After ObamaCare is repealed

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Got this in my email -

After Obamacare is repealed, things will be so much better. That horrible, unconstitutional, un-American law, which represents, in the words of at least one Republican congressman, 'the greatest existential threat to the United States', will be erased from the books, and we'll all be so much better off.

After Obamacare is repealed, the hyperinflation in the costs of medical care can resume; it has been running well over the rate of inflation for several decades, and despite a slight reduction in the rate of increase between the passage of Obamacare and now, it will be free to resume it's rapid climb. No longer will there be a mandate for insurers to operate within at least a modest limitation on overhead and profit (15%), but will now be able to hike rates with NO limitations... a huge VICTORY for free enterprise.

After Obamacare is repealed, the free and relatively unregulated market for health care insurance can resume. Insurers will be able to pick and choose clients according to their expected need to make claims, so all you young and healthy people will get a terrific break on your insurance costs.... while you are young and healthy, that is. For those of us not quite immortal, things might not be so good.... but what the hell, party while ya can, right?

After Obamacare is repealed, everyone will be free to sign up for minimalist policies that will cover an annual physical, a few prescriptions, and not much else.... thereby permitting folks to once again gamble with the taxpayers money, since if they DO get very sick, that is who will be picking up the tab.Of course, hospital expenditures for uncompensated care will continue to skyrocket... but hey, that is always someone else's problem, and even if you ARE paying for it with tax dollars, you don't really 'see' those costs, so it's like, free, yanno?

After Obamacare is repealed, your insurance rates will continue to rise... but once you hit 50, or 55, those rates will skyrocket. Instead of being limited to a reasonable increase, they can resume rising like they did before, to 5x or more compared to what younger people will pay. There will be no regulation or limit on what insurers will charge, so naturally, they will raise rates to the roof. Competition won't stop them... because they will ALL do it... you don't need an actual meeting in a smoke filled room to constitute collusion, because simple commercial instincts will do the job.

After Obamacare is repealed, you'll be able to keep the insurance coverage you already have.... until, of course, your insurer decides to drop you. They won't need a reason, other than the supposition that you're likely to start requiring a lot more medical care in the future, like, for example, if you are diagnosed with diabetes. They'll be able to dump you, and pick up some young person instead. No law or regulation will stop them. Isn't the free market great?

After Obamacare is repealed, you'll be able to keep your current health care insurance. Of course, if they DO drop you, getting another policy might not be possible. Some insurers, before Obamacare, were refusing applicants for conditions like sleep apnea, and in one case, psoriasis. Not to worry, if you're young and healthy, though.

After Obamacare is repealed, your 22 year old son, with a college degree he can't convert into a job, is free to buy any policy he wants, with any of the money he doesn't have. If he's lucky, and is flipping burgers at McDonalds, he can be covered by their policy, which will generously provide all the necessary compensation for treating a hangnail. Unfortunately, if he is diagnosed with a serious disease.... leukemia or something else that will require hundreds on thousands of dollars over years to cure or treat, you can give him his inheritance early.

After Obamacare is repealed, the hopes and dreams of thirty million Americans who have been heretofore unable to buy health care insurance will be dashed. They will continue to rely on uncompensated care via emergency rooms, which we will all pay for via taxes, and via ever increasing hospital charges to cover the uncompensated expenses.... but hey, that's THEIR problem, not yours, right?

Yes, this disaster of a law will go away, and things will be so much better for the country, just like they were before. It will be a huge victory for the interests of the compassionate and concerned legislators who have only the best interests of the entire country at heart.
Got this in my email -

After Obamacare is repealed, things will be so much better. That horrible, unconstitutional, un-American law, which represents, in the words of at least one Republican congressman, 'the greatest existential threat to the United States', will be erased from the books, and we'll all be so much better off.

After Obamacare is repealed, the hyperinflation in the costs of medical care can resume; it has been running well over the rate of inflation for several decades, and despite a slight reduction in the rate of increase between the passage of Obamacare and now, it will be free to resume it's rapid climb. No longer will there be a mandate for insurers to operate within at least a modest limitation on overhead and profit (15%), but will now be able to hike rates with NO limitations... a huge VICTORY for free enterprise.

