All Israeli soldiers get this booklet and are obliged to carry and follow it

There have been more jewish terror attacks in the US than islamic ones

What is the basis for the numbers? I see almost none of the latino and jewish extremits. I see a constant parade of Islamic extreits. What are the sorce? Your ass?

The FBI.
There have been more jewish terror attacks in the US than islamic ones

What is the basis for the numbers? I see almost none of the latino and jewish extremits. I see a constant parade of Islamic extreits. What are the sorce? Your ass?
If you right click on the pie chart, varies options are offered, scroll down to "copy image URL" open a new window hover the curser over the address bar right click again and select "paste" and enter, the address of the image will then be opened, click on "print" for a hard copy,
then roll it up tightly, and stick it up your own arse
Last edited:
There have been more jewish terror attacks in the US than islamic ones

What is the basis for the numbers? I see almost none of the latino and jewish extremits. I see a constant parade of Islamic extreits. What are the sorce? Your ass?

The FBI.

Link please. So we can see when it was posted- before or after Your fellow Muslim Brothers infiltrated the US with the help of their
Barry bin Taqqya master.
FBI Terrorism 2002 2005

Got it just check those 'terror' acts included by Animal rights activist who break cages and lay under cars...or those Earth/Animal Liberation Front vandalism...all 'terror' attacks, Malicious Destruction of Property, Bank robberies.

Now I've counted 20 attacks by Jewish organizations among them bombings by Kahana group (which are terror) but also smoke grenade and tear gas "bombing". And I'm not sure those Animal activists weren't included because of some Rosenthal among 'em.
Not to say that jews didn't commit any of terror acts. But are we really going to compare those to beheadings, 9/11 and alikes that instill
deep terror in the heart of whole nations? Absurd.

I think that those muslims gave it a new clear definition- civilization terror. And that's a whole new level.

Good luck convincing with this data- there're wounds inflicted so deep
onto western societies that this failed deception of 'peaceful Islam'
just won't stick. It's like comparing wars between nations to the Inquisition. Muslims gonna carry this sign for at least 'couple of centuries-if they're going to remain the way they are-which is not how it seems by looking at the world.
The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israelicovert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood,
In the summer of 1954 Colonel Binyamin Gibli, the chief of Israel's military intelligence, Aman, initiated Operation Susannah in order to reverse that decision. The goal of the Operation was to carry out bombings and other acts of sabotage in Egypt with the aim of creating an atmosphere in which the British and American opponents of British withdrawal from Egypt would be able to gain the upper hand and block the British withdrawal from Egypt.

According to historian Shabtai Teveth, who wrote one of the more detailed accounts, the assignment was "To undermine Western confidence in the existing [Egyptian] regime by generating public insecurity and actions to bring about arrests, demonstrations, and acts of revenge, while totally concealing the Israeli factor. The team was accordingly urged to avoid detection, so that suspicion would fall on the Muslim Brotherhood, the Communists, 'unspecified malcontents' or 'local nationalists'."[2]
Lavon Affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

by way of deception :blues:
The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israelicovert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood,
In the summer of 1954 Colonel Binyamin Gibli, the chief of Israel's military intelligence, Aman, initiated Operation Susannah in order to reverse that decision. The goal of the Operation was to carry out bombings and other acts of sabotage in Egypt with the aim of creating an atmosphere in which the British and American opponents of British withdrawal from Egypt would be able to gain the upper hand and block the British withdrawal from Egypt.

According to historian Shabtai Teveth, who wrote one of the more detailed accounts, the assignment was "To undermine Western confidence in the existing [Egyptian] regime by generating public insecurity and actions to bring about arrests, demonstrations, and acts of revenge, while totally concealing the Israeli factor. The team was accordingly urged to avoid detection, so that suspicion would fall on the Muslim Brotherhood, the Communists, 'unspecified malcontents' or 'local nationalists'."[2]
Lavon Affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

by way of deception :blues:

Are You sure You wanna slip from terror attack in the US and start comparing what happens in the middle east??
Think again- from a westerner perspective each public execution is terror...even before mentioning Arab Spring or Hamas shooting down civilians in daylight. There won't be enough space in this forum do describe what a westerner will accept as terror attacks in ME done by fellow muslims on a daily basis.

