All Lives Matter Protest Planned

BLM wants respect, doesn't feel they have to give any respect, they feel tearing down cities and businesses are gains moving forward in getting more respect. If you want respect, why continue to act like you don't want any. Hypocrites.

Please show any evidence that BLM as an organization in any way endorses rioting, looting or violence.
Why do they do it?

What's their name fool? It's self evident.

One would think that is someone were to refute the actions of an organization that they may actually know something about the organization before opening their mouth.
Would figure if someone wanted respect, one would demonstrate to the world what assholes they are by destroying their own neighborhood. LOL

By all means show any BLM organization calling for that action.
BLM wants respect, doesn't feel they have to give any respect, they feel tearing down cities and businesses are gains moving forward in getting more respect. If you want respect, why continue to act like you don't want any. Hypocrites.

Please show any evidence that BLM as an organization in any way endorses rioting, looting or violence.
Why do they do it?

What's their name fool? It's self evident.

One would think that is someone were to refute the actions of an organization that they may actually know something about the organization before opening their mouth.
Would figure if someone wanted respect, one would demonstrate to the world what assholes they are by destroying their own neighborhood. LOL

By all means show any BLM organization calling for that action.
What, you think they advertise? Wow!
Please show any evidence that BLM as an organization in any way endorses rioting, looting or violence.
Why do they do it?

What's their name fool? It's self evident.

One would think that is someone were to refute the actions of an organization that they may actually know something about the organization before opening their mouth.
Would figure if someone wanted respect, one would demonstrate to the world what assholes they are by destroying their own neighborhood. LOL

By all means show any BLM organization calling for that action.
What, you think they advertise? Wow!

So they don't call for any of that at all but you somehow just know the "truth".

Here is a news report of those caring BLM members. they want to heal the public soooooo much. Yep right here is their behavior.

WATCH: BLM Protesters Block Roads... Motorists Take BRUTAL Action

"But of more concern is the fact that these protests have hindered emergency workers from tending to injured or sick people, and there has been at least one instance of these demonstrations preventing a child from getting to the hospital.

Furthermore, blocking a roadway is a crime under several state laws — including Tennessee where, despite the law, police officers were told to stand down and allow the protesters to block motorists from crossing the Hernando-Desoto Bridge in Memphis for several hours in the extreme heat, according to Fox News.

The recent deaths of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota were certainly tragedies for their families and communities, but groups such as Black Lives Matter have jumped to the conclusion that the police officers who were responsible for those deaths were in the wrong and racially motivated.

The truth is that investigations into those deaths are ongoing, but even if the police officers in those instances were incriminated, it wouldn’t give license to activists to prevent innocent people from going to work or school. And in certainly doesn’t make it ok to block emergency responders from tending to the sick or injured."
I have never been to a city that did not have alternate routes from any given Point A to Point B that could be used INSTEAD of a highway. I commuted into a city for 13 years where at least twice daily the interstate was a parking lot just due to heavy traffic and maybe someone with a flat tire. It's part of living in a city. If you know there's going to be a protest, choose your route accordingly. It seems some people would like BLM to protest in places where they can ignore it. BLM plans to be heard, whether you personally want to hear them or not.

There is a big difference between traffic being delayed/blocked because of something that wasn't planned and something that was planned.

Your excuses for a bunch of agitators doesn't excuse their criminality. It only goes to prove what has been said about them.
It's called observation and who takes credit. Are you going to tell us Dallas wasn't a BLM protest?

Dallas was indeed a protest. A peaceful and by all accounts a very successful protest.
The shooting was not part of the protest but rather the act of a lone lunatic.
Why do they do it?

What's their name fool? It's self evident.

One would think that is someone were to refute the actions of an organization that they may actually know something about the organization before opening their mouth.
Would figure if someone wanted respect, one would demonstrate to the world what assholes they are by destroying their own neighborhood. LOL

By all means show any BLM organization calling for that action.
What, you think they advertise? Wow!

So they don't call for any of that at all but you somehow just know the "truth".

I look at those doing the damage and the shirts they wear. That is their advertising
The police really need to handle those racist BLM criminals with a heavier hand. If they block a road send the cops in to remove them. Hand out tickets. If they don't pay their fine or show up to court, slap an arrest warrant on them. Search them. You know a large proportion of them probably have illegal drugs on them. Hit them with that too. Just pile up charges on them.

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