and the people. It doesn't sound like the actions of a person who was bribed.

As usual, this piece of "anti-Zionist" writing is pure antisemitism. Jews are a nefarious force who cheat, bribe and steal to get their way. And the only reason is because...that's just how Jews are.


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