Al Gore challenged the 2000 election, leading to nasty feelings that survive to this day

If Trump loses a state that costs him the Presidency by a mere 600 votes, I would expect him to request a recount

But Trump is claiming the ENTIRE country is rigged against him in a contest he will lose by a 2:1 margin

--- and that also means, if we accept his premise, that if he wins --- that decision is illegitimate.
Al Gore did not lose the election of the citizens in Florida, and the polls were correct when they called him a winner...they had him winning because he did win.... almost 10,000 votes in Palm Beach county were votes for him, these people in Pam Beach were exit polled and told the pollsters that they voted for Al Gore, but the butterfly ballot, gave those votes to Pat Bucannon.... not a measly 532 votes, but many thousands of Florida Citizens voted for Gore in Palm Beach County, but never got those votes counted for him in the offcial count....

Pat Bucannon never even campaigned in Palm Beach County, and never spent a single dime on running ads in Palm Beach County, but he did spend time and ad money in Broward county and the Ft Laud area...

Bucannon received 900% more votes in Palm beach than Broward county, the place he campaigned in....THOSE VOTES were votes in Palm beach county of Florida Citizens voting for AL GORE.

Wrong.....please stop lying.....national news organizations, no friend of Bush went into Florida after the election and counted the votes.....and they stated Bush actually won the election....nice lie though....

Exit polls are not votes moron....
al gore lost because he couldn't win his home state, Tennessee...had he just won his home state he would have been President...
Al Gore did not lose the election of the citizens in Florida, and the polls were correct when they called him a winner...they had him winning because he did win.... almost 10,000 votes in Palm Beach county were votes for him, these people in Pam Beach were exit polled and told the pollsters that they voted for Al Gore, but the butterfly ballot, gave those votes to Pat Bucannon.... not a measly 532 votes, but many thousands of Florida Citizens voted for Gore in Palm Beach County, but never got those votes counted for him in the offcial count....

Pat Bucannon never even campaigned in Palm Beach County, and never spent a single dime on running ads in Palm Beach County, but he did spend time and ad money in Broward county and the Ft Laud area...

Bucannon received 900% more votes in Palm beach than Broward county, the place he campaigned in....THOSE VOTES were votes in Palm beach county of Florida Citizens voting for AL GORE.

Here you go...actual news organizations freindly to gore went in ....and said that Bush won...

USA Today...Bush won...

New York Times...Bush won...

Washington Times...Bush won....

L.A. Times...Bush Won...

After the election when they went back and tried to prove al gore won...

Reminder: Bush Won in Florida Recounts Conducted by the Media

The lead of an April 4, 2001 USA Today story headlined, “Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed,” by reporter Dennis Cauchon:

George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals.

Bush would have won by 1,665 votes -- more than triple his official 537-vote margin -- if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows.

The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election....

That look was followed in November by an analysis by a consortium of media outlets, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, CNN and AP.

It determined that George W. Bush still would have won under either legally possible recount scenario which could have occurred: The Florida Supreme Court ordered recount of undervotes statewide or Gore’s request for a recount in certain counties. The New York Times led its November 12, 2001 front page article, “Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote,” by reporters Ford Fessenden and John M. Broder:
If Trump loses a state that costs him the Presidency by a mere 600 votes, I would expect him to request a recount

But Trump is claiming the ENTIRE country is rigged against him in a contest he will lose by a 2:1 margin

Huh, the ENTIRE country,
Al Gore did not lose the election of the citizens in Florida, and the polls were correct when they called him a winner...they had him winning because he did win.... almost 10,000 votes in Palm Beach county were votes for him, these people in Pam Beach were exit polled and told the pollsters that they voted for Al Gore, but the butterfly ballot, gave those votes to Pat Bucannon.... not a measly 532 votes, but many thousands of Florida Citizens voted for Gore in Palm Beach County, but never got those votes counted for him in the offcial count....

Pat Bucannon never even campaigned in Palm Beach County, and never spent a single dime on running ads in Palm Beach County, but he did spend time and ad money in Broward county and the Ft Laud area...

Bucannon received 900% more votes in Palm beach than Broward county, the place he campaigned in....THOSE VOTES were votes in Palm beach county of Florida Citizens voting for AL GORE.