After Obamacare is repealed, the free and relatively unregulated market for health care insurance can resume. Insurers will be able to pick and choose clients according to their expected need to make claims, so all you young and healthy people will get a terrific break on your insurance costs.... while you are young and healthy, that is. For those of us not quite immortal, things might not be so good.... but what the hell, party while ya can, right?

After Obamacare is repealed, everyone will be free to sign up for minimalist policies that will cover an annual physical, a few prescriptions, and not much else.... thereby permitting folks to once again gamble with the taxpayers money, since if they DO get very sick, that is who will be picking up the tab.Of course, hospital expenditures for uncompensated care will continue to skyrocket... but hey, that is always someone else's problem, and even if you ARE paying for it with tax dollars, you don't really 'see' those costs, so it's like, free, yanno?

After Obamacare is repealed, your insurance rates will continue to rise... but once you hit 50, or 55, those rates will skyrocket. Instead of being limited to a reasonable increase, they can resume rising like they did before, to 5x or more compared to what younger people will pay. There will be no regulation or limit on what insurers will charge, so naturally, they will raise rates to the roof. Competition won't stop them... because they will ALL do it... you don't need an actual meeting in a smoke filled room to constitute collusion, because simple commercial instincts will do the job.

After Obamacare is repealed, you'll be able to keep the insurance coverage you already have.... until, of course, your insurer decides to drop you. They won't need a reason, other than the supposition that you're likely to start requiring a lot more medical care in the future, like, for example, if you are diagnosed with diabetes. They'll be able to dump you, and pick up some young person instead. No law or regulation will stop them. Isn't the free market great?

After Obamacare is repealed, you'll be able to keep your current health care insurance. Of course, if they DO drop you, getting another policy might not be possible. Some insurers, before Obamacare, were refusing applicants for conditions like sleep apnea, and in one case, psoriasis. Not to worry, if you're young and healthy, though.

After Obamacare is repealed, your 22 year old son, with a college degree he can't convert into a job, is free to buy any policy he wants, with any of the money he doesn't have. If he's lucky, and is flipping burgers at McDonalds, he can be covered by their policy, which will generously provide all the necessary compensation for treating a hangnail. Unfortunately, if he is diagnosed with a serious disease.... leukemia or something else that will require hundreds on thousands of dollars over years to cure or treat, you can give him his inheritance early.

After Obamacare is repealed, the hopes and dreams of thirty million Americans who have been heretofore unable to buy health care insurance will be dashed. They will continue to rely on uncompensated care via emergency rooms, which we will all pay for via taxes, and via ever increasing hospital charges to cover the uncompensated expenses.... but hey, that's THEIR problem, not yours, right?

Yes, this disaster of a law will go away, and things will be so much better for the country, just like they were before. It will be a huge victory for the interests of the compassionate and concerned legislators who have only the best interests of the entire country at heart.

Yes, thank you Obamacare, for claiming, arguably, that you'll solve all of these issues. You'll solve them because it's the moral thing to do, and by God everybody should abide by your morals! Those you deem to have enough should be forced to pay into a system that claims, arguably, that it'll solve all of these things! Because it's good and right, and what is America, with its first amendment specifying religious freedom, if not a place where one is free to force his morality on those around him?

Please inform me of everything else you've deemed to be a moral ill and let me know how much money I'm obligated to give you to, arguably, solve it.
Got this in my email -

After Obamacare is repealed, things will be so much better. That horrible, unconstitutional, un-American law, which represents, in the words of at least one Republican congressman, 'the greatest existential threat to the United States', will be erased from the books, and we'll all be so much better off.

After Obamacare is repealed, the hyperinflation in the costs of medical care can resume; it has been running well over the rate of inflation for several decades, and despite a slight reduction in the rate of increase between the passage of Obamacare and now, it will be free to resume it's rapid climb. No longer will there be a mandate for insurers to operate within at least a modest limitation on overhead and profit (15%), but will now be able to hike rates with NO limitations... a huge VICTORY for free enterprise.

After Obamacare is repealed, the free and relatively unregulated market for health care insurance can resume. Insurers will be able to pick and choose clients according to their expected need to make claims, so all you young and healthy people will get a terrific break on your insurance costs.... while you are young and healthy, that is. For those of us not quite immortal, things might not be so good.... but what the hell, party while ya can, right?

