All politics is local and the world is depending on you.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As we find ourselves dealing with the fallout of a fraud election delivered on the microscopic wings of a global pandemic with double dealing mail-in voting, we in America must understand that the world is depending on us. It is depending on us to hold the line against a one world assault on free speech that has all the earmarks of a decisive battle that comes like a psychotic wave poisoning the minds and darkening the hearts of the people.

I conclude this from events taking place in my own small city. The city I grew up in has a newspaper, talk radio programming, and centralized liberal arts educational institutions that vigorously defend globalist master planning against the common sense of the working citizens of the city. The local newspaper eagerly joined a crusading national press in a Stasi-like blitzkrieg of print character assassination aimed at a sitting president that embarrassed US media as “fake news”. That newspaper along with many others tried to fool the people by accusing the president of attacking free speech. The president was attacking a corrupted media standing for the government against the people. This city is a big supporter of ICLEI or UN Agenda 21; look it up. When you are hungry and freezing in the winter months remember that you are fodder for this.

In addition, be aware that your children are fodder for great elite plans as they die on curbs and in city allies. The city has a hospital managed so badly that enough deadly Fentanyl disappeared out the back door to kill every living person on the East Coast. No one was fired, not the CEO or the board of directors. Does this not seem odd? In a reasonable world it should. But we are not living in a reasonable world. We are living in an alternate universe that smears average people who complain as conspiracy theorists or gas lighters.

In today’s world a working citizen that protests too loudly could get a visit from the FBI. Does this seem normal to you? It is perfectly fine with your newspaper, local radio programming and college administrations. Do you think these people have chosen sides and you and your children are just the broken eggs that make the omelet of their ICLEI one world view? If you think pride events are fine while your children are cremated or buried, don’t change a thing.

ICLEI: When they say local they mean it - DEMOCRATS AGAINST U.N. AGENDA 21 (

New Hampshire Hospital Lost Nearly 8 Gallons of Fentanyl | MedPage Today

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As we find ourselves dealing with the fallout of a fraud election delivered on the microscopic wings of a global pandemic with double dealing mail-in voting, we in America must understand that the world is depending on us. It is depending on us to hold the line against a one world assault on free speech that has all the earmarks of a decisive battle that comes like a psychotic wave poisoning the minds and darkening the hearts of the people.

The irony.
As we find ourselves dealing with the fallout of a fraud election delivered on the microscopic wings of a global pandemic with double dealing mail-in voting, we in America must understand that the world is depending on us. It is depending on us to hold the line against a one world assault on free speech that has all the earmarks of a decisive battle that comes like a psychotic wave poisoning the minds and darkening the hearts of the people.

I conclude this from events taking place in my own small city. The city I grew up in has a newspaper, talk radio programming, and centralized liberal arts educational institutions that vigorously defend globalist master planning against the common sense of the working citizens of the city. The local newspaper eagerly joined a crusading national press in a Stasi-like blitzkrieg of print character assassination aimed at a sitting president that embarrassed US media as “fake news”. That newspaper along with many others tried to fool the people by accusing the president of attacking free speech. The president was attacking a corrupted media standing for the government against the people. This city is a big supporter of ICLEI or UN Agenda 21; look it up. When you are hungry and freezing in the winter months remember that you are fodder for this.

In addition, be aware that your children are fodder for great elite plans as they die on curbs and in city allies. The city has a hospital managed so badly that enough deadly Fentanyl disappeared out the back door to kill every living person on the East Coast. No one was fired, not the CEO or the board of directors. Does this not seem odd? In a reasonable world it should. But we are not living in a reasonable world. We are living in an alternate universe that smears average people who complain as conspiracy theorists or gas lighters.

In today’s world a working citizen that protests too loudly could get a visit from the FBI. Does this seem normal to you? It is perfectly fine with your newspaper, local radio programming and college administrations. Do you think these people have chosen sides and you and your children are just the broken eggs that make the omelet of their ICLEI one world view? If you think pride events are fine while your children are cremated or buried, don’t change a thing.

ICLEI: When they say local they mean it - DEMOCRATS AGAINST U.N. AGENDA 21 (

New Hampshire Hospital Lost Nearly 8 Gallons of Fentanyl | MedPage Today
No, none of this is the America I grew up in, or wore the uniform of....We need to put an end to this "transformation", unfortunately the kids graduating High School now, aren't taught a solid foundation in our Constitution, or in what makes America great, rather they are taught to hate this country....
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No, none of this is the America I grew up in, or wore the uniform of....We need to put an end to this "transformation", unfortunately the kids graduating High School now, aren't taught a solid foundation in our Constitution, or in what makes America great, rather they are taught to hate this country....
Don't give up on the kids. Talk to them without yelling; they will listen.
Don't give up on the kids. Talk to them without yelling; they will listen.
Yep, they can still be taught the right way.....Make the sacrifice and get them out of public schools.....Better yet don't let them enter one in the first place.

Sure, I drove 10+ year old vehicles, never took lavish vacations, or did many of the things my peers enjoyed but none of my kids ever saw the inside of a public school and if I'm needed/able to help out none of their kids will either.

Politics starts at home alright by doing what's right for you and yours and never voting for a dem or RINO.
Don't give up on the kids. Talk to them without yelling; they will listen.
Oh, I do, every chance I get...And let me tell you, it is shocking....

Look, as many of us were growing up, while in school I was quite liberal...I think that is natural. Young kids have big hearts...But, as we are exposed to the world, we find this is NOT a path to success. The whole argument isn't about what privileges we can secure, rather that the opportunity to succeed is equal to everyone...The rest is on the individual...That is NOT what is being taught today.

