Active Shooter Drills

IT's where Americans have to practice how to react when a maniac who is allowed to purchase a military-grade weapon decides to shoot up a public space.

Because we can't do anything as sensible as "Make it against the law for a maniac to own a military-grade weapon."
When a Leftard trans mental case tries to murder people.
IT's where Americans have to practice how to react when a maniac who is allowed to purchase a military-grade weapon decides to shoot up a public space.

Because we can't do anything as sensible as "Make it against the law for a maniac to own a military-grade weapon."

AR-15s are not military grade anything......and Active shooter drills have to happen because idiots like you make every public place a gun free killing zone ......

We already have laws against the dangerously mentally ill getting guns......but idiots like you keep refusing to arrest them, or put them in mental institutions where that record would keep them from buying guns...
The vast majority of participants in the January 6 Treason haven't been arrested. 2000 people entered the Capitol, so far only 460 have been locked up.

I'm perfectly fine with swift trials and executions.
Of course you are, you being the staunch supporter of Beria.
When a Leftard trans mental case tries to murder people.

Or a guy who thought he was the Joker. (Holmes) Or a guy whose mother stocked up on guns because she was afraid the minorities were going to get her (Lanza). Or a guy who shot up the school because the white girls wouldn't date him (Cho) Here's a crazy idea. Let's make it EASY for these people to get mental health treatment and HARD for them to get guns instead of the other way around.

AR-15s are not military grade anything......and Active shooter drills have to happen because idiots like you make every public place a gun free killing zone ......
Naw, it just HAPPENS to look JUST LIKE the M16 I had in the army.
You really think more guns would help in a panicked crowd? that's adorable.

We already have laws against the dangerously mentally ill getting guns......but idiots like you keep refusing to arrest them, or put them in mental institutions where that record would keep them from buying guns...

We already put 2 million people in prison, more than any other country in the world, even Communist China.

As for mental hospitals, those were closed down because the state used them as warehouses instead of proper treatment places.
Or a guy who thought he was the Joker. (Holmes) Or a guy whose mother stocked up on guns because she was afraid the minorities were going to get her (Lanza). Or a guy who shot up the school because the white girls wouldn't date him (Cho) Here's a crazy idea. Let's make it EASY for these people to get mental health treatment and HARD for them to get guns instead of the other way around.

Naw, it just HAPPENS to look JUST LIKE the M16 I had in the army.
You really think more guns would help in a panicked crowd? that's adorable.

We already put 2 million people in prison, more than any other country in the world, even Communist China.

As for mental hospitals, those were closed down because the state used them as warehouses instead of proper treatment places.

Hey, here is a clue, these nut jobs lie to the therapists and brag about it their writings and manifestos.....

Guns n the hands of good people keep thaes nuts from attacking in the first place. We know this because these nuts tell us in their writings and statements to police.

And when there happens to be an armed citizen at the scene of an attack they can and do stop them.

The democrat party keeps releasing the most violent criminals....these criminals are the ones doing ll of the shootings....
Hey, here is a clue, these nut jobs lie to the therapists and brag about it their writings and manifestos.....

Okay, but funny thing. Every last one of them, the people in their lives knew they weren't right. If they did a real background check, the gun sellers would have known that, too.

Do you think crazy people can just "Turn it off" when they walk into a gun store?

Guns n the hands of good people keep thaes nuts from attacking in the first place. We know this because these nuts tell us in their writings and statements to police.

And when there happens to be an armed citizen at the scene of an attack they can and do stop them.

Except it never happens, does it? 300 million guns out there, and no one happens to have one when a mass shooter shows up.

The democrat party keeps releasing the most violent criminals....these criminals are the ones doing ll of the shootings....

Actually, most mass shooters have no previous criminal record. Lanza didn't. Holmes didn't. Cho didn't. The family annihilator out in Utah didn't.
AR-15s are not military grade anything......and Active shooter drills have to happen because idiots like you make every public place a gun free killing zone ......

We already have laws against the dangerously mentally ill getting guns......but idiots like you keep refusing to arrest them, or put them in mental institutions where that record would keep them from buying guns...
Okay, but funny thing. Every last one of them, the people in their lives knew they weren't right. If they did a real background check, the gun sellers would have known that, too.

Do you think crazy people can just "Turn it off" when they walk into a gun store?

