Air Shows Are Thrilling


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Went to Wings Over Houston Yesterday............ World War 2 reenactments. Seems like the last place for kids to hear the truth about WW2.

Vietnam era and present technology was also represented well. They even mentioned John MCain........

This is an A-4, the type of aircraft that MCain was flying when he was shot down.

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The Blue Angels never fail to inspire awe.

Very nice shots Sitarro. I can remember going to an air show or two at NAS Kingsville as a kid. That thrill had me going to Point Mugu NAS as an adult for their shows.
The Blue Angels never fail to inspire awe.

Very nice shots Sitarro. I can remember going to an air show or two at NAS Kingsville as a kid. That thrill had me going to Point Mugu NAS as an adult for their shows.

Thanks, still trying to get used to the new camera....... very heavy. I got lucky when I walked way over to the right and found a great unobstructed view, a security guard tried to get me to leave but I talked my way out of it.
I have seen The Thunderbirds many times and it always amazes me how much closer the Blue Angels fly next to each other. The 3 Mustangs were called The Horsemen, that was great to see and hear them, reminded me of my dad. The F-15 put on a killer show, in afterburner most of the time. The Blue Angels C-130, "Fat Albert" was really incredible. He took off and climbed at an amazingly steep angle without the JATO rockets.

[ame=]YouTube - HIGH QUALITY Blue Angels Clips 3[/ame]
What camera are you using?

I've been shooting with a Canon 40D and love it.
Thank you so much for posting these. My dad was an avid air show goer until about 6 years ago or so. He's 86 and he just couldn't do the walking and standing anymore. He loved going to these. He always drove out to Oshkosh, WI and many other places. He never, ever, ever got shots like these. What kind of camera are you using? The Blue Angels . . . perfect precision. Fantastic shot.
Hey Sit, while I'm thinking about it... How long have you lived in the area? I ask because you may know:

For some reason I have the memory that NAS Kingsville used to be an Air Force base, late '60s early '70s was when I went for the shows. Maybe I'm wrong. Just wondering. I suppose I could Google the answer...
I've seen a lot of those fly-bys with modern jets flying in formations with the prop jobs....It takes everything the pilots of the jets can do to keep their planes from stalling out.
What camera are you using?

I've been shooting with a Canon 40D and love it.

I have a Nikon D300 with a Nikkor 18-200 DX lens with vibration reduction, I should have brought a tripod because the camera is quite heavy.

I saw some photographers in a special photo area(found out later it was 75 bucks), they had huge lenses, 500 and 600 mm I would guess.

my mom helped build this during the war. my aunt help build the engine on the P-47 Thunderbolt.


I don''t need to go. they fly right over thd top of my home. awesome.

Vietnam. yankee station. maybe 67 or 68. taken from a service ship i served on



Hey Sit, while I'm thinking about it... How long have you lived in the area? I ask because you may know:

For some reason I have the memory that NAS Kingsville used to be an Air Force base, late '60s early '70s was when I went for the shows. Maybe I'm wrong. Just wondering. I suppose I could Google the answer...

I don't know about that...... sorry.
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I saw this Confederate Airforce show at Scott AFB one year. GREAT stuff. Too bad I only had the 1st of the digital cameras to take pics with
I've seen a lot of those fly-bys with modern jets flying in formations with the prop jobs....It takes everything the pilots of the jets can do to keep their planes from stalling out.

Yea, they had 3 different ones yesterday. They call them Heritage flights, there was one with the F-15, 2 P-51s and a P-38.

I moved the shot that was originally in this post so I'm reentering it.
Fantastic pics.

However, as I tell my brother who is an air show freak, it's all fine and good until SOMEBODY PUTS AN EYE OUT.
Some other shots..........


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