Afghanistan, one can not blame THIS on Bush


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Afghanistan, Iran plan cooperation pact amid tensions with U.S.

Obama not Bush is solely responsible for foreign affairs and the Conduct of US Forces in Afghanistan since 2009. The deal he is pressing is HIS not Bush's. The deal the Afghanistan Government is delaying is HIS not Bush's.

The inability to stop Afghanistan from close ties to Iran rests solely on Obama.

Obama is a failure all across the board. he has alienated allies and war partners and his actions are costing across the globe.
"one soldier shows me the list of new regulations the platoon was given.
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
Salvatore Giunta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The only thing these loons won't blame on Bush is the Big Bang which created the universe. If the chicken came before the egg; its Bush's fault...and vice versa.

The Afghan War belongs to Obama...because he campaigned in 2008 that the Afghan War was the right war...the one that had to be won.

It was about the only foreign policy he had.

But, nevertheless, the approaching Failure in Afghanistan will be blamed on Bush.
Afghanistan, Iran plan cooperation pact amid tensions with U.S.

Obama not Bush is solely responsible for foreign affairs and the Conduct of US Forces in Afghanistan since 2009. The deal he is pressing is HIS not Bush's. The deal the Afghanistan Government is delaying is HIS not Bush's.

The inability to stop Afghanistan from close ties to Iran rests solely on Obama.

Obama is a failure all across the board. he has alienated allies and war partners and his actions are costing across the globe.
"Rouhani reinforced that message after meeting Karzai. 'All foreign troops should be withdrawn from the region,' he posted on his official Twitter account. '(The) security of Afghanistan should be entrusted to the Afghan people.'"

Maybe it is time to roll up the Empire and bring ALL the troops home?

Afghanistan, Iran plan cooperation pact amid tensions with U.S.
Afghanistan, Iran plan cooperation pact amid tensions with U.S.

Obama not Bush is solely responsible for foreign affairs and the Conduct of US Forces in Afghanistan since 2009. The deal he is pressing is HIS not Bush's. The deal the Afghanistan Government is delaying is HIS not Bush's.

The inability to stop Afghanistan from close ties to Iran rests solely on Obama.

Obama is a failure all across the board. he has alienated allies and war partners and his actions are costing across the globe.
2009? No and thats why you are retarded...2010 is more acceptable for anyone who is sane.
Afghanistan, Iran plan cooperation pact amid tensions with U.S.

Obama not Bush is solely responsible for foreign affairs and the Conduct of US Forces in Afghanistan since 2009. The deal he is pressing is HIS not Bush's. The deal the Afghanistan Government is delaying is HIS not Bush's.

The inability to stop Afghanistan from close ties to Iran rests solely on Obama.

Obama is a failure all across the board. he has alienated allies and war partners and his actions are costing across the globe.

Here's the thing.

Bush started the war. Then, he left office without concluding it.

Same with Iraq.

And Bush screwed up both places, leaving them with weak and unpopular governments.

But in Afghanistan? We are still there.

This is the one thing you guys could have gotten some traction on because many of the left feel this war should be ended..and asap.

Instead of working toward that goal, what do you folks do?

Try and get rid of the health care law.

Gotta love it.
We made a mistake attacking Iraq as that shifted our focus away from Afghanistan. A war that was started because of the Taliban holding our real enemy.

The war was over in 6 weeks.

Had Bush finished it in Tora Bora..his face might be gracing Mount Rushmore.
Afghanistan, Iran plan cooperation pact amid tensions with U.S.

Obama not Bush is solely responsible for foreign affairs and the Conduct of US Forces in Afghanistan since 2009. The deal he is pressing is HIS not Bush's. The deal the Afghanistan Government is delaying is HIS not Bush's.

The inability to stop Afghanistan from close ties to Iran rests solely on Obama.

Obama is a failure all across the board. he has alienated allies and war partners and his actions are costing across the globe.

Thanks for your SERVICE Sarge and I fully agree on this waste of effort, reminds me of my conflict, GET EM ON THE RUN, BUT BE SURE TO STOP AT ALL DMZ's:confused::confused::confused:Thats what I loved about the RKO's, no DMZ's, no Borders..yer ass was grass to them!!:lol:
Afghanistan, Iran plan cooperation pact amid tensions with U.S.

Obama not Bush is solely responsible for foreign affairs and the Conduct of US Forces in Afghanistan since 2009. The deal he is pressing is HIS not Bush's. The deal the Afghanistan Government is delaying is HIS not Bush's.

The inability to stop Afghanistan from close ties to Iran rests solely on Obama.

Obama is a failure all across the board. he has alienated allies and war partners and his actions are costing across the globe.

You greatly underestimate the lefts ability to blame everyone but Obama for what happens during Obama's presidency as some of the post on here have already demonstrated.

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