AG Barr finally vindicates the legacy of Patriot Joe Mccarthy: "The Democrat Party is run by Communists intent on Destroying the Republic."

Is the 2020 Democrat Party really the Communist Party?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

We've finally reached a precipice: Communists have now been exposed and identified, as the great Patriot Senator Joe Mccarthy foretold us: They are here! They are the Democrat Party!

Patriot Joe Mccarthy 1950's: ""The Democrat Party is run by Communists intent on Destroying the Republic."

AG Barr 2020: "Democrats are now the Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system. They're not interested in compromise. They're not interested in [a] dialectic exchange of views. They're interested in total victory...It's a substitute for religion...because we stand in the of the communist utopia they seek to create."

Here's ANTIFA in Chile in the 1970's having a staged peaceful protest, while their armed communists were murdering police and citizens trying to save their country (at time = 33 seconds in this video you can see the ANTIFA banner in ENGLISH in a Spanish nation!!!)

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We've finally reached a precipice: Communists have now been exposed and identified, as the great Patriot Senator Joe Mccarthy foretold us: They are here! They are the Democrat Party!

Patriot Joe Mccarthy 1950's: ""The Democrat Party is run by Communists intent on Destroying the Republic."

AG Barr 2020: "Democrats are now the Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system. They're not interested in compromise. They're not interested in [a] dialectic exchange of views. They're interested in total victory...It's a substitute for religion...because we stand in the of the communist utopia they seek to create."

One thing is certain: Barr is a true patriot who sees CLEARLY what we are up against with the Left and the DNC. Good pick, Donald.
Where are resident communists?

You've been called out.

During the Levin interview the entire half century history and destruction of antifa worldwide was laid out.

Did you know the it was murdering of the police and citizens of Chile by ANTIFA that led to the Pinochet counter revolution? Did you know ANTIFA is back in Chile burning down churches and bibles?

Isn't it funny that I made several threads on ANTIFA, Pinochet, Venona and Mccarthy on USMB in the past couple of weeks that ended up the Rubber Room, and now AG and Levin lay it all out?

Who is the resident communist moderator that censored me?
Once again, you are taking the John Birch Society Playbook from 1957 that got them booted out of the Republican Party in 1964.

1: That was before the Venona Papers were released by the KBG to the CIA, vindicating Patriot Joe Mccarthy on EVERY accusation, including those in the US Armed Forces, and furthermore showing the even Mccarthy underestimated the number of communists agents in our government.

2: That was before the Democrats took off their masks in the summer of 2020. Not a single Democrat stood up to condemn antifa when AG Barr and Lindsay Grahm asked them to.

3: "I" am not taking anything. These are the words of Patriots Joe Mccarthy and AG Barr, not mine.
Once again, you are taking the John Birch Society Playbook from 1957 that got them booted out of the Republican Party in 1964.

1: That was before the Venona Papers were released by the KBG to the CIA, vindicating Patriot Joe Mccarthy on EVERY accusation, including those in the US Armed Forces, and furthermore showing the even Mccarthy underestimated the number of communists agents in our government.

2: That was before the Democrats took off their masks in the summer of 2020. Not a single Democrat stood up to condemn antifa when AG Barr and Lindsay Grahm asked them to.

3: "I" am not taking anything. These are the words of Patriots Joe Mccarthy and AG Barr, not mine.

McCcarthy was a fruitcake of the highest order. And anyone calling him a Patriot isn't.....
Once again, you are taking the John Birch Society Playbook from 1957 that got them booted out of the Republican Party in 1964.

1: That was before the Venona Papers were released by the KBG to the CIA, vindicating Patriot Joe Mccarthy on EVERY accusation, including those in the US Armed Forces, and furthermore showing the even Mccarthy underestimated the number of communists agents in our government.

2: That was before the Democrats took off their masks in the summer of 2020. Not a single Democrat stood up to condemn antifa when AG Barr and Lindsay Grahm asked them to.

3: "I" am not taking anything. These are the words of Patriots Joe Mccarthy and AG Barr, not mine.

McCcarthy was a fruitcake of the highest order. And anyone calling him a Patriot isn't.....

It is well known the Venona Papers confirmed every accusation of Patriot Joe Mccarthy, and furthermore revealed how many accusations he missed.

What is your answer to that?

Here is the source

Once again, you are taking the John Birch Society Playbook from 1957 that got them booted out of the Republican Party in 1964.

1: That was before the Venona Papers were released by the KBG to the CIA, vindicating Patriot Joe Mccarthy on EVERY accusation, including those in the US Armed Forces, and furthermore showing the even Mccarthy underestimated the number of communists agents in our government.

2: That was before the Democrats took off their masks in the summer of 2020. Not a single Democrat stood up to condemn antifa when AG Barr and Lindsay Grahm asked them to.

3: "I" am not taking anything. These are the words of Patriots Joe Mccarthy and AG Barr, not mine.

McCcarthy was a fruitcake of the highest order. And anyone calling him a Patriot isn't.....

It is well known the Venona Papers confirmed every accusation of Patriot Joe Mccarthy, and furthermore revealed how many accusations he missed.

What is your answer to that?

Here is the source

The Lenin/Marxist/Communist playbook died with Lenin. Stalin was a Despot, a Dictator and nothing else and that died with him. They were all doing what you are doing now and looking for a boogy man that no longer existed.

We've finally reached a precipice: Communists have now been exposed and identified, as the great Patriot Senator Joe Mccarthy foretold us: They are here! They are the Democrat Party!

Patriot Joe Mccarthy 1950's: ""The Democrat Party is run by Communists intent on Destroying the Republic."