Except it never happens, does it? 300 million guns out there, and no one happens to have one when a mass shooter shows up.

Actually, most mass shooters have no previous criminal record. Lanza didn't. Holmes didn't. Cho didn't. The family annihilator out in Utah didn't.
I’ve yet to see a gun get up and shoot anyone. You?
Okay, but funny thing. Every last one of them, the people in their lives knew they weren't right. If they did a real background check, the gun sellers would have known that, too.

Do you think crazy people can just "Turn it off" when they walk into a gun store?

Except it never happens, does it? 300 million guns out there, and no one happens to have one when a mass shooter shows up.

Actually, most mass shooters have no previous criminal record. Lanza didn't. Holmes didn't. Cho didn't. The family annihilator out in Utah didn't.

All groomed by Deep State operatives over time and put on medications. Then given access to weapons and sent out when needed to act… add fuel to the Marxist Leftist storyline. We must take guns because…….
Okay, but funny thing. Every last one of them, the people in their lives knew they weren't right. If they did a real background check, the gun sellers would have known that, too.

Do you think crazy people can just "Turn it off" when they walk into a gun store?

Certainly. Many "crazy" people can seem perfectly normal. (Steven Paddock comes to mind.) John Ringo took several months to realize that his wife was having a psychotic break. It's not like they wear sandwich boards.

Except it never happens, does it? 300 million guns out there, and no one happens to have one when a mass shooter shows up.

This tired old crap again? For the fiftieth time: mass shootings often happen where legal gun owners are not allowed to be armed. When they are, they often do not actually become mass shootings, because the killer ends up dead. (Off the top of my head, Greenwood Park Mall, took less than fifteen seconds.)

Actually, most mass shooters have no previous criminal record. Lanza didn't. Holmes didn't. Cho didn't. The family annihilator out in Utah didn't.

Neither do many serial killers. The Golden State Killer had nothing worse than shoplifting charges. While often considered a jerk, BTK had no record. The dude I'm pretty well convinced was Zodiac not only had no record, but was a doctor.
I’ve yet to see a gun get up and shoot anyone. You?
No, but I have seen kids wheeled out of schools in bodybags because someone who had no business owning a gun had one.

All groomed by Deep State operatives over time and put on medications. Then given access to weapons and sent out when needed to act… add fuel to the Marxist Leftist storyline. We must take guns because…….
When you say "Deep State", I just can't take you seriously.

You are getting into some crazy Dale Smith territory here.
Okay, but funny thing. Every last one of them, the people in their lives knew they weren't right. If they did a real background check, the gun sellers would have known that, too.

Do you think crazy people can just "Turn it off" when they walk into a gun store?

Except it never happens, does it? 300 million guns out there, and no one happens to have one when a mass shooter shows up.

Actually, most mass shooters have no previous criminal record. Lanza didn't. Holmes didn't. Cho didn't. The family annihilator out in Utah didn't.

You say everyone in their life knew they weren't right, including their professional shrinks, but you think a gun store should have to do the work to make sure they aren't nuts?

You really are a stupid human being.

Yes....from their writings and what they tell police, when they are working with trained professionals in mental health, they lie to them........they state that it is easy to lie to professional therapists because the therapist thinks people will be honest with them....and individuals planning to murder lots of innocent people also lie to their mental health professionals....

Yes...they do not generally have criminal records, but the ones who do, in the past, have been given a pass by Feds, local police, school officials, and even their own families...but you want gun stores to be on the hook for extra special, in depth mental health analysis....

You are an idiot....

And how many of these nuts are there each year?

Last year there were 12.....the year before....12.....out of over 350 million people.......killing about 75 people last year.

They are not the actcual problem when it comes to gun violence....and the solution is awareness by parents, school officials, the police.....that is how you stop them....and getting rid of gun free zones so they don't attack schools and other public places...because they state they target gun free zones...

The actual gun violence in this country is driven by the democrat's judges, prosecutors and politicians who are releasing actual shooters back into the tune of over 10 thousand every year..........that is on your political party...not normal gun owners...

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.
Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds


Washington state...

So why are Washington Democrats offering up a bill in the state legislature to lower the penalties for drive-by shootings? Well, there’s woke and then there’s just plain stupid. Washington state Democrats are vying to become the best stupid they can be, bless ’em.

