All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

A group of lawyers and activists, led by Arsen Ostrovsky, CEO, and Nadav Steinman, Chairman, of the International Legal Forum (ILF), have called on Mt. Royal University to revoke the Calgary Peace Prize to Mohammed El-Kurd, a Palestinian poet, writer, and activist.

El-Kurd is best known for his role in the #SaveSheikhJarrah movement, which protested the eviction of Palestinian families from their homes in east Jerusalem. El-Kurd has also been a vocal critic of Israel's "occupation" of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

He has been accused of antisemitism by some critics, who point to his use of antisemitic tropes and his praise for Palestinian terrorists. However, El-Kurdhas denied these accusations, saying that he is simply fighting for the rights of the Palestinian people.

The ILF's letter to the university's chancellor cites a number of examples of El-Kurd's alleged antisemitic statements, including calling Zionists "sadistic barbaric neonazi pigs" and saying that Israelis "have completely internalized the ways of the Nazis."

The ILF also points to El-Kurd's recent social media posts, in which he praised the Palestinian terrorists who murdered three Israeli women in the Jordan Valley last month.

(full article online)

The English website of Haaretz set new records of vileness Thursday when it published a jumble of words by a despicable individual named Yossi Klein, under the headline "Killing Children Brings Israelis Together."

In brief, Klein refers to the assassination of senior Islamic Jihad commanders and claims that the death of Gazan children in Israeli strikes is not a tragic outcome of the circumstances but a deliberate act by the Israeli government, IDF, and the Israeli people.

I know what the reason is for not publishing such repulsive articles: conscience, empathy and concern for fellow human beings. How do I know? Because I haven't seen a single critical word on the website against Islamic Jihad (or Hamas and Hezbollah for that matter) for their indiscriminate rocket fire at Israeli civilians, including children. I haven't seen a single word of criticism for the killing of Palestinian children by Islamic Jihad itself in their failed rocket launches from residential neighborhoods.

It’s in Haaretz’s right to act this way, to curry favor with antisemites, boycotters, and haters. It is their right to try sawing off the branch we all sit on. Whatever the editors' motivation may be, contrary to the image they are trying to portray to the world, Israel is a free country.
However, dear readers, if Israel and the Jewish people are dear to your hearts, it is also your obligation not to take part in this cynical game. There are three other Israeli news websites in English: The Jerusalem Post, The Times of Israel, and, of course, this website, We, at, have pledged to report quickly, accurately, comprehensively, and without a deceitful and distorted anti-Israel agenda on what is happening here.

We do this not only so that you can stay informed but also so that you can share with your friends and colleagues around the world who have so far been fed a confected, one-sided narrative. We do this so that you won't hesitate the next time someone presents you with another mendacious article penned by an Israeli “journalist" and says to you "But it was published in Haaretz."

(full article online)

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on May 11 that Israel waited two days to strike an Islamic Jihad commander because he was using his family as human shields. The commander, Ahmad Abu Daqqa, “took a significant part in commanding and carrying out the rocket barrages towards Israel,” the IDF reported, and assumed Israeli forces would not knowingly target civilians. This is a serious accusation leveled by the IDF, as using human shields is a violation of international law and is subject to U.S. sanctions pursuant to the Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act. Independent verification remains necessary to confirm the IDF’s allegation.

Expert Analysis

“Islamic Jihad is allegedly engaging in the actual war crime of using human shields so that Israel can more easily be falsely accused of committing war crimes such as willfully killing civilians. The United States can — and should — help set the record straight. U.S. law provides for the executive branch to impose sanctions in response to the use of human shields. President Biden should seize the opportunity to do so here, both to support America’s Israeli allies and to bolster U.S. and other NATO troops, who similarly face rampant terrorist use of civilians as human shields.” Orde Kittrie, FDD Senior Fellow

(full article online)


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