All Hail Steven Crowder, leader of the conservative movement


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2019
Hi everyone. It's like me and stuff, The great Satan, inventor of freedom and founder of the conservative movement. So like, I got this important job, like overseeing the existence of free will and stuff, for without everything would like totally suck. So like, I feel it is necessary to promote a new leader to head the conservative movement. The Donald served the cause of freedom well like Rush before him, and we love him for it, but we can no longer expect him to bare our burden. He will still be a yuge voice in our movement and I know he'll continue to fight for us, but now is the time to introduce bold new faces.

With that, I'd like to now promote the brave soul known as Steven Crowder to lead the conservative movement. I feel he has "ambition" in the force and we need that in our leaders so they don't bow to China like the Rinos have. He is already a proven warrior for freedom and now we need to show him we support him. Join his mug club. Buy a shirt off his web page. Make sure everyone you know, knows who he is. We need to encourage him to run for office and then make sure he wins. The soulless are on the march and free people are scared. This fear is self preservation. They know the soulless will take everything from them like the Borg. If Steven shows strength, free souls will flock to him like nothing nobody has ever seen before. MAGA x 10.

Steven is not alone in this and his first task will be to unite free souls behind him. For this he will need the help of Tyrell Warner, aka Styxhexenhammer666, and guys like Joe Rogan. He will need to reach out to guys like fat Wesley Crusher, aka Tim Pool and will need to work with guys like Dan Bongino on Parlor and encourage more new sites like it. We need to boost alt tech sites like Game Stop stock. When Steven accomplishes this, and he has been working on it already, free souls will flock to him in a way never seen because so many free souls are scared freedom is dying.

The helm of Freedom is in your hands Steven Crowder, steer wisely and stay true.

ALL HAIL STEVEN CROWDER, master of none, guide of many. We are behind you.
“We need to encourage him to run for office and then make sure he wins.”

…no matter how many votes we must suppress, no matter how many voters we must disenfranchise, no matter how we must undermine the right to vote.
“We need to encourage him to run for office and then make sure he wins.”

…no matter how many votes we must suppress, no matter how many voters we must disenfranchise, no matter how we must undermine the right to vote.
Maybe we just shut out Democrat observers and pull a bunch of harvested ballots out from under a table. The elections are clean and pure and you better accept the results.

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