African-Americans are “sort of a mongrel people”


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
How can you argue with that?

It's OK because Obama said it, right?

I mean the Left wasn't even asking me for links, so they must have seen this coming
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Which prominent Republican said that?

Robert Byrd said it , and he wasn't a republican.

"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." ~ Letter from Robert C. Byrd, to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS
murkins are mongrel people.
I mean. The Dick Cheney and Barack are related !

You can find a woodshed baby or two down in paradises like Alabammy, Jawjuh, and Missipi but I'd venture to say the vast majority living in Murkastan are pure blood Africans.
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Now you see why Joe Biden is the VP, right? He's the only guy in politics dumber than the guy who talks about "mongrel people"
How is this news? We intermarry all kinds of different ways. In HI, where 0bama is from, 35% of the population is mixed race. Here in Oregon it is almost 8%, and up in WA it is 11%

I personally have French, German, English ancestry. My X is Russian.

Mixed breeds are healthier anyway. Anyone who has a pure bread dog can attest to the vet bills those things cause.

While I want to jump on 0bama for whatever and whenever, leave the man alone when he notices the obvious.
How is this news? We intermarry all kinds of different ways. In HI, where 0bama is from, 35% of the population is mixed race. Here in Oregon it is almost 8%, and up in WA it is 11%

I personally have French, German, English ancestry. My X is Russian.

Mixed breeds are healthier anyway. Anyone who has a pure bread dog can attest to the vet bills those things cause.

While I want to jump on 0bama for whatever and whenever, leave the man alone when he notices the obvious.

Good point. Had Palin or Bachmann said it they'd be correct too.

OK, no big deal.
Actually it is true that blacks are much more variable. They are the stock from which asians and caucasians split off and evolved to adapt to the different colder, harsher northern climates. While blacks still evolved, it wasn't to a different climate. Whites and asians are much more similar to each other than blacks are.
American whites are mongrels too, 30% of white Americans have African ancestry and many also have Native American ancestry, there are no pure people on the earth.
Scuze me. Every person is "pure" - purely human.

Why are you promoting the nonsense that purity equals some type of racial homogenity?

Nevermind, it's a rhetorical question. We know you are a race baiter/hustler.
Scuze me. Every person is "pure" - purely human.

Why are you promoting the nonsense that purity equals some type of racial homogenity?

Nevermind, it's a rhetorical question. We know you are a race baiter/hustler.

Every one is human but no human is pure genetically, stop trolling and understand the facts.
Scuze me. Every person is "pure" - purely human.

Speak for yourself, Earthen.


American whites are mongrels too, 30% of white Americans have African ancestry and many also have Native American ancestry, there are no pure people on the earth.

I didn't see the essence of the comment offensive because it was clear what he was saying- the last census had some 14% of Americans of mixed parentage, although it was somewhat less than classy to use the term 'mongrel.'

What was offensive was the second element in his statement, a devisive one that selected one race over another:

Obama said of African-Americans: "We are sort of a mongrel people."

"I mean we're all kinds of mixed up," Obama said. "That's actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it." President Obama calls African-Americans a ?mongrel people? -

Pretty much the definition of racism to identify one race as more congizant than another.

"Obama Has Been a Divider, Not a Uniter...
WASHINGTON -- Who has been the most polarizing new president of recent times? Richard Nixon? Ronald Reagan? George W. Bush?

No, that honor belongs to President Barack Obama. According to the Pew Research Center, the gap between Republican and Democratic approval ratings for Bush a few months into his first term was about 51 percentage points. For Obama, this partisan gap stands at 61 points. Obama has been a unifier, of sorts. He has united Democrats and united Republicans -- against each other."
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Has Been a Divider, Not a Uniter

...and dividing white and black.

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