Abortion rights are a labor issue, my friends...here's what unions can do to defend abortion rights


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Abortion: it’s a topic unions shy away from. The logic is, why go there? You might alienate conservative workers who otherwise share your workplace concerns.

And it’s true, you might — though the issue is not as divisive as the GOP makes it out to be. A solid 61 percent of US adults are pro-choice. Among those aged eighteen to twenty-nine, it’s 74 percent.

It’s good to see unions begin to overcome this fear and take a stand — because, contrary to the narrative, abortion is a labor issue

How so? For one thing, workers who get pregnant are penalized at work.

Pregnancy discrimination is very real. Many jobs make it tough to get light duty or accommodations. And parenthood brings the “mommy tax” — a lifetime loss of income for women who have children, thanks to stingy parental leave and unaffordable childcare.

Missed opportunities, resumé gaps, reduced work hours — all these impinge on women’s equality at work, not to mention their union participation.

Labor must fight to change all that; even a wanted parenthood shouldn’t carry such steep penalties. But the current reality is that forced pregnancy will absolutely harm workers at work

Grasping at straws? Union issue? That's why factories were moved to China.
Abortion is a STATE issue.
If you want an abortion, go to a state that allows them.
Its not that big a deal, duh.
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Grasping at straws? Union issue? That's why factories were moved to China.
Abortion is a STATE issue.
If you want an abortion, go to a state that allows them.
Its not that big a deal, duh.
i don't have the gas money
Grasping at straws? Union issue? That's why factories were moved to China.
Abortion is a STATE issue.
If you want an abortion, go to a state that allows them.
Its not that big a deal, duh.

Wrong. Abortion is a medical issue between a woman and her doctor. Only backwards nations which control women have banned abortion. Other first world nations are all voting to overturn abortion laws. The USA would do that too if the people were allowed to voted.

Abortion: it’s a topic unions shy away from. The logic is, why go there? You might alienate conservative workers who otherwise share your workplace concerns.

And it’s true, you might — though the issue is not as divisive as the GOP makes it out to be. A solid 61 percent of US adults are pro-choice. Among those aged eighteen to twenty-nine, it’s 74 percent.

It’s good to see unions begin to overcome this fear and take a stand — because, contrary to the narrative, abortion is a labor issue

How so? For one thing, workers who get pregnant are penalized at work.

Pregnancy discrimination is very real. Many jobs make it tough to get light duty or accommodations. And parenthood brings the “mommy tax” — a lifetime loss of income for women who have children, thanks to stingy parental leave and unaffordable childcare.

Missed opportunities, resumé gaps, reduced work hours — all these impinge on women’s equality at work, not to mention their union participation.

Labor must fight to change all that; even a wanted parenthood shouldn’t carry such steep penalties. But the current reality is that forced pregnancy will absolutely harm workers at work

"Forced pregnancy" is a myth....
Wrong. Abortion is a medical issue between a woman and her doctor. Only backwards nations which control women have banned abortion. Other first world nations are all voting to overturn abortion laws. The USA would do that too if the people were allowed to voted.

Dehumanizing what you are killing is the only way you can make your argument.
Abortion: it’s a topic unions shy away from. The logic is, why go there? You might alienate conservative workers who otherwise share your workplace concerns.

And it’s true, you might — though the issue is not as divisive as the GOP makes it out to be. A solid 61 percent of US adults are pro-choice. Among those aged eighteen to twenty-nine, it’s 74 percent.

It’s good to see unions begin to overcome this fear and take a stand — because, contrary to the narrative, abortion is a labor issue

How so? For one thing, workers who get pregnant are penalized at work.

Pregnancy discrimination is very real. Many jobs make it tough to get light duty or accommodations. And parenthood brings the “mommy tax” — a lifetime loss of income for women who have children, thanks to stingy parental leave and unaffordable childcare.

Missed opportunities, resumé gaps, reduced work hours — all these impinge on women’s equality at work, not to mention their union participation.

Labor must fight to change all that; even a wanted parenthood shouldn’t carry such steep penalties. But the current reality is that forced pregnancy will absolutely harm workers at work

You post some dumb shit but this takes the cake lol

The right to MURDER A CHILD is a labor issue?

"Forced pregnancy" is a myth....

If a woman has no right to make her own decisions, "forced pregnancy" is a reality. Especially since your SC is also talking about removing the right to access to birth control. Since rich women will always have access to travel to other jurisdiction, the people pregnancy being forced on are poor women.

Next you'll say they're not being forced to have sex. Because this is all about controlling women and then blaming and shaming them for having sex.

This isn't about the "innocent babies". If you cared about the babies, you'd have universal heath care and mandated maternity leaves. The USA wouldn't have the highest rate of maternal death in childbirth or the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world. If this was all about the loss of "innocent life", you'd care about the women and babies who are dying AFTER they're born.
If a woman has no right to make her own decisions, "forced pregnancy" is a reality. Especially since your SC is also talking about removing the right to access to birth control. Since rich women will always have access to travel to other jurisdiction, the people pregnancy being forced on are poor women.

Next you'll say they're not being forced to have sex. Because this is all about controlling women and then blaming and shaming them for having sex.

This isn't about the "innocent babies". If you cared about the babies, you'd have universal heath care and mandated maternity leaves. The USA wouldn't have the highest rate of maternal death in childbirth or the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world. If this was all about the loss of "innocent life", you'd care about the women and babies who are dying AFTER they're born.
So, your answer is to kill them for convenience? That’s fucked up.
Wrong. Abortion is a medical issue between a woman and her doctor. Only backwards nations which control women have banned abortion. Other first world nations are all voting to overturn abortion laws. The USA would do that too if the people were allowed to voted.
1. I'm a pro-choice Republican.
2. Civilized nations, like many EU countries, have limits on abortions, like 12-16 weeks.
1. I'm a pro-choice Republican.
2. Civilized nations, like many EU countries, have limits on abortions, like 12-16 weeks.
This doesn't compute with Dragonbreath the Canadian.....Her country allows the mother to kill the baby up to the moment of birth....
Grasping at straws? Union issue? That's why factories were moved to China.
Abortion is a STATE issue.
If you want an abortion, go to a state that allows them.
Its not that big a deal, duh.

This isn't "grasping at straws". One of the reasons that women were denied jobs or promotions before abortion was legal, was that a woman could get pregnant, and have to leave the position to have a baby. US labour law has no job protections for pregnant women, no mandated maternity leave, and no job security. Some companies fire women as soon as they become pregnant.

This affects poor working women more than middle class women, but then so do the laws banning abortion. Middle class women have the resources to go to another state and get an abortion, until Republicans ban it nation wide.

Wrong. Abortion is a medical issue between a woman and her doctor. Only backwards nations which control women have banned abortion. Other first world nations are all voting to overturn abortion laws. The USA would do that too if the people were allowed to voted.


No, planned abortion is killing a human life. Its really that simple.

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