All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Mahmoud Abbas' speech at the UN for "Nakba Day" included many parts that weren't reported in the official version, meaning that he ad-libbed.

And when Abbas ad-libs, he proves that he is an antisemite, a consummate liar and a conspiracy theorist.

From JPost:

There is no proof of Jewish ties to the area of Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday at the United Nations. He mentioned Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount and its adjacent Western Wall.

They [Israel] dug under al-Aqsa… they dug everywhere, and they could not find anything,” Abbas said.

There is rich archaeological evidence for the Temples that have been found in the Temple Mount Sifting Project and in the City of David, where thousands of clearly Judean artifacts and others have been found.

But that sidesteps the real issue: the entire Temple Mount was built by Jews, in sections, from the time of the Biblical kings to the Hasmonean extensions to the Herodian extensions. These extensions can be seen from the Eastern Wall of the Mount.

The entire Temple Mount is proof of the Temples!

Denying the Temples - which have been accepted as legitimate by Muslim scholars without question before Palestinians sprouted up in the mid-1950s - is denying Jewish history, and is pure antisemitism.

But that was just the beginning of Abbas' delusions mentioned in his speech.

During his speech, Abbas said the US and the UK were responsible for the permanent displacement of what he said was close to a million Palestinians during the 1948 war.

These countries wanted to get rid of the Jews and benefit from their presence in Palestine,” Abbas said.

He compared Israel’s rendition of its historical narrative to the kind of misinformation disseminated by Nazi propaganda minister Goebbels during World War II.

“The Israelis and Zionists continue their false claims that Israel made the desert bloom,” he said. “Palestine was a desert, and they made it blossom, a paradise. They can’t but lie. But what can we do? They lie and lie just like Goebbels. They lie, lie and lie until people believe.”

The early Zionists “falsely” claimed that “Palestine was a land without people,” but this was never true, Abbas said, adding that the Palestinians were descendants of the biblical Canaanites. This was proven “in religious scriptures, including the Torah,” he said.

Saying that the US and Great Britain supported Zionism to get rid of their Jews is a crazed conspiracy theory.

Comparing Jews telling the truth to Nazi Goebbels is antisemitism.

Saying that the Torah says that Palestinians descend from Canaanites is delusional. (Palestinians used to claim they were Philistines, but the Torah doesn't say Philistines were Canaanites either.)

The New York Times didn't mention a single one of these lies or delusions in its report on his speech. Neither did AP nor AFP , Haaretz and The National (UAE) and Axios.

And the world just shrugs at Mahmoud Abbas' lies. Because everyone understands that this is what Palestinians do.

There is one delusion that Abbas said that the mainstream media did note - but did not check. From AP:

He held up a letter from Israel’s foreign minister, Moshe Sharett, after resolutions were adopted in 1947 and 1948 promising to implement them and said: “Either they do respect these obligations, or they stop becoming a member.”
I cannot find any record of a letter from Israel promising to adhere to resolutions 181 and 194. Certainly Israel never agreed to go back to the borders suggested by resolution 181 or the internationalization of Jerusalem. There is lots of literature about Israel's negotiations over the refugees and its offers to help solve the problem, notably an offer to allow 100,000 refugees to return. I find it difficult to believe that Sharett wrote what Abbas claims he did. His position can be seen here.

Members of the Knesset are fully aware of the basic attitude of the Government on this problem, that in the main a solution must be sought, not through the return of the refugees to Israel, but through their resettlement in other states. There has been no change in this basic attitude. At the same time, the Government has repeatedly stated that, within the framework of an overall and all inclusive peace settlement, it is ready to contribute to the resettlement of the refugees by allowing the return to Israel of a limited number. This was stated by Israel’s permanent representative at the United Nations at the session of the Ad Hoc Committee on May 5th, 1949. It was repeated by the Head of the Israeli Delegation at Lausanne to the Conciliation Commission during May and June. I myself made a similar statement before the Knesset in my address during the foreign affairs debate on June 15th. Hitherto, there has been no change in policy.

