Abortions - The Truth - The Killing of Unborn Children

Powerman said:
Yes it's one of the silliest things you've ever heard. Maybe you need to just seriously step back and take a neutral approach to life because your beliefs and partisan views blind you to the truth. Instead of saying it's ridiculous how about you do some of your own research. But since I have literally zero confidence that you want to know the truth let me post a few links that you might enjoy reading.




Since you love your logical deductions so much chew on this idea. People who have abortions don't want kids. Unwanted kids tend to have poor childhoods. Unwanted kids with poor childhoods have a much greater chance of growing up to be criminals than anyone else. 18 years after abortion was legalized crime starts to decrease everywhere that abortion is legal. That's because a lot of would be criminals are being aborted. It's very simple to follow. Or is it still one of the silliest things you've ever heard? :blah2:

People might take your words a bit more serious if you didnt couch them with so many personal insults. Personally, Im tired of it. If you dont stop, Im gonna start raining on your parade. JUST FUCKING STOP IT.
Said1 said:
Yes, the word genocide has been used to descibe the extermination of ethnically identifyable people. It still applies in the case of abortion, because abortion does target a speicific group - the unborn.

The holocaust didnt target just Jews. Blacks are the biggest, by far, victim of abortion. It is decimating their group. Genocide often has "collateral" damage, so those who would wish to exterminate blacks, would support abortion, even if it meant eliminating some other groups.

Im not gonna make any personal insults, although Im tempted, against a certain poster, but, he makes accusations on a personal level that are not justifiable nor provable (and he believes SOOOOOOOOO much in the scientific method) and he also is purporting that a casual link between abortion and crime proves that abortion has reduced crime. hahahhahahahhahahhahaha
LuvRPgrl said:
The holocaust didnt target just Jews. Blacks are the biggest, by far, victim of abortion. It is decimating their group. Genocide often has "collateral" damage, so those who would wish to exterminate blacks, would support abortion, even if it meant eliminating some other groups.

Im not gonna make any personal insults, although Im tempted, against a certain poster, but, he makes accusations on a personal level that are not justifiable nor provable (and he believes SOOOOOOOOO much in the scientific method) and he also is purporting that a casual link between abortion and crime proves that abortion has reduced crime. hahahhahahahhahahhahaha

I didn't mention Jews, did I??
Said1 said:
I didn't mention Jews, did I??

No, I was also responding to another member of the board. I used your post as a jumping board, sorry if this caused any confusion.

I am currently refraining myself

SOme people dont understand that there is a difference between attacking THINGS A PERSON SAYS and PERSONAL INSULTS

It is no wonder some people get banned, even here.

Personal insults dont bother me in the slightest, USUALLY, but like the dripping faucet at night that keeps you awake, the constant bombardment leads one to have to act upon it.

People make statements, but then do otherwise. If he wants to have civil discussions, he needs to learn to tone down the PERSONAL INSULTS.
LuvRPgrl said:
People might take your words a bit more serious if you didnt couch them with so many personal insults. Personally, Im tired of it. If you dont stop, Im gonna start raining on your parade. JUST FUCKING STOP IT.

LOL Raining on my parade eh? Do what you have to do. I'm just pointing out that you ignorantly assumed that I was just making all of this shit up off of the top of my head and it was one of the "silliest things you've ever heard of." Maybe you should try to read up more on the issues before you start shooting off at the mouth eh?
It is decimating their group.

Now you're getting funny. Come move to the south. You might think there are too many blacks if anything. They are in no danger of making themselves extinct via abortion. Of course you would try to twist this into some silly race genocide madness. But it makes no sense because abortion is a personal choice. No one forces people to have abortions.
Powerman said:
Now you're getting funny. Come move to the south. You might think there are too many blacks if anything. They are in no danger of making themselves extinct via abortion. Of course you would try to twist this into some silly race genocide madness. But it makes no sense because abortion is a personal choice. No one forces people to have abortions.

No one is forced to murder either. THat doesn't make it right. You're the one who touted abortion as a way to target a selected group. Future poor.
Powerman said:
LOL Raining on my parade eh? Do what you have to do. I'm just pointing out ?

Bullshit, you say that all the time "IM just" like some whiney ass little baby. MOMMY..........I just said...........
Powerman said:
that you ignorantly assumed that I was just making all of this shit up off of the top of my head?

BULLSHIT again. You arent even very good at accurately reading what people say or write. SHOW me where I said one word that "you made it up" You cant.

Powerman said:
and it was one of the "silliest things you've ever heard of." Maybe you should try to read up more on the issues before you start shooting off at the mouth eh?

It is one of the silliest things I have ever heard of. Like I said, there are wayyy too many variables involved in such an undertaking. Yea, maybe some people can come up with some casual links, but not PROOF. You claimed it as FACT. ITS NOT FACT, it cant be proven. You need to read up on how to prove such things in sociology and psychology. You need control groups. You dont have that with NY CITY. And Im having to explain this to the guy who claims to be "mr science and mr scientific proof"?

Now, if you want to lay off the personal insults, it would be welcome. Please, give it a try.

