Alex Jones and "the right".


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Because I vehemently oppose marxism in even it's most watered down form, and not only support the COTUS which I took an oath to defend but wish to see it adhered to by a frugal and efficient federal gov't restrained by the Bill of Rights rigidly, I am by default "right wing".

One person who I have noticed become more popular among fellow "right wingers" is Alex Jones.

I find this HIGHLY disturbing. As disturbed as a democrook should have been to have "people" like Ted Kennedy, Ira Einhorn, and Bill Ayers associated with them. The man ranted and raved for 15 years about 9/11 being a Bush conspiracy, and even longer about bullshit like Bohemian Grove, the Oklahoma City terror attack being an "inside job" and all sorts of other idiotic shit about FEMA camps and the like. He has inspired wack jobs to attempt at least a couple of acts they were luckily thwarted in, but apparently that isn't enough for some people.

I want nothing to do with the man. I've met him personally BTW, I was briefly politically active in Austin, but it's a nuthouse and Jones is a bullshit artist. He had to renounce his stage act during his custody hearing. He should not have any credibility at all within "the right", or "the left" or among anyone who enjoys lucidity. I've seen him verbally assault Michelle Malkin and physically intimidate the woman. He should have been kicked in the balls and thrown in jail.

I warn my fellow opponents of collectivism. DO NOT ALLOW ALEX JONES to become part of the Trump cult. He will bring it down. That's his objective. You can ask Debra Medina. She would have beaten Rick Perry had it not been for Jones' "support".

Because I vehemently oppose marxism in even it's most watered down form, and not only support the COTUS which I took an oath to defend but wish to see it adhered to by a frugal and efficient federal gov't restrained by the Bill of Rights rigidly, I am by default "right wing".

One person who I have noticed become more popular among fellow "right wingers" is Alex Jones.

I find this HIGHLY disturbing. As disturbed as a democrook should have been to have "people" like Ted Kennedy, Ira Einhorn, and Bill Ayers associated with them. The man ranted and raved for 15 years about 9/11 being a Bush conspiracy, and even longer about bullshit like Bohemian Grove, the Oklahoma City terror attack being an "inside job" and all sorts of other idiotic shit about FEMA camps and the like. He has inspired wack jobs to attempt at least a couple of acts they were luckily thwarted in, but apparently that isn't enough for some people.

I want nothing to do with the man. I've met him personally BTW, I was briefly politically active in Austin, but it's a nuthouse and Jones is a bullshit artist. He had to renounce his stage act during his custody hearing. He should not have any credibility at all within "the right", or "the left" or among anyone who enjoys lucidity. I've seen him verbally assault Michelle Malkin and physically intimidate the woman. He should have been kicked in the balls and thrown in jail.

I warn my fellow opponents of collectivism. DO NOT ALLOW ALEX JONES to become part of the Trump cult. He will bring it down. That's his objective. You can ask Debra Medina. She would have beaten Rick Perry had it not been for Jones' "support".
The problem with this guy is that we tend to lump people into "left" and "right", and he belongs to the Right.

Seems to me the smartest thing both ends can do is to be honest and point out their own crazies.

I'd think that would help their credibility.
Alex Jones is one of Donald Trump's pals. You derps aren't going to get rid of him, he IS the Trump camp.
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The problem with this guy is that we tend to lump people into "left" and "right", and he belongs to the Right.

Seems to me the smartest thing both ends can do is to be honest and point out their own crazies.

I'd think that would help their credibility.

Jones is the worst of "the right" as far as I see. Still not as repulsive as madcow but getting close.
This is what bothers me about the right since Trump. They don't even pretend to give a fuck anymore. Alex Jones is legitimate. Alternative facts are a thing, and nobody cares. After decades of "red scare" Russia is suddenly cool with us. They really don't give a shit.
Is he crazier than Pelosi, Shumer, the fake squaw or the socialist with three homes and a wife who stole millions?

