aliens don't exist

No, sorry. The evidence clearly shows that did not happen. Your silly dogma is known to be false. Looks like you are relegated to brainwashing small children and getting laughed at by educated adults.
You're the sorry one. Humans and every other living organisms had to be created as adults for them to reproduce by sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction. This is impossible by evolution standards. Just fall down on your knees and beg for repentance.
Start here;
Main challenge with this thread is it starts with a blanket statement that implies the entirety of the Universe, which until we get to other Stars and their planets remains unproven, and unknowable.

Now if you'd started claiming lack of evidence, or better yet proof, of (extra terrestrial) aliens here on Earth, you wouldn't look so ridiculous.
So basically, no peer reviewed published research. Ever. By anyone. And not a shred of evidence ever of a single alien craft.

But mountains of evidence that optical illusions happen and people make mistakes and lie.

All the evidence still points in the same direction. And it isn't aliens.
So basically, no peer reviewed published research. Ever. By anyone. And not a shred of evidence ever of a single alien craft.

But mountains of evidence that optical illusions happen and people make mistakes and lie.

All the evidence still points in the same direction. And it isn't aliens.
About what we get from someone lacking in honesty and openness like you;
"This member limits who may view their full profile. "

I don't expect to overcome your ignorance or bias, just make such clear to those reading here.

"Optical illusions" don't create multiple radar returns, cause disruptions to electrical and electronic systems on aircraft that encounter UAPs. Given the hints of the advanced technology displayed by some UAPs, hardly the sort of thing a responsible government is willing to let the general public have access to.

I'd consider reports from military organizations involved in aviation and national defense to be the sort of "peer review" that would be appropriate to the task. Hence the reports I cited. There is also this for general consumption;

Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis Paperback – December 1, 1995​

Paul Hill was a well-respected NASA scientist when, in the early 1950s, he had a UFO sighting. Soon after, he built the first flying platform and was able to duplicate the UFO's tilt-to-control maneuvers. Official policy, however, prevented him from proclaiming his findings. "I was destined," says Hill, "to remain as unidentified as the flying objects."
For the next twenty-five years, Hill acted as an unofficial clearing house at NASA, collecting and analyzing sightings' reports for physical properties, propulsion possibilities, dynamics, etc. To refute claims that UFOs defy the laws of physics, he had to make "technological sense ... of the unconventional object."
After his retirement from NASA, Hill finally completed his remarkable analysis. In Unconventional Flying Objects, published posthumously, he presents his findings that UFOs "obey, not defy, the laws of physics." Vindicating his own sighting and thousands of others, he proves that UFO technology is not only explainable, but attainable.
Amazon product ASIN 1571740279~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Then there's this item I've a bit of connection to, it be local to where I live;

07-27-1984 - Water UFO

This is known as the Lummi Island Incident/ a watery 'Roswell"? - which involves what would seem to be a retrieval of the object a few months later by the USN on that New Years Weekend when the divers had gone down to discover the object embedded in the seafloor.

I'll explain more later. Seems a hasty and limited web search only shows the sketchy links I just gave.
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Alternatively, we "humans" may be the "aliens"; or at least half 'alien'.

Reportedly the First Civilization*, Sumer, has within their cosmology~'Creation Story' and account of the Gawds ~ Anunnaki having modified an earlier version of homo/pre-human via genetics that would allow the insertion of Anunnaki genetics to produce their ideal worker species, we humans-homo sapiens.
* Nominally the first civilization, but ancient Egypt and the Indus civilization ran close seconds in time of origins.
Anunnaki often translated as Anun = 'from Heaven(s)'; na = 'came to'; ki = 'Earth'. Or "Those whom came to Earth from the Heavens".

Many images found on Sumerian (and later Akkadian and Babylonian)** cylinder seals depict their gods/goddesses as human looking beings with wings attached, or within some form of winged framework. Not meant to imply they literally had wings as poart of their anatomy but more to symbolize they were capable of flight, came from the skies/heavens, and as symbol these are Gawds, not regular humans.

