All about "classified" files and cases - the future prosperity of America is....


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
It is there. It is why we were lied to about Covid, duped into absentee ballots, and subjected to treasonous fraud.

Trump wanted 911 truth out. Zionist Traitors did not.

To liberate America, all it would take is a US military occupation of DC, followed by raids of CIA and FBI for all the "classified" stuff that the American people, especially the men and women in uniform, deserve to see and understand.

The FBI 911 file
The CIA JFK file
The FBI Global Warming file
Hunter Biden's laptop
Joe Biden's FBI file, which apparently documents all of his kleptocratic stealing from the US taxpayer for decades

The STEAL was mostly about covering up truth about Zionist Treason. Now that all Zionist Traitors are in charge everywhere in DC, it takes a "counter coup" by the US military, to sit us down, without firing a shot, and audit the election, using military tribunal method, and let the American people know the truth....


the USS Liberty
the Marines in Lebanon 1983
the STEAL 2020
It is there. It is why we were lied to about Covid, duped into absentee ballots, and subjected to treasonous fraud.

Trump wanted 911 truth out. Zionist Traitors did not.

To liberate America, all it would take is a US military occupation of DC, followed by raids of CIA and FBI for all the "classified" stuff that the American people, especially the men and women in uniform, deserve to see and understand.

The FBI 911 file
The CIA JFK file
The FBI Global Warming file
Hunter Biden's laptop
Joe Biden's FBI file, which apparently documents all of his kleptocratic stealing from the US taxpayer for decades

The STEAL was mostly about covering up truth about Zionist Treason. Now that all Zionist Traitors are in charge everywhere in DC, it takes a "counter coup" by the US military, to sit us down, without firing a shot, and audit the election, using military tribunal method, and let the American people know the truth....


the USS Liberty
the Marines in Lebanon 1983
the STEAL 2020
Back to bed now.
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Israel is in control of every branch of the US Federal Government after The Steal.

Traitor Joe is about to sell out our men and women in uniform again for the sole purpose of helping Israel.

We were clearly told this a decade ago....

Andrew Adler, the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, a weekly newspaper serving Atlanta's Jewish community, devoted his January 13, 2012 column to the thorny problem of the U.S. and Israel's diverging views on the threat posed by Iran. Basically Israel has three options, he wrote: Strike Hezbollah and Hamas, strike Iran, or "order a hit" on Barack Obama. Either way, problem solved!

Here's how Adler laid out "option three" in his list of scenarios facing Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu (the column, which was forwarded to us by a tipster, isn't online, but you can read a copy here):

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.
Yes, you read "three" correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel's existence.

So, if the Mossad had offed homObama (as it did JFK), Traitor Joe would've lied about that (as did LBJ), and off the US would go to war to help Israel, in LBJ's case, go to war with 'nam to manufacture new US weapons and ship them to Israel free of charge - why our troops in 'nam were stuck there with old outdated weapons that failed a lot....
Israel is in control of every branch of the US Federal Government after The Steal.

Traitor Joe is about to sell out our men and women in uniform again for the sole purpose of helping Israel.

We were clearly told this a decade ago....

Andrew Adler, the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, a weekly newspaper serving Atlanta's Jewish community, devoted his January 13, 2012 column to the thorny problem of the U.S. and Israel's diverging views on the threat posed by Iran. Basically Israel has three options, he wrote: Strike Hezbollah and Hamas, strike Iran, or "order a hit" on Barack Obama. Either way, problem solved!

Here's how Adler laid out "option three" in his list of scenarios facing Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu (the column, which was forwarded to us by a tipster, isn't online, but you can read a copy here):

So, if the Mossad had offed homObama (as it did JFK), Traitor Joe would've lied about that (as did LBJ), and off the US would go to war to help Israel, in LBJ's case, go to war with 'nam to manufacture new US weapons and ship them to Israel free of charge - why our troops in 'nam were stuck there with old outdated weapons that failed a lot....

Adler is a nut.

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