Yeah he's pretty out there but...look who we have on the other side.
This is what bothers me about the right since Trump. They don't even pretend to give a fuck anymore. Alex Jones is legitimate. Alternative facts are a thing, and nobody cares. After decades of "red scare" Russia is suddenly cool with us. They really don't give a shit.
What exactly are the people that bother you suppose to "give a f**k' about aaron?
This is what bothers me about the right since Trump. They don't even pretend to give a fuck anymore. Alex Jones is legitimate. Alternative facts are a thing, and nobody cares. After decades of "red scare" Russia is suddenly cool with us. They really don't give a shit.
Are you just turning 18? Did you not see the dems make fun of Romney for saying the Russians were dangerous? Did you not see floppy eared obie insist they weren't and Romney was stuck in the 80's?
This is what bothers me about the right since Trump. They don't even pretend to give a fuck anymore. Alex Jones is legitimate. Alternative facts are a thing, and nobody cares. After decades of "red scare" Russia is suddenly cool with us. They really don't give a shit.
Are you just turning 18? Did you not see the dems make fun of Romney for saying the Russians were dangerous? Did you not see floppy eared obie insist they weren't and Romney was stuck in the 80's?
Yah, they crucified Romney over making a statement about having women's job portfolios when he called them binders? I met Mr. Romney and spoke with him briefly. He was very much a gentleman and graciously accepted me being there to meet with him in Rod's stead because Rod was out of state that week.
Alex Jones is a voice on the radio. He ain't your freaking enemy unless the 1st Amendment is your enemy. Here's a thought, one half of the infamous Washington Post Watergate team was the son of card carrying angry communists who had a vendetta against former HUAC prosecutor Richard Nixon. Wasn't Karl Marx Bernstein's connection with CUSA more influential to the Watergate investigation than some freaking talk show host named Alex Jones is to the Trump administration? Or is there a continuing political double standard involved that we don't talk about?
This is what bothers me about the right since Trump. They don't even pretend to give a fuck anymore. Alex Jones is legitimate. Alternative facts are a thing, and nobody cares. After decades of "red scare" Russia is suddenly cool with us. They really don't give a shit.
Are you just turning 18? Did you not see the dems make fun of Romney for saying the Russians were dangerous? Did you not see floppy eared obie insist they weren't and Romney was stuck in the 80's?
Yah, they crucified Romney over making a statement about having women's job portfolios when he called them binders? I met Mr. Romney and spoke with him briefly. He was very much a gentleman and graciously accepted me being there to meet with him in Rod's stead because Rod was out of state that week.
WTF are you talking about? I never mentioned binders, don't give a flying fuck you met him and have no idea who the fuck Rod is or why I would care.
This is what bothers me about the right since Trump. They don't even pretend to give a fuck anymore. Alex Jones is legitimate. Alternative facts are a thing, and nobody cares. After decades of "red scare" Russia is suddenly cool with us. They really don't give a shit.
Are you just turning 18? Did you not see the dems make fun of Romney for saying the Russians were dangerous? Did you not see floppy eared obie insist they weren't and Romney was stuck in the 80's?
Yah, they crucified Romney over making a statement about having women's job portfolios when he called them binders? I met Mr. Romney and spoke with him briefly. He was very much a gentleman and graciously accepted me being there to meet with him in Rod's stead because Rod was out of state that week.
WTF are you talking about? I never mentioned binders, don't give a flying fuck you met him and have no idea who the fuck Rod is or why I would care.
Ease up there Mike. It was merely an example of how off base and assbackwards everything now is. "Binders full of women" is the wording used by Mitt Romney on October 16, 2012 during the second U.S. presidential debate of 2012 when he describe the files folders/portfolios of females who worked for him. A lot of dems and haters came out that he obviously disrespected and hated women, was a sexist, etc..... Rod is my husband and as a female to me Romney was very polite and not acting like a sexist at all.
The problem is those of you who won't listen to him are the very victims of MSM indoctrination, you believe what they say about him , never bothering to go to his site and see what he says about it.

You never hear how MSM EDITS the bs they say about him to make it look like he has said something he hasn't.

on and on and on, and why because they wnat to keep you dumbed down APPARENTLY IT's WORKING..

The manipulation of facts and the slow relentless war on reality is being waged on this landscape of the mind. When those who seek to control humanity can convince the world that what they say is true, we will rapidly descend into the most oppressive tyranny ever seen.

Alex Jones has built infowars from the ground up putting profits back into the company to continue to grow Exponentially. Alex has never taken a loan and is not beholden to advertisers, investors or any other group that could censor or influence his position. The listeners and viewers are Alex’s partners and he has vowed to honor their trust and always remain truly independent.

Because I vehemently oppose marxism in even it's most watered down form, and not only support the COTUS which I took an oath to defend but wish to see it adhered to by a frugal and efficient federal gov't restrained by the Bill of Rights rigidly, I am by default "right wing".

One person who I have noticed become more popular among fellow "right wingers" is Alex Jones.

