Adam Schiff Announces He's Going To Steal The 2020 Election


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is all impeachment is about.
These fools keep showing their hands.

Adam Schiff Set to Steal 2020 Election


“Because what the president is threatening to do is cheat in the next election, you cannot wait months and years to be able to be able to remove that threat from office.”

Got that?

There was the Democrat’s House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Congressman Adam Schiff, telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that President Trump “is threatening” to “cheat in the next election.”

And how? Schiff didn’t say.

What’s really going on?

What’s really going on here – he hasn’t won the nickname “Shifty Schiff” for nothing – is that Democrats are laying the groundwork so that if the President wins re-election in 2020 his victory will be called illegitimate. No matter how big the margin in the electoral college – and (counting the faithless electors) the Trump margin in the 2016 electoral college was a very healthy 77 votes (304 – 227) – Schiff’s plan is to accuse Trump of stealing the election.

Or in other words, Adam Schiff is planning to steal the 2020 election for Democrats by spending the next 11 months accusing Trump of stealing it – ahead of time. So that when the votes are counted in November and Trump wins, the cry will instantly go up that he must be impeached – yet again – for stealing the 2020 election.

What we are witnessing here is a power-drunk political party of Ruling Class elites (as I have noted elsewhere) who are determined to gain control of the White House – the Constitution and the voters be damned.

Hillary's plan after she lost -
“That strategy (of spinning the reason why she lost) had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. (Campaign manager Robbie) Mook and (campaign chairman John) Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.

In Brooklyn, her team coalesced around the idea that Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign, overshadowed by the contents of stolen e-mails and Hillary’s own private-server imbroglio.”

In other words, Trump colluded with Russians to steal the 2016 election – and this was going to be the cornerstone for the Democrat narrative of the entire next four years of the new Trump presidency. It resulted in the Mueller report – an “independent counsel” investigation that, try as hard as it might failed to find any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

Now Schiff is clearly going to use the same game plan. By repeatedly accusing Trump of stealing the 2020 election – months before the election has even taken place – Schiff sets the stage for calling a Trump re-election illegitimate. And setting Democrats up for another four years of demands that the 2020 election was stolen, it demands another independent counsel, more congressional investigations and, yes, another impeachment.​
This is all impeachment is about.
These fools keep showing their hands.

Adam Schiff Set to Steal 2020 Election


“Because what the president is threatening to do is cheat in the next election, you cannot wait months and years to be able to be able to remove that threat from office.”

Got that?

There was the Democrat’s House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Congressman Adam Schiff, telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that President Trump “is threatening” to “cheat in the next election.”

And how? Schiff didn’t say.

What’s really going on?

What’s really going on here – he hasn’t won the nickname “Shifty Schiff” for nothing – is that Democrats are laying the groundwork so that if the President wins re-election in 2020 his victory will be called illegitimate. No matter how big the margin in the electoral college – and (counting the faithless electors) the Trump margin in the 2016 electoral college was a very healthy 77 votes (304 – 227) – Schiff’s plan is to accuse Trump of stealing the election.

Or in other words, Adam Schiff is planning to steal the 2020 election for Democrats by spending the next 11 months accusing Trump of stealing it – ahead of time. So that when the votes are counted in November and Trump wins, the cry will instantly go up that he must be impeached – yet again – for stealing the 2020 election.

What we are witnessing here is a power-drunk political party of Ruling Class elites (as I have noted elsewhere) who are determined to gain control of the White House – the Constitution and the voters be damned.

Hillary's plan after she lost -
“That strategy (of spinning the reason why she lost) had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. (Campaign manager Robbie) Mook and (campaign chairman John) Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.

In Brooklyn, her team coalesced around the idea that Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign, overshadowed by the contents of stolen e-mails and Hillary’s own private-server imbroglio.”

In other words, Trump colluded with Russians to steal the 2016 election – and this was going to be the cornerstone for the Democrat narrative of the entire next four years of the new Trump presidency. It resulted in the Mueller report – an “independent counsel” investigation that, try as hard as it might failed to find any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

Now Schiff is clearly going to use the same game plan. By repeatedly accusing Trump of stealing the 2020 election – months before the election has even taken place – Schiff sets the stage for calling a Trump re-election illegitimate. And setting Democrats up for another four years of demands that the 2020 election was stolen, it demands another independent counsel, more congressional investigations and, yes, another impeachment.​
These people need to be jailed for treason.
Schumer's real goal is to prevent President Trump from choosing more USSC Judges.
The Dems will say that an impeached president can't choose USSC judges.
Impeached President Trump is going to have a hard time
This is all impeachment is about.
These fools keep showing their hands.

Adam Schiff Set to Steal 2020 Election


“Because what the president is threatening to do is cheat in the next election, you cannot wait months and years to be able to be able to remove that threat from office.”

Got that?

There was the Democrat’s House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Congressman Adam Schiff, telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that President Trump “is threatening” to “cheat in the next election.”

