After Preaching About Rising Oceans, Bill Gates Buys $43M Mansion on the Beach


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Bill and Obama sit on their patios on the beach while preaching to you that you must make sacrifices to stop the rising oceans (that are not rising and they know it).

When those claiming it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then MAYBE I’ll listen.

Bill and Obama sit on their patios on the beach while preaching to you that you must make sacrifices to stop the rising oceans (that are not rising and they know it).

When those claiming it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then MAYBE I’ll listen.

Well, Gates IS an insufferable little dweeb. A HIDEOUSLY RICH little dweeb, but a dweeb, nonetheless.
Bill and Obama sit on their patios on the beach while preaching to you that you must make sacrifices to stop the rising oceans (that are not rising and they know it).

When those claiming it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then MAYBE I’ll listen.

Why is buying a beach house contributing to the ocean rising?
Are you a moron or do you just play one on message boards?
Bill and Obama sit on their patios on the beach while preaching to you that you must make sacrifices to stop the rising oceans (that are not rising and they know it).

When those claiming it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then MAYBE I’ll listen.

Del Mar is benched up from the ocean ... West Coast is where mountains meet the ocean ... 50 feet inland, you're 50 feet above sea level ... some place, 50 feet inland puts you 250 feet above sea level ... great place to build a summer cottage, nasty in winter though ...
Here is Gates oceanfront mansion in San Diego.

As you can see, it looks to be not much more than 10 or 15 feet above sea level. I think the more important point is that $43 million isn't that much money to Bill Gates. That represents a little more than 4 one-hundredths of one percent of his net value. That's like a person worth $1 million spending $400. His $106 million property in Medina, Washington is relatively close to some major fault lines. Should we assume from that, that earthquakes are a myth?
Bill and Obama sit on their patios on the beach while preaching to you that you must make sacrifices to stop the rising oceans (that are not rising and they know it).

When those claiming it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then MAYBE I’ll listen.

All I see here is your envy for rich people. Day in, day out. You should find a better hobby.
Here is Gates oceanfront mansion in San Diego.
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As you can see, it looks to be not much more than 10 or 15 feet above sea level. I think the more important point is that $43 million isn't that much money to Bill Gates. That represents a little more than 4 one-hundredths of one percent of his net value. That's like a person worth $1 million spending $400. His $106 million property in Medina, Washington is relatively close to some major fault lines. Should we assume from that, that earthquakes are a myth?

Thanks for that photo.

It seems to me that someone who was truly worried about rising sea level would not purchases such a property.

This is just my own personal opinion, but I think the #1 most accurate way to predict rising sea level is to look at the price changes in beachfront property. As long as prices continue to go up, I would think that there is no real threat of rising sea level.
The Obamas also bought beachfront property, and unlike Gates, this really did cost a substantial percentage of their overall wealth. I guess the Obamas aren't worried about rising sea level.

Source: Obamas reportedly buy Martha’s Vineyard waterfront estate for $11.75 million - The Boston Globe

And for the ultimate in someone who doesn't believe the global warming nonsense that they are spouting, check this out. The video's description even includes links to verify all the claims that are in the video:

The Obamas also bought beachfront property, and unlike Gates, this really did cost a substantial percentage of their overall wealth. I guess the Obamas aren't worried about rising sea level.

Source: Obamas reportedly buy Martha’s Vineyard waterfront estate for $11.75 million - The Boston Globe

And for the ultimate in someone who doesn't believe the global warming nonsense that they are spouting, check this out. The video's description even includes links to verify all the claims that are in the video:

And may we conclude the Obamas, from the secret knowledge to which ex-presidents are privy, know that the world's oceans aren't rising as it is only that which would allow them to chain themselves face down in the basement as the have done, with complete safety? Why don't you try arguing the science instead of making these complete crap famous-person-buys-house-near-ocean arguments? Global warming and sea level rise are scientific topics and there is a wealth of research and data available? Why do you waste our time with this polemicist rhetoric? I'd say it was because very close to 100% of the research conclusions, the data, the facts, all show anthropogenic global warming to be most accurate description of what is actually taking place on this planet. Which is to say you haven't got shit.
Bill and Obama sit on their patios on the beach while preaching to you that you must make sacrifices to stop the rising oceans (that are not rising and they know it).