Currently, Washington law holds that a drive-by shooter should get an aggravated enhancement if he is arrested and prosecuted—and that’s a big if. Such an enhancement could land a drive-by murderer a life prison sentence.

But under a bill proposed for the upcoming Washington state legislature by white, woke ex-con state Rep. Tarra Simmons and her co-sponsor David Hackney, the reduction in penalties is a move toward “racial equity.” That’s right, drive-by shooting prosecutorial outcomes are racist. Never mind all the black and brown people who are the disproportionate victims of drive-by shootings.

Washington State Democrats Want Decreased Penalties for Drive-By Shooters Because... Aw, You Guessed


Last Monday, hours after three people were shot and three others stabbed in separate incidents following the Chicago Pride Parade, city officials offered glowing reviews of their performance.

Everyone responsible for the shootings and stabbings was in custody, they said.


ndeed, moments after the shooting, Chicago police arrested three people who allegedly had a gun in a pickup truck similar to one that was seen speeding away from the shooting.

And police arrested a woman for allegedly slashing and stabbing three people near the Belmont Red Line station.

But, CWBChicago has learned, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office refused to file any charges against the three people who were in the pickup truck. As of this morning, no one is in custody for the triple shooting.

And the stabbing case?


Well, CPD issued a press release last Tuesday evening to announce that a woman had been charged with three felony counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

On Wednesday morning, they issued a correction. She had only been charged with misdemeanors.

Why? Because the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office rejected felony charges.

Okay, but funny thing. Every last one of them, the people in their lives knew they weren't right. If they did a real background check, the gun sellers would have known that, too.

Do you think crazy people can just "Turn it off" when they walk into a gun store?

Except it never happens, does it? 300 million guns out there, and no one happens to have one when a mass shooter shows up.

Actually, most mass shooters have no previous criminal record. Lanza didn't. Holmes didn't. Cho didn't. The family annihilator out in Utah didn't. are an idiot...

Pouring money into mental-health care won’t stop mass public shootings. Unfortunately, psychiatry is far from a perfect science.

There has already been a lot of second-guessing about Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, who killed five people and wounded eight at the Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport on Friday. Despite extensive psychological evaluations, many psychiatrists had failed to identify Santiago as a danger to others. One of Santiago’s brothers blames the government.

In November 2016, local police escorted Santiago to a psychiatric hospital. Relatives say that after being released, he received further psychological treatment at his home in Alaska. Shouldn’t the experts have picked up on the warning signs?

Identifying someone as mentally ill is a far cry from deciding that the person poses a danger. Psychiatrists themselves have a poor record of knowing who will become violent. But psychiatrists know that they can’t predict the future.

Look at the inability of psychiatrists to identify who will turn out to be a mass public shooter. It’s very common for mass killers to be seeing psychiatrists before their attacks. This includes Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (the second Fort Hood shooter), Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook elementary school), James Holmes (Aurora movie theater showing Batman), and Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech). Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in November 2009, was himself an Army psychiatrist.

Rodger had been receiving top-quality counseling for years. One of his psychiatrists, Charles Sophy, is nationally renowned and the medical director for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

The Army psychiatrist who last saw Lopez found no “sign of likely violence, either to himself or to others.” While Holmes’s psychiatrist warned University of Colorado officials about his patient’s violent fantasies, she “rejected the idea” that the threat was sufficiently serious for him to be taken into custody.

As for Seung-Hui Cho, neither a court-appointed, independent psychologist nor a hospital psychiatrist found him to be “a danger to himself or others.” The judge decided it was not necessary to have Cho involuntarily committed.

These killers didn’t lack mental-health care. In 60 percent of mass public shootings during the Obama presidency, the killers had been receiving professional mental-health treatment. Even good psychiatrists failed to identify real threats.

Psychiatrists have every incentive to get the diagnosis right. Besides their own professional pride and desire to help, they are legally obligated to inform authorities of cases that they believe represent threats.

There is a whole academic literature devoted to this diagnostic failure. It has been suggested that psychiatrists become desensitized to danger or seek to prove their fearlessness. It’s possible that added training would help to improve diagnoses of unusual cases.

Okay, but funny thing. Every last one of them, the people in their lives knew they weren't right. If they did a real background check, the gun sellers would have known that, too.

Do you think crazy people can just "Turn it off" when they walk into a gun store?

Except it never happens, does it? 300 million guns out there, and no one happens to have one when a mass shooter shows up.

