ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona!

The ignoring part is what needs to be investigated, and this because if he did carry the state, and they ignored it, then they need to be indicted.
Trump didn’t carry the state. CyberNinja closed that door, locked it, melted the key and pretended it never happened.

Gee, I wonder why.
Because JFK had more ballets in the recount which is more closely witnessed by both parties than election night counting of ballots.
The Eastman memo was activated and followed precisely. It only failed because Pence was too patriotic, too loyal to his oath of office and to the Constitution, and to his white Christian nationalist Biblical world view where his moral compass points in the opposite direction of committing fraud for Donald J Trump so they could win the election.
You agreed with me by saying it failed. Who claims Pence saw it? A lot of the public believes it was the Democrats committing fraud. You know about that of course.
Trump didn’t carry the state. CyberNinja closed that door, locked it, melted the key and pretended it never happened.

Because JFK had more ballets in the recount which is more closely witnessed by both parties than election night counting of ballots.
What amazes me so much is the same Democrats for many many years alleged the ballots were rigged and claimed shit like voter suppression suddenly had a come to jesus moment and now claim all is great. How did it get great so fast?
Trump didn’t carry the state. CyberNinja closed that door, locked it, melted the key and pretended it never happened.

Because JFK had more ballets in the recount which is more closely witnessed by both parties than election night counting of ballots.
Trump sure as Hell did. That election had 0 integrity.
What amazes me so much is the same Democrats for many many years alleged the ballots were rigged and claimed shit like voter suppression suddenly had a come to jesus moment and now claim all is great. How did it get great so fast?
Voter suppression is much different than attempting to overturn a completely certified election that decides a transfer of power from a one term incumbent is who is required to follow the constitutionally mandated timeline that includes January 6th when the election is certified that he lost.

Trump had absolutely no legal path foreword for him to tell a mob he called together on J6,21 to fight like hell or lose America that he had a path to win:
“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

Trump said that, so why weren’t you in DC fighting like hell for the Orange skinned fascist carrying a noose to hang Mike Pence in front of his wife and kids. ? Hell you might as wel hung his kids too.
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You agreed with me by saying it failed.
Of course THE ATTEMPT failed. I told you why. You are arguing there was no attempt and thus no crime.

Jenna Ellis is a white Christian nationalist, supposedly constitutional lawyer, and she pled guilty to the same electors fraud type case in Georgia that she was indicted for involvement in the criminal conspiracy with Trump. She pled guilty to the crime. She has a very popular radio 1 hour radio program every morning Monday through Friday on Dr. James Dobson’s white Christian nationalist radio station. She could’ve done a GoFundMe and fought the charges, but she didn’t. She said she realizes now she should not have done what she did. That’s a constitutional lawyer perspective that you need to get in your head.

I’m leave she was advised by other lawyers that if she fights it, she could likely lose but convicted and end up in prison for a couple of years away from her kids and her two puppies.

The good thing about her is that she probably wouldn’t shoot a puppy and be proud of it like other Republicans who think that’s cool
They could never have been used. You just want to believe that the people behind this were too stupid to know otherwise, I don't. They're far smarter and more knowledgeable on the topic than you ever will be. They didn't think they were breaking any laws because they weren't.

Not my problem you don't understand it doesn't matter if they could be used or not. If I print my own counterfeit $100 bills and go to spend one, it's a crime whether I successfully buy something with it or if it wouldn't fool a cashier.

It's their intent that matters, not if they were too stupid to pull off their stunt. They clearly thought it could work otherwise they wouldn't have signed it. Trump and his lawyers thought it could work otherwise they wouldn't have come up with such a lame brain idea.
The Eastman memo was activated and followed precisely. It only failed because Pence was too patriotic, too loyal to his oath of office and to the Constitution, and to his white Christian nationalist Biblical world view where his moral compass points in the opposite direction of committing fraud for Donald J Trump so they could win the election.
Plan A was just to have Pence count the fake electors and declare Trump the President. Plan B was for him to refuse to certify the electors, and then to send the elector slates back to the State legislatures.

Trump bought all the way in on this crackpot idea. When Trump saw that Mike's one little bang of the gavel was more powerful than his own, entire empire, he knew the con was over. The rats started jumping ship and destroying evidence.

Bang Bang Mike's Wooden Hammer:

According to you, all Biden had to do was think of defrauding us. And he sure did that many times.