I find this HIGHLY disturbing. As disturbed as a democrook should have been to have "people" like Ted Kennedy, Ira Einhorn, and Bill Ayers associated with them. The man ranted and raved for 15 years about 9/11 being a Bush conspiracy, and even longer about bullshit like Bohemian Grove, the Oklahoma City terror attack being an "inside job" and all sorts of other idiotic shit about FEMA camps and the like. He has inspired wack jobs to attempt at least a couple of acts they were luckily thwarted in, but apparently that isn't enough for some people.

I want nothing to do with the man. I've met him personally BTW, I was briefly politically active in Austin, but it's a nuthouse and Jones is a bullshit artist. He had to renounce his stage act during his custody hearing. He should not have any credibility at all within "the right", or "the left" or among anyone who enjoys lucidity. I've seen him verbally assault Michelle Malkin and physically intimidate the woman. He should have been kicked in the balls and thrown in jail.

I warn my fellow opponents of collectivism. DO NOT ALLOW ALEX JONES to become part of the Trump cult. He will bring it down. That's his objective. You can ask Debra Medina. She would have beaten Rick Perry had it not been for Jones' "support".

Jones is dedicated to libertarian and constitutionalist ideas, in addition to what he has coined "1776 worldwide" - promoting a true culture of liberty, transparency and freedom on a planetary scale to empower humanity, while vehemently opposing Agenda 21 and the globalist threat to national sovereignty.

And that is everything you TRUMP HATERS don't want put your thinking cap on and learn why and how the MSM attacks him to keep their SHEEP right in their Governmental CORAL so you keep believing just what you do. MSM BS LIES...........they gotta keep you all voting gawd forbid if they allow people to wake up and realize how fkd they've been all the time..

but again apparently it works well on those who can't connect the dots.....
I know
The problem is those of you who won't listen to him are the very victims of MSM indoctrination, you believe what they say about him , never bothering to go to his site and see what he says about it.

You never hear how MSM EDITS the bs they say about him to make it look like he has said something he hasn't.

on and on and on, and why because they wnat to keep you dumbed down APPARENTLY IT's WORKING..

The manipulation of facts and the slow relentless war on reality is being waged on this landscape of the mind. When those who seek to control humanity can convince the world that what they say is true, we will rapidly descend into the most oppressive tyranny ever seen.

Alex Jones has built infowars from the ground up putting profits back into the company to continue to grow Exponentially. Alex has never taken a loan and is not beholden to advertisers, investors or any other group that could censor or influence his position. The listeners and viewers are Alex’s partners and he has vowed to honor their trust and always remain truly independent.

one of the great patriots of our time and founder of the three percent movement, Mike Vanderboegh, had a VERY low opinion of Jones, and he was the opposite of a mainstream media sheep
This is what bothers me about the right since Trump. They don't even pretend to give a fuck anymore. Alex Jones is legitimate. Alternative facts are a thing, and nobody cares. After decades of "red scare" Russia is suddenly cool with us. They really don't give a shit.
Are you just turning 18? Did you not see the dems make fun of Romney for saying the Russians were dangerous? Did you not see floppy eared obie insist they weren't and Romney was stuck in the 80's?
Yah, they crucified Romney over making a statement about having women's job portfolios when he called them binders? I met Mr. Romney and spoke with him briefly. He was very much a gentleman and graciously accepted me being there to meet with him in Rod's stead because Rod was out of state that week.
WTF are you talking about? I never mentioned binders, don't give a flying fuck you met him and have no idea who the fuck Rod is or why I would care.
Ease up there Mike. It was merely an example of how off base and assbackwards everything now is. "Binders full of women" is the wording used by Mitt Romney on October 16, 2012 during the second U.S. presidential debate of 2012 when he describe the files folders/portfolios of females who worked for him. A lot of dems and haters came out that he obviously disrespected and hated women, was a sexist, etc..... Rod is my husband and as a female to me Romney was very polite and not acting like a sexist at all.
Ok, I'll ease up. Where do you and Rid stand? Binders of women good or bad?
alex makes a lot of good points and can be entertaining, and I believe he is sincere, but he should dial it back a bit
He hits the high strung crowd. Personally I can only listen to him from time to time but I kinda like life a lil' more laid back. I don't see anything wrong with his show for those who are looking to find out what is going on. He and his crew put out a lot of valid, good info. I prefer reading the news clips on his website. Now Paul Watson, I get a kick out of him and lol for a few minutes when he reports on anything but he keeps those segments shorter generally.

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