After Obamacare is repealed, everyone will be free to sign up for minimalist policies that will cover an annual physical, a few prescriptions, and not much else.... thereby permitting folks to once again gamble with the taxpayers money, since if they DO get very sick, that is who will be picking up the tab.Of course, hospital expenditures for uncompensated care will continue to skyrocket... but hey, that is always someone else's problem, and even if you ARE paying for it with tax dollars, you don't really 'see' those costs, so it's like, free, yanno?

After Obamacare is repealed, your insurance rates will continue to rise... but once you hit 50, or 55, those rates will skyrocket. Instead of being limited to a reasonable increase, they can resume rising like they did before, to 5x or more compared to what younger people will pay. There will be no regulation or limit on what insurers will charge, so naturally, they will raise rates to the roof. Competition won't stop them... because they will ALL do it... you don't need an actual meeting in a smoke filled room to constitute collusion, because simple commercial instincts will do the job.

After Obamacare is repealed, you'll be able to keep the insurance coverage you already have.... until, of course, your insurer decides to drop you. They won't need a reason, other than the supposition that you're likely to start requiring a lot more medical care in the future, like, for example, if you are diagnosed with diabetes. They'll be able to dump you, and pick up some young person instead. No law or regulation will stop them. Isn't the free market great?

After Obamacare is repealed, you'll be able to keep your current health care insurance. Of course, if they DO drop you, getting another policy might not be possible. Some insurers, before Obamacare, were refusing applicants for conditions like sleep apnea, and in one case, psoriasis. Not to worry, if you're young and healthy, though.

After Obamacare is repealed, your 22 year old son, with a college degree he can't convert into a job, is free to buy any policy he wants, with any of the money he doesn't have. If he's lucky, and is flipping burgers at McDonalds, he can be covered by their policy, which will generously provide all the necessary compensation for treating a hangnail. Unfortunately, if he is diagnosed with a serious disease.... leukemia or something else that will require hundreds on thousands of dollars over years to cure or treat, you can give him his inheritance early.

After Obamacare is repealed, the hopes and dreams of thirty million Americans who have been heretofore unable to buy health care insurance will be dashed. They will continue to rely on uncompensated care via emergency rooms, which we will all pay for via taxes, and via ever increasing hospital charges to cover the uncompensated expenses.... but hey, that's THEIR problem, not yours, right?

Yes, this disaster of a law will go away, and things will be so much better for the country, just like they were before. It will be a huge victory for the interests of the compassionate and concerned legislators who have only the best interests of the entire country at heart.

Yes, thank you Obamacare, for claiming, arguably, that you'll solve all of these issues. You'll solve them because it's the moral thing to do, and by God everybody should abide by your morals! Those you deem to have enough should be forced to pay into a system that claims, arguably, that it'll solve all of these things! Because it's good and right, and what is America, with its first amendment specifying religious freedom, if not a place where one is free to force his morality on those around him?

Please inform me of everything else you've deemed to be a moral ill and let me know how much money I'm obligated to give you to, arguably, solve it.
I am not of the opion that repealing Obama care will solve all our problems. But prehaps we can find real and sencable suluations for the real problems that exist. not ones made up by the left pushing their morials on the rest of us who do not agree with them. It is my vew that Oboma care is an effort by the socalist to treat us like sheep and hurd us to total dependecy on th them. They think that the American people are too stupid to deturmon what is best for them.
Oh look, not only is luddly a propaganda distributor, he's a recipient as well.

I am not of the opion that repealing Obama care will solve all our problems. But prehaps we can find real and sencable suluations for the real problems that exist. not ones made up by the left pushing their morials on the rest of us who do not agree with them. It is my vew that Oboma care is an effort by the socalist to treat us like sheep and hurd us to total dependecy on th them. They think that the American people are too stupid to deturmon what is best for them.

Neither am I, but neither am I of the opinion that keepng Obamacare will solve all our issues.
Take, for instance, my own circumstance.
I am married, and self-employed. I have no large corporation to join in order to obtain health insurance. As a result, I limit my doctor visits as much as possible and rely on my own body's ability to heal itself. However IF I do have need of medical care, it will likely cost me more than I can afford. I would have to take a second mortgage on my home just to pay the medical costs. No, that will not do. I can not and will not be held hostage by a medical care system whereby the normal everyday working stiff can't afford to have his/her medical needs taken care of without it costing them every cent they own and then some.
There has to be a insurance system in place that a normal taxpayer can purchase on their own, much the same as one would do with automobile or homeowner's insurance.
There has to be a better way, and it has to be made affordable for everyone, and without the government taking it over for their own self-righteous benefit.
Obamacare isn't going to be repealed, wingnutty teabaggers are attempting to pretend there is any power at all in their ranks. Of course they have two of the biggest idiots leading the charge, Palin and Cruz.