Some select images to illustrate;







The Sumerians also appear to have knowledge of celestial bodies in this Solar System that would not be known otherwise until centuries later with invention of high power telescopes;

** Akkad and Babylon would be later 'evolutions' of Sumer culture. All being in Mesopotamia, present Iraq;

Images obtained here;
Another interesting linkage was the pantheon of Gods and Goddesses which would be similar to those of Egypt, Indus(India), Greek and Roman civilizations. Essentially the same beings, same attributes, slightly different names;

A frequent example is the Sumerian Goddess Inanna whom was also know as Ishtar - Isis - Aphrodite - Venus - etc.
As for Sumer accounts of how the Anunnaki had a hand in creating humans, or more correctly accelerating human evolution the clues begin with their accounts/writings to that effect, underscored by interesting differences in humans versus our closest animal "relatives" the apes/simians.

The Sumerian accounts are echoed in the Old Testament which per many scholars has origins from the time the Jews were held captive in Babylon and had access to their written records/histories.

A first clue, or implication is in Genesis, chapter six, verses 1-6 where it says the "Sons of the Gods" came down to Earth, found daughters of Man desirable, took them as wives and had offspring. IF this were true there would have to be compatible genetics/DNA between the two "species" and this appears to correlate to the Sumerian accounts of the God Enki's role and actions in producing the current version of humans.

While humans have a near 98-99% common genetics with chimps, there are some significant differences and the first begins with chimp DNA stuctured in 24 chromosomes while humans is in 23 chromosomes. Some illustrations to underscore;






While humans have a near 98-99% common genetics with chimps, there are some significant differences and the first begins with chimp DNA stuctured in 24 chromosomes while humans is in 23 chromosomes.
We don't need imaginary aliens to explain that. Two chromosomes fused in our ancestors. We know about when it happened. We know about when the last common ancestor of chimps and humans lived.
We don't need imaginary aliens to explain that. Two chromosomes fused in our ancestors. We know about when it happened. We know about when the last common ancestor of chimps and humans lived.
Issue is on the how, since such fusion is very rare. Science still not clear on the mechanism of the fusion, let alone the "why".

Earliest human written records provide one possible explanation.

Note the "IF" factor ...

Also, note the "between the lines" implications regarding the origins of most human religious ideas.

The "rabbit hole" goes deeper than you would appear to grasp or appreciate ... ;-)
Issue is on the how, since such fusion is very rare.
But we know for sure 2 chromosomes did fuse. 2 chromosomes that exist in all of our ape cousins.
Earliest human written records provide one possible explanation.
No they absolutely do not. In none of those writings is there any hint whatsoever of two chromosomes fusing. You are making the error of retrofitting new information to a bias you possess. No different than the people who claim the Bible describes the Big Bang. It, of course, does not describe anything of the sort.
Also, note the "between the lines" implications regarding the origins of most human religious ideas.
Also not a mystery: They made up explanations for things they did not understand. Naturally, all of these explanations involve agency, so all are anthropomorphized. EXACTLY what one should expect. All of them.

Because the ignorant, terrified, superstitious humans that invented these ideas did not even have a word for (or concept of) agency, or sentience, or ego. "The sky gods are mad and throwing ice balls at us." It is the only way they knew of seeing the world. They believed the animals and plants and inanimate objects to have agency and human qualities that we know they did not and do not possess. As they had no word for or concept of "agency", they also had no concept of "no agency".

And, couple that with your errors of confirmation bias and backwards think (retrofitting all new information to a preconception), and you end up perceiving insight, understanding, or knowledge in these ancient people where there simply is and was none.

Like those who SWEAR they see the image of a lightbulb in the wall art of an Egyptian tomb. Obviously, that is absurd, in light of every single observation we have ever made and every fact we have at our disposal. But these people have fooled themselves, because they can't get out from under their own bias (knowing what a lightbulb looks like). To them, the shape means "lightbulb". So, naturally, they see a lightbulb, in a shape that resembles a light bulb. Ever engage one of those people? They are QUITE adamant and cannot be convinced. Naturally, because anyone who CAN put aside their confirmation bias has already been easily convinced that, no, Egyptians did not ever see lightbulbs and did not draw one on the wall.
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1. the path to the planet on which intelligent life is possible about 5 million light years.
2.according to modern classical physics of Einstein
- the speed of light is limited and the time depends on the speed of movement
- a "hole in space" is theoretically possible, but time depends on speed and gravity

3 ... Imagine
Someone creates a hole in space
astronauts jump into this hole and get to the planet instantly .. But the planet is 5 million light years away.
They smoke cigarettes for 3 minutes and immediately return to Earth.