By the way being presented by someone who says 1,4,5 year old MURDERED babies "rot in hell"...
You're THE symbol of what civilian cell TERROR is, You'll carry this sign and we'll make a vivid example of Your case:
Will you condemn this murder Page 17 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Last edited:
My family are most Israel veterans, and they know perfectly what it means to be in the IDF in key positions. They know that those organizations are a bunch of crap, I'll take their words over words of traitors.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Like most unpaid comment writers, I have a life outside of this and other Forums & cannot immediately respond to every question or Comment. Yesterday I was at the V.A. among other combat veterans my age & the younger ones who were burned, mutilated & traumatized fighting real Wars for your parasitic & genocidal, little enclave, i.e.:


I don't think ill of Israel in general, Israelis etc just as there are many ethical & courageous, well educated IDF members who don't think well of raving, racist, blustering & cowardly IDF child killers. They are also bright enough to realize that Israel can't Kill its way out of what some Naziesque IDF members regard as the "Palestinian Problem" as is the current thinking of the criminal Netanyahu Regime:

Re: Palestinian Mothers "They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists.”
Ayelet Shaked Israeli MK

Rather than posting a flurry of different, disingenuous & unsupported Comments, if you have any questions you'd like answered or responses to comments I've written, please state them in one civil, mature, coherent & articulate comment & I'll be glad to respond.

Like most people, I tend to ignore insulting, unsupported opinions & hate filled, racist tantrums.

I love your quote, except that Ayelet Shaked (one of the few Members of Knesset I respect, for many reasons) never said such a thing. She said that mothers of Palestinian terrorist who commit crimes against innocent Israelis should also be held responsible for their crimes in court. Nowhere it was said anything similar to that stupid phrase.

But again, who needs facts when you can just make something up.
My family are most Israel veterans, and they know perfectly what it means to be in the IDF in key positions. They know that those organizations are a bunch of crap, I'll take their words over words of traitors.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Like most unpaid comment writers, I have a life outside of this and other Forums & cannot immediately respond to every question or Comment. Yesterday I was at the V.A. among other combat veterans my age & the younger ones who were burned, mutilated & traumatized fighting real Wars for your parasitic & genocidal, little enclave, i.e.:


I don't think ill of Israel in general, Israelis etc just as there are many ethical & courageous, well educated IDF members who don't think well of raving, racist, blustering & cowardly IDF child killers. They are also bright enough to realize that Israel can't Kill its way out of what some Naziesque IDF members regard as the "Palestinian Problem" as is the current thinking of the criminal Netanyahu Regime:

Re: Palestinian Mothers "They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists.”
Ayelet Shaked Israeli MK

Rather than posting a flurry of different, disingenuous & unsupported Comments, if you have any questions you'd like answered or responses to comments I've written, please state them in one civil, mature, coherent & articulate comment & I'll be glad to respond.

Like most people, I tend to ignore insulting, unsupported opinions & hate filled, racist tantrums.

Where in my last posts did I personally attack you?
Lets see now.

Fact 1 according to the Mandate of Palestine Jordan was in Palestine, and only became autonomous in 1945 when the British granted them full independence.

Fact 2 over 50% of gaza in open country and uninhabited. A simple look on Google Earth will confirm this.

Want to stop now while you are so far behind


I prefer to credibly document my assertions for the sake of honesty before prematurely proclaiming myself the "Victor"

Documented Fact 1. It may surprise you to know that the Region called Palestine has been around long before 1945 while "....Jordan became an independent sovereign state officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.”* in 1946.

You're welcome to state that Italy is China & be equally creative but wrong.

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima, and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin.”CONTINUED

* "Jordan"
EXCERPT “After the post–World War I division of West Asia by Britain and France, the Emirate of Transjordan was officially recognized by the Council of the League of Nations in 1922. In 1946, Jordan became an independent sovereign state officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.”CONTINUED

Documented Fact # 2. While looking at NY, NY on Google Earth, I didn't see any people either & saw many wide open spaces so why don't you head on up and stake out your claim......let me know how that works out for you.

However, according to the U.N.: “With a population numbering 1.4 million it (Gaza) is one of the most densely populated areas in the world" (1)

“United Nations Development Programme”
Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
EXCERPT “With a population numbering 1.4 million it is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Gaza is highly urbanised with the bulk of the population living in cities, towns and eight crowded refugee camps, home to over 800,000 refugees.”CONTINUED

If Gaza is so sparsely populated, Israel must have targeted civilians to have killed over 2,200 of them last year.

Read & learn

The region known as Palestine was invented by the Romans in about 70 C.E. as in insult to the Jews.

Does not alter the fact that over 50% of gaza is unoccupied open land, and that is where the terrorists should be firing their illegal weapons from.

