Aleppo: Fierce clashes erupted for terrorist´s last supply route


Nov 14, 2012
In the recent past, the terrorists were able to make gains in northern Aleppo but the Syrian army continues to strike back. Here is the story of how the army is going to take back the areas it lost to the terrorists this year and cut off Erdoghani´s umbilical cord to the terrorists in Aleppo.

The Syrian army launched an offensive to cut off the last supply route to Aleppo and lift the siege on two Shiite government-held towns that resisted the terrorists for a long time. The offensive has been repelled and answered with an counter offensive by Al-Nusra. Nusra regained the strategic important farms of Mazra’a Al-Malaah and several villages from the army. The army´s counter attack is running and the Al-Malaah Farms are going to be controlled by the army. Meanwhile, within 24 hours, Iran transferred thousands of troops to Syria that are supposed to bolster the Syrian army in Aleppo.

"Ankara had been dreading this scenario. On Feb. 16, the Syrian regime army launched an offensive to besiege opposition-controlled areas of Aleppo, lifting the opposition's 18-month siege on two Shiite villages and severing the opposition's supply lines to Turkey. If Aleppo falls, the next front to intensify will be Turkey's border. Beirut daily Al-Akhbar reported the situation with the headline: “A blow to Ankara: Syrian army makes advances in Aleppo offensive.”
Syrian army s advances near border rattle Ankara - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East


"The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said rebel forces had taken back the strategic Mallah Farms area outside the city, as well as several villages seized by government troops in an offensive that began Tuesday.
All but one of the villages taken by government troops in the initial fighting have been recaptured by rebels and fighters from Syria's Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front, the monitor said.

With the capture of the Mallah Farms, the rebels have succeeded in preventing government forces from blocking their supply route and encircling eastern opposition-held Aleppo, the Observatory said.

Before the offensive, regime forces occupied part of the strategic Mallah Farms sector.

"If the regime had taken that territory, they would have completely encircled the rebels in Aleppo," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said."
Syria army fails to cut Aleppo rebel supply route monitor - Yahoo News

"debkafile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources have discovered a large-scale Iranian airlift is in progress for bringing thousands of Shiite fighters to the Syrian Mediterranean port of Latakia to reinforce the Syrian army forces falling back from the key city of Aleppo. Some of the flights are taking off from Baghdad airport. The Syrian rebels in heavy fighting Thursday and Friday, Feb. 19-20 repulsed a Hizballah-backed Syrian army offensive to recapture the town and took scores of Hizballah fighters prisoner.

The incoming reinforcements are being transferred directly to the Aleppo battle-front in an effort to stabilize it and reverse the Syrian army’s retreat.

The incoming reinforcements are made up of Iraqi, Afghan and Pakistani Shiite militiamen.The fact that Tehran was able to raise this force in less than 24 hours from the Syrian army’s defeat in Aleppo demonstrates Iran’s total military and strategic commitment to swift action for averting a Syrian-Hizballah retreat from a key front of the four-year old civil war."
Iran airlifts thousands of Shiite fighters to Syrian port of Latakia to boost Aleppo warfront

"In a surprise counter-attack, the National Defense Forces (NDF) were given a boost from Hezbollah (Party of God) and Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reinforcements that succored the entrenched fighters at Al-Malaah to regain more than half of Mazra’a Al-Malaah after fierce clashes with the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda “Jabhat Al-Nusra” on Sunday.

North of Al-Malaah, Jabhat Al-Nusra attempted to infiltrate the NDF’s frontline defenses for the 2nd straight day at Bashkoy; however, they were unable to advance past the outskirts of the town, as they faced heavy resistance from both the NDF and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF)."
Hezbollah and Syrian Army Reinforcements Arrive in Northern Aleppo Huge Gains in Al-Malaah

"The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – in cooperation with Hezbollah (Party of God), the National Defense Forces (NDF), and Kata’eb Al-Ba’ath (Ba’ath Battalions) – has taken control of 80 percent of the farms in Mazra’a Al-Malaah after arriving in northern Aleppo to reinforce the NDF.

North of Al-Malaah Farms, the militants from the Syrian Al-Qaeda branch “Jabhat Al-Nusra” (Al-Nusra Front) continued their counter-offensive at the town of Bashkoy, where they tried to break-through the NDF’s frontline defenses – they were repelled after a number of attempts to infiltrate.

In Duweir Al-Zeitoun, Jabhat Al-Nusra – backed by the Islamic Front (Jabhat Al-Islamiyya) – attacked this town in northern Aleppo; however, they were unable to advance past the outskirts of this area.

The Syrian Arab Air Force launched a number of airstrikes over Aleppo on Monday, targeting the cities of ‘Anadan, ‘Azaz, Deir Hafer, Al-Baab, Marr’e, Rityan, and Al-Maayer. The SAAF conducted a total of 77 airstrikes in Aleppo; this totals over 200 strikes in the matter of 48 hours.
Aleppo Syrian Army and Hezbollah Retake Most of Al-Malaah
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your point? ok I knew that-----the Iranian filth is allied with the stink of baathism
your point? ok I knew that-----the Iranian filth is allied with the stink of baathism

Baathism, is a perfectly normal secular, socialist political ideology developed by a Christian Arab and an avowed athiest Arab, Michel Aflaq and Zaki al-Arsuzi who were trying effect a secular renaissance in the Arab world. It is a similar ideology to that of European social democracies applied to the realities of the Arab world. Nothing "stinking" about it, far better than your ISIS friend's ideology.
Damascus, SANA-Units of the army and the armed forces on Wednesday launched successful military operations against the terrorist organizations in different areas, establishing full control over Handarat in Aleppo.

An army and armed forces unit established full control over Handarat area in the countryside of Aleppo province, after killing last remnants of terrorists in it, a military source told SANA.

Other units of the army and armed forces killed a number of terrorists in Hayyan, west of al-Nairab Airport area, surroundings of al-Mallah farms, Tal al-Madafeh and in Kafer Hamra village in the countryside of Aleppo province.

Earlier Tuesday, an army unit targeted terrorist organizations’ dens and movements in Handarat Camp in northeastern Aleppo, leaving many terrorists dead and their hideouts, weapons and ammunition destroyed, while another unit killed during a special operation many of terrorist organizations’ members and destroyed their ammo and weaponry in Bza’a city, 35 km northeast of Aleppo.

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