Addicted to stimulus: $50,000,000,000 more

Nobody mentioned this, but it's not $50 new billion. It's $50 billion that's already been allocated and counted on the budget(not new spending), that they say is going to be saved from cutting waste. I don't know to judge this until I see the results.
Desperate times require desperate meaures and a stupid public. Congress and the President will supply the measures and the time, Democrats the public.
I'm just saying, this is $50BILLION that we've collectively already cried about when it was already allocated in the budget. It's not $50 new billion, not "50 on top," it's just being reallocated to arguably wiser means, depending on where they incur the savings from elsewhere.
this is the "hard pivot" to jobs he promised in Nov. 09...well Dec. 09 too.

Opps.wait, then again in Feb. 2010...then again after HC was passed (March 21st) ...

But, to be fair, he had Recovery Summer to deal with by that time , he and Michelle needed to recover, so they recovered all over the the place, Fla., Spain, Nantucket, wherever,meanwhile, we took it up the a&&.
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Just what we need in 2010.. the new WPA. Funny, Obama thinks that what the American people want is shovel-ready jobs. Shovel-ready? What year is this again?
This new package WILL NOT add to the deficit!
Oh really? What's Barack gonna do ... pull the funds out of his ass?
If we have this money sitting around, why isn't it going to pay off some of our deficit? Why spend more of our tax-payer dollars on another economic band-aid?

Because he's trying to make the republicans look bad in November.
If he proposes this, the right will say NO and then he can use that 'THEY SAID NO' against them. Problem is, I don't think many people are buying Barack's bullshit anymore.

I've figured it out.

Just as Pelosi refuses to have pass a budget, Obama now refuses to count any stimulus programs against the deficit.
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Obama assails GOP, promotes new jobs program

MILWAUKEE – A combative President Barack Obama rolled out a long-term jobs program Monday that would exceed $50 billion to rebuild roads, railways and runways, and coupled it with a blunt campaign-season assault on Republicans for causing Americans' hard economic times.

GOP leaders instantly assailed Obama's proposal as an ineffective one that would simply raise already excessive federal spending. Many congressional Democrats are also likely to be reluctant to boost expenditures and increase federal deficits just weeks before elections that will determine control of Congress.

Administration officials said the transportation plan's initial $50 billion would be the beginning of a six-year program of transportation improvements, but they did not give an overall figure. The proposal has a longer-range focus than last year's economic stimulus bill, which was more targeted on immediate job creation.

The plan calls for rebuilding 150,000 miles of roads; building and maintaining 4,000 miles of rail lines and 150 miles of airport runways, and installing a new air navigation system to reduce travel times and delays.

Obama also called for a permanent funding mechanism, an infrastructure bank, to focus on paying for national and regional infrastructure projects. Officials provided few details of how the bank would work.

Obama assails GOP, promotes new jobs program - Yahoo! News

He works so hard to blame the Republicans, I guess assuming that people aren't smart enough to realize that this administration didn't actually need the GOP to pass anything. Obama is beyond a whiner.

Did you miss the republican Memo? The Party of NO to "Do Whatever it takes" to slow down helping Americans. I would say they are being successful so far.

"So they said no to help for small businesses. No to middle-class tax cuts. No to unemployment insurance. No to clean energy jobs. No to making college affordable. No to reforming Wall Street. Even as we speak, these guys are saying no to cutting more taxes for small business owners." Obama
Obama: Americans Don't Believe "No, We Can't" - CBS News
Obama = Big Whinger

Anybody who believes a word out of his mouth at this point is an idiot.
The only circumstance under which he would say something like that would be in a cynical attempt of self-congratulatory rhetoric.
The only circumstance under which he would say something like that would be in a cynical attempt of self-congratulatory rhetoric.

Yeah, something like......"Let me make this clear, that, although......for the last few months I have been in office........following the BUSHCHENYHALLIBUTON administration......during which time there was, and let us not forget...........Martin Luther King said, I.......Barak Hussein a liar.......with the greatest contempt for the rich and the USA as a superpower.....I apologise."
Wasn't the improvement of infrastructure,and shovel ready jobs supposed to have been part of the original
stimulus plan?

Yeah it was, but what he doesn't seem to understand is that nobody wants a shovel-ready job when they can get paid for sitting at home.:evil: This is nothing more than more money for unions, in exchange for votes.

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