Air Force removing running test requirement from its fitness tests, allowing airmen to choose a walking test instead


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Look how fit high school students were in 1962. It's probably not a coincidence that the deterioration of our bodies was accompanied by a political movement based on feelings of fragility and helplessness.

That and a remote controlled anti-armor missile system.

Oh good. We can all feel a lot safer now knowing that the Powers That Be are in the process of actively making our military weaker and less fit, on purpose.
Well, it IS the Air Force.
You can't run anywhere but to the kitchen for more Twinkies.
The way the military runs is why there are a lot of veterans with replacement knees. It's like they took all the worst jogging habits and turned it into a training regimen. I have pain in my knees that has been there since basic training 35 years ago.
Moonglow my--god, you people prove again and again to be shallow many drone pilots do you think there are compared to ground crew/pilots/etc???!! DUH!!!!!!
I have pain in my knees that has been there since basic training 35 years ago.

Crazy how people are defending this.
Crazy but not surprising. And that makes it even crazier.
The Air Force does not even have regular PT, i think all you had to do there was pass the annual test, in the Army, it was 3 days a week, rain, snow, sun, whatever, you were doing PT unless you had a medical profile to excuse you.
It doesn't have to have hand to hand combat to require a massive degree of physical strength during war time.

The Air Force changes it's requirements for many reasons. Just like it adjusts it's combat related training due to needs and conditions. On the average, any AF member is the least likely to be in a face to face combat situation than any other branch. When that condition changes, so does the combat training requirements.

The AF depended on the Army for a number of years to protect their forward bases until something happened in Iraq. The Iraquis attacked a convoy and killed and captured drivers. One Sgt made a fantastic showing and fought until he ran out of ammo and they killed him. He got a pothumous Purple Heart. Another Driver hid in a wheel well and was captured without firing her weapon. She was later on repatriated and received a purple heart, a bronze star and a ton of PR along with a life time in Retirement Benefits. Right after that, the AF added Combat training to their Basic Training and stopped relying on the Army for it's security needs. You see, just because it's wearing a pickle suit with USArmy on it doesn't mean it knows how to fight.

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