When those claiming it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then MAYBE I’ll listen.

All I see here is your envy for rich people. Day in, day out. You should find a better hobby.

He was pointing out the hypocrisy. Well, not so much hypocrisy as the fact that they don't believe the BS they are peddling to everyone else. Anyone who still believes these agenda-driven, globalist liars and criminals is a little slow on the uptake.
I'd say it was because very close to 100% of the research conclusions, the data, the facts, all show anthropogenic global warming to be most accurate description of what is actually taking place on this planet. Which is to say you haven't got shit.

1. The "researchers" have been lying through their government trough-fed teeth for decades. They want to keep the spigots of billions flowing.
2. Why don't you look up "climate change fraud". It's compelling and it quotes hundreds of brilliant scientists. That would not be possible if it were "actually taking place."
3. theglobalwarmingfraud lists hundreds of papers, videos, diagrams, facts, and exposes of the lies of these fraudsters you relied on to your detriment.
I'd say it was because very close to 100% of the research conclusions, the data, the facts, all show anthropogenic global warming to be most accurate description of what is actually taking place on this planet. Which is to say you haven't got shit.

1. The "researchers" have been lying through their government trough-fed teeth for decades. They want to keep the spigots of billions flowing.
2. Why don't you look up "climate change fraud". It's compelling and it quotes hundreds of brilliant scientists. That would not be possible if it were "actually taking place."
3. theglobalwarmingfraud lists hundreds of papers, videos, diagrams, facts, and exposes of the lies of these fraudsters you relied on to your detriment.

Those of my religion live on islands that are seeing sea level rise. And we do not report this because we are "government" fed.

"“Veu Lesa, a 73-year-old villager in Tuvalu, does not need scientific reports to tell him that the sea is rising,” says The New Zealand Herald. “The beaches of his childhood are vanishing. The crops that used to feed his family have been poisoned by salt water. In April [2007], he had to leave his home when a spring tide flooded it, and the waves showered it with rocks and debris.”

FOR the people of Tuvalu, a group of islands no more than 13 feet [4 m] above sea level, global warming is, not abstract science, but “a daily reality,” says the Herald.* Thousands have already left the islands, and many more are preparing to go."

However, most of us did not leave -and, as per thread title, we engaged in construction notes this 2000 article:

"One place where their skills and services were needed was Tuvalu, a Pacific nation of about 10,500 people located on a remote group of nine coral atolls close to the equator and northwest of Samoa. The islands, or atolls, each average about a square mile [2.5 sq km] in area. By 1994, the 61 Witnesses there were urgently in need of a new Kingdom Hall and a larger translation office.

In this part of the tropical Pacific, buildings must be designed and built to withstand frequent savage storms and cyclones. But few quality building materials are available in the islands. The solution? Every component—from roof sheeting and trusses to furniture and curtains, toilet bowls and shower nozzles, even screws and nails—was shipped over in containers from Australia.

Before the materials arrived, a small advance team prepared the site and laid the foundation. Then the international workers came in to erect, paint, and furnish the buildings."

One might ask why anyone would build so close to sea level with sea level rise? Why build on Tuvalu if this island nation will disappear under the ocean? Our construction workers are not idiots. Actual science journals note other factors we also note:

"The Pacific nation of Tuvalu—long seen as a prime candidate to disappear as climate change forces up sea levels—is actually growing in size, new research shows.

A University of Auckland study examined changes in the geography of Tuvalu's nine atolls and 101 reef islands between 1971 and 2014, using aerial photographs and satellite imagery.