Wrong.....please stop lying.....national news organizations, no friend of Bush went into Florida after the election and counted the votes.....and they stated Bush actually won the election....nice lie though....

Exit polls are not votes moron....

They always make up their own "facts".
Al Gore did not lose the election of the citizens in Florida, and the polls were correct when they called him a winner...they had him winning because he did win.... almost 10,000 votes in Palm Beach county were votes for him, these people in Pam Beach were exit polled and told the pollsters that they voted for Al Gore, but the butterfly ballot, gave those votes to Pat Bucannon.... not a measly 532 votes, but many thousands of Florida Citizens voted for Gore in Palm Beach County, but never got those votes counted for him in the offcial count....

Pat Bucannon never even campaigned in Palm Beach County, and never spent a single dime on running ads in Palm Beach County, but he did spend time and ad money in Broward county and the Ft Laud area...

Bucannon received 900% more votes in Palm beach than Broward county, the place he campaigned in....THOSE VOTES were votes in Palm beach county of Florida Citizens voting for AL GORE.

Please, woulda coulda shoulda. The whole thing was a fiasco. The media calling the winner in Florida while the Republican panhandle was still voting had a big effect. There were reportedly long lines and a lot of people left and went home when it was called for Gore.

And you don't know it was 10K,that's making a huge assumption. Also, that people too stupid to follow a line were going to decide the Presidency doesn't break my heart at all.

Then you had the Florida Supreme Court going rogue, Gore trying to disallow 30K votes in two Republican counties, Gore writing to Election Commissions in every county with tips to disqualify largely military write ins.

You don't know who would have won if the whole thing weren't just a giant cluster.
Actually the state laws of Florida required a recount because of the narrow margin. It's routine

Actually, they had counted the vote and recounted it already and W won both times before the farce of the Democrats in four Democrat controlled counties performing a "hand count" started. The hand count of course being a hand vote where Democrats tried to steal the election before the Supreme Court stopped it on a 9-0 vote
^ Bullshit.

Thanks for that useless response. So I looked it up. It was 7-2, not 9-0. My bad
national news organizations, no friend of Bush went into Florida after the election and counted the votes.....and they stated Bush actually won the election.


The USA Today recount PROVED the DEMS CHEATED. Gore was right that if the spoiled ballots were proportional to party registration, he would've picked up enough to win. Not only did he not, but he actually LOST GROUND, because the SPOILED BALLOTS were DISPROPORTIONATELY REPUBLICAN and specifically BLACK REPUBLICAN, proving that the Democratic Canvas Boards CHEATED and DISCRIMINATED AGAINST BLACK REPUBLICANS.

There. No more soft answers - tell it like it is... - Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed

Let The Sunshine In, by John R. Lott Jr., National Review
Al Gore did not lose the election of the citizens in Florida, and the polls were correct when they called him a winner...they had him winning because he did win.... almost 10,000 votes in Palm Beach county were votes for him, these people in Pam Beach were exit polled and told the pollsters that they voted for Al Gore, but the butterfly ballot, gave those votes to Pat Bucannon.... not a measly 532 votes, but many thousands of Florida Citizens voted for Gore in Palm Beach County, but never got those votes counted for him in the offcial count....

Pat Bucannon never even campaigned in Palm Beach County, and never spent a single dime on running ads in Palm Beach County, but he did spend time and ad money in Broward county and the Ft Laud area...

Bucannon received 900% more votes in Palm beach than Broward county, the place he campaigned in....THOSE VOTES were votes in Palm beach county of Florida Citizens voting for AL GORE.

Please, woulda coulda shoulda. The whole thing was a fiasco. The media calling the winner in Florida while the Republican panhandle was still voting had a big effect. There were reportedly long lines and a lot of people left and went home when it was called for Gore.

And you don't know it was 10K,that's making a huge assumption. Also, that people too stupid to follow a line were going to decide the Presidency doesn't break my heart at all.

Then you had the Florida Supreme Court going rogue, Gore trying to disallow 30K votes in two Republican counties, Gore writing to Election Commissions in every county with tips to disqualify largely military write ins.

You don't know who would have won if the whole thing weren't just a giant cluster.