No targeting at all if hamas insist on firing illegal weapons from occupied civilian areas then they will be held accountable for the deaths of 2,200 terrorists/militia/human shields.

You should read the IHL, Geneva conventions and learn the true facts instead of touting islamonazi propaganda, blood libels and lies.


1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

Rabin offered Arafat more land that any other leader ever had, and it was pushed under the table... not because of Igal Amir, but because the Palestinian refused to sign the deal.

They refused to Rabimn, who was the most generous giver Israel could have offered, yet they felt they were in the position to refuse. Well, surely they didn't think Netanyahu will offer them something better? They were not THAT dense.

Israel offered peace, while the Palestinian refused. We have our own saying, "Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance." There is no peace up until now because they don't want peace. Peace will mean the Palestinians will have no one to lean on to take the blame for their inside problems. I mean like, family honor, inside feuds, differences of leadership views, and the massive anount of "victimized payments" from rich Arab countries.

That is, in my opinion, a more realistic view.

As I said, if you look at the amount of Arab Palestinians in 1948, and their demographic today, they duplicated in about at least 3 or 4 times. Not only we didn't "genocide" them, but they overwhelmed us.

As I said, we, the Jews, must be the lamest destroyers ever if that is how we ethnically destroy a nation.

I prefer to credibly document my assertions for the sake of honesty before prematurely proclaiming myself the "Victor"

Documented Fact 1. It may surprise you to know that the Region called Palestine has been around long before 1945 while "....Jordan became an independent sovereign state officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.”* in 1946.

You're welcome to state that Italy is China & be equally creative but wrong.

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima, and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin.”CONTINUED

* "Jordan"
EXCERPT “After the post–World War I division of West Asia by Britain and France, the Emirate of Transjordan was officially recognized by the Council of the League of Nations in 1922. In 1946, Jordan became an independent sovereign state officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.”CONTINUED

Documented Fact # 2. While looking at NY, NY on Google Earth, I didn't see any people either & saw many wide open spaces so why don't you head on up and stake out your claim......let me know how that works out for you.

However, according to the U.N.: “With a population numbering 1.4 million it (Gaza) is one of the most densely populated areas in the world" (1)

“United Nations Development Programme”
Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
EXCERPT “With a population numbering 1.4 million it is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Gaza is highly urbanised with the bulk of the population living in cities, towns and eight crowded refugee camps, home to over 800,000 refugees.”CONTINUED

If Gaza is so sparsely populated, Israel must have targeted civilians to have killed over 2,200 of them last year.

Read & learn

The region known as Palestine was invented by the Romans in about 70 C.E. as in insult to the Jews.

Does not alter the fact that over 50% of gaza is unoccupied open land, and that is where the terrorists should be firing their illegal weapons from.

No targeting at all if hamas insist on firing illegal weapons from occupied civilian areas then they will be held accountable for the deaths of 2,200 terrorists/militia/human shields.

You should read the IHL, Geneva conventions and learn the true facts instead of touting islamonazi propaganda, blood libels and lies.


1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

Rabin offered Arafat more land that any other leader ever had, and it was pushed under the table... not because of Igal Amir, but because the Palestinian refused to sign the deal.

They refused to Rabimn, who was the most generous giver Israel could have offered, yet they felt they were in the position to refuse. Well, surely they didn't think Netanyahu will offer them something better? They were not THAT dense.

Israel offered peace, while the Palestinian refused. We have our own saying, "Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance." There is no peace up until now because they don't want peace. Peace will mean the Palestinians will have no one to lean on to take the blame for their inside problems. I mean like, family honor, inside feuds, differences of leadership views, and the massive anount of "victimized payments" from rich Arab countries.

That is, in my opinion, a more realistic view.

As I said, if you look at the amount of Arab Palestinians in 1948, and their demographic today, they duplicated in about at least 3 or 4 times. Not only we didn't "genocide" them, but they overwhelmed us.

As I said, we, the Jews, must be the lamest destroyers ever if that is how we ethnically destroy a nation.
Sheer incompetence and ineptitude. How on earth can you have mass murder when you only kill 1000 or after a month? You people are sure lazy. How are you going to get anything done?

I prefer to credibly document my assertions for the sake of honesty before prematurely proclaiming myself the "Victor"

Documented Fact 1. It may surprise you to know that the Region called Palestine has been around long before 1945 while "....Jordan became an independent sovereign state officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.”* in 1946.

You're welcome to state that Italy is China & be equally creative but wrong.