Actually, most mass shooters have no previous criminal record. Lanza didn't. Holmes didn't. Cho didn't. The family annihilator out in Utah didn't.

Except it never happens, does it? 300 million guns out there, and no one happens to have one when a mass shooter shows up.
You are a lying piece of crap......
The story dates are below...the actual stories and links to the news article are in the link below.....

If you want to see the details of each shooting, you will have to go to the link....the very end of the article lists shootings stopped by off duty police officers...I did not include those.....


Las Vegas, Nevada, Friday, June 23, 2023

El Paso, Texas, Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Phoenix, Arizona, Saturday, February 11, 2023

Panama City, Florida, January 11, 2023

Tucson, Arizona, December 18, 2022.......Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian

Chandler, Arizona, December 14, 2022

Billings, Montana, November 30, 2022

Detroit, Michigan, August 28, 2022

West Palm Beach, Florida, August 7, 2022

Greenwood, Indiana, July 17, 2022.......attacker had AR-15 rifle, stopped by pistol

Sunrise, Arizona, July 3, 2022

Charleston, West Virginia, May 25, 2022.......Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian

Atlanta, Georgia, April 30, 2022

South Fulton, Georgia, April 24, 2022

Phenix City, Alabama, April 13, 2022

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 19, 2022.......Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian

Portland, Oregon, February 19, 2022

South Central, Nebraska, October 22, 2021

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, October 17, 2021

Shreveport, Louisiana, September 21, 2021

Syracuse, New York, August 31, 2021

Melbourne, Florida, August 28, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada, August 13, 2021

San Antonio, Texas, August 11, 2021

Fort Meyers, Florida, July 22, 2021

Chicago, Illinois, July 4, 2021

Arvada, Colorado, June 21, 2021

Crowley, Louisiana, May 29, 2021

Fort Smith, Arkansas, May 15, 2021.......Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian

Metairie, Louisiana, February 20, 2021

Hickory, North Carolina, February 14, 2021

Lexington, South Carolina, November 28, 2020

Marion, South Carolina, November 5, 2020

Weslaco, Texas, August 17, 2020.......Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian...Captured gunman, held for police

Salt Lake City, Utah, August 15, 2020

Dallas, Texas, July 25, 2020, Fox 4 News (Dallas)

Brownsburg, Indiana, July 16, 2020, WISHTV (Indianapolis, Indiana)

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, July 10, 2020

Louisville, Kentucky, June 27, 2020 (USA Today)

Kwethluk, Alaska, May 16, 2020, multiple sources........Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian...captured gunman, held for police

Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 27, 2020, Channel 6

Near Fort Worth, Texas, December 29, 2019.....shotgun stopped by pistol....Church shooting, video of shooting at link

Duncan, Oklahoma, November 18, 2019

Newnan, Georgia, August 13, 2019

Colonial Heights, Tennessee, February 13, 2019​

Huntsville, Alabama, January 16, 2019​

Birmingham, Alabama, October 27, 2018​

Louisville, Kentucky, Wednesday, October 24, 2018​

Titusville, Florida, August 4, 2018

Tumwater, Washington, June 18, 2018​

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Thursday, May 24, 2018​

San Antonio, Texas, December 7, 2017 (ABC 13 in San Antonio, Time Magazine)​

Rockledge, Florida, November 17, 2017 (Florida Today, in Orlando)​

First Baptist Church of Sutherland Spring, Texas, November 5, 2017....NRA instructor with his own AR-15 saved 26 lives

Clearlake Oaks, California, October 23, 2017 (FBI report on active shooter incidents for 2016-17)​

Antioch, Tennessee, September 24, 2017 (Chicago Tribune, Daily Caller) (the above picture shows a picture of Samson after he received treatment for his minor wound)​

Arlington, Texas, May 3, 2017 (Dallas Morning News)​

Townville Elementary School, September 28, 2016 (FBI report on active shooter incidents for 2016-17)​

Lyman, South Carolina, June 30, 2016 (Fox Carolina)​

Winton, Ohio, Sunday, July 26, 2015, Fox 19 in Cincinnati and Fox News​

Conyers, Georgia, Sunday, May 31, 2015, The Rockdale Citizen​

New Holland, Wisconsin, May 5th, 2015, Fox Carolina (cases such as this where the people who stopped the attack didn’t fire a gun don’t tend to get that much news attention):​

