Accidental gun deaths and children...criminals who should be in jail, leaving their illegal guns out...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
In 2019, 51 children out of 72,000,000 were accidentally killed by guns....many times, the accidental death is the result of the parent being a in this case...

Of course.....1,282 died because of vehicles......

Of course...had this guy been in jail, instead of out on bond, the accident wouldn't have happened....I believe Milwaukee is controlled by the democrat party........

And then thereā€™s the fact that a lot of the people who arenā€™t taking the time to safely store their guns arenā€™t legally allowed to own them in the first place.
The gun that a 3-year-old boy unintentionally shot and killed himself with in Milwaukee on Saturday belonged to a relative who was out on bail on armed robbery charges and was barred from possessing dangerous weapons.
Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Devon L. Armour, 26, of Menasha with second-degree reckless homicide, possession of a firearm by a felon and two counts of bail jumping.
Armour was charged with armed robbery in Waukesha County in March and was released from custody after signing a $10,000 signature bond May 6, according to online court records. He was forbidden from possessing dangerous weapons as a condition of his release.
According to police, just two days after Armour signed that bond, he showed up at his cousinā€™s home in Milwaukee with a gun. He told officers that he put the gun down on a kitchen table where the 3-year old was sitting, but inexplicably left the child unattended with the gun sitting out in plain view.

Instead of trying to reduce the number of guns out there (a ridiculous idea in a nation with 400-million privately owned arms), a more practical and constitutionally-sound approach would be to increase the penalties for prohibited persons found with a gun. The state could also look at increasing the bond for individuals charged with violent felonies, so that guys like Armour canā€™t stroll out of jail on a signature bond when they pose a danger to the community.

In 2019, 51 children out of 72,000,000 were accidentally killed by guns....many times, the accidental death is the result of the parent being a in this case...

Of course.....1,282 died because of vehicles......

Of course...had this guy been in jail, instead of out on bond, the accident wouldn't have happened....I believe Milwaukee is controlled by the democrat party........

And then thereā€™s the fact that a lot of the people who arenā€™t taking the time to safely store their guns arenā€™t legally allowed to own them in the first place.
The gun that a 3-year-old boy unintentionally shot and killed himself with in Milwaukee on Saturday belonged to a relative who was out on bail on armed robbery charges and was barred from possessing dangerous weapons.
Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Devon L. Armour, 26, of Menasha with second-degree reckless homicide, possession of a firearm by a felon and two counts of bail jumping.
Armour was charged with armed robbery in Waukesha County in March and was released from custody after signing a $10,000 signature bond May 6, according to online court records. He was forbidden from possessing dangerous weapons as a condition of his release.
According to police, just two days after Armour signed that bond, he showed up at his cousinā€™s home in Milwaukee with a gun. He told officers that he put the gun down on a kitchen table where the 3-year old was sitting, but inexplicably left the child unattended with the gun sitting out in plain view.

Instead of trying to reduce the number of guns out there (a ridiculous idea in a nation with 400-million privately owned arms), a more practical and constitutionally-sound approach would be to increase the penalties for prohibited persons found with a gun. The state could also look at increasing the bond for individuals charged with violent felonies, so that guys like Armour canā€™t stroll out of jail on a signature bond when they pose a danger to the community.

Is Armour out on bond again? It does not sound like he is the type to comply with restrictions ordered by the court as condition for bond and therefore represents an ongoing threat to the community. Can I assume the bond company has to fork up the $10,000 or does it not work that way?
In 2019, 51 children out of 72,000,000 were accidentally killed by guns....many times, the accidental death is the result of the parent being a in this case...

Of course.....1,282 died because of vehicles......

Of course...had this guy been in jail, instead of out on bond, the accident wouldn't have happened....I believe Milwaukee is controlled by the democrat party........

