All presidential campaigns accept "dirt"

It's been this way since Jefferson vs. Adams. Trump maybe getting "dirt" on Hillary from the Russians is a nonstarter.
Liar. Dirt on Bush was presented to Al Gore and he turned it over to the FBI like he should.

Because Don Jr did the wrong thing... he won't be called out on it by DEPLORABLES. They'll put up threads like this one.
No character, no integrity.
Reality check: Getting "dirt" on your political opponent is one thing, cooperating with a foreign government in order to change the outcome of a Presidential election is an entirely different matter. Little Donnie Trump Jr.'s version of this won't stand up in Federal Court.

ZERO PROOF after eight months. Time to get to the business of prosecuting Hillary Rodham and her foundation.
How do you know there is zero proof, honey bunch? You lie again

After eight months, I'm well aware of this "NOTHING BURGER."
You are fullofshit as usual honey bunch. This investigation has a ways yet to go, and it gets bigger and bigger

It's nothing. Time to get to the Clintons; get them in prison where they belong.
Still barking up the wrong tree I see. Still living in la la land. These criminal investigations are directly involving KGB Trump and his merry band of criminals.
ThemRrumpeteers are setting themselves up for perpetual heartbreak. They deny the wrongdoings of the huckster buffoon because they fear and mistrust the media boogeyman they have been taught to dismiss as liars and purveyors of "fake news". They feel disaffected by the political system because their agendas have been either ignored or overlooked. They feel besieged by their political opposition because they have failed to advance their own policies for eight years.

So fearful, suspicious, disaffected and isolated they turned to a smooth talking scoundrel, a petulant billionaire, a crass and boorish I,mature man for political salvation. They knew fool well the character of the man they hitched their rickety wagon to. They saw him refuse to divulge his taxes and accepted that. They heard him talk of winning constantly and here six months into his presidency has failed with every major legislative initiative. From "building that wall and making Mexico pay for it" to repealing and replacing the ACA with something better, cheaper and all inclusive.

All they while embroiled in scandal of his own making. Irresponsible tweets, selective amnesia about meetings with Russian operatives, blanket denials of collusion with an adversary in our electoral process. And still the slim minority of a base the huckster maintains is willing to drink the koolaid, slip down the rabbit hole of alternative facts and still insist that the alleged crimes of other administrations loom larger than those of their paper mache hero, the emperor without clothes.

When this all ends, as it will inevitably, what will become,of all the adulation and belief in their hero? What will that delusioned and willfully blind base do once the evidence becomes irrefutable? There will be much wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth from a crowd lacking the political sophistication to understand that Donald Trump lacked the character to lead the free world. Outcast again and without a port in the storm. I pity them.
ThemRrumpeteers are setting themselves up for perpetual heartbreak. They deny the wrongdoings of the huckster buffoon because they fear and mistrust the media boogeyman they have been taught to dismiss as liars and purveyors of "fake news". They feel disaffected by the political system because their agendas have been either ignored or overlooked. They feel besieged by their political opposition because they have failed to advance their own policies for eight years.

So fearful, suspicious, disaffected and isolated they turned to a smooth talking scoundrel, a petulant billionaire, a crass and boorish I,mature man for political salvation. They knew fool well the character of the man they hitched their rickety wagon to. They saw him refuse to divulge his taxes and accepted that. They heard him talk of winning constantly and here six months into his presidency has failed with every major legislative initiative. From "building that wall and making Mexico pay for it" to repealing and replacing the ACA with something better, cheaper and all inclusive.

All they while embroiled in scandal of his own making. Irresponsible tweets, selective amnesia about meetings with Russian operatives, blanket denials of collusion with an adversary in our electoral process. And still the slim minority of a base the huckster maintains is willing to drink the koolaid, slip down the rabbit hole of alternative facts and still insist that the alleged crimes of other administrations loom larger than those of their paper mache hero, the emperor without clothes.