I sincerely don't know where they dig these fools up, I can't believe anyone with any sense would give either of them a vote and yet they both seemed to scare some up.

Hoping Republican voters wake up and at least try to put up candidates who care about America. This is getting silly.
I am not of the opion that repealing Obama care will solve all our problems. But prehaps we can find real and sencable suluations for the real problems that exist. not ones made up by the left pushing their morials on the rest of us who do not agree with them. It is my vew that Oboma care is an effort by the socalist to treat us like sheep and hurd us to total dependecy on th them. They think that the American people are too stupid to deturmon what is best for them.

Neither am I, but neither am I of the opinion that keepng Obamacare will solve all our issues.
Take, for instance, my own circumstance.
I am married, and self-employed. I have no large corporation to join in order to obtain health insurance. As a result, I limit my doctor visits as much as possible and rely on my own body's ability to heal itself. However IF I do have need of medical care, it will likely cost me more than I can afford. I would have to take a second mortgage on my home just to pay the medical costs. No, that will not do. I can not and will not be held hostage by a medical care system whereby the normal everyday working stiff can't afford to have his/her medical needs taken care of without it costing them every cent they own and then some.
There has to be a insurance system in place that a normal taxpayer can purchase on their own, much the same as one would do with automobile or homeowner's insurance.
There has to be a better way, and it has to be made affordable for everyone, and without the government taking it over for their own self-righteous benefit.

Since altruism in the private sector is as rare as hen's teeth what you are looking for is unlikely to materialize. For starters the insurers were responsible for driving up the costs and there is no way a "non profit" is going to be able to provide an alternative given an unregulated ability to milk Americans for healthcare. So by repealing Obamacare you allow the insurers to resume their upward cost spiral and you are left with no options.

Obamacare, for all of it's faults, is still a for-profit system that was conceived by Republicans as their alternative to "Hilarycare" back in the 1990's. It served as the model for Romenycare in Massachusetts. The kind of system that would best serve your needs would be a non-profit single-payer but that is deemed to be "socialism" and therefore unacceptable for "real Americans" like you or I. So we just have to continue to allow Wall Street to make a profit from sick people because that isn't "self righteous" or "imposing morality" on others.
Yes, thank you Obamacare, for claiming, arguably, that you'll solve all of these issues. You'll solve them because it's the moral thing to do, and by God everybody should abide by your morals! Those you deem to have enough should be forced to pay into a system that claims, arguably, that it'll solve all of these things! Because it's good and right, and what is America, with its first amendment specifying religious freedom, if not a place where one is free to force his morality on those around him?

Please inform me of everything else you've deemed to be a moral ill and let me know how much money I'm obligated to give you to, arguably, solve it.

Yeah, force everyone to live by my morals ... Like force women to reproduce because they have no right to have control of their own bodies, right? And, women should not be able to buy health insurance that includes birth control. And, don't allow people to marry just because they love each other.

What a ridiculous screen name you have chosen because rw's are demanding to make everyone behave by their morals. The rw's are demanding that the entire nation SUBJUGATE themselves to the whims of the very few.

Note to Papawx3 - there's a link in my signature that you can use to ascertain what you can expect to pay.
Got this in my email -

After Obamacare is repealed, things will be so much better. That horrible, unconstitutional, un-American law, which represents, in the words of at least one Republican congressman, 'the greatest existential threat to the United States', will be erased from the books, and we'll all be so much better off.

After Obamacare is repealed, the hyperinflation in the costs of medical care can resume; it has been running well over the rate of inflation for several decades, and despite a slight reduction in the rate of increase between the passage of Obamacare and now, it will be free to resume it's rapid climb. No longer will there be a mandate for insurers to operate within at least a modest limitation on overhead and profit (15%), but will now be able to hike rates with NO limitations... a huge VICTORY for free enterprise.

