Alaska is the first red state to legalize recreational Marijuana

Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

As for the SCIENCE!, even casual use of marijuana(once a week), results in structural brain changes that effect cognitive function.

Researchers from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts General Hospital used MRI scans to compare the brains of 20 18- to 25-year-olds who smoked at least once a week to those of 20 individuals who had little or no history of using the drug. Though the low to moderate marijuana users were not addicted to the drug, imaging data showed that their brain anatomy had changed.
Even Casual Marijuana Smokers at Risk for Structural Brain Changes
Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users

As for moderate consumption of alcohol. Meaning one to two drinks a day...
There is no evidence that cognitive functioning is negatively affected by moderate alcohol consumption as one ages, and there may be a protective effect against vascular dementia.
State of the Science Report on the Effects of Moderate Drinking

But yea, all that matters is tax revenue in the immediate term. Sounds cool bro.
Funny about the Alaska progression.

Until this week (and for many years) marijuana was "decriminalized" in Alaska. Anybody could grow their own up to some number of plants and walk around anywhere with a decent quantity with no threat of prosecution. Give it away? No problem. Sell it? Yes, a problem. It was not taxed. No license was required to grow or possess it.

Now it's legal.

Municipalities have already laid down pages and pages of rules about where and when one can grow, process, even use any quantity. Oh, and are arguing over how much licenses shall cost and how taxes will be applied at each stage.

Smells like they had it good but wanted government control.

I wish them well.

Beware for wot you wish; you might just get it.

Marijuana commercialization bill introduced Alaska Legislature Alaska Dispatch News

City officials weigh fines regulations for marijuana Juneau Empire - Alaska s Capital City Online Newspaper
Stoner cons! Yea! Won't be long till the rest of the states want some of that money. Then the GOP will get smaller and smaller. Who would have thought that pot would be the cure for stupid?
Alaska legalizes recreational marijuana use

Marijuana is like gay marriage: one of those boogeymen that scare the shit out of people that don't stop to think about the issue.

Once they do, most shrug and ask 'what's the big deal?'
Libturds like you are the ones that are in a perpetual state of hysteria. Projection fail.
Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

As for the SCIENCE!, even casual use of marijuana(once a week), results in structural brain changes that effect cognitive function.

Researchers from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts General Hospital used MRI scans to compare the brains of 20 18- to 25-year-olds who smoked at least once a week to those of 20 individuals who had little or no history of using the drug. Though the low to moderate marijuana users were not addicted to the drug, imaging data showed that their brain anatomy had changed.
Even Casual Marijuana Smokers at Risk for Structural Brain Changes
Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users

As for moderate consumption of alcohol. Meaning one to two drinks a day...
There is no evidence that cognitive functioning is negatively affected by moderate alcohol consumption as one ages, and there may be a protective effect against vascular dementia.
State of the Science Report on the Effects of Moderate Drinking

But yea, all that matters is tax revenue in the immediate term. Sounds cool bro.
When the founding fathers made this country the law was, everyone that owned land had to grow Marijuana. It was used to make clothes, rope and paper. The constitution was written on it.
So you are calling the founding fathers brain damaged, because they smoked it all the time. They had barns full of it.
You should find another country to live in. You are anti American.
Stoner cons! Yea! Won't be long till the rest of the states want some of that money. Then the GOP will get smaller and smaller. Who would have thought that pot would be the cure for stupid?
Alaska legalizes recreational marijuana use

Marijuana is like gay marriage: one of those boogeymen that scare the shit out of people that don't stop to think about the issue.

Once they do, most shrug and ask 'what's the big deal?'
Libturds like you are the ones that are in a perpetual state of hysteria. Projection fail.
The founding fathers were liberals. They liberated us from con morons like you.
When the founding fathers made this country the law was, everyone that owned land had to grow Marijuana. It was used to make clothes, rope and paper. The constitution was written on it.
So you are calling the founding fathers brain damaged, because they smoked it all the time. They had barns full of it.
You should find another country to live in. You are anti American.
Idiot. That type of hemp isn't smokable unless death is your goal.
Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

As for the SCIENCE!, even casual use of marijuana(once a week), results in structural brain changes that effect cognitive function.