And then thereā€™s the fact that a lot of the people who arenā€™t taking the time to safely store their guns arenā€™t legally allowed to own them in the first place.
The gun that a 3-year-old boy unintentionally shot and killed himself with in Milwaukee on Saturday belonged to a relative who was out on bail on armed robbery charges and was barred from possessing dangerous weapons.
Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Devon L. Armour, 26, of Menasha with second-degree reckless homicide, possession of a firearm by a felon and two counts of bail jumping.
Armour was charged with armed robbery in Waukesha County in March and was released from custody after signing a $10,000 signature bond May 6, according to online court records. He was forbidden from possessing dangerous weapons as a condition of his release.
According to police, just two days after Armour signed that bond, he showed up at his cousinā€™s home in Milwaukee with a gun. He told officers that he put the gun down on a kitchen table where the 3-year old was sitting, but inexplicably left the child unattended with the gun sitting out in plain view.

Instead of trying to reduce the number of guns out there (a ridiculous idea in a nation with 400-million privately owned arms), a more practical and constitutionally-sound approach would be to increase the penalties for prohibited persons found with a gun. The state could also look at increasing the bond for individuals charged with violent felonies, so that guys like Armour canā€™t stroll out of jail on a signature bond when they pose a danger to the community.

Is Armour out on bond again? It does not sound like he is the type to comply with restrictions ordered by the court as condition for bond and therefore represents an ongoing threat to the community. Can I assume the bond company has to fork up the $10,000 or does it not work that way?

Don't know.
In 2019, 51 children out of 72,000,000 were accidentally killed by guns....many times, the accidental death is the result of the parent being a in this case...

Of course.....1,282 died because of vehicles......

Of course...had this guy been in jail, instead of out on bond, the accident wouldn't have happened....I believe Milwaukee is controlled by the democrat party........

And then thereā€™s the fact that a lot of the people who arenā€™t taking the time to safely store their guns arenā€™t legally allowed to own them in the first place.
The gun that a 3-year-old boy unintentionally shot and killed himself with in Milwaukee on Saturday belonged to a relative who was out on bail on armed robbery charges and was barred from possessing dangerous weapons.
Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Devon L. Armour, 26, of Menasha with second-degree reckless homicide, possession of a firearm by a felon and two counts of bail jumping.
Armour was charged with armed robbery in Waukesha County in March and was released from custody after signing a $10,000 signature bond May 6, according to online court records. He was forbidden from possessing dangerous weapons as a condition of his release.
According to police, just two days after Armour signed that bond, he showed up at his cousinā€™s home in Milwaukee with a gun. He told officers that he put the gun down on a kitchen table where the 3-year old was sitting, but inexplicably left the child unattended with the gun sitting out in plain view.

Instead of trying to reduce the number of guns out there (a ridiculous idea in a nation with 400-million privately owned arms), a more practical and constitutionally-sound approach would be to increase the penalties for prohibited persons found with a gun. The state could also look at increasing the bond for individuals charged with violent felonies, so that guys like Armour canā€™t stroll out of jail on a signature bond when they pose a danger to the community.

Is Armour out on bond again? It does not sound like he is the type to comply with restrictions ordered by the court as condition for bond and therefore represents an ongoing threat to the community. Can I assume the bond company has to fork up the $10,000 or does it not work that way?

Don't know.
I looked but could did not find out and got tired of looking. I know how I would like it to work, but would not be surprised if he was back out on the streets anyway. I really know very little about bond collections or revocations or how these people are looked at by the courts after they are found to have violated their bond.
We donā€™t need to increase anything or write any new laws. There is already a five-year Federal Felony for possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime on the books. Likewise, almost every state has penalties for illegal possession.,

THE DAs REFUSE TO CHARGE THESE CRIMES!!!! or they plea them away.
We donā€™t need to increase anything or write any new laws. There is already a five-year Federal Felony for possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime on the books. Likewise, almost every state has penalties for illegal possession.,

THE DAs REFUSE TO CHARGE THESE CRIMES!!!! or they plea them away.
C'mon Man! It's New York. They just legalized hooking for a living as they have decided not to prosecute that either, though the law is and will remain on the books. Laws don't mean anything up there.
C'mon Man! It's New York. They just legalized hooking for a living as they have decided not to prosecute that either, though the law is and will remain on the books. Laws don't mean anything up there
I live in Massachusetts, so New York is South for me. Not The South, but more Southerly than where I am.

