Abstinence only? NO! You've got to teach about rubbers too!

Its best to teach people all the truth about something.

If you want to help them stay uninfected you have to teach them ALL the facts.

And no one is saying not to teach them all the facts.
My wife and I did with our children.
If we didnt want to...we could have easily called the health teacher at their school and had her do it for us.

Or we could have done it your way......have no CHOICE in the manner and have someone else do it for us even though we viewed it as personal and our responsibility to do it.
Its best to teach people all the truth about something.

If you want to help them stay uninfected you have to teach them ALL the facts.

So, teaching "prevents" infections, huh?

How about "keeping your thingy in places it doesn't belong" for starters, moron.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19_245hkRak]USS VD : Ship of Shame - YouTube[/ame]
most aids is spread by anal sex.....the aids virus is a weak virus and cannot live that long outside of the body....vaginal sex has a low incident of aids spread....using a condom will not stop the spread of aids....it can be spread by kissing.....all it takes is a small tear in the mouth......so therefore oral sex will spread it...but the main method is anal sex due to the ripping of skin inside the anus...allowing the aids virus a opening into the body...sex is the 3rd strongest drive humans have..after food and water....we are sexual creatures.....
5th post
The number one way to keep from getting AIDS is abstinence. The second is using rubbers.

South African director, Discovery debut AIDS film that mixes sports, animation - Worldnews.com

So sick of Bono and others congradulating Bush on "helping" those with AIDS.

Remember, Bush refused to give US aid for any organiozation that supported the distribution of condoms.


It's like the right wing and charity. They help a couple of people and congratulate themselves to no end. But they are the cause of millions suffering. THAT, they happily ignore. No surprise from the party of "let him die".

Curious....of all those infected with aids in the US, I wonder what percentage were not aware that condoms existed. I wonder what percentage could not afford to buy condoms but had the money for certain "non essentials" such as TV's.

I find it ironic that you are blaming an ideology for the actions of people.

Personal responsibility is non existant in your world rdean

To invoke personal responsibilty on children, first you have to educate them. Everyone makes mistakes. Who's is it when a child gets AIDS because he/she was unaware of the utilty of condoms?
Here's some more education for you TM in your quest to stop the spreading of AIDS -

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3S24ofEQj4&feature=related]Old Homosexual Warning Video - YouTube[/ame]
Pretty insane they are talking about NOT educating people and then blaming them huh?
10th post 15th post
A person can contract aids when using a condom. A person can't contract aids when they abstain.


using it improperly.

What he wants is for people ONLY to be informed on part of what we know about aids and then they want to enjoy blaming that person for not knowing all the facts we could have so easily given them.

I just dont understand this warped thinking
some just enjoy hating other humans more than they love the truth

Wow, you are on a roll today. I do believe you might be coming around to understanding personal responsibility


maybe its you who are coming arround.

Why is the right on here pretending NOT telling people ALL the facts we have about aids is a good idea?

How did you learn about AIDS and how to prevent contracting AIDS?
A person can contract aids when using a condom. A person can't contract aids when they abstain.


using it improperly.

What he wants is for people ONLY to be informed on part of what we know about aids and then they want to enjoy blaming that person for not knowing all the facts we could have so easily given them.

I just dont understand this warped thinking

I taught my kids the importance of abstinance from an integrity standpoint. I also taught them that havingt sex doesnt make you a bad person, but it will takew away form the experience with a person you truly love.
Likewise, I taught them that if they ARE human and DO succumb to temptation, they should take advantage of all safeguards available to them to prevent contracting STD's.

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