Researchers from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts General Hospital used MRI scans to compare the brains of 20 18- to 25-year-olds who smoked at least once a week to those of 20 individuals who had little or no history of using the drug. Though the low to moderate marijuana users were not addicted to the drug, imaging data showed that their brain anatomy had changed.
Even Casual Marijuana Smokers at Risk for Structural Brain Changes
Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users

As for moderate consumption of alcohol. Meaning one to two drinks a day...
There is no evidence that cognitive functioning is negatively affected by moderate alcohol consumption as one ages, and there may be a protective effect against vascular dementia.
State of the Science Report on the Effects of Moderate Drinking

But yea, all that matters is tax revenue in the immediate term. Sounds cool bro.
When the founding fathers made this country the law was, everyone that owned land had to grow Marijuana. It was used to make clothes, rope and paper. The constitution was written on it.
So you are calling the founding fathers brain damaged, because they smoked it all the time. They had barns full of it.
You should find another country to live in. You are anti American.
Hemp is different than marijuana by the way. And the fact you are reduced to calling me anti american as your main argument shows how devoid of substance your position is. So much for your "science".
That's unfortunate. I'd always wanted to visit Alaska and that is no longer an option, just as Washington and Colorado are no longer places I will travel to.
Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

I know you don't live in the United States, but I would think whatever backward country you do live in would have heard of the great experiment the United States had with alcohol prohibition.

That prohibition enriched criminals and killed Americans. It was a huge failure.

Just like marijuana prohibition.

The criminals who sold illegal alcohol were driven out of the business by legal alcohol producers- and that is exactly what is happening with marijuana.
Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

As for the SCIENCE!, even casual use of marijuana(once a week), results in structural brain changes that effect cognitive function..

And alcohol is toxic- and kills Americans every year.

Study Marijuana much safer than alcohol KOBI-TV NBC5 KOTI-TV NBC2 Local news for Southern Oregon Northern California
A new international study suggests some legal substances could be more deadly than illegal ones, and marijuana may be safer than previously thought.

The study in “Scientific Reports” journal looks at one main thing, how deadly is a drug?

The Study - Scientific Reports

The results show alcohol as more lethal than even meth or heroin and over a hundred times more deadly than weed.

"The chances for mortality from other drugs is much much higher than for marijuana," said Medical Expert Dr. Robin Miller.

As July 1st approaches and marijuana legalization nears for Oregonians 21 and up we're getting a better look at how dangerous recreational drugs can be.

"Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, tobacco long term, are incredibly hard on your health," said Dr. Miller.

A study by the research journal 'Scientific Reports' found that compared to other recreational drugs marijuana comes dead last in terms of risk.

That's not surprising to medical experts like Dr. Miller.

"The chances of dying from smoking or taking in marijuana is very very low," said Dr. Miller.

A team of international scientists compared the typical usage of a drug against the amount in a lethal dose.

The findings show that individually, alcohol was the deadliest substance followed by heroin and cocaine. At the bottom of the list, and least deadly, was marijuana.

Legally banning marijuana is frankly irrational. We have seen that Prohibition doesn't work.

Treat marijuana exactly how we treat alcohol- regulate, tax- and the money will stop flowing to criminals and people will not get killed by criminals fighting over marijuana profits.
Reefer is for dopes....that's why it's called DOPE and yes Martha, it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook. It's much worse on your lungs than tobacco from it's high tar content. It shrinks your nuts and makes you fat from munchies and too lazy to work. Of course there are exceptions and depending on frequency of use, not as harmful as alcohol. But please, don't let anybody under 30 be a legal user....if you don't know who you are by 30, you'll never know.

Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

As for the SCIENCE!, even casual use of marijuana(once a week), results in structural brain changes that effect cognitive function..

And alcohol is toxic- and kills Americans every year.

Study Marijuana much safer than alcohol KOBI-TV NBC5 KOTI-TV NBC2 Local news for Southern Oregon Northern California
A new international study suggests some legal substances could be more deadly than illegal ones, and marijuana may be safer than previously thought.

The study in “Scientific Reports” journal looks at one main thing, how deadly is a drug?