Amazin'. "Too stupid to follow a line" standing right next to "too stupid to stay in line and vote". One's a concern, the other..... not so much.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Guess that's exactly what the Rump pre-emptive hissyfit is all about though.
Al Gore did not lose the election of the citizens in Florida, and the polls were correct when they called him a winner...they had him winning because he did win.... almost 10,000 votes in Palm Beach county were votes for him, these people in Pam Beach were exit polled and told the pollsters that they voted for Al Gore, but the butterfly ballot, gave those votes to Pat Bucannon.... not a measly 532 votes, but many thousands of Florida Citizens voted for Gore in Palm Beach County, but never got those votes counted for him in the offcial count....

Pat Bucannon never even campaigned in Palm Beach County, and never spent a single dime on running ads in Palm Beach County, but he did spend time and ad money in Broward county and the Ft Laud area...

Bucannon received 900% more votes in Palm beach than Broward county, the place he campaigned in....THOSE VOTES were votes in Palm beach county of Florida Citizens voting for AL GORE.

Please, woulda coulda shoulda. The whole thing was a fiasco. The media calling the winner in Florida while the Republican panhandle was still voting had a big effect. There were reportedly long lines and a lot of people left and went home when it was called for Gore.

And you don't know it was 10K,that's making a huge assumption. Also, that people too stupid to follow a line were going to decide the Presidency doesn't break my heart at all.

Then you had the Florida Supreme Court going rogue, Gore trying to disallow 30K votes in two Republican counties, Gore writing to Election Commissions in every county with tips to disqualify largely military write ins.

You don't know who would have won if the whole thing weren't just a giant cluster.

Amazin'. "Too stupid to follow a line" standing right next to "too stupid to stay in line and vote". One's a concern, the other..... not so much.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Guess that's exactly what the Rump pre-emptive hissyfit is all about though.

False equivalence. What does not wanting to stand in line have to do with being stupid?
Al Gore challenged the 2000 election, leading to nasty feelings that survive to this day.

The problem started when the networks started calling Florida for Al Gore, based on polls closing in the eastern seaboard part of the state. But the panhandle is in Central Time, and the polls were still open. The Bush team called the networks and told them their predictions of a Florida victory for Gore were premature.

And then it turned out that Bush won Florida, by a wafer-thin margin of some 600 votes. And that decided the election.

Al Gore insisted that he had won the popular vote, and therefore Bush should concede the election. I watched him do this on national TV and the reporter looked at him with disgust. Gore was being a sore loser, a man who knew the Electoral College was the way the Constitution set up the Presidential election, but then demanded a rule change when he didn't win that way.

Al Gore, refusing to concede an election he had lost fair and square, challenged the count in four prescincts, all controlled by the Democratic Party, where he knew the Democratic Party could control the recount. A farcical process followed, whereby paper ballots were analyzed for "hanging chads" and other proof that the ballots had been counted wrong.

The Florida Supreme Court got involved. Bush asked them to put an end to the recount so that a winner could be declared but they refused. So then the United States Supreme Court stepped in, and put an end to it.

Democrats since then have insisted that Bush "stole the election" and this created a toxic atmosphere in Washington that lasted throughout the Bush administration.

The media paid for another recount, but when they finally counted up the votes and found out Bush did actually win the election, they buried the results to perpetuate the lie that Bush did not actually win the election.

For Democrats to attack Trump NOW, for saying he might challenge this election if he loses, as some sort of threat to the American Way of Life, Mom, and Apple Pie, is the height of hypocrisy. They obviously expect the media to NOT remind the American people that the Democrats did this just 16 years ago, and maybe they think the American people are too stupid to remember.
Al Gore tricked millions and millions of people with carbon credits, the drowning of Florida and long lsland, etc.
The Funniest part... is that millions of mindless lemmings believed the horse shit. LOL
Al Gore challenged the 2000 election, leading to nasty feelings that survive to this day.

The problem started when the networks started calling Florida for Al Gore, based on polls closing in the eastern seaboard part of the state. But the panhandle is in Central Time, and the polls were still open. The Bush team called the networks and told them their predictions of a Florida victory for Gore were premature.

And then it turned out that Bush won Florida, by a wafer-thin margin of some 600 votes. And that decided the election.

Al Gore insisted that he had won the popular vote, and therefore Bush should concede the election. I watched him do this on national TV and the reporter looked at him with disgust. Gore was being a sore loser, a man who knew the Electoral College was the way the Constitution set up the Presidential election, but then demanded a rule change when he didn't win that way.