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima, and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin.”CONTINUED

* "Jordan"
EXCERPT “After the post–World War I division of West Asia by Britain and France, the Emirate of Transjordan was officially recognized by the Council of the League of Nations in 1922. In 1946, Jordan became an independent sovereign state officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.”CONTINUED

Documented Fact # 2. While looking at NY, NY on Google Earth, I didn't see any people either & saw many wide open spaces so why don't you head on up and stake out your claim......let me know how that works out for you.

However, according to the U.N.: “With a population numbering 1.4 million it (Gaza) is one of the most densely populated areas in the world" (1)

“United Nations Development Programme”
Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
EXCERPT “With a population numbering 1.4 million it is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Gaza is highly urbanised with the bulk of the population living in cities, towns and eight crowded refugee camps, home to over 800,000 refugees.”CONTINUED

If Gaza is so sparsely populated, Israel must have targeted civilians to have killed over 2,200 of them last year.

Read & learn

The region known as Palestine was invented by the Romans in about 70 C.E. as in insult to the Jews.

Does not alter the fact that over 50% of gaza is unoccupied open land, and that is where the terrorists should be firing their illegal weapons from.

No targeting at all if hamas insist on firing illegal weapons from occupied civilian areas then they will be held accountable for the deaths of 2,200 terrorists/militia/human shields.

You should read the IHL, Geneva conventions and learn the true facts instead of touting islamonazi propaganda, blood libels and lies.


1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

So enlighten us about the number of arabs You call "Palestinians" that lived before 67' or even '47 ...and their amount today. This should easily prove Your case. Can You be honest about it?

And this is typical 'expansion' right?
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Or giving back Sinai for peace is classical expansion right?
Egypt Israel Peace Treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Now why did Jordan signed a long term peace with us
but had to withstand a failed revolt of it's majority of balestinians'?
Why Jordan is developing,progressive but all those who wish to coquesr Israel are fighting each other?
Israel Jordan peace treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All You count on is Goebbels' tactic of REPITITION to BRAINWASH
lefty-socialist hippie masses of fools.


1. Re: "
"So enlighten us about the number of arabs You call "Palestinians" that lived before 67' or even '47 ...and their amount today. This should easily prove Your case. Can You be honest about it?"

To which "case" are you referring?

2. Re: Expansion: Think "relentless, illegal Settlement sprawl & ruthless Palestinian home demolition"

Name just ONE instance in History in which Foreign Armies / Terrorist Gangs have come from far away, invaded and ruthlessly Occupied any Native Population without meating Resistance from that population.

Of the 37 signatories to Israel's Declaration of Independence, only ONE was from the Region. The rest were from Europe & elsewhere

"There is not a single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population."(see below)

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know
the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography
books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are
not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place
of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the
place of Tal al- Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population." -- David Ben Gurion, quoted in The
Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978, p. 99.

- Gaza: Israel still controls Gaza's deadly Blockade & has rendered Gaza a barely habitable toxic waste dump. Of course they're willing to withdraw from an area they are destroying & poisoning:

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire
EXCERPT “Israeli pesticide planes sprayed Gaza’s agricultural lands east of Gaza in recent days causing huge damage to the crops in a very short space of time."CONTINUED

- Sinai: Again, still under Israeli control & uninhabitable Considering the amount of Palestinian land Israel has stolen over the decades, whatever they've given back is a joke. It's like the car thief who steals an entire car, returns a hubcap & expects gratitude from the owner.

As long as the Netanyahu Regime continues, relentless & provocative Settlement Sprawl & is committing Genocide via Experimental, Chemical, Genotoxic Weapons, diversionary drivel about Jordan etc mean nothing.

Accusing Opponents to these sadistic & Naziesque Exterminations via Chemicals, D.U. etc of "Propaganda" is laughable in light of Israel's State Run multi-million /billion $ Hasbara / Propaganda industry.

It's ironic that you should mention "Repetition" when that is the cornerstone of training for you & your fellow Hasbara Hirelings:

"Luntz tells advocates to ...trot out the constant line about Hamas using human shields." (1)

Israel is the only country in the world with such an extensive, costly, international & sophisticated Propaganda Industry......


So badly needs one.


(1) “Frank Luntz’s latest hasbara talking points – how to defend Israel post-Gaza”
Frank Luntz s latest hasbara talking points how to defend Israel post-Gaza MuzzleWatch
We too have our own saying, "israelis never miss a chance to shot themselves in the foot."

"..... shoot themselves....."