Today in our schools our children are being taught that others OWE them something because of their skin color, gender identification, or socio economic status...That is not America.
Once you get away from the cities, you find a completely different view of what America is & wants to be.
The cities are the centers of wokeism & insane ideas that are roundly rejected by the surrounding regions.
The kids in the country generally have a good head on their shoulders & just want to live & let live.
Even many in the cities are rejecting the progbot indoctrination they see coming from the delusional
experts & authorities".
Look at the armed forces recruiting- kids are running from all the BS agenda they get from the NWO elites & want nothing to do with a gender bender military career full of clot shots & morons for leaders
Don't give up on the kids. Talk to them without yelling; they will listen.
The minority view, no matter how reasonable, is 'weird' to kids. They will always side with the mob. Critical thinking is only applied to esoteric subjects, not to practical problems.
Yep, they can still be taught the right way.....Make the sacrifice and get them out of public schools.....Better yet don't let them enter one in the first place.

Sure, I drove 10+ year old vehicles, never took lavish vacations, or did many of the things my peers enjoyed but none of my kids ever saw the inside of a public school and if I'm needed/able to help out none of their kids will either.

Politics starts at home alright by doing what's right for you and yours and never voting for a dem or RINO.
My late brother-in-law, a PhD. in Education, wrote lesson plans for "gifted and talented" kids. He was a genius but also a very down-to-earth guy. He stated that a child's education basically ended on the day they enter the schoolhouse, to be replaced by propaganda and other nonsense.
Once you get away from the cities, you find a completely different view of what America is & wants to be.
The cities are the centers of wokeism & insane ideas that are roundly rejected by the surrounding regions.
The kids in the country generally have a good head on their shoulders & just want to live & let live.
Even many in the cities are rejecting the progbot indoctrination they see coming from the delusional
experts & authorities".
Look at the armed forces recruiting- kids are running from all the BS agenda they get from the NWO elites & want nothing to do with a gender bender military career full of clot shots & morons for leaders

In my small rural Midwest town, the high school boys, and some of the girls, are out on the street first thing in the morning after a storm, clearing up fallen branches and trees and clearing snow from driveways. A lot of them work on family farms and belong to the local gun club. They are taught in school to respect Veterans.

In my small rural Midwest town, the high school boys, and some of the girls, are out on the street first thing in the morning after a storm, clearing up fallen branches and trees and clearing snow from driveways. A lot of them work on family farms and belong to the local gun club. They are taught in school to respect Veterans.
Same in my area OPJQ! The community at large works to keep the land and water clean, respect is expected out in public but still you’ll see kids being kids out and about, and crime is a low risk. Thank God for positivity still being the norm in various towns and cities not taken over by the globalists!
As we find ourselves dealing with the fallout of a fraud election delivered on the microscopic wings of a global pandemic with double dealing mail-in voting, we in America must understand that the world is depending on us. It is depending on us to hold the line against a one world assault on free speech that has all the earmarks of a decisive battle that comes like a psychotic wave poisoning the minds and darkening the hearts of the people.

I conclude this from events taking place in my own small city. The city I grew up in has a newspaper, talk radio programming, and centralized liberal arts educational institutions that vigorously defend globalist master planning against the common sense of the working citizens of the city. The local newspaper eagerly joined a crusading national press in a Stasi-like blitzkrieg of print character assassination aimed at a sitting president that embarrassed US media as “fake news”. That newspaper along with many others tried to fool the people by accusing the president of attacking free speech. The president was attacking a corrupted media standing for the government against the people. This city is a big supporter of ICLEI or UN Agenda 21; look it up. When you are hungry and freezing in the winter months remember that you are fodder for this.

In addition, be aware that your children are fodder for great elite plans as they die on curbs and in city allies. The city has a hospital managed so badly that enough deadly Fentanyl disappeared out the back door to kill every living person on the East Coast. No one was fired, not the CEO or the board of directors. Does this not seem odd? In a reasonable world it should. But we are not living in a reasonable world. We are living in an alternate universe that smears average people who complain as conspiracy theorists or gas lighters.

In today’s world a working citizen that protests too loudly could get a visit from the FBI. Does this seem normal to you? It is perfectly fine with your newspaper, local radio programming and college administrations. Do you think these people have chosen sides and you and your children are just the broken eggs that make the omelet of their ICLEI one world view? If you think pride events are fine while your children are cremated or buried, don’t change a thing.

ICLEI: When they say local they mean it - DEMOCRATS AGAINST U.N. AGENDA 21 (

New Hampshire Hospital Lost Nearly 8 Gallons of Fentanyl | MedPage Today

NH has bigger problems then just fentanyl, they have to deal with a flip flopping senator (Hasan) who is financed by California and New York state (probably with multi millions of Soros dark money) so she can have commercials every ten minutes on every channel, trying to convince people how she is so intune with President Trumps policies. the truth is the she Hasan has voted 100% with the crook we now have in office and she is the one supporting all illegals and fentanyl into this country. Hasan is supposedly proposing a bill for 8 billion dollars for border security. Does Hasan think NH residents and the rest of America are stupid? The wall was or is paid for and Biden(we) is paying contractors not to finish putting it up. Hasan and the Democrats elected to protect us are the ones allowing fentanyl to kill Americans. NH should wake up and vote out the dems and rhinos in the midterm. I wonder how much the cartels are donating the biden cartel?
Well, well, there’s the maniac fool who’s been laughing at all sensible posts stepping out of the shadows, and look what this fine brainiac has to say: “irony again”. So enlightening.
Not my fault you freaks don't know what irony is

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