How long will it take?
1. For astronauts 3 minutes
2. For the inhabitants of the Earth = 5 million years + 5 million years + 3 minutes
about 10 million years.

now let's imagine that aliens want to conquer the Earth, they are located 5 million light years from Earth ...
their troops will return to their planet in 10 million years. Their civilization will disappear.

aliens don't exist
I disagree. I think this solar system (The Milky Way) is over flowing and I mean OVER FLOWING with life. See this blue circle with the dot in it ? that is Earth


It was taken by the Voyager 1 space probe in 1990. The distance was 3.6 billion miles away.

Every person that has ever lived and died did so on that dot. Every war, species, invention all happened on that pale dot.

Guess what ? There are hundreds of billions of planets (dots) in our galaxy and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, each with hundreds of billions of planets (dots)

Life on Earth is made up of 4 core things.

1) Hydrogen
2) Oxygen
3) Carbon
4) Nitrogen.

Guess what ? Those four elements, along with helium, are found throughout the cosmos in abundant supply. The idea that a single dot in the vastness of the cosmos is the only planet with life is just…nonsensical. If life can evolve here using the most abundant elements in the cosmos, life can evolve elsewhere.

The search for extra terrestrial life relies on radio telescopes. Radio waves travel at the speed of light and humans have been broadcasting them for the better part of a century. So, how much distance has been covered in that 100 year period? This will help:


That blue dot in the cutaway section is around 200 light years in diameter. So basically human's have only been able to broadcast 100 light years away in any direction. The center of our galaxy is 26,000 light years away.

Needless to say, humans radio waves have not gone very far.

And if something was there to receive the message and respond, it would take 52,000 light years to get back. Feel free to wait.

And in order for humans to receive a radio wave from an alien world, humans radio telescope(s) have to be pointed directly at the spot in which a radio wave might be picked up, on the exact date and time in which that radio wave will reach earth.

Also what if that alien civilization is far more advanced than human's are and they don’t use radio waves anymore ? What if their planet has gone extinct? Or, they are more primitive than humans are and have not yet discovered radio waves ? The X factor is endless.

It's a bit premature to make claims that life does not exist anywhere else in the universe.
Since you don't provide any information on your background or credentials (see your "Profile" here), you choose a sample or two. If it relates to the thread topic, would be even better.
Oops, you forgot to answer.

My research on..what?

I think you will find your demand is silly, considering which of us was making assertions that should require evidence.
RE: Aliens Don't Exist
⁜→ Paul Essien, et al,

I am of the opinion that our friend "Paul Esdien" is right on target here.

I disagree. I think this solar system (The Milky Way) is over flowing and I mean OVER FLOWING with life.
It's a bit premature to make claims that life does not exist anywhere else in the universe.

I think that the simple "Principle of Sufficient Reason" given to us by Gottfried Leibniz, makes it abundantly that the Drake Equation and the Laws of Probability support "Essien's" conclusion. These keys, even if the Drake Equation is a flawed estimate, it is highly improbable that there would not be life elsewhere. In fact, the science suggests that the universe has been around for more than 13 Billion Years. The Earth has had (probably) two or more Mass Extinction Events (MEEs) in the last 400 to 500 Million Years; wherein 80% or more life on Earth was extinguished.

If we extrapolate the MEE probabilities across the Galaxy, there have probably been many civilizations that have emerged, rose to our level of understanding in science, and then were extinguished. There could have been hundreds of civilizations that rose and then were lost in the last 13+ Billion years.

Just my Drachma worth of an opinion,

Most Respectfully,
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