You people are as incompetent with your goofy slogans as you are managing to exist in the 21st century.
The region known as Palestine was invented by the Romans in about 70 C.E. as in insult to the Jews.

Does not alter the fact that over 50% of gaza is unoccupied open land, and that is where the terrorists should be firing their illegal weapons from.

No targeting at all if hamas insist on firing illegal weapons from occupied civilian areas then they will be held accountable for the deaths of 2,200 terrorists/militia/human shields.

You should read the IHL, Geneva conventions and learn the true facts instead of touting islamonazi propaganda, blood libels and lies.


1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

So enlighten us about the number of arabs You call "Palestinians" that lived before 67' or even '47 ...and their amount today. This should easily prove Your case. Can You be honest about it?

And this is typical 'expansion' right?
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Or giving back Sinai for peace is classical expansion right?
Egypt Israel Peace Treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Now why did Jordan signed a long term peace with us
but had to withstand a failed revolt of it's majority of balestinians'?
Why Jordan is developing,progressive but all those who wish to coquesr Israel are fighting each other?
Israel Jordan peace treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All You count on is Goebbels' tactic of REPITITION to BRAINWASH
lefty-socialist hippie masses of fools.


1. Re: "
"So enlighten us about the number of arabs You call "Palestinians" that lived before 67' or even '47 ...and their amount today. This should easily prove Your case. Can You be honest about it?"

To which "case" are you referring?

2. Re: Expansion: Think "relentless, illegal Settlement sprawl & ruthless Palestinian home demolition"

Name just ONE instance in History in which Foreign Armies / Terrorist Gangs have come from far away, invaded and ruthlessly Occupied any Native Population without meating Resistance from that population.

Of the 37 signatories to Israel's Declaration of Independence, only ONE was from the Region. The rest were from Europe & elsewhere

"There is not a single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population."(see below)

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know
the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography
books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are
not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place
of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the
place of Tal al- Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population." -- David Ben Gurion, quoted in The
Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978, p. 99.

- Gaza: Israel still controls Gaza's deadly Blockade & has rendered Gaza a barely habitable toxic waste dump. Of course they're willing to withdraw from an area they are destroying & poisoning:

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire
EXCERPT “Israeli pesticide planes sprayed Gaza’s agricultural lands east of Gaza in recent days causing huge damage to the crops in a very short space of time."CONTINUED

- Sinai: Again, still under Israeli control & uninhabitable Considering the amount of Palestinian land Israel has stolen over the decades, whatever they've given back is a joke. It's like the car thief who steals an entire car, returns a hubcap & expects gratitude from the owner.

As long as the Netanyahu Regime continues, relentless & provocative Settlement Sprawl & is committing Genocide via Experimental, Chemical, Genotoxic Weapons, diversionary drivel about Jordan etc mean nothing.

Accusing Opponents to these sadistic & Naziesque Exterminations via Chemicals, D.U. etc of "Propaganda" is laughable in light of Israel's State Run multi-million /billion $ Hasbara / Propaganda industry.

It's ironic that you should mention "Repetition" when that is the cornerstone of training for you & your fellow Hasbara Hirelings:

"Luntz tells advocates to ...trot out the constant line about Hamas using human shields." (1)

Israel is the only country in the world with such an extensive, costly, international & sophisticated Propaganda Industry......


So badly needs one.


(1) “Frank Luntz’s latest hasbara talking points – how to defend Israel post-Gaza”
Frank Luntz s latest hasbara talking points how to defend Israel post-Gaza MuzzleWatch
What's not surprising is that your frantic cutting and pasting re: the Arab squatters occupying the disputed territories and your claim of their alleged entitlement to the land is typical Islamo-bluster.

The disputed territories have a history of being conquered by Arab-Moslem warring tribes and their Islamo-Crusades, the most recent being the Ottomans. In typical Islamo-whining, you seek to put an arbitrary timeline on ownership of the land, obviously in favor of Islamo-squatters, because that calms an ideological Islamo-entitlement with regard to the Islamo-concept of waqf.

What's laughable regarding your islamo-ranting are allusions to "genocide" and "extermination" when those attributes actually fit the proscription of your Islamo-fascist heroes of Hamas specifically and Islamo-dom, generally.


ISIS needs recruits. Grow a pair. Give your keyboard a break from all that pounding.

Thanks again.


The region known as Palestine was invented by the Romans in about 70 C.E. as in insult to the Jews.

Does not alter the fact that over 50% of gaza is unoccupied open land, and that is where the terrorists should be firing their illegal weapons from.

