Adam Schiff For President


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I think it's pretty clear that some people on the left are crazy. This story proves it.


"Barbra Streisand has her eyes on one man to lead the nation in a post-President Trump world: Adam Schiff.

The liberal activist told fans Friday that the California Democrat has proven himself worthy to lead the nation during impeachment proceedings against Mr. Trump.

Adam Schiff is so impressive,” she tweeted. “His knowledge of the law… his passion… his articulateness. His sincerity! He speaks the truth and would make a great president.”"

Streisand ready for Schiff 2020: ‘He speaks the truth and would make a great president’

Pop icon, Constitutional scholar, and noted political pundit Barbra Streisand says she sees in Adam Schiff (D-CA), the face of the Democrat impeachment campaign against President Donald Trump, a man who “would make a great president.”

“Adam Schiff is so impressive. His knowledge of the law… his passion… his articulateness. His sincerity!” Barbra Streisand said, pouring praise on the partisan lawmaker. “He speaks the truth and would make a great president.”

Babs may want to pomp the breaks because as it stands, only 27 percent of America has a positive opinion of Rep. Schiff according to YouGov data. The same polling outfit reports that President Trump’s approval among Americans sits at 39 percent.

This wild declaration from Streisand comes just a month after the two-time Academy Award-winner and apparent Constitutional law expert said “impeachment is the sober process envisioned by the Founders to counter such a threat” as President Trump.

Streisand followed that whopper of a hot take up by listing six reasons why she thinks Trump should be impeached. Including:

1. Trump bribed and extorted the Ukraine with taxpayer money to investigate a political rival for personal gain.
2. Trump believes he is above the law. He thinks presidents can do anything.
3. Trump threatened a witness, a career diplomat, during the impeachment inquiry.
4. Trump clearly lied and obstructed justice in the Mueller investigation.
5. Trump dismisses intelligence briefings about Russia’s role in undermining our democracy, and repeats Kremlin disinformation on Ukraine.
6. Trump is personally profiting from the presidency, violating the emoluments clause. He charges our government to stay at his resorts.
Barbra Streisand: Adam Schiff Would Make a Great President
Here's the thing: Most non-lawyer politicians are mediocre public speakers - even the ones who are good Public Servants. But most lawyers who have spent any time litigating are pretty good public speakers, and this applies to many politicians - like Adam Schiff.

They are trained to organize their thoughts into coherent messages, to speak clearly, and grammatically, and to use every word to reinforce the message they are trying to make.

But lawyers are ADVOCATES. That is to say, they are trained to forcefully and convincingly push a MESSAGE, even when that message is FALSE, or MISLEADING, or even SUBVERSIVE. Anyone who has seen a good criminal defense lawyer or a good ambulance chaser make their case in court knows that lawyers can be very good at spewing garbage.

Anyone following this week's events and looking at them objectively will concur with the opinion that Schiff is a good speaker and a good advocate. One can only hope that most viewers were discerning enough to recognize that he was spewing garbage. Underneath all of the rubble of his rhetoric were some undeniable facts that one would NEVER have figured out just by listening to him, namely, there was no crime. There was no "quid pro quo." It never happened. The Bidens' activities were manifestly worthy of an internal investigation in Ukraine, because they stunk to high heaven, even if nothing illegal occurred. Most importantly, there was no real political benefit to Donald Trump in getting an announcement of an inquiry about possible Biden corruption.

To believe that this would have benefitted Trump is to believe - against all logic - that without this announcement, the American public would be ignorant of the Bidens' shenanigans - which is ridiculous. And of course, Trump had to know that even if the Ukrainians had embarked on an investigation and if there were no corruption, it would have made Trump look like a fool when the results were publicized. So Schiff arguing that the whole thing was just a political ploy by Our Exalted President is nonsense.

Schiff for President. Bring it on. Why not make the least credible, the most reviled member of Congress your nominee?
Here's the thing: Most non-lawyer politicians are mediocre public speakers - even the ones who are good Public Servants. But most lawyers who have spent any time litigating are pretty good public speakers, and this applies to many politicians - like Adam Schiff.

They are trained to organize their thoughts into coherent messages, to speak clearly, and grammatically, and to use every word to reinforce the message they are trying to make.

But lawyers are ADVOCATES. That is to say, they are trained to forcefully and convincingly push a MESSAGE, even when that message is FALSE, or MISLEADING, or even SUBVERSIVE. Anyone who has seen a good criminal defense lawyer or a good ambulance chaser make their case in court knows that lawyers can be very good at spewing garbage.

Anyone following this week's events and looking at them objectively will concur with the opinion that Schiff is a good speaker and a good advocate. One can only hope that most viewers were discerning enough to recognize that he was spewing garbage. Underneath all of the rubble of his rhetoric were some undeniable facts that one would NEVER have figured out just by listening to him, namely, there was no crime. There was no "quid pro quo." It never happened. The Bidens' activities were manifestly worthy of an internal investigation in Ukraine, because they stunk to high heaven, even if nothing illegal occurred. Most importantly, there was no real political benefit to Donald Trump in getting an announcement of an inquiry about possible Biden corruption.

