All converts or born Jews have the right to their historic homeland Israel "palestine" - even if debunked "khazar" were true


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
The whole idea of khazar began by a non -historian author who tried to combat anti-Semitism by arguing that the persecured Jews were not at "fault" about when the Romans nailed Jesus.

It got a new 'life' only by anti Jewish bigots since 1970, such as by Arab neo nazi Issa Nakhleh who wrote his obsession about Muhammad. And who supported Arab office in Nazi Germany in 1939, denied the holocaust in the 1970s and 1980s, and had worked with neo Nazis most of his life.

Today it's mainly propagated by neo Nazis and the likes.

  • Anything about Gilad Atzmon or Arab-Neo-Nazi Issa Nakhleh is infamous.

  • Most Israelis are not Ashkenazi.

  • Converts (even if debunked Khazar were to be true) have the same rights to Israel, because it's not about "race " or racism.

    A German or an Arab who converts to Judaism has as much a right as any Jew to the land of Israel - their historic homeland before the Arab immigration.

Judaism has allowed for voluntary conversion through most of its history. Indeed, the great-grandmother of King David, Ruth, was a Moabite convert. Therefore, even if the Ashkenazi were descendants of Khazar converts, they would still be entirely, legitimately Jewish in the eyes of Jewish law.

Oh yes.
And anti-Semitism always referred to anti Jewish bigotry. Semitic or not.
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The whole idea of khazar began by a non -historian author who tred to combat anti-Semitism by arguing that the persecured Jews were not at fault about Jesus.

It got a new 'life' only by anti Jewish bigots since 1970, such as by Arab neo nazi Issa Nakhleh who wrote his obsession about Muhammad. And who supported Arab office in Nazi Germany in 1939, denied the holocaust in the 1970s and 1980s, and had worked with neo Nazis most of his life.

Today it's mainly propagated by neo Nazis and the likes.

  • Anything about Gilad Atzmon or Arab-Neo-Nazi Issa Nakhleh is infamous.

  • Most Israelis are not Ashkenazi.

  • Converts (even if debunked Khazar were to be true) have the same rights to Israel, because it's not about "race " or racism.

    A German or an Arab who converts to Judaism has as much a right as any Jew to the land of Israel - their I homeland before the Arab immigration.
I heard that Israeli's don't do DNA testing because it proves none of them are from the area.

The Genetic Information Law 5761 – 2000: This law regulates the right to privacy in matters of genetics, the need for informed consent for genetic testing of various types, and the cases in which genetic testing of minors and of persons for whom guardians were appointed, is permitted or prohibited.
The whole idea of khazar began by a non -historian author who tried to combat anti-Semitism by arguing that the persecured Jews were not at "fault" about when the Romans nailed Jesus.

It got a new 'life' only by anti Jewish bigots since 1970, such as by Arab neo nazi Issa Nakhleh who wrote his obsession about Muhammad. And who supported Arab office in Nazi Germany in 1939, denied the holocaust in the 1970s and 1980s, and had worked with neo Nazis most of his life.

Today it's mainly propagated by neo Nazis and the likes.

  • Anything about Gilad Atzmon or Arab-Neo-Nazi Issa Nakhleh is infamous.

  • Most Israelis are not Ashkenazi.

  • Converts (even if debunked Khazar were to be true) have the same rights to Israel, because it's not about "race " or racism.

    A German or an Arab who converts to Judaism has as much a right as any Jew to the land of Israel - their historic homeland before the Arab immigration.

Judaism has allowed for voluntary conversion through most of its history. Indeed, the great-grandmother of King David, Ruth, was a Moabite convert. Therefore, even if the Ashkenazi were descendants of Khazar converts, they would still be entirely, legitimately Jewish in the eyes of Jewish law.

Oh yes.
And anti-Semitism always referred to anti Jewish bigotry. Semitic or not.
Abbas brought up this theory, like he brought up the idea that Palestinians were in Palestine for the past 10,000 years.

It is called "Destroying Jewish History " by revising Jewish History for those who know nothing about Jewish History or those who have been taught to not care about Jews for the past 2000 years.
Abbas brought up this theory, like he brought up the idea that Palestinians were in Palestine for the past 10,000 years.

