Active shooter in Pittsburgh, PA.

With gun violence increasing and people out there like the bomb making nut....all Churches and Synagogues should be guarded. We have the man with the biggest megaphone in the country shouting hate and spreading discourse every rally he holds....
I wonder how people would react if the media just referred to the attack as one in a religious institution, without a label of a specific religion?
Are you implying some people won't care because the victims were Jewish?
With gun violence increasing and people out there like the bomb making nut....all Churches and Synagogues should be guarded. We have the man with the biggest megaphone in the country shouting hate and spreading discourse every rally he holds....
-------------------------------- go ahead , Guard your Church but leave Freedom of Speech alone JimH !!
Here we go again.... I will save everyone the trouble. Conservatives will claim it’s a Muslim and the left will claim it’s a crazy Trump Tard

7 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue

So infowars posted the exact same story, DOES THAT make you a NUT JOB too since the source you used posted the exact same story as infowars. all of you who attack me with your rude ignorant fk comments have your gawd dam nerve


Breaking: 11 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue
How many people were shot in inner cities this weekend?
Yes we have way too many guns and weak gun laws.

Gun laws will never keep guns out of the hands of criminals...
It sure does a good job in countries where there are strong gun laws. They have homicide rates a fraction of ours, and don't have constant mass shootings.
----------------------------------------------- so what , they don't have the Freedom to defend themselves either and most foreign states are pretty fecked up Brian .
I wonder how people would react if the media just referred to the attack as one in a religious institution, without a label of a specific religion?
Are you implying some people won't care because the victims were Jewish?

Well, if it pans out like the Holocaust, we will forget dozens of equal or worse shooting massacre events in favor of the one where the Chosen people died & oh blame Poland for the massacre too.
and other countries have shooting and quite often by imported murderers , see Charly Hebdo Brian .
Here we go again.... I will save everyone the trouble. Conservatives will claim it’s a Muslim and the left will claim it’s a crazy Trump Tard

7 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue

So infowars posted the exact same story, DOES THAT make you a NUT JOB too since the source you used posted the exact same story as infowars. all of you who attack me with your rude ignorant fk comments have your gawd dam nerve

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Breaking: 11 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue
Are you crying? Sounds like you are more concerned about yourself and your precious Infowars than you are this massacre.
In my car, I have a first aide kit. Does that kit mean I have fantasies of arriving in the nick of time and applying a life saving pressure dressing on a wound that snatches a person from the grips of death?

Also in my car is a Jumpstarter. A self contained battery pack that would allow me to jump start my own car, or another. Does this mean I have delusions that one day I will be able to rush forward in the nick of time and start some car and save someone, or even myself, from delays or danger?

I also have a small air compressor, and a couple cans of fix a flat. Does this mean I drive around with delusions that I might be able to inflate a tire that has gone low, or flat?

I have a fire extinguisher. Does that mean I sit around fondling myself dreaming of putting a fire out?

Curiously those items, along with others, are recommended by numerous automotive associations as good to have, even necessary, emergency supplies to keep in your car along with food, water, and a blanket. People with those items are merely good citizens and prepared for an automotive emergency, that will certainly happen every single day.

I saw a notice on the Interstate a few days ago where more than 800 people had died on Georgia’s highways. So is the Automobile Association of America responsible for the deaths by advocating safe and free access to emergency materials and maximum participation in a dangerous activity?

But if I say people should carry a gun, because in an emergency situation, it is one more tool to help you survive. Well then I am a radical, and the NRA are a bunch of criminals for advocating the Constitutionally Protected right to keep and bear arms.

A tool, a fighting chance. That is all a gun is. A tool, like a common cross lug nut wrench that allows you to apply maximum torque to a lug nut to remove it. Or a hammer to drive an errant nail back into the wood where it won’t hurt anyone, or anything. A tool, and how it is used, is how that individual intends it.

Today, we don’t deal with individuals though. We deal with illusions and images. People are dying from heroine and Fentanol. So what do we do? We can’t seem to make a dent in illegal drugs. So we start on legal prescription drugs. We’ll make them suffer because other people are buying illegal drugs and using them. We lump the legal, in with the illegal. It is what we do when we refuse to admit that we are powerless to stop something we don’t like. We go after the legal ones.

So blame the guns. You always do. But you are just as guilty of obscuring the truth as those idiots who claim we have to restrict Opiods that Doctors provide to Chronic Pain Patients, and those who are suffering. Fuck them, we have to fight the war on drugs. No matter how many innocents suffer because of our obstinance.

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