These laws need to be amended to force the DAs to make the charge and keep them from pleading it away.
C'mon Man! It's New York. They just legalized hooking for a living as they have decided not to prosecute that either, though the law is and will remain on the books. Laws don't mean anything up there
I live in Massachusetts, so New York is South for me. Not The South, but more Southerly than where I am.

These laws need to be amended to force the DAs to make the charge and keep them from pleading it away.
Good luck. If they can legalize prostitution (which I don't care if they do or not) just by announcing they will no longer prosecute, you ain't got a chance of telling them which laws on the book have to be enforced and which one are just there because they are too lazy or do not have support to take off the books, or why they have turned over law enforcement over to district attorneys, criminal code be damned.
Just sayin :dunno:
In 2019, 51 children out of 72,000,000 were accidentally killed by guns....many times, the accidental death is the result of the parent being a in this case...

Of course.....1,282 died because of vehicles......

Of course...had this guy been in jail, instead of out on bond, the accident wouldn't have happened....I believe Milwaukee is controlled by the democrat party........

And then thereā€™s the fact that a lot of the people who arenā€™t taking the time to safely store their guns arenā€™t legally allowed to own them in the first place.
The gun that a 3-year-old boy unintentionally shot and killed himself with in Milwaukee on Saturday belonged to a relative who was out on bail on armed robbery charges and was barred from possessing dangerous weapons.
Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Devon L. Armour, 26, of Menasha with second-degree reckless homicide, possession of a firearm by a felon and two counts of bail jumping.
Armour was charged with armed robbery in Waukesha County in March and was released from custody after signing a $10,000 signature bond May 6, according to online court records. He was forbidden from possessing dangerous weapons as a condition of his release.
According to police, just two days after Armour signed that bond, he showed up at his cousinā€™s home in Milwaukee with a gun. He told officers that he put the gun down on a kitchen table where the 3-year old was sitting, but inexplicably left the child unattended with the gun sitting out in plain view.

Instead of trying to reduce the number of guns out there (a ridiculous idea in a nation with 400-million privately owned arms), a more practical and constitutionally-sound approach would be to increase the penalties for prohibited persons found with a gun. The state could also look at increasing the bond for individuals charged with violent felonies, so that guys like Armour canā€™t stroll out of jail on a signature bond when they pose a danger to the community.

YAWN, another effort by a gun lover to point the finger at everyone but himself. He, others, the maker of guns and the NRA are fully culpable for the deaths by firearm when those who died are innocent victims.
In 2019, 51 children out of 72,000,000 were accidentally killed by guns....many times, the accidental death is the result of the parent being a in this case...

Of course.....1,282 died because of vehicles......

Of course...had this guy been in jail, instead of out on bond, the accident wouldn't have happened....I believe Milwaukee is controlled by the democrat party........

And then thereā€™s the fact that a lot of the people who arenā€™t taking the time to safely store their guns arenā€™t legally allowed to own them in the first place.
The gun that a 3-year-old boy unintentionally shot and killed himself with in Milwaukee on Saturday belonged to a relative who was out on bail on armed robbery charges and was barred from possessing dangerous weapons.
Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Devon L. Armour, 26, of Menasha with second-degree reckless homicide, possession of a firearm by a felon and two counts of bail jumping.
Armour was charged with armed robbery in Waukesha County in March and was released from custody after signing a $10,000 signature bond May 6, according to online court records. He was forbidden from possessing dangerous weapons as a condition of his release.
According to police, just two days after Armour signed that bond, he showed up at his cousinā€™s home in Milwaukee with a gun. He told officers that he put the gun down on a kitchen table where the 3-year old was sitting, but inexplicably left the child unattended with the gun sitting out in plain view.