It is called "Destroying Jewish History " by revising Jewish History for those who know nothing about Jewish History or those who have been taught to not care about Jews for the past 2000 years.
The very fact that Abbas promoted this idea sandwitched with FALSELY rationalizing Hitler, already tells you that he doesn't really believe in it.
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The very fact that Abbas promoted this idea sandwitched with FALSELY rationalizing Hitherv, ells you that he doesn't really believe in it.
They do not believe in anything they have invented about the Jews. It is for the Arab population in Gaza and the PA and the Western fools who do not care about History.

It is a tool to destroy Israel.

And they fail again and again, turning upside down the lives of Millions around the world helped by all of those who have learned all of their lives to hate Jews, or the ignorant ones who do not care about facts.
I can see how desperate you are not to have your belief system shattered , OP
Some fragile minds crack under that strain .

Unfortunately the role of the Khazars is beyond sensible dispute , though I understand your need to believe it is debunked .
However , that is just your wishful thinking .

If there was anything to suggest that you are not suffering complete Cognitive Rigidity I would debate.
However, you clearly are and it would be like chatting to Litwin , aka Nazi Winkle , and trying to get him to see that the UAF has collapsed .

Mission impossible . But also Mission not worth the time and effort .
Judaism has allowed for voluntary conversion through most of its history. Indeed, the great-grandmother of King David, Ruth, was a Moabite convert. Therefore, even if the Ashkenazi were descendants of Khazar converts, they would still be entirely, legitimately Jewish in the eyes of Jewish law.

Oh yes.
And anti-Semitism always referred to anti Jewish bigotry. Semitic or not.

Please see below

So, basically Crusaders murdered Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem. Jews were kept ghetto camps in Europe then murdered by Hitler in Germany. Which of the former sounds reasonable to let them kill and displace people from their homes?
So, basically Crusaders murdered Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem. Jews were kept ghetto camps in Europe then murdered by Hitler in Germany. Which of the former sounds reasonable to let them kill and displace people from their homes?
Why prefer to settle children of Arab immigrants? And most left because their leaders told them to do so. And a large part was bought in the 1920s and 1930s, prior to 1948.
RACIST MOTIVATED POSTING THE FRAUD 'luiza' admits all Jews are connected Hebrews/Israelites and all today. While spewing her racism.

Abbas brought up this theory, like he brought up the idea that Palestinians were in Palestine for the past 10,000 years.

It is called "Destroying Jewish History " by revising Jewish History for those who know nothing about Jewish History or those who have been taught to not care about Jews for the past 2000 years.
They have been doing this since 1948
The whole idea of khazar began by a non -historian author who tried to combat anti-Semitism by arguing that the persecured Jews were not at "fault" about when the Romans nailed Jesus.

It got a new 'life' only by anti Jewish bigots since 1970, such as by Arab neo nazi Issa Nakhleh who wrote his obsession about Muhammad. And who supported Arab office in Nazi Germany in 1939, denied the holocaust in the 1970s and 1980s, and had worked with neo Nazis most of his life.

Today it's mainly propagated by neo Nazis and the likes.

  • Anything about Gilad Atzmon or Arab-Neo-Nazi Issa Nakhleh is infamous.

  • Most Israelis are not Ashkenazi.

  • Converts (even if debunked Khazar were to be true) have the same rights to Israel, because it's not about "race " or racism.

    A German or an Arab who converts to Judaism has as much a right as any Jew to the land of Israel - their historic homeland before the Arab immigration.
View attachment 866145

Judaism has allowed for voluntary conversion through most of its history. Indeed, the great-grandmother of King David, Ruth, was a Moabite convert. Therefore, even if the Ashkenazi were descendants of Khazar converts, they would still be entirely, legitimately Jewish in the eyes of Jewish law.

Oh yes.
And anti-Semitism always referred to anti Jewish bigotry. Semitic or not.

Nobody has a "right" to their "historic homeland". If this were the case then the US would be the first to lose.
Why prefer to settle children of Arab immigrants? And most left because their leaders told them to do so. And a large part was bought in the 1920s and 1930s, prior to 1948.
would you leave your home because tour leaders told you to do so?

but seriously, if a small tribe of seminoles bulldozed your florida home and moved in, ya might be a little pissed?

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