Al Gore, refusing to concede an election he had lost fair and square, challenged the count in four prescincts, all controlled by the Democratic Party, where he knew the Democratic Party could control the recount. A farcical process followed, whereby paper ballots were analyzed for "hanging chads" and other proof that the ballots had been counted wrong.

The Florida Supreme Court got involved. Bush asked them to put an end to the recount so that a winner could be declared but they refused. So then the United States Supreme Court stepped in, and put an end to it.

Democrats since then have insisted that Bush "stole the election" and this created a toxic atmosphere in Washington that lasted throughout the Bush administration.

The media paid for another recount, but when they finally counted up the votes and found out Bush did actually win the election, they buried the results to perpetuate the lie that Bush did not actually win the election.

For Democrats to attack Trump NOW, for saying he might challenge this election if he loses, as some sort of threat to the American Way of Life, Mom, and Apple Pie, is the height of hypocrisy. They obviously expect the media to NOT remind the American people that the Democrats did this just 16 years ago, and maybe they think the American people are too stupid to remember.
This fails as both a false comparison and red herring fallacy; nothing but a pathetic, desperate, lame, and failed attempt to mitigate Trump's rejecting the democratic process.

Yes, clearly it's a false equivalency. Gore was a Democrat, Trump is a Republican
Al Gore challenged the 2000 election, leading to nasty feelings that survive to this day.

The problem started when the networks started calling Florida for Al Gore, based on polls closing in the eastern seaboard part of the state. But the panhandle is in Central Time, and the polls were still open. The Bush team called the networks and told them their predictions of a Florida victory for Gore were premature.

And then it turned out that Bush won Florida, by a wafer-thin margin of some 600 votes. And that decided the election.

Al Gore insisted that he had won the popular vote, and therefore Bush should concede the election. I watched him do this on national TV and the reporter looked at him with disgust. Gore was being a sore loser, a man who knew the Electoral College was the way the Constitution set up the Presidential election, but then demanded a rule change when he didn't win that way.

Al Gore, refusing to concede an election he had lost fair and square, challenged the count in four prescincts, all controlled by the Democratic Party, where he knew the Democratic Party could control the recount. A farcical process followed, whereby paper ballots were analyzed for "hanging chads" and other proof that the ballots had been counted wrong.

The Florida Supreme Court got involved. Bush asked them to put an end to the recount so that a winner could be declared but they refused. So then the United States Supreme Court stepped in, and put an end to it.

Democrats since then have insisted that Bush "stole the election" and this created a toxic atmosphere in Washington that lasted throughout the Bush administration.

The media paid for another recount, but when they finally counted up the votes and found out Bush did actually win the election, they buried the results to perpetuate the lie that Bush did not actually win the election.

For Democrats to attack Trump NOW, for saying he might challenge this election if he loses, as some sort of threat to the American Way of Life, Mom, and Apple Pie, is the height of hypocrisy. They obviously expect the media to NOT remind the American people that the Democrats did this just 16 years ago, and maybe they think the American people are too stupid to remember.
Al Gore tricked millions and millions of people with carbon credits, the drowning of Florida and long lsland, etc.
The Funniest part... is that millions of mindless lemmings believed the horse shit. LOL

Most of them still do
Al Gore challenged the 2000 election, leading to nasty feelings that survive to this day.
For me, the 2000 election is frozen in the moment I saw Al Gore's limo stop. The networks had declared he had won Florida and he was on his way to make his victory speech. They were showing his limo on live TV when they retracted the Florida win.

Just as they were informing the viewing audience that Gore might not have won Florida, Gore's limo came to a stop on my television. And it just sat there. And sat there. And sat there. One could only imagine what was happening inside that limo.

I'll never forget that moment.

And yes, the press tore into Florida afterwards. They did all kinds of investigations, and they kept coming up with a Bush win. But the Left has to this day refused to accept it.

They were the ones who started the whole thing with whining about rigged elections. Remember all the hoopla about Diebold being owned by a friend of the Bushes?


HBO eventually did a "documentary" about Diebold machines, and they found some hacker who could rig a voting machine to change votes. And then some liberal woman broke into tears as if this was proof the election had been rigged.

