After the Mid-Terms, Would Dems Support Brandon's Impeachment?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
The question is not as far fetched as it might seem. I understand the Kamala problem, but it would be a step to mitigate the party's impending catastrophe.

Either way, Trump wins in 2024, but the Dems might survive.
The question is not as far fetched as it might seem. I understand the Kamala problem, but it would be a step to mitigate the party's impending catastrophe.

Either way, Trump wins in 2024, but the Dems might survive.
That's another interesting radical idea about a time coming very soon when the 2024 election will start to get sorted out. They've got to get rid of Biden/Harris SOME way, surely.
The question is not as far fetched as it might seem. I understand the Kamala problem, but it would be a step to mitigate the party's impending catastrophe.

Either way, Trump wins in 2024, but the Dems might survive.
Of course not. They will go into 2024 with 90% of the party not wanting him to run again but if Biden were impeached, there would be very few Democratic votes to impeach him.
It is a legitimate question. I get their Kamala problem, but they gotta do something because we know that even if Brandon survives till 2024 he is unelectable.
I think you may be on to something. The Kamala problem may not be as bad as we normal people think.

Remember, these are Democrats we're talking about. They have no problem with a totally incompetent person being given a position of senior responsibility, so long as they are the right color and gender.

Biden's problem is that, while the media are ready and very willing to put a positive spin on almost anything done by a Democrat leader, the key word is almost. Biden just isn't giving them anything to work with right now.

The media have to be careful because now they are only obviously mouthpieces for the DNC to about 55 to 60% of the American public. If they try to defend Biden's actions in the last 3 months or so, that number will go up to approaching 100%.

I don't think that Harris is quite the incompetent bumbling moron that she appears when trying to defend Biden's policies and actions. Yes she cackles and emits word salads when asked about those policies, but what could she say that would make her sound intelligent?

At the top, her handlers would have an easier time making her look smart. Right now I believe she is being used as a whipping person for team biden. How often do you see or hear from the people in the white house actually pulling his strings?

Not saying that she is anything great, just better than biden. There should be bipartisan agreement on that. But rather than support an impeachment, I think the Dems would sit Biden down wipe the Pablum out of his ears and talk him into resigning on his own. He actually mentioned that a couple of times when talking about his choice of Kamala harris.
The question is not as far fetched as it might seem. I understand the Kamala problem, but it would be a step to mitigate the party's impending catastrophe.

Either way, Trump wins in 2024, but the Dems might survive.
Is there a charge or will someone just make one up at the time? Is there any crime the GOP will hold a President accountable for (aside from getting a BJ)? Their record has not been stellar so far.
The question is not as far fetched as it might seem. I understand the Kamala problem, but it would be a step to mitigate the party's impending catastrophe.

Either way, Trump wins in 2024, but the Dems might survive.
Joe Biden has good days and bad days.

I suspect he is on some very powerful drugs so on vital days he gets a double dose but on average days he gets a reduced dose. Of course there is concern about nasty side effects.

But the possibility exists that they might find a new drug or come up with a magic combination and Joe will be able to run in 2024 and act like he no longer is suffering from dementia.
Biden is doing fine right now.
I'm thinking I might trade cars in 2024, but I haven't decided yet. The one I have now is doing fine, and I don't forsee any problems between now and 2024, so there is no rush to make my decision. I look at Joe's presidency as similar. He's doing what I want done, and I don'thave any real problems with him, but I might consider a change in 2024. I'll revisit the question later. No reason to decide right now.
Impeachment over what?

I hope Democrats run someone other than Biden. I hope Republicans run with someone other than Trump.
Impeachment over what?

I hope Democrats run someone other than Biden. I hope Republicans run with someone other than Trump.
Over the last few years impeachment can be for any number of things. The GOP started it in the 90s and the Dems exploded it in the Trump years. The threshold for impeachment today can be a phone call or pretty much anything that someone finds objectionable.

It's a brave new world.
Over the last few years impeachment can be for any number of things. The GOP started it in the 90s and the Dems exploded it in the Trump years. The threshold for impeachment today can be a phone call or pretty much anything that someone finds objectionable.

It's a brave new world.
So you want impeachment over nothing in particular. And you’re asking if I’d be cool with that.

Nah, I’ll pass.
The question is not as far fetched as it might seem. I understand the Kamala problem, but it would be a step to mitigate the party's impending catastrophe.

Either way, Trump wins in 2024, but the Dems might survive.

Of course not. Biden is a great President, with many great accomplishments to come. He will easily be reelected. Since Trump will be in prison, a convicted felon not able to run. It still remains to be seen what loser the Republicans will put up.
Brandon will be retiring soon after mid terms. Pelosi is the President.
Of course not. Biden is a great President, with many great accomplishments to come. He will easily be reelected. Since Trump will be in prison, a convicted felon not able to run. It still remains to be seen what loser the Republicans will put up.
Daffy Duck could beat Biden.

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