Actions speaking MUCH louder than words


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
If you want to know the true platform of the left - look no further than this story. It epitomizes everything they support and believe in.

1. Prevent education. Keep the populace as ignorant and dependent as possible.
Acting at the behest of abortion activists in the state Legislature and online media, the board—which is overseen by California’s Department of Consumer Affairs—reversed its decision from just a month prior, demanding that Heartbeat International “cease and desist” educating nurses on a breakthrough medical intervention that can allow a woman to halt a chemical abortion.
Sorry folks - this cannot be twisted regardless of the efforts of the left. There is absolutely, positively no reason not to educate nurses and physicians on breakthrough medical advancements unless one has an agenda to prevent education and/or one has an agenda to ensure nothing can reverse an abortion. For a group that claims to be about education - their actions sure tell a vastly different story.

But it doesn't stop there....

2. Prevent choice. Control the populace by force or at least by eliminating as many options as possible.
Acting at the behest of abortion activists in the state Legislature and online media, the board—which is overseen by California’s Department of Consumer Affairs—reversed its decision from just a month prior, demanding that Heartbeat International “cease and desist” educating nurses on a breakthrough medical intervention that can allow a woman to halt a chemical abortion.
What in the world happened here, progressives? I thought it was "her body, her choice". Suddenly she can't choose to halt an abortion? I thought it was all about being "Pro-Choice". Why aren't we celebrating another CHOICE for women?!?

California's Assault on Abortion Pill Reversal Is an Assault on Women’s Choice

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