And let me clue you in, there is a HUGE difference between saying "you sound stupid" and "you ARE STUPID" capiche?
Powerman said:
Now you're getting funny. Come move to the south. You might think there are too many blacks if anything. They are in no danger of making themselves extinct via abortion. Of course you would try to twist this into some silly race genocide madness. But it makes no sense because abortion is a personal choice. No one forces people to have abortions.

You've never been to China then. You are simply WRONG. There are forced abortions in many parts of the world. And coercion is a powerful tool also, many coerced abortions. You are being used as a stool pigeon by "planned parenthood", its a multi million dollar business for them.
Besides of which, powerman has not answered many, many points brought up. Namely one, if its a human being, individual, then there are no arguements that would make it morally right to kill them. Period.
LuvRPgrl said:
You've never been to China then. You are simply WRONG. There are forced abortions in many parts of the world. And coercion is a powerful tool also, many coerced abortions. You are being used as a stool pigeon by "planned parenthood", its a multi million dollar business for them.

Was I talking about China? No. Were you talking about China? No. I didn't think so. You were talking about black people having abortions. They are not coerced to do so. They do so of their own volition. This is the United States. It's not a fucking communist country.
rtwngAvngr said:
Powerman, weren't you just touting it as a tool to eliminate people who become poor? ISn't that a certain group? The future-poor?

Nope. That's you bringing the poor into it. I'm talking about potential criminals. I don't see how that is a certain group though. What I am talking about is one of the positive societal benefits from abortion. Let's keep in mind now that we're not talking about massive genocide. Each abortion is a choice that the individual mother makes. It's not like I'm saying that we should force tons of people to have abortions who don't want to have them.
BULLSHIT again. You arent even very good at accurately reading what people say or write. SHOW me where I said one word that "you made it up" You cant.

You certainly implied it and laughed it off as being ridiculous. Now that you know that it is fact you simply ignore the fact and start nitpicking words. Typical. Just admit you were wrong for like the 30th time this week.
LuvRPgrl said:
Besides of which, powerman has not answered many, many points brought up. Namely one, if its a human being, individual, then there are no arguements that would make it morally right to kill them. Period.

Sorry. I was taking a final examination. I can't be here 24 hours a day to respond to your pointless drivel. I've stated that I don't believe that a fetus is a human being. It's something that is intended to become a human in the future. It's no more a human being than my sperm as far as I'm concerned. If you think that it's a human being then that's fine with me. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. And besides I'm not really pro abortion anyway. I'm just pro choice. Yes there is a difference.
Powerman said:
Sorry. I was taking a final examination. I can't be here 24 hours a day to respond to your pointless drivel. I've stated that I don't believe that a fetus is a human being. It's something that is intended to become a human in the future. It's no more a human being than my sperm as far as I'm concerned. If you think that it's a human being then that's fine with me. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. And besides I'm not really pro abortion anyway. I'm just pro choice. <b>Yes there is a difference.</b>

No, there really isn't.. You're either for murdering babies, or you're not. "Pro-choice" means you don't mind if they're murdered.
Shattered said:
No, there really isn't.. You're either for murdering babies, or you're not. "Pro-choice" means you don't mind if they're murdered.

There are some grey areas. For example, I am without a doubt against abortion, unnless there are extreme circumstances surrounding conception. I think there should be choice inovled. I wouldn't call myself pro-choice, but technically I am.
Said1 said:
There are some grey areas. For example, I am without a doubt against abortion, unnless there are extreme circumstances surrounding conception. I think there should be choice inovled. I wouldn't call myself pro-choice, but technically I am.

I'm willing to stake my life on the fact that those choices center around things like one of the two lives being in danger, rape, or some other such extreme - not merely "inconvenience" like most pro-choicers.
Shattered said:
I'm willing to stake my life on the fact that those choices center around things like one of the two lives being in danger, rape, or some other such extreme - not merely "inconvenience" like most pro-choicers.

Too true. I know many women who have done that, regret it and oppose abortion now that they have other children, but still support choice for the reasons they opted for abortion. :eek:
Said1 said:
There are some grey areas. For example, I am without a doubt against abortion, unnless there are extreme circumstances surrounding conception. I think there should be choice inovled. I wouldn't call myself pro-choice, but technically I am.

See this is why I'm pro choice. If I can deal with certain extreme circumstances then I should also agree with abortion in the case that the parents will most likely fuck the kid up from day 1. If you really belive that abortion is killing humans then you should probably not want abortions even in cases such as rape. You should be in the business of saving as many lives as possible. But I can understand how you feel that way sugar. I used to think the same.
Powerman said:
See this is why I'm pro choice. If I can deal with certain extreme circumstances then I should also agree with abortion in the case that the parents will most likely fuck the kid up from day 1. If you really belive that abortion is killing humans then you should probably not want abortions even in cases such as rape. You should be in the business of saving as many lives as possible. But I can understand how you feel that way sugar. I used to think the same.
One could advocate adoption as opposed to abortion, in that case. But you're trusting that a mother who doesn't want a child will properly care for it and herself throughout the pregnancy.

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