It found eight of the atolls and almost three-quarters of the islands grew during the study period, lifting Tuvalu's total land area by 2.9 percent, even though sea levels in the country rose at twice the global average."

Note: why wouldn't global warming cause sea levels to rise uniformly? One logical reason is that thermal expansion is not uniform and the oceans are not warming uniformly - e.g. El Nino. It is appropriate to turn to a physics journal since this involves physics - one reason I am quoting from The article adds:

"Rather than accepting their homes are doomed and looking to migrate to countries such as Australia and New Zealand, the researchers say they should start planning for a long-term future.

"On the basis of this research we project a markedly different trajectory for Tuvalu's islands over the next century than is commonly envisaged," Kench said.

"While we recognise that habitability rests on a number of factors, loss of land is unlikely to be a factor in forcing depopulation of Tuvalu."

The study's authors said island nations needed to find creative solutions to adapt to climate change that take into account their homeland's evolving geography."

And so our religion is doing on Tuvalu - though we initially listened to prophets of doom.
Yes, those villagers of Tuvalu are far more enlightened and sophisticated than the residents of coastal communities around the world, where property values continue to..... rise, unlike the sea level.
Barack Obama buys a mansion, his third residence, by the way, on the coast at Martha's Vineyard, after preaching doom and gloom to the rest of the world. Oh and Al Gore did the same thing. He flies hundreds of thousands of miles around the world annually, preaching to everyone else NOT to burn that evil fossil fuel.
Yes, those villagers of Tuvalu are far more enlightened and sophisticated than the residents of coastal communities around the world, where property values continue to..... rise, unlike the sea level.
Barack Obama buys a mansion, his third residence, by the way, on the coast at Martha's Vineyard, after preaching doom and gloom to the rest of the world. Oh and Al Gore did the same thing. He flies hundreds of thousands of miles around the world annually, preaching to everyone else NOT to burn that evil fossil fuel.

You may have missed the point: Tuvalu is increasing in size despite a rise in sea level. The prophets of doom for Tuvalu were/are wrong - this is why we stayed and engaged in construction at Tuvalu.

So, while sea level is variable - do you think we are wrong in stating the mean/average sea level is rising
So, while sea level is variable - do you think we are wrong in stating the mean/average sea level is rising

The station in Antarctica, where some 90% of earth's ice is found, keeps having to raise its buildings as ice continues to build up.

What the public fails to consider is that the volume of the ocean is a function of its mean temperature. Water... wait for it.... expands as it gets warmer. So if the sea is getting warmer, it increases in volume commensurately.

The obvious solution is for more AlGorians to buy lots of bottled water and store it in their garages and bedrooms. Putting in swimming pools and filling them sure wouldn't hurt either.
The Obamas also bought beachfront property, and unlike Gates, this really did cost a substantial percentage of their overall wealth. I guess the Obamas aren't worried about rising sea level.

Source: Obamas reportedly buy Martha’s Vineyard waterfront estate for $11.75 million - The Boston Globe

And for the ultimate in someone who doesn't believe the global warming nonsense that they are spouting, check this out. The video's description even includes links to verify all the claims that are in the video:

And may we conclude the Obamas, from the secret knowledge to which ex-presidents are privy, know that the world's oceans aren't rising as it is only that which would allow them to chain themselves face down in the basement as the have done, with complete safety? Why don't you try arguing the science instead of making these complete crap famous-person-buys-house-near-ocean arguments? Global warming and sea level rise are scientific topics and there is a wealth of research and data available? Why do you waste our time with this polemicist rhetoric? I'd say it was because very close to 100% of the research conclusions, the data, the facts, all show anthropogenic global warming to be most accurate description of what is actually taking place on this planet. Which is to say you haven't got shit.

Global warming is real.

Sea level rise is real.

But both of these things are far, far smaller than what the doomsayers want us to believe.