And how? Schiff didn’t say.

What’s really going on?

What’s really going on here – he hasn’t won the nickname “Shifty Schiff” for nothing – is that Democrats are laying the groundwork so that if the President wins re-election in 2020 his victory will be called illegitimate. No matter how big the margin in the electoral college – and (counting the faithless electors) the Trump margin in the 2016 electoral college was a very healthy 77 votes (304 – 227) – Schiff’s plan is to accuse Trump of stealing the election.

Or in other words, Adam Schiff is planning to steal the 2020 election for Democrats by spending the next 11 months accusing Trump of stealing it – ahead of time. So that when the votes are counted in November and Trump wins, the cry will instantly go up that he must be impeached – yet again – for stealing the 2020 election.

What we are witnessing here is a power-drunk political party of Ruling Class elites (as I have noted elsewhere) who are determined to gain control of the White House – the Constitution and the voters be damned.

Hillary's plan after she lost -
“That strategy (of spinning the reason why she lost) had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. (Campaign manager Robbie) Mook and (campaign chairman John) Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.

In Brooklyn, her team coalesced around the idea that Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign, overshadowed by the contents of stolen e-mails and Hillary’s own private-server imbroglio.”

In other words, Trump colluded with Russians to steal the 2016 election – and this was going to be the cornerstone for the Democrat narrative of the entire next four years of the new Trump presidency. It resulted in the Mueller report – an “independent counsel” investigation that, try as hard as it might failed to find any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

Now Schiff is clearly going to use the same game plan. By repeatedly accusing Trump of stealing the 2020 election – months before the election has even taken place – Schiff sets the stage for calling a Trump re-election illegitimate. And setting Democrats up for another four years of demands that the 2020 election was stolen, it demands another independent counsel, more congressional investigations and, yes, another impeachment.​
Made up nonsense.
Impeached President Trump is going to have a hard time

Not a particularly hard time, I would think.

Sen. McConnell has been doing a very good job at moving judicial appointments right through to confirmation.

There's no reason to think that he will start to fail now.

BTW, McConnell is taking the criticism he received for delaying an election year confirmation to heart that he got in 2016. He won't let that happen again.
There is not much serious attention given to the Most Reviled Congressperson of this Generation.
That’s funny coming from the biggest lying sack of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is no legitimate impeachment. It is Democrat Dirty Tricks and it is backfiring on the Democrat turds big time.
There is no legitimate impeachment. It is Democrat Dirty Tricks and it is backfiring on the Democrat turds big time.
It's because it's based on a fraud. A lie.
It's difficult to maintain a lie forever.....and the bigger the lie...the more difficult it is to keep it going.
This is all impeachment is about.
These fools keep showing their hands.

Adam Schiff Set to Steal 2020 Election


“Because what the president is threatening to do is cheat in the next election, you cannot wait months and years to be able to be able to remove that threat from office.”

Got that?

There was the Democrat’s House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Congressman Adam Schiff, telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that President Trump “is threatening” to “cheat in the next election.”

And how? Schiff didn’t say.

What’s really going on?

What’s really going on here – he hasn’t won the nickname “Shifty Schiff” for nothing – is that Democrats are laying the groundwork so that if the President wins re-election in 2020 his victory will be called illegitimate. No matter how big the margin in the electoral college – and (counting the faithless electors) the Trump margin in the 2016 electoral college was a very healthy 77 votes (304 – 227) – Schiff’s plan is to accuse Trump of stealing the election.

Or in other words, Adam Schiff is planning to steal the 2020 election for Democrats by spending the next 11 months accusing Trump of stealing it – ahead of time. So that when the votes are counted in November and Trump wins, the cry will instantly go up that he must be impeached – yet again – for stealing the 2020 election.

What we are witnessing here is a power-drunk political party of Ruling Class elites (as I have noted elsewhere) who are determined to gain control of the White House – the Constitution and the voters be damned.

Hillary's plan after she lost -
“That strategy (of spinning the reason why she lost) had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. (Campaign manager Robbie) Mook and (campaign chairman John) Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.

In Brooklyn, her team coalesced around the idea that Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign, overshadowed by the contents of stolen e-mails and Hillary’s own private-server imbroglio.”

In other words, Trump colluded with Russians to steal the 2016 election – and this was going to be the cornerstone for the Democrat narrative of the entire next four years of the new Trump presidency. It resulted in the Mueller report – an “independent counsel” investigation that, try as hard as it might failed to find any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

Now Schiff is clearly going to use the same game plan. By repeatedly accusing Trump of stealing the 2020 election – months before the election has even taken place – Schiff sets the stage for calling a Trump re-election illegitimate. And setting Democrats up for another four years of demands that the 2020 election was stolen, it demands another independent counsel, more congressional investigations and, yes, another impeachment.​

Another BS opinion from some unknown alt-right hack. Trump isn't a lock to win in November. But Republicans had better be careful that they don't set off the destruction of their own party by following Trump down his ever deepening rabbit hole.

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