The fake electors didn't just think about being electors. They actually signed a document falsely stating they were the duly elected electors for the winner of the state being Donald Trump and know that fake certificate was being sent to Congress.
And is this election interference being continued ? What people aren't grasping is that all of this stuff should have been immediately investigated and brought before a grand jury for review back in late 2020.

To bring any of it now is election interference, and it is political jockeying by Democrat's in hopes to bring down their political opponents.. It's all in hopes to save Joe Biden and his merry band of leftist.

So why didn't the Republican attorney general for Arizona seek charges back then. This could have happened 2 years ago.
They could never have been used
They would have been used to create chaos on J6,21 if Pence did what Trump refers to as the “right thing.”

Pence did not do the “right thing” for MAGA as you know Saint Oldslame.

You have never defended or praised Mike Pierce for refusing to participate in the Eastman fraud and preventing Trump from winning the 2020 election as the incumbent loser being the one who lost,

Sounds like there weren't any disputes, your scenario never happened.

Trump lied.... that's all I have to read to not take anything you say with any seriousness. You idiots constantly and continually lie about everything to do with him. TDS fools.
You mean while the 'insurrection' was already taking place? lol In my opinion, they didn't 'fight' hard enough.

There's going to come a time that people are going to get to the point where if their grievances aren't addressed, they continue to be stripped of their rights, and every avenue has been tried to correct it and has failed, that you're going to see a lot worse than what happened on January 6.

How would they have gone? Are you seriously suggesting that they would have been successful from keeping the votes from being counted for any length of time? :cuckoo:

you're implying that through violence and coercion that Pence would have taken this action and it would have stood.

So, they take Pence or someone else hostage and insist that Eastman's plan is put into play or...... what? They kill their hostages?

So Pence, under duress and threat of someone being hurt or killed, does his part in denying certain electors. And then what? The perpetrators go free and Trump is sworn in 2 weeks later?

Pence clearly was not going to do that, your claim was that had the insurrectionists been 'successful' then the outcome would have been vastly different.

How would the insurrectionists have convinced Pence to follow the 'plan' if they had been 'successful'?

Did the insurrectionists not cause enough 'chaos' for them to put it into play? Seems to me the insurrectionists saved the day by interrupting Pence's/Grassley's nefarious plans.

you act like some aide can go pass off uncertified electors to Pence and have him throw out both the certified and the uncertified.

That he can choose between a legal slate and an illegal one, that he can throw a legal one out and count the illegal one

Pence announcing to congress that he has multiple slates, which you claim are illegal, and doesn't count them. Never happens.

Who were they trying to defraud and deceive? What did they falsify?

Answer the damn question. How were illegal electors going to be counted in front of congress???
OldFlame Oct’21 Scrtss: “You mean while the 'insurrection' was already taking place? lol In my opinion, they didn't 'fight' hard enough.”

nothing will ever get better.
Is it because you were too timid and rightwing passive Saint Oldflame to be in the Capitol behind the Oath Keepers, Proud Boyz and Three Percenters fighting like hell to save God’s Christian Nation from policemen on the Deep State Satanic Force protecting the institution of this crappy thing they call western liberal democracy that was invented by white Anglo Saxon Protestants but is no longer kind and beneficial to the superior class of people that WASPS are.

Capitol riot: Trump supporters shown beating Officer Michael Fanone under ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flag. 211020 {post•57}
OldFlame Oct’21 Scrtss: You mean while the 'insurrection' was already taking place? lol In my opinion, they didn't 'fight' hard enough. ldflm 211020 Scrtss00057
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OldFlame Oct’21 Scrtss: “You mean while the 'insurrection' was already taking place? lol In my opinion, they didn't 'fight' hard enough.”

Is it because you were too timid and rightwing passive Saint Oldflame to be in the Capitol behind the Oath Keepers, Proud Boyz and Three Percenters fighting like hell to save God’s Christian Nation from policemen on the Deep State Satanic Force protecting the institution of this crappy thing they call western liberal democracy that was invented by white Anglo Saxon Protestants but is no longer kind and beneficial to the superior class of people that WASPS are.

Capitol riot: Trump supporters shown beating Officer Michael Fanone under ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flag. 211020 {post•57}
OldFlame Oct’21 Scrtss: You mean while the 'insurrection' was already taking place? lol In my opinion, they didn't 'fight' hard enough. ldflm 211020 Scrtss00057

Conservatism is a sickness.

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