When this all ends, as it will inevitably, what will become,of all the adulation and belief in their hero? What will that delusioned and willfully blind base do once the evidence becomes irrefutable? There will be much wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth from a crowd lacking the political sophistication to understand that Donald Trump lacked the character to lead the free world. Outcast again and without a port in the storm. I pity them.
Im old enough to remember the republicans who defended Nixon right up until the tapes were revealed.
Same fervor, same blind faith.

Just remember what Nixon's lawyer, John Dean, said about the Trump/ Russian scandal:
It's worse than Watergate.
It's been this way since Jefferson vs. Adams. Trump maybe getting "dirt" on Hillary from the Russians is a nonstarter.
Liar. Dirt on Bush was presented to Al Gore and he turned it over to the FBI like he should.

Because Don Jr did the wrong thing... he won't be called out on it by DEPLORABLES. They'll put up threads like this one.
No character, no integrity.

Don't know what you're talking about; but Gore turning over info to the deep-state Clintonians is funny. Big man!
It's been this way since Jefferson vs. Adams. Trump maybe getting "dirt" on Hillary from the Russians is a nonstarter.

Reality check: Getting "dirt" on your political opponent is one thing, cooperating with a foreign government in order to change the outcome of a Presidential election is an entirely different matter. Little Donnie Trump Jr.'s version of this won't stand up in Federal Court.

ZERO PROOF after eight months. Time to get to the business of prosecuting Hillary Rodham and her foundation.

What do you mean "zero proof"? Junior just confessed to collusion and provided his emails as proof, which confirmed he arranged a meeting with a Russian government lawyer to get help from Putin to defeat Hillary. Daddy Trump said he knew about the meeting before it happened. That's a confession of conspiracy.

It's been this way since Jefferson vs. Adams. Trump maybe getting "dirt" on Hillary from the Russians is a nonstarter.
Liar. Dirt on Bush was presented to Al Gore and he turned it over to the FBI like he should.

Because Don Jr did the wrong thing... he won't be called out on it by DEPLORABLES. They'll put up threads like this one.
No character, no integrity.

Don't know what you're talking about; but Gore turning over info to the deep-state Clintonians is funny. Big man!
Of course you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about ethics. Something totally foreign to you Trump whores. Why do you think Trump's ethics director quit?
He couldn't handle Trump thumbing his nose at ethics laws.
So it's funny to you Al Gore doing the proper thing?
You're whacked in the head.
It's been this way since Jefferson vs. Adams. Trump maybe getting "dirt" on Hillary from the Russians is a nonstarter.

Reality check: Getting "dirt" on your political opponent is one thing, cooperating with a foreign government in order to change the outcome of a Presidential election is an entirely different matter. Little Donnie Trump Jr.'s version of this won't stand up in Federal Court.

ZERO PROOF after eight months. Time to get to the business of prosecuting Hillary Rodham and her foundation.

What do you mean "zero proof"? Junior just confessed to collusion and provided his emails as proof, which confirmed he arranged a meeting with a Russian government lawyer to get help from Putin to defeat Hillary. Daddy Trump said he knew about the meeting before it happened. That's a confession of conspiracy.

This " nothing burger" has turned into a 10,000 calorie meal.
It's been this way since Jefferson vs. Adams. Trump maybe getting "dirt" on Hillary from the Russians is a nonstarter.

Reality check: Getting "dirt" on your political opponent is one thing, cooperating with a foreign government in order to change the outcome of a Presidential election is an entirely different matter. Little Donnie Trump Jr.'s version of this won't stand up in Federal Court.

ZERO PROOF after eight months. Time to get to the business of prosecuting Hillary Rodham and her foundation.

What do you mean "zero proof"? Junior just confessed to collusion and provided his emails as proof, which confirmed he arranged a meeting with a Russian government lawyer to get help from Putin to defeat Hillary. Daddy Trump said he knew about the meeting before it happened. That's a confession of conspiracy.

This " nothing burger" has turned into a 10,000 calorie meal.