... If peace is not achieved, if the Arab States refuse responsibility for the absorption of the great majority of the refugees, if an overall solution to the problem is not found, then the present fixing of Israel’s contribution shall not be binding. This contribution is presented as a link in a chain. It does not exist on its own, but only as part of a whole. This is the attitude of Israel’s Delegation at Lausanne, which now awaits the word of the Arab States.

So Abbas waved a document that almost certainly did not say what he claims. And the media didn't bother to check.

As usual.

Ahh, the good ole’ days when the Crips and Bloods… I mean the Gaza and West Bank Islamic terrorists were killing, maiming, throwing each others losers off rooftops.

Fatah-Affiliated Awda TV Airs Video Slamming Hamas Leaders For Living In Luxury Abroad While Gazans Languish In Poverty​

Palestinian terror group Hamas threatened Israel Wednesday against holding the Jerusalem Day Flag March, as authorities were finalizing their preparations for the annual volatile event in Jerusalem’s Old City planned for Thursday.

“The Zionist Flag March will not pass, and the response will inevitably come,” said senior Hamas official Salah al-Bardawil in a statement.

Meanwhile Gaza’s so-called balloon unit — responsible for launching balloons ferrying incendiary and explosive devices into Israel in the past, and thought to be tied to Hamas — said it would resume activities Thursday.

(full article online)

Palestinian terror group Hamas threatened Israel Wednesday against holding the Jerusalem Day Flag March, as authorities were finalizing their preparations for the annual volatile event in Jerusalem’s Old City planned for Thursday.

“The Zionist Flag March will not pass, and the response will inevitably come,” said senior Hamas official Salah al-Bardawil in a statement.

Meanwhile Gaza’s so-called balloon unit — responsible for launching balloons ferrying incendiary and explosive devices into Israel in the past, and thought to be tied to Hamas — said it would resume activities Thursday.

(full article online)

Israel can stop the balloons and rockets any time it wants.
[ Making too much money to want peace with Israel ]

Speaking at the UN’s Nakba fest, the PA chief contradicted his previous assurances to Israel. In a reflection of the collapse of negotiation prospects, hardly anyone even noticed​

(full article online)

[ That the UN has to step in to clean up Gaza, instead those in command of Gaza, Hamas........]

The Gaza Strip’s only wetland is slowly coming back to life.

This is good not only for the Strip’s battered ecosystems, and some of the 500 million birds that migrate through Israel and the Palestinian territories twice each year.

It means that a green leisure and recreation site stretching nine kilometers (5.6 miles) is taking shape for the benefit of a population facing some of the most difficult pressures on Earth.

Home to more than two million people, most of whom live below the poverty line and are unemployed, the Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated places on the planet.

It has been blockaded for 18 years by Israel and Egypt since the Islamist terror group Hamas, which is sworn to the Jewish state’s destruction, took power. Israel says the blockade is needed to limit Hamas’s ability to arm itself for attacks against Israeli citizens.

[Keep destroying these young lives. When is the UN and others say enough? Save these children? Never? They only know what they are taught ]

This is Maria al-Hasani, whose father Eyad al-Hasani was head of Operations in the military wing of the Islamic Jihad before he was killed by Israel during Operation Shield and Arrow.

In the video, she says she is happy her father is a martyr, and says that the Jews will melt in hellfire, and Palestinians will kill them all.

I am Maria, and I am the daughter of Eyad al-Hasani, I love him very much, and I am very strong, more than all the Jews. The Jews are happy because they killed my father. They think that they are very pleased, but my father wanted (to die a martyr) and he got what he wanted. Now he is very happy in Paradise, and when you (Jews) will go to hell, you will melt (in the flames.) I don't fear you because you are cowards. If it wasn't for your advanced weapons it all would have been over with because you are a bunch of lowlifes. You don't even know the meaning of "Allah." We will pray in Al Aqsa, and my father is now a martyr. We will grow stronger and we will pray in Jerusalem. We will continue to bomb you and fight you until we liberate our lands, because this is our land and we must hold it. You will not stay here, and if you touch a single rock we will kill you!

Maria said very similar things in what appears to be an earlier, shorter video on TikTok where her handlers appear to prod her to hone her message.

(full article online)


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