Aging bigot gets off with shocking behaviour

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

18 months is not appropriate. He should have had a life ban.
Aging bigot gets off with shocking behaviour
And from England come to this board and post.....
I'm old enough to remember when, at least here in the United States, “bullying” necessarily involved actual violence, or at least credible threats of violence. My generation was raised to know that “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”

Sadly, the sort of Gillettized pussyism is taking root here, where worthless cowards think that they are “bullied” if someone dares to speak unkind words at them.

18 months is not appropriate. He should have had a life ban.
OMG!!! he bullied someone,,,

you guys sure do have thin skin,,, might be why you lost in 1776,,,
I find it more upsetting you still have a House of Lords.

To be fair, it's not really any more our place, as Americans, to tell the British how to govern their country, than it is for Tainted Tommy to presume, as he often arrogantly does, to presume to tell us Americans how we should govern our country.

I would, however, point out, that the very idea that someone, by birth, is somehow better than someone else, and entitled to a hereditary role in government, is a principle that we utterly rejected, in founding this country. That's what the statement is about in our Declaration of Independence about all men being born equal.
I find it more upsetting you still have a House of Lords.

To be fair, it's not really any more our place, as Americans, to tell the British how to govern their country, than it is for Tainted Tommy to presume, as he often arrogantly does, to presume to tell us Americans how we should govern our country.

I would, however, point out, that the very idea that someone, by birth, is somehow better than someone else, and entitled to a hereditary role in government, is a principle that we utterly rejected, in founding this country. That's what the statement is about in our Declaration of Independence about all men being born equal.
Like Ivanka ?

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