It never crosses the minds of the dumb fucks, Left and Right, who whine about rigged elections that rigging a nationwide election would take a a massive army perpetrating a huge coordinated effort across several states, completely undetected.

Occam's razor, folks.
Al Gore challenged the 2000 election, leading to nasty feelings that survive to this day.
For me, the 2000 election is frozen in the moment I saw Al Gore's limo stop. The networks had declared he had won Florida and he was on his way to make his victory speech. They were showing his limo on live TV when they retracted the Florida win.

Just as they were informing the viewing audience that Gore might not have won Florida, Gore's limo came to a stop on my television. And it just sat there. And sat there. And sat there. One could only imagine what was happening inside that limo.

I'll never forget that moment.

And yes, the press tore into Florida afterwards. They did all kinds of investigations, and they kept coming up with a Bush win. But the Left has to this day refused to accept it.

They were the ones who started the whole thing with whining about rigged elections. Remember all the hoopla about Diebold being owned by a friend of the Bushes?


HBO eventually did a "documentary" about Diebold machines, and they found some hacker who could rig a voting machine to change votes. And then some liberal woman broke into tears as if this was proof the election had been rigged.

It never crosses the minds of the dumb fucks, Left and Right, who whine about rigged elections that rigging a nationwide election would take a a massive army perpetrating a huge coordinated effort across several states, completely undetected.

Occam's razor, folks.
Remember all the hoopla about Diebold being owned by a friend of the Bushes?

I do. It wasn't about "friendship". It was because Wally O'Dell (the Diebold CEO) wrote plainly and publicly, "'I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year" --- meaning Bush, the incumbent at the time.

Seeing as how his company was and is a major voting machine supplier (and he lived in Ohio), how could that not raise eyebrows?

Not relevant here though since, again, John Kerry didn't refuse to accept the election results, which is what Rump is insinuating.
Remember all the hoopla about Diebold being owned by a friend of the Bushes?

I do. It wasn't about "friendship". It was because Wally O'Dell (the Diebold CEO) wrote plainly and publicly, "'I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year" --- meaning Bush, the incumbent at the time.

Seeing as how his company was and is a major voting machine supplier, how could that not raise eyebrows?

Not relevant here though since, again, John Kerry didn't refuse to accept the election results, which is what Rump is insinuating.
Al Gore challenged the 2000 election, leading to nasty feelings that survive to this day.

The problem started when the networks started calling Florida for Al Gore, based on polls closing in the eastern seaboard part of the state. But the panhandle is in Central Time, and the polls were still open. The Bush team called the networks and told them their predictions of a Florida victory for Gore were premature.

And then it turned out that Bush won Florida, by a wafer-thin margin of some 600 votes. And that decided the election.

Al Gore insisted that he had won the popular vote, and therefore Bush should concede the election. I watched him do this on national TV and the reporter looked at him with disgust. Gore was being a sore loser, a man who knew the Electoral College was the way the Constitution set up the Presidential election, but then demanded a rule change when he didn't win that way.

Al Gore, refusing to concede an election he had lost fair and square, challenged the count in four prescincts, all controlled by the Democratic Party, where he knew the Democratic Party could control the recount. A farcical process followed, whereby paper ballots were analyzed for "hanging chads" and other proof that the ballots had been counted wrong.

The Florida Supreme Court got involved. Bush asked them to put an end to the recount so that a winner could be declared but they refused. So then the United States Supreme Court stepped in, and put an end to it.

Democrats since then have insisted that Bush "stole the election" and this created a toxic atmosphere in Washington that lasted throughout the Bush administration.

The media paid for another recount, but when they finally counted up the votes and found out Bush did actually win the election, they buried the results to perpetuate the lie that Bush did not actually win the election.

For Democrats to attack Trump NOW, for saying he might challenge this election if he loses, as some sort of threat to the American Way of Life, Mom, and Apple Pie, is the height of hypocrisy. They obviously expect the media to NOT remind the American people that the Democrats did this just 16 years ago, and maybe they think the American people are too stupid to remember.
i somehow doubt the veracity of your tale, i am afraid, guvnor.

you need to support your lore with at least factoids.
You must be 15-years-old or younger if you don't remember this. You might as well say the Civil War didn't happen, chump.

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