Empty calories, fatso.
It's been this way since Jefferson vs. Adams. Trump maybe getting "dirt" on Hillary from the Russians is a nonstarter.
Liar. Dirt on Bush was presented to Al Gore and he turned it over to the FBI like he should.

Because Don Jr did the wrong thing... he won't be called out on it by DEPLORABLES. They'll put up threads like this one.
No character, no integrity.

Don't know what you're talking about; but Gore turning over info to the deep-state Clintonians is funny. Big man!
Of course you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about ethics. Something totally foreign to you Trump whores. Why do you think Trump's ethics director quit?
He couldn't handle Trump thumbing his nose at ethics laws.
So it's funny to you Al Gore doing the proper thing?
You're whacked in the head.

You're a partisan spazz; not an ethics teacher.
Reality check: Getting "dirt" on your political opponent is one thing, cooperating with a foreign government in order to change the outcome of a Presidential election is an entirely different matter. Little Donnie Trump Jr.'s version of this won't stand up in Federal Court.

ZERO PROOF after eight months. Time to get to the business of prosecuting Hillary Rodham and her foundation.

What do you mean "zero proof"? Junior just confessed to collusion and provided his emails as proof, which confirmed he arranged a meeting with a Russian government lawyer to get help from Putin to defeat Hillary. Daddy Trump said he knew about the meeting before it happened. That's a confession of conspiracy.

This " nothing burger" has turned into a 10,000 calorie meal.

Empty calories, fatso.
^^ moron still won't accept Junior's email is a smoking gun that they colluded with Russia.
Why do you think the orange anus didn't tweet for 30 hours after the news broke?
Ha ha
It's been this way since Jefferson vs. Adams. Trump maybe getting "dirt" on Hillary from the Russians is a nonstarter.
Liar. Dirt on Bush was presented to Al Gore and he turned it over to the FBI like he should.

Because Don Jr did the wrong thing... he won't be called out on it by DEPLORABLES. They'll put up threads like this one.
No character, no integrity.

Don't know what you're talking about; but Gore turning over info to the deep-state Clintonians is funny. Big man!
Of course you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about ethics. Something totally foreign to you Trump whores. Why do you think Trump's ethics director quit?
He couldn't handle Trump thumbing his nose at ethics laws.
So it's funny to you Al Gore doing the proper thing?
You're whacked in the head.

You're a partisan spazz; not an ethics teacher.
You're really a knuckle dragger aren't you.,
You probably didn't know Trump's ethics director quit in disgust because he was enriching himself at the public's expense.
So much easier to supporter the idiot in Chief when you don't know anything.

Trump: I love my educated base.
He must really love you..
You're really a knuckle dragger aren't you.
You probably didn't know Trump's ethics director quit in disgust because he was enriching himself at the public's expense.
So much easier to supporter the idiot in Chief when you don't know anything.

Trump: I love my educated base.
He must really love you..

:lmao: I wouldn't waste that type of energy on a spazz like you.

Did you name yourself Reasonable to be ironic? Or does it just fit with your bull shit presentation?
You're really a knuckle dragger aren't you.
You probably didn't know Trump's ethics director quit in disgust because he was enriching himself at the public's expense.
So much easier to supporter the idiot in Chief when you don't know anything.

Trump: I love my educated base.
He must really love you..

:lmao: I wouldn't waste that type of energy on a spazz like you.

Did you name yourself Reasonable to be ironic? Or does it just fit with your bull shit presentation?

No Reasonable nailed it. Junior confessed to collusion and provided evidence, Daddy confessed to conspiracy, and you sit there saying it's nothing.

The most shocking thing to me in all of this is how many so-called "patriotic Americans" are willing to sell their country out to Vladimir Putin, while denigrating liberals and calling them "traitors".

Hyprocrisy at its finest.
You're really a knuckle dragger aren't you.
You probably didn't know Trump's ethics director quit in disgust because he was enriching himself at the public's expense.
So much easier to supporter the idiot in Chief when you don't know anything.

