African American Sergeant Damian Lamar Daniels murdered by the Bexar County Sheriff’s Department in San Antonio, Texas IN HIS OWN HOME

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"The struggle continued as Daniels reached for his own gun. Images released by the Sheriff’s Office showed deputies with their hands on the pistol and Daniels gripping the gun beneath his red shirt.

In that struggle, Salazar said the deputies were “pleading” with him to let go of the gun.

“It was very clear they were in a fight for their lives,” Salazar said.

Body camera footage of the encounter, which lasted more than 30 minutes, showed Daniels was carrying a Glock Model 22 .40-caliber pistol. He also had a second magazine and a knife."

-- from the OP's article.

Sure doesn't sound like a murder to me.
I wasn't murder.

By all means ....

Let some idiot unarmed social worker address this man.

It would simply prove one again how Leftist Policies ALWAYS lead to Death and Destruction.
Earlier in the day the guy was offered help but refused it, so IMHO the case for an unarmed social worker is nonsense. I don't think you can send in an unarmed mental health person unless the guy disarms himself and comes out peacefully. Until he does that he is a danger to himself and to others and has to be treated that way.

Damian Lamar Daniels. His life mattered, and when we needed mental health support the most, he had to face men with guns and only 8 hours of mental health training. We cannot let this happen again to our comrades, especially to combat veterans.
The man was going nuts, hearing voices, had suicidal thoughts. He fired his weapon earlier neighbors reported, and he had the gun on him. He tried to get the stun gun from the police, then went for his own. It was suicide by cop. The guy had issues and they tried to help, but he had a gun, period. This was not a murder.
"The struggle continued as Daniels reached for his own gun. Images released by the Sheriff’s Office showed deputies with their hands on the pistol and Daniels gripping the gun beneath his red shirt.

In that struggle, Salazar said the deputies were “pleading” with him to let go of the gun.

“It was very clear they were in a fight for their lives,” Salazar said.

Body camera footage of the encounter, which lasted more than 30 minutes, showed Daniels was carrying a Glock Model 22 .40-caliber pistol. He also had a second magazine and a knife."

-- from the OP's article.

Sure doesn't sound like a murder to me.

It also doesn't sound like the veteran was getting the help he should have got. If we can't afford to take care of our veterans we don't deserve a military.

It isn't the job of the police to give mental health treatment. Police were called to deal with an armed suspect who was putting people in fear, they must think of their safety and the safety of by-standers first.

If you are interested in getting better mental health treatment for veterans (or non-veterans), you need to speak to your elected legislator, not the police.

It was a mental health call. I said we need fewer cops and more mental health experts to deal with mental health calls. Did you not read that?
even when its known they have a gun???

Yes, why not?
well one good point of doing that is the cops can sit back and shoot from safety after he kill the social worker,,,
As long as the social worker is a BLM moron, I’m good with that.
This is a perfect example of why mental health social workers are a bad idea. This case would have just ended with dead social workers.

Damian Lamar Daniels. His life mattered, and when we needed mental health support the most, he had to face men with guns and only 8 hours of mental health training. We cannot let this happen again to our comrades, especially to combat veterans.

Did you read your own article?

" Officials said the deputies involved in this incident received more than 80 hours of crisis intervention training in addition to state-mandated crisis intervention updates."

Look, There were multiple calls to the house, and it was their assessment that he needed to be taken into custody so they could take him in for that help...He fought, and was armed, according to your own article, he was reaching for his gun....


The struggle continued as Daniels reached for his own gun. Images released by the Sheriff’s Office showed deputies with their hands on the pistol and Daniels gripping the gun beneath his red shirt.

In that struggle, Salazar said the deputies were “pleading” with him to let go of the gun.

“It was very clear they were in a fight for their lives,” Salazar said.

Body camera footage of the encounter, which lasted more than 30 minutes, showed Daniels was carrying a Glock Model 22 .40-caliber pistol. He also had a second magazine and a knife."

You are either lying in your portrayal of the OP here, or you just saw the headline and thought it was a good thing to troll with....I call it a fail in both cases.
"The struggle continued as Daniels reached for his own gun. Images released by the Sheriff’s Office showed deputies with their hands on the pistol and Daniels gripping the gun beneath his red shirt.

In that struggle, Salazar said the deputies were “pleading” with him to let go of the gun.

“It was very clear they were in a fight for their lives,” Salazar said.

Body camera footage of the encounter, which lasted more than 30 minutes, showed Daniels was carrying a Glock Model 22 .40-caliber pistol. He also had a second magazine and a knife."

