
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Affiliation pride can be liken to how gangs justify their behavior in accepting bad from within that gang as long as they are affiliated, while denying good from outside if it's outside that affiliation and especially if it's a rival or competing gang. Then gang mentalty validates the poor behavior if it's for furthering their own self interest and cause.
Signing up members are important in gang mentality in order to validate their own membership and feel accepted. The pride doesn't stop at the group as a whole, the system of the human ego is at it's greatest in creating it's great image of it's icon/idol and leaders to become the super Egomaniacs.
The idea that saying their names, kissing their rings, donating money, hanging a picture on walls (can be seen even in the biggest of egomaniacs like Castro, Saddam, Chavez, N. Koreans leader like father like son- etc). But to say you are rewarded for devotion to the giant ego, even if you do bad things is flat put wrong. As is the concept of being rejected of the kingdom if you don't kiss the idols feet even if you do good deeds, this makes a system that is flawed and outright failed. Hence the many Christians in jail wearing cross earrings, necklaces and tattoos, they are not saved and neither is their victims. This free getting out of jail card/getting away with sin card they hold in idol worship is an ideology that fails society and allows sins to flourish.

The other ideology that kills society is the worship of death in saying the kingdom is in death instead of in perfecting life. THe original Judaic teaching in the OT regarding resurrection is that in death there is no more memory, for one to be rewarded death and disease is conquered and as a reward for our good works we get to return/resurrect back to life to see what our deeds achieved in building the perfect world to come, this is not kingdom in death or in the sky this is a kingdom in life perfected. When they teach death as a reward they forfeit the necessary things to help build that perfection in life for sake of just lazy plopping into it in death by saying Beatle Juice three times a day and rubbing a stick, they expect their reward not through deeds but through stroking the ego of an idol god. It's the same nonsense that has caused thousands of wars and Millions of murders and even causing the ignorant reward beliefs of the Jihaadists and how easy they are manipulated to do the work of the leaders who are in no rush to go to that kingdom in death themselves.

Is Christianity set up as a hate club?
(see seperatist radical Islamic groups feeding off this same gang mentality behavior)

Pretty much the affiliation of one's faith is formed in a gang mentality.
IN a way Christianity as does radical groups thrive mainly to be a hate club based on separating themselves and hating Jews and non submissive Muslims or sects not of their own, because this it makes them feel validated, adequate, accepted amongst the other haters in their group and when Jews and Moderate Muslims aren't around to abuse they will abuse their own in the form of attacking sects that are different then they are...like bashing RCC, Adventist, JW's and Mormons(in the case of radical Islam attack opposing sects, or political parties.)

With Human beliefs and behavior it is wrong to conclude that it’s constrained to genetic makeup, ecological factors affect human behavior, most sociologists hold that people behave the way they do almost entirely because what they’ve learned from other people around them. So if you're born into a specific religion and sect, and grow up around and with friends involved in those same beliefs...then you are likely to be close minded and set in those beliefs. While also being exclusive and building walls around the group with what I consider a gang mentality.
Gang mentality sees anyone outside the gang as a rival no matter good or bad, while accepting what's bad as long as they are affiliated with the gang or promoting the interests of the group. This means it is willing to tolerate bad while rejecting goodness in the world simply over the label and affiliation=group pride.
What is learned by joining this gang is a separation from other beliefs and those other beliefs become rivals and like in sports those rivals become target of hate and animosity and jealousy. To justify their joining and wasting time in their gang they will look down upon others which sometimes shows up in condescending attitudes towards other belief systems and or value systems.
Some further aspects of this gang mentality form more severe disturbed kinds of behavior and animosity just like street gangs can become more socially disruptive.

If we are at the mercy of this behavior disfunction, if we are what we are because this is the way our religions created us and the result of that order is disorder that has caused thousands of wars and millions of murders then this system of gangs called sects and it's actions towards hate must be stopped just as much as we like to stop the gangs in our community.

When Christianity stops being based on a gang mentality and sees good as good and bad as bad no matter what the affiliation
then it will stop being condescending and stop it's hate and persecution of others based not on good or evil but a label they carry from their faith like a color jacket or badge they wear.
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Looking up whether inmates could wearing crosses, thinking it'd be a security nightmare, I found this,

Federal appeals court: Wisconsin inmates may wear crosses | First Amendment Center – news, commentary, analysis on free speech, press, religion, assembly, petition

"The state has argued that crucifixes can show gang membership and defended the ban as necessary for security concerns. After a lower court ruling, however, the corrections department passed a new regulation that let inmates possess crosses."
It's bullying.

We tell our kids not to be bullies.

But adults/groups do it all the time. More hypocrisy.
It's bullying.

We tell our kids not to be bullies.

But adults/groups do it all the time. More hypocrisy.
I think we're preocupied with our groups by nature. It's part of our common sense that different should be subordinated or destroyed. Non-cynics call it 'unity', 'patriotism' and 'loyalty'
It's bullying.

We tell our kids not to be bullies.

But adults/groups do it all the time. More hypocrisy.
I think we're preocupied with our groups by nature. It's part of our common sense that different should be subordinated or destroyed. Non-cynics call it 'unity', 'patriotism' and 'loyalty'

If everyone really wants equality and unity... there should be no separatist mentality....
It's bullying.

We tell our kids not to be bullies.

But adults/groups do it all the time. More hypocrisy.
I think we're preocupied with our groups by nature. It's part of our common sense that different should be subordinated or destroyed. Non-cynics call it 'unity', 'patriotism' and 'loyalty'

If everyone really wants equality and unity... there should be no separatist mentality....
We all just met in the last 1500 years, so we were united, then 'they' showed up. Our racism and philosophical superiority reflex is the survival of the fit for a human society, but now that we're all blending in, we have to adapt a bit. Still unity is a human defense mechanism. What more suitable opponent than our not-so-fellow man?

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