I'll believe that sea level rise is a serious threat as soon as the prices of California beach front properties have a five year trend of going down, instead of up.
I'd say it was because very close to 100% of the research conclusions, the data, the facts, all show anthropogenic global warming to be most accurate description of what is actually taking place on this planet. Which is to say you haven't got shit.

1. The "researchers" have been lying through their government trough-fed teeth for decades. They want to keep the spigots of billions flowing.
2. Why don't you look up "climate change fraud". It's compelling and it quotes hundreds of brilliant scientists. That would not be possible if it were "actually taking place."
3. theglobalwarmingfraud lists hundreds of papers, videos, diagrams, facts, and exposes of the lies of these fraudsters you relied on to your detriment.

Those of my religion live on islands that are seeing sea level rise. And we do not report this because we are "government" fed.

"“Veu Lesa, a 73-year-old villager in Tuvalu, does not need scientific reports to tell him that the sea is rising,” says The New Zealand Herald. “The beaches of his childhood are vanishing. The crops that used to feed his family have been poisoned by salt water. In April [2007], he had to leave his home when a spring tide flooded it, and the waves showered it with rocks and debris.”

FOR the people of Tuvalu, a group of islands no more than 13 feet [4 m] above sea level, global warming is, not abstract science, but “a daily reality,” says the Herald.* Thousands have already left the islands, and many more are preparing to go."

However, most of us did not leave -and, as per thread title, we engaged in construction notes this 2000 article:

"One place where their skills and services were needed was Tuvalu, a Pacific nation of about 10,500 people located on a remote group of nine coral atolls close to the equator and northwest of Samoa. The islands, or atolls, each average about a square mile [2.5 sq km] in area. By 1994, the 61 Witnesses there were urgently in need of a new Kingdom Hall and a larger translation office.

In this part of the tropical Pacific, buildings must be designed and built to withstand frequent savage storms and cyclones. But few quality building materials are available in the islands. The solution? Every component—from roof sheeting and trusses to furniture and curtains, toilet bowls and shower nozzles, even screws and nails—was shipped over in containers from Australia.

Before the materials arrived, a small advance team prepared the site and laid the foundation. Then the international workers came in to erect, paint, and furnish the buildings."

One might ask why anyone would build so close to sea level with sea level rise? Why build on Tuvalu if this island nation will disappear under the ocean? Our construction workers are not idiots. Actual science journals note other factors we also note:

"The Pacific nation of Tuvalu—long seen as a prime candidate to disappear as climate change forces up sea levels—is actually growing in size, new research shows.

A University of Auckland study examined changes in the geography of Tuvalu's nine atolls and 101 reef islands between 1971 and 2014, using aerial photographs and satellite imagery.

It found eight of the atolls and almost three-quarters of the islands grew during the study period, lifting Tuvalu's total land area by 2.9 percent, even though sea levels in the country rose at twice the global average."

Note: why wouldn't global warming cause sea levels to rise uniformly? One logical reason is that thermal expansion is not uniform and the oceans are not warming uniformly - e.g. El Nino. It is appropriate to turn to a physics journal since this involves physics - one reason I am quoting from The article adds:

"Rather than accepting their homes are doomed and looking to migrate to countries such as Australia and New Zealand, the researchers say they should start planning for a long-term future.

"On the basis of this research we project a markedly different trajectory for Tuvalu's islands over the next century than is commonly envisaged," Kench said.

"While we recognise that habitability rests on a number of factors, loss of land is unlikely to be a factor in forcing depopulation of Tuvalu."

The study's authors said island nations needed to find creative solutions to adapt to climate change that take into account their homeland's evolving geography."

And so our religion is doing on Tuvalu - though we initially listened to prophets of doom.

If Tuvalu is getting flooded, but California coasts are not, then perhaps the flooding in Tuvalu is due to coastal erosion, and not rising sea levels.

If sea level was rising enough to flood one coast, then shouldn't it be rising by the same amount everywhere else too?

Doess't a liquid like water rise the same amount everywhere?

Is there something that my science teachers did not tell me about the properties of liquids?

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