Active Shooter Drills

We have a shitload of guns and we imprison more people than any country in the world, even Communist China.

if prisons and guns made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

The fact that "Active Shooter Drills" are a thing is the problem. Most Active Shooters are crazy people with no criminal record who snapped one day - i.e. Adam Lanza, Joker Holmes, the VA Tech Shooter.

you need to get the Illegal guns out of the Criminals hands up in CHI. Or have your own legal gun on hand to fire back.
Except that wasn't the issue being discussed, was it? Most of the people we have in prison are for NON-violent offenses. 72% of Federal Prisoners and

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probably their 25th arrest while on Probation or whatever. Your twisting of “STATS” impress no one without case by case background information.

they just let the illegal out of NY (after attacking a Child?) so then “THE DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GA” and found a 22 yr old college student outside alone to attack and kill for fun.
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The reason for the 2A were militias.

We figured out a long time ago Militias don't work, which is why they were replaced with National Guard.

I'm sure criminals will still get guns, but it won't be easy for them.

The Europeans and Japanese have already figured this out, you restrict access to guns, crime goes down.

Japan is a closed Island country. British have the good African Blacks somewhat under control. DEM have American Blacks breeding out of control and dumping them on the streets for 50 years. Last 25 yrs they are working to do the same on illegal Brown invaders. Then they get guns (illegally of course) Hope that helps.
where does a non-Binary clip-haired tranny get ahold of a Child to use in a mass murder event?

She didn't. She was a cis-gendered woman, and that kid was her biological child.

Pathetic liar.
20 cities in 2020 had violent Leftard riots.
Which has nothing to do with what I said...
Go back, read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.
probably their 25th arrest while on Probation or whatever. Your twisting of “STATS” impress no one without case by case background information.

they just let the illegal out of NY (after attacking a Child?) so then “THE DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GA” and found a 22 yr old college student outside alone to attack and kill for fun.

Um, okay not the topic of this thread and I'm sure you are sensationalizing it, but never mind.

Japan is a closed Island country. British have the good African Blacks somewhat under control. DEM have American Blacks breeding out of control and dumping them on the streets for 50 years. Last 25 yrs they are working to do the same on illegal Brown invaders. Then they get guns (illegally of course) Hope that helps.

It certainly does... it tells me why we need to make guns harder to get. The Founding Slave Rapists never intended for people of color to have them.

So we should take them away from everyone, especially since Militias stopped being a thing a century ago.
She didn't. She was a cis-gendered woman, and that kid was her biological child.

Which has nothing to do with what I said...
Go back, read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.
Has everything to do with the topic. You choose to ignore the fact 20 cities were burned and looted in just one year then pat yourself on the back because 120 were put in jail. While hundreds of thousands of Leftard rioters got away with it.
Um, okay not the topic of this thread and I'm sure you are sensationalizing it, but never mind.

It certainly does... it tells me why we need to make guns harder to get. The Founding Slave Rapists never intended for people of color to have them.

So we should take them away from everyone, especially since Militias stopped being a thing a century ago.
First thing Hitler did was take away guns from Jews.
Has everything to do with the topic. You choose to ignore the fact 20 cities were burned and looted in just one year then pat yourself on the back because 120 were put in jail. While hundreds of thousands of Leftard rioters got away with it.

No, 120 were FEDERALLY charged. Hundreds were charged locally.

First thing Hitler did was take away guns from Jews.

Actually, Hitler loosened the gun laws in Germany.
Zero jail time.

Riots on Federal property including burning a courthouse.

Five people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 20, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 21, 2020. Jennifer Kristiansen, 37, is charged with assaulting a federal officer; Zachary Duffly, 45, is charged with creating a disturbance; Wyatt Ash-Milby, 18, is charged with trespassing on federal property; and Caleb Ehlers, 23, and Paul Furst, 22, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.

Seven people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 21, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 22, 2020. Jerusalem Callahan, 24, is charged with willfully damaging government property; Joseph Ybarra, 21, is charged with arson; Marnie Sager, 27, and Ella Miller, 26, are charged failing to comply with a lawful order; and Taylor Lemons, 31; Giovanni Bondurant, 19; and Gabriel Houston, 22, are charged with assaulting federal officers.