No targeting at all if hamas insist on firing illegal weapons from occupied civilian areas then they will be held accountable for the deaths of 2,200 terrorists/militia/human shields.

You should read the IHL, Geneva conventions and learn the true facts instead of touting islamonazi propaganda, blood libels and lies.


1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

Rabin offered Arafat more land that any other leader ever had, and it was pushed under the table... not because of Igal Amir, but because the Palestinian refused to sign the deal.

They refused to Rabimn, who was the most generous giver Israel could have offered, yet they felt they were in the position to refuse. Well, surely they didn't think Netanyahu will offer them something better? They were not THAT dense.

Israel offered peace, while the Palestinian refused. We have our own saying, "Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance." There is no peace up until now because they don't want peace. Peace will mean the Palestinians will have no one to lean on to take the blame for their inside problems. I mean like, family honor, inside feuds, differences of leadership views, and the massive anount of "victimized payments" from rich Arab countries.

That is, in my opinion, a more realistic view.

As I said, if you look at the amount of Arab Palestinians in 1948, and their demographic today, they duplicated in about at least 3 or 4 times. Not only we didn't "genocide" them, but they overwhelmed us.

As I said, we, the Jews, must be the lamest destroyers ever if that is how we ethnically destroy a nation.
Sheer incompetence and ineptitude. How on earth can you have mass murder when you only kill 1000 or after a month? You people are sure lazy. How are you going to get anything done?
The region known as Palestine was invented by the Romans in about 70 C.E. as in insult to the Jews.

Does not alter the fact that over 50% of gaza is unoccupied open land, and that is where the terrorists should be firing their illegal weapons from.

No targeting at all if hamas insist on firing illegal weapons from occupied civilian areas then they will be held accountable for the deaths of 2,200 terrorists/militia/human shields.

You should read the IHL, Geneva conventions and learn the true facts instead of touting islamonazi propaganda, blood libels and lies.


1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

Rabin offered Arafat more land that any other leader ever had, and it was pushed under the table... not because of Igal Amir, but because the Palestinian refused to sign the deal.

They refused to Rabimn, who was the most generous giver Israel could have offered, yet they felt they were in the position to refuse. Well, surely they didn't think Netanyahu will offer them something better? They were not THAT dense.

Israel offered peace, while the Palestinian refused. We have our own saying, "Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance." There is no peace up until now because they don't want peace. Peace will mean the Palestinians will have no one to lean on to take the blame for their inside problems. I mean like, family honor, inside feuds, differences of leadership views, and the massive anount of "victimized payments" from rich Arab countries.

That is, in my opinion, a more realistic view.

As I said, if you look at the amount of Arab Palestinians in 1948, and their demographic today, they duplicated in about at least 3 or 4 times. Not only we didn't "genocide" them, but they overwhelmed us.

As I said, we, the Jews, must be the lamest destroyers ever if that is how we ethnically destroy a nation.
Sheer incompetence and ineptitude. How on earth can you have mass murder when you only kill 1000 or after a month? You people are sure lazy. How are you going to get anything done?


No one could know what the current population of Gaza is today.

Would YOU want to be a census taker in what has been rendered a combination fetid, Toxic Waste Dump / Open Air Shooting Gallery / Labratory for Israel's testing of Chemical, Genotoxic Weapons etc?

Because the effects of IDF's Experimental Chemical & Genotoxic Weapons is to inflict incurable, terminal & painful wounds that cause later deaths, birth deaths & guarantee deaths in other for generations, an actual casualty number from a single Mass Slaughter like "Protective Edge" etc is impossible to calculate.

The "lessons from the holocaust" that members of the criminal Netanyahu Regime, its Zionist War Criminals & apologists for Israel's Genocide have learned is how to exterminate multitudes more surreptitiously.

1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

So enlighten us about the number of arabs You call "Palestinians" that lived before 67' or even '47 ...and their amount today. This should easily prove Your case. Can You be honest about it?

And this is typical 'expansion' right?
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Or giving back Sinai for peace is classical expansion right?
Egypt Israel Peace Treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Now why did Jordan signed a long term peace with us
but had to withstand a failed revolt of it's majority of balestinians'?
Why Jordan is developing,progressive but all those who wish to coquesr Israel are fighting each other?
Israel Jordan peace treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All You count on is Goebbels' tactic of REPITITION to BRAINWASH
lefty-socialist hippie masses of fools.