-- from the OP's article.

Sure doesn't sound like a murder to me.

It also doesn't sound like the veteran was getting the help he should have got. If we can't afford to take care of our veterans we don't deserve a military.

It isn't the job of the police to give mental health treatment. Police were called to deal with an armed suspect who was putting people in fear, they must think of their safety and the safety of by-standers first.

If you are interested in getting better mental health treatment for veterans (or non-veterans), you need to speak to your elected legislator, not the police.

It was a mental health call. I said we need fewer cops and more mental health experts to deal with mental health calls. Did you not read that?
even when its known they have a gun???

Yes, why not?
well one good point of doing that is the cops can sit back and shoot from safety after he kill the social worker,,,
As long as the social worker is a BLM moron, I’m good with that.
so you want a moron BLM social worker,,,

"The struggle continued as Daniels reached for his own gun. Images released by the Sheriff’s Office showed deputies with their hands on the pistol and Daniels gripping the gun beneath his red shirt.

In that struggle, Salazar said the deputies were “pleading” with him to let go of the gun.

“It was very clear they were in a fight for their lives,” Salazar said.

Body camera footage of the encounter, which lasted more than 30 minutes, showed Daniels was carrying a Glock Model 22 .40-caliber pistol. He also had a second magazine and a knife."

-- from the OP's article.

Sure doesn't sound like a murder to me.

It also doesn't sound like the veteran was getting the help he should have got. If we can't afford to take care of our veterans we don't deserve a military.

The sick person needs to seek out the help that is there for the taking. If they don't that is their choice. Or do you favor a more dictatorial government system where we can just grab up people off of the street? You either have a free society, or you don't. There are loads of mental health programs out there. The fact that he didn't pursue one is on him. It is sad that he was killed, but he brought it on himself.

While it's not always the case in this case this is a veteran. You are basically saying for him to seek out help himself or screw off.

Would I be wrong to assume you pretend to support the troops?

Ahhh yes, always with the extremes. That's common with children. I will repeat slowly, so you can understand. There are LOTS and LOTS, and LOTS of mental health resources for veterans. But, because we live in a FREE society, those who are in need MUST seek out the care. It is FREE, but they have to ask because we are not capable of reading minds yet. It is sad, terribly sad that he did not seek out help, and he sadly paid for that with his life, but that is on HIM.

And yes, i support our troops. But i also value my life in a FREE society.

Evidently you don't.

Providing mental health experts to go on mental health checks affects my freedom none.

It doesn't affect yours either.

I agree, and no mental health professional will go into a situation like that because it is too dangerous for them.

The already do.
This is why we need to replace some police officers with mental health professionals.
This man was armed with a hand gun and a knife.

How do you think things would have worked out for those so called "mental health professionals"?

Perhaps just fine. They are trained to deal with people under going mental health issues.
This is why we need to replace some police officers with mental health professionals.
Mental health professionals are too intelligent to allow themselves to be placed in that position. Plus they would never agree to the pay cut.

Pay them what they are worth. Isn't our vets worth it?
You obviously don't know how much a shrink makes just to sit in a nice air conditioned office and talk to one person at a time. In the intensely doubtful event you could find one willing to take over a police officer's job, how much do you think he would charge? Where would the money come from? Would not BLM also seek to defund the shrinks? Being a police officer is a much more difficult job for much less pay and appreciation and we are lucky for every one willing to remain on the job. When they are gone they will be replaced by troops and/or militia who will be far less willing to put up with rioters.
This is why we need to replace some police officers with mental health professionals.
Mental health professionals are too intelligent to allow themselves to be placed in that position. Plus they would never agree to the pay cut.

Pay them what they are worth. Isn't our vets worth it?
You obviously don't know how much a shrink makes just to sit in a nice air conditioned office and talk to one person at a time. In the intensely doubtful event you could find one willing to take over a police officer's job, how much do you think he would charge? Where would the money come from? Would not BLM also seek to defund the shrinks? Being a police officer is a much more difficult job for much less pay and appreciation and we are lucky for every one willing to remain on the job. When they are gone they will be replaced by troops and/or militia who will be far less willing to put up with rioters.

I already posted where this is already being done in some places. You can continue to ignore that it is being done but argue it won't be done if you wish.

Damian Lamar Daniels. His life mattered, and when we needed mental health support the most, he had to face men with guns and only 8 hours of mental health training. We cannot let this happen again to our comrades, especially to combat veterans.

Nothing in the OP says he was 'murdered'.

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