Absolute monarchies vs. 'democracies' in Europa


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Just for remembrance.

A hundred years ago taxation was not higher as 10%, there were neither VAT nor any taxes for energy, most of families could own a house and pay for it mot longer as 5 years.
The quality of groceries was better, almost everyone had a possibility to go to a physician or a dentist.Almost forgotten about no inflation, no central banks, strong money moral, Christianity
And of course more freedom and less dirty scum presstitutes.

Today taxation sometimes higher as 50%, huge inflation, VATs & Co, families must pay life-long for shitty houses, laying 24//, destruction of moral and Christianity, and of course more as 50 times lying trash 'politicians' and corrupted bureaucrats.

Wouldn't be better if European countries will go back to absolute monarchies?Having them Europeans survived for more as 1,000 years. With 'democracies' probably not longer as few years.





Just for remembrance.

A hundred years ago taxation was not higher as 10%, there were neither VAT nor any taxes for energy, most of families could own a house and pay for it mot longer as 5 years.
The quality of groceries was better, almost everyone had a possibility to go to a physician or a dentist.Almost forgotten about no inflation, no central banks, strong money moral, Christianity
And of course more freedom and less dirty scum presstitutes.

Today taxation sometimes higher as 50%, huge inflation, VATs & Co, families must pay life-long for shitty houses, laying 24//, destruction of moral and Christianity, and of course more as 50 times lying trash 'politicians' and corrupted bureaucrats.

Wouldn't be better if European countries will go back to absolute monarchies?Having them Europeans survived for more as 1,000 years. With 'democracies' probably not longer as few years.





I am an ancestor of Scotland, and told the proprietors of the Castle that if they need someone to come back and claim it, i would be very glad to assume responsibility for it.

I am an ancestor of Scotland, and told the proprietors of the Castle that if they need someone to come back and claim it, i would be very glad to assume responsibility for it.

View attachment 556469

Most of former elites failed and let commies come to power.
Only those who didn't supported 'democracies' shall be allowed to get their property back.
So, many of the new ones shall be elected by peoples without any connection to previous dynasties.
Better peoples feed one Monarch with few officials as numerous amount of corrupted lying criminals who can only steal and rob-
Well, one of your examples is Russia, which was an autocracy under Nicholas II, became an autocracy under the USSR, and is now an autocracy under Putin, so let's set them aside. Another is from one of the states that would eventually become part of Spain, but it's from 800 years ago.

The top photo, though, is of Austria, and Austria is a functional western democracy and has been for decades. If you're asking if they should regress from democracy back to autocracy, the answer is a hard no.
Just for remembrance.

A hundred years ago taxation was not higher as 10%, there were neither VAT nor any taxes for energy, most of families could own a house and pay for it mot longer as 5 years.
The quality of groceries was better, almost everyone had a possibility to go to a physician or a dentist.Almost forgotten about no inflation, no central banks, strong money moral, Christianity
And of course more freedom and less dirty scum presstitutes.

Today taxation sometimes higher as 50%, huge inflation, VATs & Co, families must pay life-long for shitty houses, laying 24//, destruction of moral and Christianity, and of course more as 50 times lying trash 'politicians' and corrupted bureaucrats.

Wouldn't be better if European countries will go back to absolute monarchies?Having them Europeans survived for more as 1,000 years. With 'democracies' probably not longer as few years.






Your OP is some type of cheap swipe at monarchies which you know nothing about and the stats are wrong.
Most of former elites failed and let commies come to power.

Who had been also an elite who failed.

Only those who didn't supported 'democracies' shall be allowed to get their property back.
So, many of the new ones shall be elected by peoples without any connection to previous dynasties.
Better peoples feed one Monarch with few officials as numerous amount of corrupted lying criminals who can only steal and rob-

The "good dictator" is nothing else that the illusion of lazybones who don't like to be responsible on their own and/or are on their own angry about everyone else because others don't agree with them and their own tyranny.
Who had been also an elite who failed.

The "good dictator" is nothing else that the illusion of lazybones who don't like to be responsible on their own and/or are on their own angry about everyone else because others don't agree with them and their own tyranny.

So-called 'democracy' gradually transformed into dictatorship of corrupted good-for-nothing liars.
Covid-1984 scamdemic destroyed all illusions about 'democracy' and 'democrats'

Never in the human history humans were so badly treated like through the last 2 years.

No presstitutes, no human rights, no 'democracy', let be Absolute Monarchies again
Well, one of your examples is Russia, which was an autocracy under Nicholas II, became an autocracy under the USSR, and is now an autocracy under Putin, so let's set them aside. Another is from one of the states that would eventually become part of Spain, but it's from 800 years ago.

The top photo, though, is of Austria, and Austria is a functional western democracy and has been for decades. If you're asking if they should regress from democracy back to autocracy, the answer is a hard no.

The last Russian Tsar and Putin are morons.
The first one allowed commies to get the power the second 'pal' transformed Russia in a prison.

New elected kings and churches shall run European countries, the Holy Bible as Constitution and the Main Law is enough.


