According to FBI Director Comey, Hillary didn't know it was illegal to...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
- Withhold documents and e-mails from FOIA or Federal Records Act access...

- Store both Classified and Un-Classified information on the same, un-secured server..

- Strip classified markings off of documents and e-mails so you can send them via un-classified means...

- Give individuals who have no security clearances or individuals without sufficient security clearances (like her MAID, her IT Tech, her lawyers, the company who stored her server, pedophile sexter 'Tony Weiner, etc...) access to classified / extremely classified information...

- Allow a small security firm that does not have required security clearances necessary to possess her classified server store that server in their un-secured BATHROOM...

In his latest testimony before Congress, FBI Director Comey made it clear that actions taken by Hillary Clinton in the handling of classified information and her server violated US Law...but added that the technicality the FBI / he used to determine that she was not technically guilty of breaking those laws is that SHE DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER - SHE WAS IGNORANT OF THE FACT SHE WAS BREAKING THE LAW.

And according to Comey, Hillary's top aide, Huma Abedin, forwarded almost every e-mail ever sent to the laprop she and her perverted pedophile husband shared. (Amazingly - and sadly - enough, snowflakes don't find that 'fishy' at all...)
-- It is beyond belief that Comey was asked if Weiner had access to those classified documents (as he and Huma SHARED the laptop to which she was forwarding Hillary's classified e-mails & he was using to 'Sext' 15yos), and Comey replied that HE WAS UNSURE.

:wtf:'UNSURE'?! Abedin was forwarding the e-mails to the computer Weiner was using. Comey, by his answer, was asking the Congressional Committee - and all of us - to suspend common sense and intelligence in order to BUY his BULLSHIT ANSWER that one can / he could not reasonably come to the conclusion that Weiner could access the files on the computer he and Abedin shared.

Who knew ignorance IS an excuse for breaking the law? (and if anyone could get away with that excuse, it would be Hillary...and this woman wanted to run the entire country as President but was too stupid to know you can't let your MAID print out your classified for you or let your classified be sent to the laptop of a serial pedophile 'sexter'... Good grief.)


Hillary Apparently Didn't Know She Was Breaking The Law

“Really the central problem we had with the whole email investigation was proving that people knew, the secretary and others knew, that they were communicating about classified information in a way that they shouldn’t be,” Comey responded. “…proving that they had some sense that they were doing something unlawful.”

cough, cough, bullshit, cough....

Hillary HERSELF sent out a memo to her staff warning them not to use personal e-mail / servers so they would not violate the FOIA! Now Comey is trying to tell us that Hillary did not know having her own server and private e-mail, hid e-mails / failed to turn all required documents over to the Govt as she was required to do was illegal?


I guess if you look at every single piece of evidence by themselves in a vacuum then you can actually use the 'she didn't know' lame-ass defense, but when you put it all together and look at the entire case, it is obvious Hillary knew what the hell she was doing.

If you take FBI Director Comey and Hillary's 'defense' at 'face value', they admit that despite having received training Hillary did not have a damn clue what classified information was, how to distinguish between classified and un-classified information, did not understand classified markings and procedures / rules that pertained to classified, did not understand laws regarding the storage and handling of classified information, did not understand the laws governing who can and can not have access to classified information, and - with all that being said - she was a walking, talking, e-mailing threat to our national security due to her complete ignorance.

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Actually, he said she forwarded them to his computer and had him print them out for her to then give to Hillary.
No one is buying the alt right nonsense about Comey.

Get over it.
No one is buying the alt right nonsense about Comey.

Get over it.
It really doesn't matter who's buying it and who's not. What matters is what Hillary actually did, and it's obvious she was extremely careless with classified information. That's enough to make me happy she's not living in the White House right now.
She knew and she was lying and Comey covered up for her because he didn't want to be the one that brought down the Moon Bat Party's Presidential candidate.

She has always been corrupt, dishonest and incompetent. "I didin dunuttin" defense in this case is pathetic. Shame on Comey for not recommending an indictment. Letting her off the hook on "lack of intent" is the lamest possible excuse.

Another great example of the swamp that exist in DC.

Shame on all the Moon Bats that were stupid enough to vote for her.
Actually, he said she forwarded them to his computer and had him print them out for her to then give to Hillary.

You are right but it still violates what she and Hillary signed:
Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info
As the nation’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton was responsible for ascertaining whether information in her possession was classified and acknowledged that "negligent handling" of that information could jeopardize national security, according to a copy of an agreement she signed upon taking the job.

A day after assuming office as secretary of state, Clinton signed a Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement that laid out criminal penalties for "any unauthorized disclosure" of classified information.

Experts have guessed that Clinton signed such an agreement, but a copy of her specific contract, obtained by the Competitive Enterprise Institute through an open records request and shared with the Washington Free Beacon, reveals for the first time the exact language of the NDA.
Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info
My point was she not only forwarded them to him, but also had him print them out.
I totally agree with you. She knew what she was doing, both of them, and did it willfully.
Actually, he said she forwarded them to his computer and had him print them out for her to then give to Hillary.

You are right but it still violates what she and Hillary signed:
Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info
As the nation’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton was responsible for ascertaining whether information in her possession was classified and acknowledged that "negligent handling" of that information could jeopardize national security, according to a copy of an agreement she signed upon taking the job.

A day after assuming office as secretary of state, Clinton signed a Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement that laid out criminal penalties for "any unauthorized disclosure" of classified information.

Experts have guessed that Clinton signed such an agreement, but a copy of her specific contract, obtained by the Competitive Enterprise Institute through an open records request and shared with the Washington Free Beacon, reveals for the first time the exact language of the NDA.
Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info
Sooo...Hillary is too stupid to know right from wrong. :laugh:

It's a damn good thing that idiot lost the election.
I cannot believe that the director of the FBI testified that ignorance of the law is an excuse for breaking the law. What's even more amazing is that none of the committee challenged him on that concept.
Hillary is full of shit.

She couldn't remember anything that would stick her in a legal bind, just like the good little lawyer she is.

Anyone that buys that nonsense is an abject fool.....
It's a damn good thing that idiot lost the election.

What is absolutely amazing to me is that there were 60 Million voting Americans that were so damn stupid as to think that the corrupt, dishonest and incompetent asshole should be the President of the US. Talk about Useful Idiots but they take the cake.
HOLY SHIT so Hillary, a lawyer claimed she was ignorant of the law and got a pass??????? Name one common citizen where that would fly. Goddamn our government is corrupt, one set of laws for the common citizens a whole other set of laws for the political elite.
If you take FBI Director Comey and Hillary's 'defense' at 'face value', they admit that despite having received training Hillary did not have a damn clue what classified information was, how to distinguish between classified and un-classified information, did not understand classified markings and procedures / rules that pertained to classified, did not understand laws regarding the storage and handling of classified information, did not understand the laws governing who can and can not have access to classified information, and - with all that being said - she was a walking, talking, e-mailing threat to our national security due to her complete ignorance.

Yet as Comey said they could find no evidence of a breech of either the server or the laptop. It's all a 'it couda happen' scenario.
Tycho actually said that, not me, but I agree. The quote feature messed up.
It's a damn good thing that idiot lost the election.

What is absolutely amazing to me is that there were 60 Million voting Americans that were so damn stupid as to think that the corrupt, dishonest and incompetent asshole should be the President of the US. Talk about Useful Idiots but they take the cake.[/QUOTE]

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