Instead of trying to reduce the number of guns out there (a ridiculous idea in a nation with 400-million privately owned arms), a more practical and constitutionally-sound approach would be to increase the penalties for prohibited persons found with a gun. The state could also look at increasing the bond for individuals charged with violent felonies, so that guys like Armour canā€™t stroll out of jail on a signature bond when they pose a danger to the community.

YAWN, another effort by a gun lover to point the finger at everyone but himself. He, others, the maker of guns and the NRA are fully culpable for the deaths by firearm when those who died are innocent victims.

Are you this stupid in real life or just when you post?
The deal is that for the most part the parents were prosecuted for the gun related accidental deaths of their children as they would be for the poison deaths and drug related deaths and children killed by pets. It's a harsh world and the judicial system usually works.
In 2019, 51 children out of 72,000,000 were accidentally killed by guns....many times, the accidental death is the result of the parent being a in this case...

Of course.....1,282 died because of vehicles......

Of course...had this guy been in jail, instead of out on bond, the accident wouldn't have happened....I believe Milwaukee is controlled by the democrat party........

And then thereā€™s the fact that a lot of the people who arenā€™t taking the time to safely store their guns arenā€™t legally allowed to own them in the first place.
The gun that a 3-year-old boy unintentionally shot and killed himself with in Milwaukee on Saturday belonged to a relative who was out on bail on armed robbery charges and was barred from possessing dangerous weapons.
Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Devon L. Armour, 26, of Menasha with second-degree reckless homicide, possession of a firearm by a felon and two counts of bail jumping.
Armour was charged with armed robbery in Waukesha County in March and was released from custody after signing a $10,000 signature bond May 6, according to online court records. He was forbidden from possessing dangerous weapons as a condition of his release.
According to police, just two days after Armour signed that bond, he showed up at his cousinā€™s home in Milwaukee with a gun. He told officers that he put the gun down on a kitchen table where the 3-year old was sitting, but inexplicably left the child unattended with the gun sitting out in plain view.

Instead of trying to reduce the number of guns out there (a ridiculous idea in a nation with 400-million privately owned arms), a more practical and constitutionally-sound approach would be to increase the penalties for prohibited persons found with a gun. The state could also look at increasing the bond for individuals charged with violent felonies, so that guys like Armour canā€™t stroll out of jail on a signature bond when they pose a danger to the community.

YAWN, another effort by a gun lover to point the finger at everyone but himself. He, others, the maker of guns and the NRA are fully culpable for the deaths by firearm when those who died are innocent victims.

Are you this stupid in real life or just when you post?

I'm far from stupid. My post was exactly what what you are, someone with a fetish for guns. Now go to your room and polish your guns and kiss them goodnight.
Read this story earlier today...four year old shot and killed after finding his fathers gun under the living room couch.

Father was charged with 2nd degree murder and reckless jail on $250,000 bond.

Read this story earlier today...four year old shot and killed after finding his fathers gun under the living room couch.

Father was charged with 2nd degree murder and reckless jail on $250,000 bond.

The problem with too many of these stories in the news is they don't say if the parent who left the gun out is a criminal or not........
Read this story earlier today...four year old shot and killed after finding his fathers gun under the living room couch.

Father was charged with 2nd degree murder and reckless jail on $250,000 bond.
Just plain murder. Dad shot the kid. Told a cock and bull story to get out of jail, or plea it down from 1st degree.
YAWN, another effort by a gun lover to point the finger at everyone but himself. He, others, the maker of guns and the NRA are fully culpable for the deaths by firearm when those who died are innocent victims.
Are you suggesting that 2aguy killed that 3-year-old child?

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