Six people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 22, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 23, 2020. Joseph Lagalo, 37; Baily Dreibelbis, 22; Nicholas Kloiber, 26; David Hazan, 24; Hailey Holden, 30; and Cameron Knuetson, age unknown, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.

Five people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 20, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 21, 2020. Jennifer Kristiansen, 37, is charged with assaulting a federal officer; Zachary Duffly, 45, is charged with creating a disturbance; Wyatt Ash-Milby, 18, is charged with trespassing on federal property; and Caleb Ehlers, 23, and Paul Furst, 22, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.

Seven people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 21, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 22, 2020. Jerusalem Callahan, 24, is charged with willfully damaging government property; Joseph Ybarra, 21, is charged with arson; Marnie Sager, 27, and Ella Miller, 26, are charged failing to comply with a lawful order; and Taylor Lemons, 31; Giovanni Bondurant, 19; and Gabriel Houston, 22, are charged with assaulting federal officers.

Six people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 22, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 23, 2020. Joseph Lagalo, 37; Baily Dreibelbis, 22; Nicholas Kloiber, 26; David Hazan, 24; Hailey Holden, 30; and Cameron Knuetson, age unknown, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.
18 people charged out of hundreds of thousands!

And none of them are in jail.

Five people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 20, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 21, 2020. Jennifer Kristiansen, 37, is charged with assaulting a federal officer; Zachary Duffly, 45, is charged with creating a disturbance; Wyatt Ash-Milby, 18, is charged with trespassing on federal property; and Caleb Ehlers, 23, and Paul Furst, 22, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.

Seven people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 21, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 22, 2020. Jerusalem Callahan, 24, is charged with willfully damaging government property; Joseph Ybarra, 21, is charged with arson; Marnie Sager, 27, and Ella Miller, 26, are charged failing to comply with a lawful order; and Taylor Lemons, 31; Giovanni Bondurant, 19; and Gabriel Houston, 22, are charged with assaulting federal officers.

Six people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 22, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 23, 2020. Joseph Lagalo, 37; Baily Dreibelbis, 22; Nicholas Kloiber, 26; David Hazan, 24; Hailey Holden, 30; and Cameron Knuetson, age unknown, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.
Do you have proof they were the same 18 people?

Frankly, you should be kind of horrified that they were arrested exercising their first Amendment rights and had to give them up to be released.

They should be treated like the senior citizens from Jan. 6 and held in custody without trial for years.....
Um, okay not the topic of this thread and I'm sure you are sensationalizing it, but never mind.

It certainly does... it tells me why we need to make guns harder to get. The Founding Slave Rapists never intended for people of color to have them.

So we should take them away from everyone, especially since Militias stopped being a thing a century ago.

youll not stop GUN importation any more than your war on Heroin & Coke over the last 50 years. Criminals will always get illicit items in as communist deep state actors will only pretend to try and stop it. They could but won’t.
youll not stop GUN importation any more than your war on Heroin & Coke over the last 50 years. Criminals will always get illicit items in as communist deep state actors will only pretend to try and stop it. They could but won’t.

Import them from where? We are the world's biggest manufacturer.

Most gun deaths aren't criminals, they are domestic violence and suicide. So once you eliminate those, we can move on to working on the criminals.
Obviously make believe Christian Osteens cult doesn’t believe in preparing for threats.

“36-year-old Genesse Ivonne Moreno, a biological female who used multiple male aliases, was wearing a trench coat when she entered the Houston-based Lakewood Church with two rifles, a backpack, and a young child by her side around 2 p.m. Sunday.”

Trench coat in mild weather.
Obviously you can’t tell by looking she’s a trans mental case, but that’s another flag.

Alarm bells for anyone trained.
As leftist trans mental cases increase their mass murder dreams we should all remain vigilant.

Also, did they ever release the Nashville trans shooter’s manifesto?

Whats an "active shooter drill" ?

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