AG Barr 2020: "Democrats are now the Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system. They're not interested in compromise. They're not interested in [a] dialectic exchange of views. They're interested in total victory...It's a substitute for religion...because we stand in the of the communist utopia they seek to create."

One thing is certain: Barr is a true patriot who sees CLEARLY what we are up against with the Left and the DNC. Good pick, Donald.

History will record Barr as a corrupt AG, and the stain on history that is his term will force us to implement measures to prevent such a corrupt AG from having his way again.

We've finally reached a precipice: Communists have now been exposed and identified, as the great Patriot Senator Joe Mccarthy foretold us: They are here! They are the Democrat Party!

Patriot Joe Mccarthy 1950's: ""The Democrat Party is run by Communists intent on Destroying the Republic."

AG Barr 2020: "Democrats are now the Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system. They're not interested in compromise. They're not interested in [a] dialectic exchange of views. They're interested in total victory...It's a substitute for religion...because we stand in the of the communist utopia they seek to create."

One thing is certain: Barr is a true patriot who sees CLEARLY what we are up against with the Left and the DNC. Good pick, Donald.

History will record Barr as a corrupt AG, and the stain on history that is his term will force us to implement measures to prevent such a corrupt AG from having his way again.

History will remember the communist insurrection being eradicated from our nation, schools, universities, sports, entertainment, churches and streets.


We've finally reached a precipice: Communists have now been exposed and identified, as the great Patriot Senator Joe Mccarthy foretold us: They are here! They are the Democrat Party!

Patriot Joe Mccarthy 1950's: ""The Democrat Party is run by Communists intent on Destroying the Republic."

AG Barr 2020: "Democrats are now the Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system. They're not interested in compromise. They're not interested in [a] dialectic exchange of views. They're interested in total victory...It's a substitute for religion...because we stand in the of the communist utopia they seek to create."

One thing is certain: Barr is a true patriot who sees CLEARLY what we are up against with the Left and the DNC. Good pick, Donald.

History will record Barr as a corrupt AG, and the stain on history that is his term will force us to implement measures to prevent such a corrupt AG from having his way again.

History will remember the communist insurrection being eradicated from our nation, schools, universities, sports, entertainment, churches and streets.

haha... oooookay. Someone is a wee bit detached from reality.
Once again, you are taking the John Birch Society Playbook from 1957 that got them booted out of the Republican Party in 1964.

1: That was before the Venona Papers were released by the KBG to the CIA, vindicating Patriot Joe Mccarthy on EVERY accusation, including those in the US Armed Forces, and furthermore showing the even Mccarthy underestimated the number of communists agents in our government.

2: That was before the Democrats took off their masks in the summer of 2020. Not a single Democrat stood up to condemn antifa when AG Barr and Lindsay Grahm asked them to.

3: "I" am not taking anything. These are the words of Patriots Joe Mccarthy and AG Barr, not mine.

McCcarthy was a fruitcake of the highest order. And anyone calling him a Patriot isn't.....

It is well known the Venona Papers confirmed every accusation of Patriot Joe Mccarthy, and furthermore revealed how many accusations he missed.

What is your answer to that?

Here is the source

The Lenin/Marxist/Communist playbook died with Lenin. Stalin was a Despot, a Dictator and nothing else and that died with him. They were all doing what you are doing now and looking for a boogy man that no longer existed.

The ideas of Marxism did not die with Lenin, or the fall of the Soviet Union. Even now China is dominated by the Chinese Communist Party.

Communism is a global domestic cancer the endured beyond the times of Lenin to this very day.

Only a deep communists, like yourself, would attempt to hide it.

Also what happened in Chile? Did you see the video at time = 0:33 with the ANTIFA banner beyond the Chilean Communist that murdered police?

That was the 1970's long after Lenin.

Fuck you commie.


Actually, the Democrook party is a tool for the billionaire donor class. The party pretends to be in support of the leftist agenda, support taxing the living fuck out of the billionaires and supporting the "poor" but they do anything except actually go after the biggest money in the country (and world). They can go after multi million dollar CEO's and executives all day, but they'll never go after the elite who own the most prominent banks and sit at the boards of the federal reserve. They keep the bed wetting commie hordes at bay, and protect their masters. For decades the motto of democrooks has been "the rich don't pay their fair share" and they've been allowed to blame that on republicrats while never actually doing anything to tax the mother fuck out of the banking cartel families who get all that interest from the federal debt.

Net interest payments on the debt are estimated to total $393.5 billion this fiscal year, or 8.7% of all federal outlays. (The government projects it will pay out a total of $593.1 billion in interest in fiscal 2019, which ends Sept.

Imagine what that tax bill ought to look like.

The problem is the monsters are getting out of control and voting for lunatics like Bernie and AOC. At some point I hope the bed wetters will figure this out and start voting CPUSA, rather than continue to be used by the DNC.
Democrats = neo-communist

There are 2 types of Democrats.

The first type are dedicated Marxist who want to destroy and fundamentally transform America into a global socialist police state.

The second type are useful idiots who believe the propaganda of the first type and literally advocate for their own enslavement.
Democrats = neo-communist

There are 2 types of Democrats.

The first type are dedicated Marxist who want to destroy and fundamentally transform America into a global socialist police state.

The second type are useful idiots who believe the propaganda of the first type and literally advocate for their own enslavement.

Patriot Joe Mccarthy said the same exact thing:

You capitalist sure are paranoid every election year yet it never happens...The state capitalist are happy.
This thread is destined for the conspiracy theory threads considering there is zero proof that the Democrats are communist anymore than the Republicans are fascist....

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