After Obamacare is repealed, the free and relatively unregulated market for health care insurance can resume. Insurers will be able to pick and choose clients according to their expected need to make claims, so all you young and healthy people will get a terrific break on your insurance costs.... while you are young and healthy, that is. For those of us not quite immortal, things might not be so good.... but what the hell, party while ya can, right?

After Obamacare is repealed, everyone will be free to sign up for minimalist policies that will cover an annual physical, a few prescriptions, and not much else.... thereby permitting folks to once again gamble with the taxpayers money, since if they DO get very sick, that is who will be picking up the tab.Of course, hospital expenditures for uncompensated care will continue to skyrocket... but hey, that is always someone else's problem, and even if you ARE paying for it with tax dollars, you don't really 'see' those costs, so it's like, free, yanno?

After Obamacare is repealed, your insurance rates will continue to rise... but once you hit 50, or 55, those rates will skyrocket. Instead of being limited to a reasonable increase, they can resume rising like they did before, to 5x or more compared to what younger people will pay. There will be no regulation or limit on what insurers will charge, so naturally, they will raise rates to the roof. Competition won't stop them... because they will ALL do it... you don't need an actual meeting in a smoke filled room to constitute collusion, because simple commercial instincts will do the job.

After Obamacare is repealed, you'll be able to keep the insurance coverage you already have.... until, of course, your insurer decides to drop you. They won't need a reason, other than the supposition that you're likely to start requiring a lot more medical care in the future, like, for example, if you are diagnosed with diabetes. They'll be able to dump you, and pick up some young person instead. No law or regulation will stop them. Isn't the free market great?

After Obamacare is repealed, you'll be able to keep your current health care insurance. Of course, if they DO drop you, getting another policy might not be possible. Some insurers, before Obamacare, were refusing applicants for conditions like sleep apnea, and in one case, psoriasis. Not to worry, if you're young and healthy, though.

After Obamacare is repealed, your 22 year old son, with a college degree he can't convert into a job, is free to buy any policy he wants, with any of the money he doesn't have. If he's lucky, and is flipping burgers at McDonalds, he can be covered by their policy, which will generously provide all the necessary compensation for treating a hangnail. Unfortunately, if he is diagnosed with a serious disease.... leukemia or something else that will require hundreds on thousands of dollars over years to cure or treat, you can give him his inheritance early.

After Obamacare is repealed, the hopes and dreams of thirty million Americans who have been heretofore unable to buy health care insurance will be dashed. They will continue to rely on uncompensated care via emergency rooms, which we will all pay for via taxes, and via ever increasing hospital charges to cover the uncompensated expenses.... but hey, that's THEIR problem, not yours, right?

Yes, this disaster of a law will go away, and things will be so much better for the country, just like they were before. It will be a huge victory for the interests of the compassionate and concerned legislators who have only the best interests of the entire country at heart.

Let em die!
Yes, thank you Obamacare, for claiming, arguably, that you'll solve all of these issues. You'll solve them because it's the moral thing to do, and by God everybody should abide by your morals! Those you deem to have enough should be forced to pay into a system that claims, arguably, that it'll solve all of these things! Because it's good and right, and what is America, with its first amendment specifying religious freedom, if not a place where one is free to force his morality on those around him?

Please inform me of everything else you've deemed to be a moral ill and let me know how much money I'm obligated to give you to, arguably, solve it.

Yeah, force everyone to live by my morals ... Like force women to reproduce because they have no right to have control of their own bodies, right? And, women should not be able to buy health insurance that includes birth control. And, don't allow people to marry just because they love each other.

What a ridiculous screen name you have chosen because rw's are demanding to make everyone behave by their morals. The rw's are demanding that the entire nation SUBJUGATE themselves to the whims of the very few.

Note to Papawx3 - there's a link in my signature that you can use to ascertain what you can expect to pay.

lol, force women to REPRODUCE
gawd the dumb dramatics with you people
they are PUMPING OUT the Dramatic FEAR MONGERING fast and furious now folks..

EXPECT more that is their GAME
So what is it Republicans?

Throw out people with preexisting conditions again?
Reinstate lifetime limits on coverage?
End Insurance exchanges and throw the unisnured to the whims of the open market?
Send the uninsured back to the emergency rooms?

After you end Obamacare....what is your plan?