Chicago, Illinois, April 19, 2015, Chicago Sun-Times​

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 22, 2015, NBC Channel 10:​

Darby, Pennsylvania, July 25, 2014​

Chicago, Illinois, July 7, 2014, from Geoff Ziezulewicz in the Chicago Tribune:​

Portland, Oregon, January 11, 2014, Oregonian​

Plymouth, Pennsylvania, September 2012​

Early, Texas, August 2012, KTXS ABC Channel 12:.......Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian​

Santa Clara, California, July 26, 2012, Reuters:​

Salt Lake, April 27, 2012, ABC Channel 4....Knife armed attacker stopped..​

Aurora, Colorado, April 2012, Fox 31 Denver by Tammy Vigil:​

Spartanburg, South Carolina, March 2012, article by Jenny Arnold at (see also here):​

Oklahoma City, December 2009, KWTV NEWS Channel 9:​

Richmond, Virginia, July 2009 (this first description is based on a video of the shooting and a talk on the attack is here):​

College Park (near Atlanta), Georgia, May 7, 2009, WSB-TV 2...2 men with guns attempted to rape multiple women​

Winnemucca, Nevada, May 25, 2008, KOLO ABC Channel 8 (Reno):​

Colorado Springs, Colorado, December 2007, by Solomon Banda with the Associated Press:..Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian​

Memphis, Tennessee, March 2007, WBIR TV NBC in Knoxville, TN:​

Memphis, Tennessee, July 21, 2006......Knife Armed attacker stopped...​

Tyler, Texas, February 2005, Fox News (see also here):​

Grundy, Virginia, Jan. 16, 2002​

Edinboro, Pennsylvania, April 1998, from Robert Moran and Susan Q. Stranahan in the Philadelphia Inquirer​

Pearl, Mississippi, October 1997​

Muskegon, Michigan, August 1995, The Chronicle:​

Anniston, Alabama, December 1991, J. Neil Schulman in the Los Angeles Times:​

Cases where attacks were stopped with other types of guns​

Fort Smith, Arkansas, May 15, 2021

Possible cases​

Cicero, Illinois, September 15, 2018​

Rock Hill, South Carolina, December 21, 2017 (The State newspaper (Columbia, South Carolina), WYFF Channel 4 TV)...attacker armed with pipe wrench...

North Naples, Florida, July 11, 2018​

Houston, Texas, Sunday, May 29, 2016, The UK Daily Mail​

Las Vegas, Nevada, June 8, 2014​

Portland, Oregon, December 2012 KGW Staff:......Rifle stopped by pistol armed civilian​

Manchester, New Hampshire, April 15, 2007​

Tacoma Mall in Tacoma, Washington, November 20, 2005.​

Other Cases​

Hoover, Alabama (Galleria Mall), November 23, 2018​

== are an idiot...

Pouring money into mental-health care won’t stop mass public shootings. Unfortunately, psychiatry is far from a perfect science.

There has already been a lot of second-guessing about Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, who killed five people and wounded eight at the Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport on Friday. Despite extensive psychological evaluations, many psychiatrists had failed to identify Santiago as a danger to others. One of Santiago’s brothers blames the government.

In November 2016, local police escorted Santiago to a psychiatric hospital. Relatives say that after being released, he received further psychological treatment at his home in Alaska. Shouldn’t the experts have picked up on the warning signs?

Identifying someone as mentally ill is a far cry from deciding that the person poses a danger. Psychiatrists themselves have a poor record of knowing who will become violent. But psychiatrists know that they can’t predict the future.

Look at the inability of psychiatrists to identify who will turn out to be a mass public shooter. It’s very common for mass killers to be seeing psychiatrists before their attacks. This includes Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (the second Fort Hood shooter), Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook elementary school), James Holmes (Aurora movie theater showing Batman), and Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech). Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in November 2009, was himself an Army psychiatrist.

Rodger had been receiving top-quality counseling for years. One of his psychiatrists, Charles Sophy, is nationally renowned and the medical director for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

The Army psychiatrist who last saw Lopez found no “sign of likely violence, either to himself or to others.” While Holmes’s psychiatrist warned University of Colorado officials about his patient’s violent fantasies, she “rejected the idea” that the threat was sufficiently serious for him to be taken into custody.

