Ack! Colonoscopy next tuesday for me.

It sucks. I wouldn't believe the "it's nothing!" posts here, BUT don't be a wuss about it. If you gotta do something horrible, just do it and get it over with. You'll be ten times more nervous next time if you spend time brooding over it and imagining the worst. Suck it up and be done with it.

Bullshit. If you think it's "horrible" and sucks so much, I think maybe you are a wuss.


I think maybe YOU enjoy having objects put in certain places more than you otherwise might want to admit.

Oooohhhh....brilliant comeback! You really got me good.


I'm trying to encourage someone to get a procedure done that could save her life. There is a lot of hype and unnecessary fear about this procedure. As soon as I had mine done and realized it wasn't that big of a deal, I vowed to let other people know so they wouldn't worry so much.

The worst part for me was all the worrying beforehand. It was totally uncalled for.
I dunno. I'm still thinking about it. Just in case I change my mind again...I plan on having a light dinner tonight. Tomorrow, easy meals like cereal (cream of rice), fruits, pudding, baked tater. Then on monday...I will know whether I want to cancel or go on the liquid clear diet and start drinking the stuff. The container does not look that big to me now that I have it in my possession. I drink 4 bottles of water within just a few hours and that is 16 oz per bottle. So I think I can get half of that crap down with no problem. And if my poo runs clear the next morning IF I still am poo'ing....I don't plan to drink the other half at all. I'll just take my HBP meds with a small sip of water and head on out the door. With towels, just in case.

Then again, by monday, I may decide to wait until July.

Still musing on it.

I would follow the prep instructions you were given to the letter. A good prep insures that they are able to see what they need to see when they get in there.

Do what they tell you to do, Gracie! Seriously. Just my advice, you don't have to take it.
I guess I was confused about the eating or drinking nothing after midnight but I am supposed to drink half a gallon of goopy stuff the next morning. And I was told to stay hydrated due to the goop stuff. But then I'm not supposed to drink water or anything after 9am, I guess. No drinks of anything 3 hours before the procedure so that means I have to get up at 7am and guzzle the swill down. So...I plan to keep my water bottle handy but do what I always do and even did when I had my mastectomy....I swish, gargle, spit. Keeps my mouth from getting so dry. But I am still going to be full of goop. Unless it dissapates within that 3 hour time frame?

It's very confusing.
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Generally, what age is recommended for having this procedure?

From my numerous readings last night from the Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins, other medical websites....polyps can form in the intestine. Sometimes they can turn cancerous. So a colonoscopy checks those out and removes them. It is a preventative measure to NOT get colon cancer.
I guess I was confused about the eating or drinking nothing after midnight but I am supposed to drink half a gallon of goopy stuff the next morning. And I was told to stay hydrated due to the goop stuff. But then I'm not supposed to drink water or anything after 9am, I guess. No drinks of anything 3 hours before the procedure so that means I have to get up at 7am and guzzle the swill down. So...I plan to keep my water bottle handy but do what I always do and even did when I had my mastectomy....I swish, gargle, spit. Keeps my mouth from getting so dry. But I am still going to be full of goop. Unless it dissapates within that 3 hour time frame?

It's very confusing.

I forgot you'd had a mastectomy. And you're worried about a colonoscopy??? Good Lord, girl, this will be nothing for you!

If you're confused about the instructions, can you call them and get your questions answered?

I think by the "morning of," if you've followed the instructions correctly, you should be pretty well cleaned out. So, I think that last "goop" will run right through you pretty quickly.
I'm trying to encourage someone to get a procedure done that could save her life. There is a lot of hype and unnecessary fear about this procedure. As soon as I had mine done and realized it wasn't that big of a deal, I vowed to let other people know so they wouldn't worry so much.

The worst part for me was all the worrying beforehand. It was totally uncalled for.

It's more than obvious that you think you are doing a PSA, but an adult should be able to handle the truth and still make a rational choice.
I'm trying to encourage someone to get a procedure done that could save her life. There is a lot of hype and unnecessary fear about this procedure. As soon as I had mine done and realized it wasn't that big of a deal, I vowed to let other people know so they wouldn't worry so much.

The worst part for me was all the worrying beforehand. It was totally uncalled for.

It's more than obvious that you think you are doing a PSA, but an adult should be able to handle the truth and still make a rational choice.

I am being truthful. It was no big deal. I told about waking up in the middle of the procedure and feeling some pretty strong cramping, didn't I? I didn't try to lie about that. But as soon as I yelled "ouch!" they cranked up the sedative and I went back to sleep.

I also mentioned some other discomfort that I won't go into again here.

But on a scale of 1-10, the total discomfort level was about a 1 or 2.

That's the truth. My family was visiting when I had the procedure, including the prep, and after seeing how I sailed through it, my brother-in-law had one done, which he was overdue for. Good thing too, they discovered a couple of polyps, which they removed. He said his procedure was no big deal either, even with the polyp removal.

It's time to dispell the myth of the "horrible" colonoscopy.
My first. So I googled like mad and asked the doc lots of questions. Not too worried about it since he said "you won't feel a thing. You will be in lalaland". His words..not mine. Which made me laugh and feel not so uptight.

I have had a couple, and if they give you the right 'cocktail', you ARE in la la land and do not remember a thing.
I remember after my procedure they had me sit a spell for the sedative to wear off some before I got dressed. They brought me a glass of juice to drink

I'm a very busy person, don't get a lot of down time where I an just sit around and do nothing. So I was sitting there in my gown, proud of myself for having gotten the procedure done, relaxing and drinking my juice, and I thought, "My God! This is like being at a spa!"

I kid you not.
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I can imagine what it is going to be like tomorrow being so hungry. I ate very light today but I got so hungry, I just ate a huge bowl of rice chex. Tomorrow...the clear diet crap, then 6pm, I start the sludge. I am presuming I can still drink juice and have jello later on after drinking the sludge as long as it is not past midnight?
I can imagine what it is going to be like tomorrow being so hungry. I ate very light today but I got so hungry, I just ate a huge bowl of rice chex. Tomorrow...the clear diet crap, then 6pm, I start the sludge. I am presuming I can still drink juice and have jello later on after drinking the sludge as long as it is not past midnight?

Your information sheet should tell you what you can and cannot eat after a certain time.
I ate jelly until about 8pm, when I took my prep, and drank water after that to wash it through. You feel hungry, but its only because you are used to eating at a particular time.
This stuff is VILE!!!!
I held my nose and sucked down the first glass, then still holding my nose, I rinsed with apple juice then clear water, then spit. Can't taste a thing except this....awful...whatever it is, but I can imagine how horrid it would be if I wasn't holding my nose. Second batch, I tried chicken broth gargle, then water. That seems to work better for cutting the after taste.

This shit is.....horrendous.:eek:
This stuff is VILE!!!!
I held my nose and sucked down the first glass, then still holding my nose, I rinsed with apple juice then clear water, then spit. Can't taste a thing except this....awful...whatever it is, but I can imagine how horrid it would be if I wasn't holding my nose. Second batch, I tried chicken broth gargle, then water. That seems to work better for cutting the after taste.

This shit is.....horrendous.:eek:
Yes, it is.

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