America wants to know
I am not of the opion that repealing Obama care will solve all our problems. But prehaps we can find real and sencable suluations for the real problems that exist. not ones made up by the left pushing their morials on the rest of us who do not agree with them. It is my vew that Oboma care is an effort by the socalist to treat us like sheep and hurd us to total dependecy on th them. They think that the American people are too stupid to deturmon what is best for them.

Neither am I, but neither am I of the opinion that keepng Obamacare will solve all our issues.
Take, for instance, my own circumstance.
I am married, and self-employed. I have no large corporation to join in order to obtain health insurance. As a result, I limit my doctor visits as much as possible and rely on my own body's ability to heal itself. However IF I do have need of medical care, it will likely cost me more than I can afford. I would have to take a second mortgage on my home just to pay the medical costs. No, that will not do. I can not and will not be held hostage by a medical care system whereby the normal everyday working stiff can't afford to have his/her medical needs taken care of without it costing them every cent they own and then some.
There has to be a insurance system in place that a normal taxpayer can purchase on their own, much the same as one would do with automobile or homeowner's insurance.
There has to be a better way, and it has to be made affordable for everyone, and without the government taking it over for their own self-righteous benefit.

Since altruism in the private sector is as rare as hen's teeth what you are looking for is unlikely to materialize. For starters the insurers were responsible for driving up the costs and there is no way a "non profit" is going to be able to provide an alternative given an unregulated ability to milk Americans for healthcare. So by repealing Obamacare you allow the insurers to resume their upward cost spiral and you are left with no options.

Obamacare, for all of it's faults, is still a for-profit system that was conceived by Republicans as their alternative to "Hilarycare" back in the 1990's. It served as the model for Romenycare in Massachusetts. The kind of system that would best serve your needs would be a non-profit single-payer but that is deemed to be "socialism" and therefore unacceptable for "real Americans" like you or I. So we just have to continue to allow Wall Street to make a profit from sick people because that isn't "self righteous" or "imposing morality" on others.


The new Republican plans seem to be either Ron Paul's "Let them die" care, or Governor Jan Brewer's "Die Quickly" care.

And Jan Brewer's plan's proof of concept actually killed 2 Americans.

Question to Republicans

After you repeal Obamacare, how long before you replace it with something better?

- 6 months
- one year
- three years
they are PUMPING OUT the Dramatic FEAR MONGERING fast and furious now folks..

EXPECT more that is their GAME

It's not a game, Americans are not going to give up this one without a fight. The Supreme court upheld it, why would you think your party can just take these big, big issues and throw them in the trash?

Stop and think about it, you can't just pretend the wealthiest among us are the only ones who exist. You could be the Republican's next target.
Question to Republicans

After you repeal Obamacare, how long before you replace it with something better?

- 6 months
- one year
- three years

I'll answer that, never. Why? Because they will wait for big insurance to tell them their next move.
Question to Republicans

After you repeal Obamacare, how long before you replace it with something better?

- 6 months
- one year
- three years

I'll answer that, never. Why? Because they will wait for big insurance to tell them their next move.

Which is generally some nonsense about selling insurance over state lines..which is really code talk for "We want to merge and become to big to fail".
Question to Republicans

After you repeal Obamacare, how long before you replace it with something better?

- 6 months
- one year
- three years

I'll answer that, never. Why? Because they will wait for big insurance to tell them their next move.

Which is generally some nonsense about selling insurance over state lines..which is really code talk for "We want to merge and become to big to fail".

Failed concepts in and of itself. They've never been accused of being creative and looking at the big picture.
Question to Republicans

After you repeal Obamacare, how long before you replace it with something better?

- 6 months
- one year
- three years

I'll answer that, never. Why? Because they will wait for big insurance to tell them their next move.

Which is generally some nonsense about selling insurance over state lines..which is really code talk for "We want to merge and become to big to fail".

Oh yes...the Republican bandaids for healthcare reform

Tax cuts, sell insurance across state lines and tort reform. No need to do anything else
I'll answer that, never. Why? Because they will wait for big insurance to tell them their next move.

Which is generally some nonsense about selling insurance over state lines..which is really code talk for "We want to merge and become to big to fail".

Oh yes...the Republican bandaids for healthcare reform

Tax cuts, sell insurance across state lines and tort reform. No need to do anything else

ah yes..... the Republican's favorite paymasters, next to large defense contractors that is :)

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