Trump: I love my educated base.
He must really love you..

:lmao: I wouldn't waste that type of energy on a spazz like you.

Did you name yourself Reasonable to be ironic? Or does it just fit with your bull shit presentation?

No Reasonable nailed it. Junior confessed to collusion and provided evidence, Daddy confessed to conspiracy, and you sit there saying it's nothing.

The most shocking thing to me in all of this is how many so-called "patriotic Americans" are willing to sell their country out to Vladimir Putin, while denigrating liberals and calling them "traitors".

Hyprocrisy at its finest.

Name the law he broke.
You're really a knuckle dragger aren't you.
You probably didn't know Trump's ethics director quit in disgust because he was enriching himself at the public's expense.
So much easier to supporter the idiot in Chief when you don't know anything.

Trump: I love my educated base.
He must really love you..

:lmao: I wouldn't waste that type of energy on a spazz like you.

Did you name yourself Reasonable to be ironic? Or does it just fit with your bull shit presentation?

No Reasonable nailed it. Junior confessed to collusion and provided evidence, Daddy confessed to conspiracy, and you sit there saying it's nothing.

The most shocking thing to me in all of this is how many so-called "patriotic Americans" are willing to sell their country out to Vladimir Putin, while denigrating liberals and calling them "traitors".

Hyprocrisy at its finest.

Name the law he broke.

You're really a knuckle dragger aren't you.
You probably didn't know Trump's ethics director quit in disgust because he was enriching himself at the public's expense.
So much easier to supporter the idiot in Chief when you don't know anything.

Trump: I love my educated base.
He must really love you..

:lmao: I wouldn't waste that type of energy on a spazz like you.

Did you name yourself Reasonable to be ironic? Or does it just fit with your bull shit presentation?

No Reasonable nailed it. Junior confessed to collusion and provided evidence, Daddy confessed to conspiracy, and you sit there saying it's nothing.

The most shocking thing to me in all of this is how many so-called "patriotic Americans" are willing to sell their country out to Vladimir Putin, while denigrating liberals and calling them "traitors".

Hyprocrisy at its finest.

Name the law he broke.


Not at all. Read and learn. Democrats are making asses of themselves by going so far over the top.

GWU Law Prof. Jonathan Turley on Trump Jr. Meeting A Russian: "For The Love Of God... This Is Not Treason"
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date July 11, 2017

GWU Law Prof. Jonathan Turley on Trump Jr. Meeting A Russian: "For The Love Of God... This Is Not Treason"

Columbia Law Professor Richard Briffault Explains To MSNBC Why Donald Trump Jr. Can Not Be Guilty Of "Treason," "Perjury," Or "Collusion"
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date July 14, 2017

Several prominent Democrats have accused the president's son of "treason" with regard to a meeting he had with a Russian lawyer in 2016. The details of this meeting were published by the New York Times on Monday, but before that accusations of perjury and collusion with the Russians have also flown at Trump Jr., and many other members of the Trump campaign, from many elected Democrats and prominent media figures.

About allegations of treason against Trump Jr., the law professor explained: "Treason is a little extreme for this... [Russia] may not be our friend, but it is not clear they are our enemy. We are not at war."

About allegations of perjury against President Trump, his son, or members of his administration, the law professor explained: "I'm not sure any of this has been under oath yet... but you would have to prove [one] was knowingly and maliciously misleading, and [their] claim is to say he just forgot. So we're in a gray area there. "

About collusion, the law professor explained: "Collusion isn't really a crime, I think we are getting at things like conspiracy to commit a crime, or coordination of campaign finance stuff. Collusion is more of a political term than a legal term."

Columbia Law Professor Richard Briffault Explains To MSNBC Why Donald Trump Jr. Can Not Be Guilty Of "Treason," "Perjury," Or "Collusion"
Getting dirt on an opponent isn't the issue. The problem is getting it from a foreign entity.

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