1. Re: "
"So enlighten us about the number of arabs You call "Palestinians" that lived before 67' or even '47 ...and their amount today. This should easily prove Your case. Can You be honest about it?"

To which "case" are you referring?

2. Re: Expansion: Think "relentless, illegal Settlement sprawl & ruthless Palestinian home demolition"

Name just ONE instance in History in which Foreign Armies / Terrorist Gangs have come from far away, invaded and ruthlessly Occupied any Native Population without meating Resistance from that population.

Of the 37 signatories to Israel's Declaration of Independence, only ONE was from the Region. The rest were from Europe & elsewhere

"There is not a single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population."(see below)

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know
the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography
books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are
not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place
of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the
place of Tal al- Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population." -- David Ben Gurion, quoted in The
Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978, p. 99.

- Gaza: Israel still controls Gaza's deadly Blockade & has rendered Gaza a barely habitable toxic waste dump. Of course they're willing to withdraw from an area they are destroying & poisoning:

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire
EXCERPT “Israeli pesticide planes sprayed Gaza’s agricultural lands east of Gaza in recent days causing huge damage to the crops in a very short space of time."CONTINUED

- Sinai: Again, still under Israeli control & uninhabitable Considering the amount of Palestinian land Israel has stolen over the decades, whatever they've given back is a joke. It's like the car thief who steals an entire car, returns a hubcap & expects gratitude from the owner.

As long as the Netanyahu Regime continues, relentless & provocative Settlement Sprawl & is committing Genocide via Experimental, Chemical, Genotoxic Weapons, diversionary drivel about Jordan etc mean nothing.

Accusing Opponents to these sadistic & Naziesque Exterminations via Chemicals, D.U. etc of "Propaganda" is laughable in light of Israel's State Run multi-million /billion $ Hasbara / Propaganda industry.

It's ironic that you should mention "Repetition" when that is the cornerstone of training for you & your fellow Hasbara Hirelings:

"Luntz tells advocates to ...trot out the constant line about Hamas using human shields." (1)

Israel is the only country in the world with such an extensive, costly, international & sophisticated Propaganda Industry......


So badly needs one.


(1) “Frank Luntz’s latest hasbara talking points – how to defend Israel post-Gaza”
Frank Luntz s latest hasbara talking points how to defend Israel post-Gaza MuzzleWatch
What's not surprising is that your frantic cutting and pasting re: the Arab squatters occupying the disputed territories and your claim of their alleged entitlement to the land is typical Islamo-bluster.

The disputed territories have a history of being conquered by Arab-Moslem warring tribes and their Islamo-Crusades, the most recent being the Ottomans. In typical Islamo-whining, you seek to put an arbitrary timeline on ownership of the land, obviously in favor of Islamo-squatters, because that calms an ideological Islamo-entitlement with regard to the Islamo-concept of waqf.

What's laughable regarding your islamo-ranting are allusions to "genocide" and "extermination" when those attributes actually fit the proscription of your Islamo-fascist heroes of Hamas specifically and Islamo-dom, generally.


ISIS needs recruits. Grow a pair. Give your keyboard a break from all that pounding.

Thanks again.




Hamas targeted & killed just under 100 IDF members and approx. 3 civilians


IDF targeted & killed over 2,200 Civilians and about 100 Hamas Fighters

Which is the REAL "Terrorist" organization?


P.S. I've served my time fighting a REAL army now, I'm opposing another "holocaust"

1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

Rabin offered Arafat more land that any other leader ever had, and it was pushed under the table... not because of Igal Amir, but because the Palestinian refused to sign the deal.

They refused to Rabimn, who was the most generous giver Israel could have offered, yet they felt they were in the position to refuse. Well, surely they didn't think Netanyahu will offer them something better? They were not THAT dense.

Israel offered peace, while the Palestinian refused. We have our own saying, "Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance." There is no peace up until now because they don't want peace. Peace will mean the Palestinians will have no one to lean on to take the blame for their inside problems. I mean like, family honor, inside feuds, differences of leadership views, and the massive anount of "victimized payments" from rich Arab countries.

That is, in my opinion, a more realistic view.

As I said, if you look at the amount of Arab Palestinians in 1948, and their demographic today, they duplicated in about at least 3 or 4 times. Not only we didn't "genocide" them, but they overwhelmed us.

As I said, we, the Jews, must be the lamest destroyers ever if that is how we ethnically destroy a nation.
Sheer incompetence and ineptitude. How on earth can you have mass murder when you only kill 1000 or after a month? You people are sure lazy. How are you going to get anything done?