Your OP is some type of cheap swipe at monarchies which you know nothing about and the stats are wrong.


I know a little bit more about monarchies as you.
My Username 'Baron' isn't futile or a joke, my ancestors were legitimate noblemen through many centuries.
I don't wear the title openly to avoid problems but I completely sure only Absolute Monarchy and Church can save Europa from the 'democratic' tyranny.

I know a little bit more about monarchies as you.
My Username 'Baron' isn't futile or a joke, my ancestors were legitimate noblemen through many centuries.
I don't wear the title openly to avoid problems but I completely sure only Absolute Monarchy and Church can save Europa from the 'democratic' tyranny.

Are you completely sure that a tyranny exists because I know it doesn't.
You're a Republican and think everything is a tyranny.
The sun will rise in the West before God interferes.

You're having another republican rant like the rest. As if Europe need your advice.
Are you completely sure that a tyranny exists because I know it doesn't.
You're a Republican and think everything is a tyranny.
The sun will rise in the West before God interferes.

You're having another republican rant like the rest. As if Europe need your advice.

He is perhaps a Soviet agent or something like this. He's a master in disinformation and blocks with his extremely stupid nonsense - which has absolutelly nothing to do with reality - serios discussions between the countries of the USA and other democracies in the world.

And in Belarus for example exists a tyranny. Poland, Hungaria and Turkey are also in a worrying situation.
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So-called 'democracy' gradually transformed into dictatorship of corrupted good-for-nothing liars.
Covid-1984 scamdemic destroyed all illusions about 'democracy' and 'democrats'

Never in the human history humans were so badly treated like through the last 2 years.

People like you make the world to a more worse place.

No presstitutes, no human rights, no 'democracy', let be Absolute Monarchies again

:lol: You are anything else than a noble mind. And most nobles today are by the way supporters of the state form "democracy".

He is perhaps a Soviet agent or something like this. He's a master in disinformation and blocks with his extremely stupid nonsense - which has absolutelly nothing to do with reality - serios discussions between the countries of the USA and other democracies in the world.

And in Belarus for example exists a tyranny. Poland, Hungaria and Turkey are also in a worrying situation.

You know nothing.
Soviet agent???
You need help.
Collin norris: This absurde man is totally mad and has absolutelly nothing to do with Christians.

No he's not mad. He just defeated a madman and identifies as a Christian.
If you remember, the repubmicans Catholics wanted to refuse him communion upon winning. How merciful of those hypocritical Christians.
They are so kind to their own politicians .

He's no excuse for your own extremistic atheistic stupidities.

You are the ones who believe in immaculate conception and virgin births, talking snakes and idiots walking on water yet it's me who possesses stupidity????

You really are paranoid about me and atheism. Are you on a personal crusade to eradicate us from these pages?
I shouldnt mock the afflicted but you a magnet for satirists like me. You leave yourself open every time you post and never learn from it. It's like him taking the Mickey out of an empty box.
ColLin norris

Lerna to quote in a correct way as I said to you some time ago.

You said here:

No he's not mad.

If he's not mad then then no one knows what is madness. He speaks nothgin else than only nonsense. Specially everything what he says about Germany is nothing else than exclusivelly only bullshit and nonsense.

He just defeated a madman and identifies as a Christian.

He is no Christian - what every Christian knows who listens to him for a little while.

If you remember, the repubmicans Catholics wanted to refuse him communion upon winning.


How merciful of those hypocritical Christians.


They are so kind to their own politicians .

A Catholic politician never can be sure to be supported from other Catholics.


You are the ones who believe in immaculate conception and virgin births, talking snakes and idiots walking on water yet it's me who possesses stupidity????

Your sentence here is an extremly stupid and evilwilling nonsense. I have always very good reasons why I believe what I believe. And if you will see one day someone walking over water who tries to save your life then you can listen what this idiot says to you or you let it be. Your decision - not the decision of anyone else. But in categories of the theory of evolution you should perhaps try to visit Mekka with a protest shield "I am an idiot and Mohammed is an atheist" ... ah sorry: "I am an atheist and Mohammed is an idiot" and not live in fear of the reactions.

You really are paranoid about me and atheism.

No. Atheism is one of the two possible "solutions" for an agnostics. And I am an agnostics. But I don't trust in atheists who believe not to believe and think every nonsense they say is true because they are atheists.

Are you on a personal crusade to eradicate us from these pages?


I shouldnt mock the afflicted but you a magnet for satirists like me.

Bad luck for you: I'm a German. Germans don't have any form of humor.

You leave yourself open every time you post and never learn from it. It's like him taking the Mickey out of an empty box.

Oh by the way: The very best translation of a German poem I ever "heard" made Walt Disney.


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People like you make the world to a more worse place.

:lol: You are anything else than a noble mind. And most nobles today are by the way supporters of the state form "democracy".

They are nobles in name only.
New monarchies will have new nobles who are worthy of it
He is no Christian - what every Christian knows who listens to him for a little while.

Not corrupted and lead by satanists 'churches' can define whether someone is a Christian or not, but only God alone and the Holy Bible
Of course no presstitutes and no non-Christians

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