The Study - Scientific Reports

The results show alcohol as more lethal than even meth or heroin and over a hundred times more deadly than weed.

"The chances for mortality from other drugs is much much higher than for marijuana," said Medical Expert Dr. Robin Miller.

As July 1st approaches and marijuana legalization nears for Oregonians 21 and up we're getting a better look at how dangerous recreational drugs can be.

"Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, tobacco long term, are incredibly hard on your health," said Dr. Miller.

A study by the research journal 'Scientific Reports' found that compared to other recreational drugs marijuana comes dead last in terms of risk.

That's not surprising to medical experts like Dr. Miller.

"The chances of dying from smoking or taking in marijuana is very very low," said Dr. Miller.

A team of international scientists compared the typical usage of a drug against the amount in a lethal dose.

The findings show that individually, alcohol was the deadliest substance followed by heroin and cocaine. At the bottom of the list, and least deadly, was marijuana.

Legally banning marijuana is frankly irrational. We have seen that Prohibition doesn't work.

Treat marijuana exactly how we treat alcohol- regulate, tax- and the money will stop flowing to criminals and people will not get killed by criminals fighting over marijuana profits.
That study is redundant and doesn't speak to your case at all. Of course more individuals die from alcohol than from drugs like heroin and cocaine, more people drink alcohol than use those drugs. However even your study states these drugs are more lethal and addictive, and in much smaller doses.

Alcohol in moderate use does not kill people or harm cognitive function. Nor does even heavy use in adults. Whereas marijuana in moderate use does harm cognitive function.
Neurology Mobile Edition

Also, the rationale that because abuse of one substance results in harm, we should legalize another substance that in moderate use harms individuals, makes no sense.

I am not even against potentially decriminalization small amounts but legalization and suggesting it is like alcohol is absurd.

But your argument is redundant. Producers of pot will no longer be criminals, yes of course. This idea that people growing illegally will stop growing when it is legal is absurd though, and regardless of who produces it it harms the society. So whether they have a license or not is irrelevant in that respect.

As for so called violence. It isn't legal in my country and there is a high rate of violent crime because of it. So your assessment on the ban causing all this violent gang related crime is absurd. As for other drugs like cocaine and heroin. There is violent crime associated with trafficking, so you advocate legalizing these things as well.
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Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

I know you don't live in the United States, but I would think whatever backward country you do live in would have heard of the great experiment the United States had with alcohol prohibition.

That prohibition enriched criminals and killed Americans. It was a huge failure.

Just like marijuana prohibition.

The criminals who sold illegal alcohol were driven out of the business by legal alcohol producers- and that is exactly what is happening with marijuana.
The criminals who sold illegal alcohol didn't suddenly become law abiding. They moved into drug sales.

Marijuana isn't following the path of alcohol. It's following cigarettes with illegal sales under cutting the legal sales and selling untaxed.
it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook.

Except that nonsense has been completely and utterly debunked.

If that were true millions of 70's hippies would all be hooked on heroin. Only that never happened. They just stopped smoking joints and became respectable adults with jobs and families instead.
it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook.

Except that nonsense has been completely and utterly debunked.

If that were true millions of 70's hippies would all be hooked on heroin. Only that never happened. They just stopped smoking joints and became respectable adults with jobs and families instead.
You don't understand what gateway drug theory is.

The idea is not that everyone who smokes weed moves to heroin or cocaine.

Most people, if any, don't start at heroin, but started at softer drugs like marijuana. Show me one heroin addict that started at heroin and I will show you 50 that started at pot. This is the point, that soft drug use leads to an increased likelihood of harder dug use. Meaning those who haven't used substances like marijuana to begin with are less like to use harder drugs.

Many baby boomers are amoral, selfish, narcissistic faggots, bad example.

Marijuana, NOT EVEN ONCE.
Reefer is for dopes....that's why it's called DOPE and yes Martha, it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook. It's much worse on your lungs than tobacco from it's high tar content. It shrinks your nuts and makes you fat from munchies and too lazy to work. Of course there are exceptions and depending on frequency of use, not as harmful as alcohol. But please, don't let anybody under 30 be a legal user....if you don't know who you are by 30, you'll never know.


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