1. If you can't read the credible sources I've already posted, get some help.
If you won't read them, there's no point in my responding:

Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT “Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη

It's generally accepted that the Greeks preceded (came before) the Romans.

Either way, the Native Arabic Christian Residents of Palestine are genetically connected to pre- Canaanite residents:

“Palestinian people”
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
EXCERPT“Genetic analysis suggests that Palestinians are "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times," and that the Muslims among them are largely descendants of Christians and Jews from the southern Levant.[19”"CONTINUED

2. It doesn't matter where Hamas operates their legal Resistance,(1) IDF targets civilians & destroys life sustaining infrastructure anyway (SEE PLAN DALET)

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”

“Kids in the crosshairs: Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award”

“Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”
Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals Video Your News Wire

“Despite truce, Gaza fishermen under fire at sea”
Despite truce Gaza fishermen under fire at sea The National

“Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers”Video Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

. . . . . . . . . . .
The Netanyahu Regime has made it clear that it prefers the status quo (killing Palestinians) to making peace by its relentless, internationally condemned, "Peace Busting" Settlement Expansionism

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict” “Defense Minister Ya'alon:
Defense Minister Ya alon I am not looking for a solution I am looking for a way to manage the conflict 972 Magazine

. . . . . . . .
“United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236”
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?”
BY: Ramzy Baroud
EXCERPT ""Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 1949, (Act 1 C4), passed in 1977, declared that armed struggle can be used, as a last resort, as a method of exercising the right of self-determination."CONTINUED

"Peace"? and what peace will that be? the one from their Hadith, about killing all until the last Jew?

Thanks, but, we'll pass.

You don't speak for all Israelis, especially those not interested in stealing more land and slaughtering innocent civilians.

All experienced Middle East Watchers are familiar with the saying that "Israel will fight to the last drop of American blood" as well as the selfish "Sampson Option": "....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
General Moshe Dayan

Israel has never declared Final Borders & refuses to make peace because Peace would mean the end of its Expansionist agenda spelled out in the Oded Yinon Plan & "Greater Israel" Seizing / Hegemony over all land from the Litani River to the Euphrates R. to the Nile R.

The Netanyahu Regime's obsession with his internationally condemned, criminal & provocative Expansionism aka his para-Military Settlement Program
is proof of his choice of more Ethnic Cleansing & Regional Conflict over an equitable Peace.

In the long term, Israel is less secure by galvanizing enemies and alienating allies through relentless land grabs & massacres

Rabin offered Arafat more land that any other leader ever had, and it was pushed under the table... not because of Igal Amir, but because the Palestinian refused to sign the deal.

They refused to Rabimn, who was the most generous giver Israel could have offered, yet they felt they were in the position to refuse. Well, surely they didn't think Netanyahu will offer them something better? They were not THAT dense.

Israel offered peace, while the Palestinian refused. We have our own saying, "Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance." There is no peace up until now because they don't want peace. Peace will mean the Palestinians will have no one to lean on to take the blame for their inside problems. I mean like, family honor, inside feuds, differences of leadership views, and the massive anount of "victimized payments" from rich Arab countries.

That is, in my opinion, a more realistic view.

As I said, if you look at the amount of Arab Palestinians in 1948, and their demographic today, they duplicated in about at least 3 or 4 times. Not only we didn't "genocide" them, but they overwhelmed us.

As I said, we, the Jews, must be the lamest destroyers ever if that is how we ethnically destroy a nation.
Sheer incompetence and ineptitude. How on earth can you have mass murder when you only kill 1000 or after a month? You people are sure lazy. How are you going to get anything done?


No one could know what the current population of Gaza is today.

Would YOU want to be a census taker in what has been rendered a combination fetid, Toxic Waste Dump / Open Air Shooting Gallery / Labratory for Israel's testing of Chemical, Genotoxic Weapons etc?

Because the effects of IDF's Experimental Chemical & Genotoxic Weapons is to inflict incurable, terminal & painful wounds that cause later deaths, birth deaths & guarantee deaths in other for generations, an actual casualty number from a single Mass Slaughter like "Protective Edge" etc is impossible to calculate.

The "lessons from the holocaust" that members of the criminal Netanyahu Regime, its Zionist War Criminals & apologists for Israel's Genocide have learned is how to exterminate multitudes more surreptitiously.
Has anyone told the Pal beggars and squatters of the Genocide? <---- note the capital "G"

They've been breeding like rabbits, presumably as a way to extort more international welfare dollars from the infidel.

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