To believe that this would have benefitted Trump is to believe - against all logic - that without this announcement, the American public would be ignorant of the Bidens' shenanigans - which is ridiculous. And of course, Trump had to know that even if the Ukrainians had embarked on an investigation and if there were no corruption, it would have made Trump look like a fool when the results were publicized. So Schiff arguing that the whole thing was just a political ploy by Our Exalted President is nonsense.

Schiff for President. Bring it on. Why not make the least credible, the most reviled member of Congress your nominee?

You're being sarcastic right?
I mean, changing what someone said in a opening statement in something as dead fucking serious as an impeachment hearing...not once or twice, but multiple times is NOT a good advocate.
I think the story will come out on Schiff and his staff working hand in glove with the so-called whistleblower to make his allegations look as bad as possible and worthy of an inquiry. Which might not be illegal or provable, but is unethical IMHO.
Here's the thing: Most non-lawyer politicians are mediocre public speakers - even the ones who are good Public Servants. But most lawyers who have spent any time litigating are pretty good public speakers, and this applies to many politicians - like Adam Schiff.

They are trained to organize their thoughts into coherent messages, to speak clearly, and grammatically, and to use every word to reinforce the message they are trying to make.

But lawyers are ADVOCATES. That is to say, they are trained to forcefully and convincingly push a MESSAGE, even when that message is FALSE, or MISLEADING, or even SUBVERSIVE. Anyone who has seen a good criminal defense lawyer or a good ambulance chaser make their case in court knows that lawyers can be very good at spewing garbage.

Anyone following this week's events and looking at them objectively will concur with the opinion that Schiff is a good speaker and a good advocate. One can only hope that most viewers were discerning enough to recognize that he was spewing garbage. Underneath all of the rubble of his rhetoric were some undeniable facts that one would NEVER have figured out just by listening to him, namely, there was no crime. There was no "quid pro quo." It never happened. The Bidens' activities were manifestly worthy of an internal investigation in Ukraine, because they stunk to high heaven, even if nothing illegal occurred. Most importantly, there was no real political benefit to Donald Trump in getting an announcement of an inquiry about possible Biden corruption.

To believe that this would have benefitted Trump is to believe - against all logic - that without this announcement, the American public would be ignorant of the Bidens' shenanigans - which is ridiculous. And of course, Trump had to know that even if the Ukrainians had embarked on an investigation and if there were no corruption, it would have made Trump look like a fool when the results were publicized. So Schiff arguing that the whole thing was just a political ploy by Our Exalted President is nonsense.

Schiff for President. Bring it on. Why not make the least credible, the most reviled member of Congress your nominee?
I think if Trump cleans all of the Democrat spies out of the White House and the intel community....he'll have a chance to drain the swamp.
But these spies like Vindman and the fake whistleblower are still allowed to operate as spies and leak classified information to the press....this will be a never ending series of fake revelations about the investigations.
Here's the thing: Most non-lawyer politicians are mediocre public speakers - even the ones who are good Public Servants. But most lawyers who have spent any time litigating are pretty good public speakers, and this applies to many politicians - like Adam Schiff.

They are trained to organize their thoughts into coherent messages, to speak clearly, and grammatically, and to use every word to reinforce the message they are trying to make.

But lawyers are ADVOCATES. That is to say, they are trained to forcefully and convincingly push a MESSAGE, even when that message is FALSE, or MISLEADING, or even SUBVERSIVE. Anyone who has seen a good criminal defense lawyer or a good ambulance chaser make their case in court knows that lawyers can be very good at spewing garbage.

Anyone following this week's events and looking at them objectively will concur with the opinion that Schiff is a good speaker and a good advocate. One can only hope that most viewers were discerning enough to recognize that he was spewing garbage. Underneath all of the rubble of his rhetoric were some undeniable facts that one would NEVER have figured out just by listening to him, namely, there was no crime. There was no "quid pro quo." It never happened. The Bidens' activities were manifestly worthy of an internal investigation in Ukraine, because they stunk to high heaven, even if nothing illegal occurred. Most importantly, there was no real political benefit to Donald Trump in getting an announcement of an inquiry about possible Biden corruption.

To believe that this would have benefitted Trump is to believe - against all logic - that without this announcement, the American public would be ignorant of the Bidens' shenanigans - which is ridiculous. And of course, Trump had to know that even if the Ukrainians had embarked on an investigation and if there were no corruption, it would have made Trump look like a fool when the results were publicized. So Schiff arguing that the whole thing was just a political ploy by Our Exalted President is nonsense.

Schiff for President. Bring it on. Why not make the least credible, the most reviled member of Congress your nominee?
I think if Trump cleans all of the Democrat spies out of the White House and the intel community....he'll have a chance to drain the swamp.
But these spies like Vindman and the fake whistleblower are still allowed to operate as spies and leak classified information to the press....this will be a never ending series of fake revelations about the investigations.

I think you made a great point the other day - that this whole things shows you what can happen when you have nearlly the entire media/news on your side and willing to carry the narrative.
CNN has been outright ridiculous. Anything said by the left was brilliant, damning and powerful - anything by the defense was "a cover up" missleading and troublesome.

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