As for Seung-Hui Cho, neither a court-appointed, independent psychologist nor a hospital psychiatrist found him to be “a danger to himself or others.” The judge decided it was not necessary to have Cho involuntarily committed.

These killers didn’t lack mental-health care. In 60 percent of mass public shootings during the Obama presidency, the killers had been receiving professional mental-health treatment. Even good psychiatrists failed to identify real threats.

Psychiatrists have every incentive to get the diagnosis right. Besides their own professional pride and desire to help, they are legally obligated to inform authorities of cases that they believe represent threats.

There is a whole academic literature devoted to this diagnostic failure. It has been suggested that psychiatrists become desensitized to danger or seek to prove their fearlessness. It’s possible that added training would help to improve diagnoses of unusual cases.

Yes the only answer is more and better guns
You say everyone in their life knew they weren't right, including their professional shrinks, but you think a gun store should have to do the work to make sure they aren't nuts?
Yes, absolutely. Just like banks have to do the work to make sure they are lending to good credit risks, and employers have to make sure they are not hiring crazy people.
Yes....from their writings and what they tell police, when they are working with trained professionals in mental health, they lie to them........they state that it is easy to lie to professional therapists because the therapist thinks people will be honest with them....and individuals planning to murder lots of innocent people also lie to their mental health professionals....

Yes...they do not generally have criminal records, but the ones who do, in the past, have been given a pass by Feds, local police, school officials, and even their own families...but you want gun stores to be on the hook for extra special, in depth mental health analysis....
Yup. They should know who they are selling instruments of death to.

Here's the real thing you are afraid of. That once gun stores stop marketing to the crazies, that would eliminate most of the 3% of the population that own 50% of the guns, because we all know those people aren't right.
They are not the actcual problem when it comes to gun violence....and the solution is awareness by parents, school officials, the police.....that is how you stop them....and getting rid of gun free zones so they don't attack schools and other public places...because they state they target gun free zones...

Actually, it's a pretty simple solution. Before you can buy a gun, we call your mother, your teachers, your employer and your shrink. If they all sign off on it, then you can have a gun.
When faced with a nut who is planning on killing you, a gun is a very good tool to dumb twit........

And when you arm and train staff, actual killers don't attack your school.....they go to the schools that are gun free zones.......
We dont have a gun problem so why should I listen to a shill like you.
Yes, absolutely. Just like banks have to do the work to make sure they are lending to good credit risks, and employers have to make sure they are not hiring crazy people.

Yup. They should know who they are selling instruments of death to.

Here's the real thing you are afraid of. That once gun stores stop marketing to the crazies, that would eliminate most of the 3% of the population that own 50% of the guns, because we all know those people aren't right.

Actually, it's a pretty simple solution. Before you can buy a gun, we call your mother, your teachers, your employer and your shrink. If they all sign off on it, then you can have a gun.

The Shrinks and the famillies are the ones who allowed these guys to walk free when they could have had them committed to mental facilities you idiot.......

We had 12 individuals out of over 350 million......75 murdered in 2023.....

Bicycles killed 891 (2020)

Deer kill 200 people a year.....

Lawn mowers between 90-100 people a year....

Ladders 300 people a year....

bathtubs 350 people a year...

Cars killed over 39,000 people in 2019...

Meanwhile, as I showed.....your political party, the democrat party is releasing actual violent gun killers back onto the streets and reducing the sentences for known, actual criminals who actually used their guns in crimes....multiple times........and they are releasing them back on the street over and over again....

They have criminal records....they have used guns in actual crimes....they have fired those guns at human beings.....and you and your political party released them....

and they actually murder over 10 thousand people each year......and can't legally buy, own or carry guns.....ever.......

But you want to use 12 nuts out of over 350 million people to take guns away from millions and millions of Americans who do not use their legal guns for crime or violence....

you are a dishonest asshole.....who wants to ban and confiscate guns simply because you don't want normal people to own guns.....

The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones......

US mass shootings, 1982–2023: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation






2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


School shootings...

2015....1 (community college)





US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Bicycles killed 891 (2020)

Deer kill 200 people a year.....

Lawn mowers between 90-100 people a year....

Ladders 300 people a year....

bathtubs 350 people a year...

Cars killed over 39,000 people in 2019...

Total number of people killed in mass public shootings by year...


2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1985...(none listed)
1983 (none listed)

Forum List
